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I don't know about you guys, but if I had the privilege of seeing them live, I would never do anything crazy that could possibly hinder my memory or the experience.

Exactly. I was born a few decades to late (1994) to see Zepp live but if I had the privelage, I definitely wouldn't ruin it by getting stoned. I've been to 45 concerts and have never been on anything at one of them, and I've never been on anything even outside of concerts and I don't plan to do any drugs ever. Seems like a waste to me, especially at a concert. I wouldn't wanna ruin the memories.

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I don't know about you guys, but if I had the privilege of seeing them live, I would never do anything crazy that could possibly hinder my memory or the experience.

Same here...I don't do drugs anyway (never have) so I wouldn't have to worry about it!

At least I can say I was alive when Zeppelin was still a functioning band (I was 7 months old when Bonzo died)...

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I had a tape recorder strapped to my back as I entered the Chicago Stadium for the last night on 4/10/77. As I walked through the gates I was checked by security and the recorder was discovered. It might have been the parka I was wearing that gave it away as it was 70 degrees out that night! The guards let me in with it anyway.

Page actually did the craziest thing when I saw him take the plunge the night before. Bad South Side ribs or overindulgence? Easy choice there.

The Stadium fell silent as Jimmy slumped out in his chair being tended to and then he was whisked away in a flash.

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Wow you're lucky Peter Grant, Richard Cole, and John Bindon didn't kick your ass!

That was the show Page had "food poisoning", right??

I was with my football mates at that show and we were in tip top shape then. Guys running quarter miles in less than a minute who could each bench press over 300 lbs. We weren't afraid of much. But, I did see Peter Grant hanging by Jimmy's sidefills watching the show.

The excuse presented publicly was that Page had 'gastroenteritis." He had either overindulged in a big way or was dopesick.

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What was the craziest thing that you ever did at a LED ZEPPELIN concert. As for me, there are many but I'll name two. The first one was at the Oakland show on 23 July 1977. I was trying to roll a joint for my then girlfriend and I accidently rolled her hair into the joint. The second one was also at the Oakland show. I was coming down the aisle stairs carrying two cups of beer (I had a fake ID) and I slipped and landed on my back while the beer landed right in my face and chest. How bout all of you? OH COME ON, I know that many of you have stories so cough them up. ROCK ON!

How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? I hope the week went well for all of you. As for myself, I am enjoying today, Saturday and Sunday off. However, I will be working 12 hour shifts beginning on Monday which will last well into June. Despite all of the 12 hour shifts I can handle, it will not keep me from the LED ZEPPELIN Forum. I would like to personally extent a very warm thanks to "beatbo" and his girlfriend for their great hospitality while I was vacationing in Biloxi, Mississippi. "beatbo" took me to his favorite bar where I had a few drinks and I met and hung out with many of his friends who also made me feel welcome. "beatbo" and I also went to the Hard Rock Cafe where we took pictures of THE DRUMSTICKS once owned by one John Henry Bonham. "beatbo" took a great close-up picture of the Drumsticks which has JOHN BONHAM'S name engraved on the Drumsticks. "beatbo" also made sure that I had a great time in Biloxi especially on the last night when I didn't get back to the Beau Rivage Hotel & Casino until 4:30 A.M. in the morning. "beatbo" without a doubt, has Rock n' Roll in his blood. "beatbo" has an incredible music collection that would blow you away. I took over some of of my music collection which he loved. "beatbo" loved the REUNION 02 ARENA LONDON, ENGLAND 2-DVD set from 10 DECEMBER 2007 and burned a quick copy of it. "beatbo" also burned a great copy of EARL'S COURT 24 MAY 1975. But what "beatbo" REALLY loved was the 3 Part 3-CD set of FLEETWOOD MAC'S LIVE AT THE BOSTON TEA PARTY from 5, 6 & 7 February 1970. THESE THREE CD'S KICKED SOME SERIOUS ASS! If you don't believe me, ask "beatbo," he'll tell you. These three priceless CD's will also reveal to you just how great Peter Green and Danny Kirwan really were as Guitarists. I better stop talking for now or I will never stop talking.

As for many of my fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics that are dying to hear what happened to me in Oakland 1977 or should I say "THE CONTINUING ADVENTURES OF JOHN & DONNA and TOD & STACY at the Oakland Coliseum on 23 July 1977, I will finally tell it to all of you here on this thread tomorrow afternoon. If all of you thought that The Forum 23 June 1977 was crazy, wait till you hear this one. In the mean time, ROCK ON!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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Great to hear about your fun get-together ZFF !

Let us all know when you hit the road again, so the rest of us can be accomodating too ! :D

How's it going "punksandwich?" I promise to let all of you know, I love to travel. Thank you for your personal invitation "punksandwich," I will keep you in mind. ROCK ON!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? I hope the week went well for all of you. As for myself, I am enjoying today, Saturday and Sunday off. However, I will be working 12 hour shifts beginning on Monday which will last well into June. Despite all of the 12 hour shifts I can handle, it will not keep me from the LED ZEPPELIN Forum. I would like to personally extent a very warm thanks to "beatbo" and his girlfriend for their great hospitality while I was vacationing in Biloxi, Mississippi. "beatbo" took me to his favorite bar where I had a few drinks and I met and hung out with many of his friends who also made me feel welcome. "beatbo" and I also went to the Hard Rock Cafe where we took pictures of THE DRUMSTICKS once owned by one John Henry Bonham. "beatbo" took a great close-up picture of the Drumsticks which has JOHN BONHAM'S name engraved on the Drumsticks. "beatbo" also made sure that I had a great time in Biloxi especially on the last night when I didn't get back to the Beau Rivage Hotel & Casino until 4:30 A.M. in the morning. "beatbo" without a doubt, has Rock n' Roll in his blood. "beatbo" has an incredible music collection that would blow you away. I took over some of of my music collection which he loved. "beatbo" loved the REUNION 02 ARENA LONDON, ENGLAND 2-DVD set from 10 DECEMBER 2007 and burned a quick copy of it. "beatbo" also burned a great copy of EARL'S COURT 24 MAY 1975. But what "beatbo" REALLY loved was the 3 Part 3-CD set of FLEETWOOD MAC'S LIVE AT THE BOSTON TEA PARTY from 5, 6 & 7 February 1970. THESE THREE CD'S KICKED SOME SERIOUS ASS! If you don't believe me, ask "beatbo," he'll tell you. These three priceless CD's will also reveal to you just how great Peter Green and Danny Kirwan really were as Guitarists. I better stop talking for now or I will never stop talking.

As for many of my fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics that are dying to hear what happened to me in Oakland 1977 or should I say "THE CONTINUING ADVENTURES OF JOHN & DONNA and TOD & STACY at the Oakland Coliseum on 23 July 1977, I will finally tell it to all of you here on this thread tomorrow afternoon. If all of you thought that The Forum 23 June 1977 was crazy, wait till you hear this one. In the mean time, ROCK ON!

How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? Since this TRUE story is a very long one, I have decided to break this story up into two parts. I will tell Part One today and Part Two tomorrow. I would like to begin this TRUE story on Friday, 22 July 1977. Why, because this day would play a very important role and would greatly influence what would happen on the mighty LED ZEPPELIN'S CONCERT DAY on Saturday, 23 July 1977. So without further delay, AND AWAY WE GO!

THE DAY: Friday, 22 July 1977, THE PLACE: Sacramento, California, THE EVENT: Events leading up to LED ZEPPELIN'S concert at the Oakland Coliseum in Oakland California and THE CHARACTERS: John (Me), Donna (My then crazy girlfriend.), Tod (Still my best friend to this day), Stacy (Tod's then crazy girlfriend and Donna's best friend), Cherry (Hooker), Sugar (Cherry's Hooker friend that lived in Oakland), Leroy The Pimp (Cherry's Pimp), The Sacramento and Oakland Police Department (Yes, they were involved too.) and last but not least, all of our parents.

It is Friday, 22 July 1977 and Tod and I decided to cut High School together like we always did. Donna and Stacy, on the other hand, decided not to go to school on Friday and stay at Donna's house. My then girlfriend Donna, was having a slumber party with her best friend and Tod's then girlfriend Stacy. Donna was supposedly grounded for life after totalling her Mom's precious brand new 1977 Lincoln Continental by wrapping it around a telephone pole after ZEPPELIN'S blistering show at The Forum on 23 June 1977 on the way back to Sacramento, California.

Tod and I have been hearing from fellow students at school about all of the fine hookers that were walking in front of the now torn down "Get Laid Cheap Motel" that used to be located on Auburn Blvd right off Freeway 80. I'd heard stories about how great these hookers were and I have driven by there many times and have seen them. I also heard that the "Get Laid Cheap Motel" was also known as being a 24 hour drug store. Well anyway, Tod and I decided that we wanted to take a drive in my 1971 Chevelle Malibu over there and park in the parking lot to see if we could sell some KGB (Killer Green Bud) skunk weed in order to get some spending money for tomorrow's LED ZEPPELIN show at the Oakland Coliseum. And at the same time, see if we could score some action with some of the hookers there. So here we are, Tod and I, parked in the parking lot of the "Get Laid Cheap Motel" and waited to see if someone would approach us and ask if we had weed to sell. About 30 minutes later, a beautiful hooker named Cherry approached us and asked us if we had any blow. Tod said no but we had some KGB (Killer Green Bud) skunk weed that would knock you on your ass after one hit. Tod then asked her if she wanted a hit. Cherry accepted and got in between Tod and I and Tod pulled out the hitter (Bong) from the glove compartment and filled it. Tod let Cherry do the honors and light up first. After she was inhaling it, she quickly blew the skunk smoke out and started coughing terribly. Cherry then started to say that this weed was the best f*c*ing weed that she has ever smoked. Cherry then called a couple more of her friends from our car that were walking Auburn Blvd in front of the "Get Laid Cheap Motel." Both girls got in the back seat where I would soon follow and sat between both of them. All I will say is that we were all f*c*ed up in fifteen minutes and there was no way that I could drive my car anywhere. By this time, business was starting to pick up for the girls in front of the motel and the two girls that I was sitting in the back seat with had to go to work. Cherry, on the other hand, really had the hots for Tod and asked Tod to get in the back seat with her which he quickly accepted. I knew that Tod was going to be the lucky SOB so I decided to get out of the car and let them both have their privacy. I decided to wait by the phone booth till they were both done. About 10 minutes later, Cherry and Tod come leaping out of the car and Cherry would soon start running towards me like I was next. But it was not to be and I was broken hearted as hell. Cherry then got into the phone booth and asked us if we had any change. I pulled out at least $3.00 in change and Tod pulled out about $1.50 in change. Cherry called her friend named Sugar in Oakland and told her that she knew of some people in Sacramento that were heading up to Oakland to see tomorrow's LED ZEPPELIN show at the Coliseum. Cherry then told Tod and I that Sugar was going to the ZEPPELIN show tomorrow also and to look her up at the front row since she could get access backstage passes as a groupie to to go backstage and meet the band. Sugar then asked Cherry to get a ride with us and come to the show. Cherry did not know if she could go especially since her Pimp named Leroy was angry with her for not making any money for him the night before. Cherry said that she would let her know if she could go or not. Cherry then got off the phone and asked what we thought. By this time, we were now out of money. All of the change that Tod and I had, we gave it to Cherry. Tod came up with this stupid idea of trying to open the telephone up and steal all of the money that was in there. I gave Tod a screwdriver that I had in my trunk and he tried to pry open the compartment that has all of the money in it. I do not know what happened or how he did it but the SOB opened up the telephone compartment and change went shattering everywhere inside and outside of the phone booth. All of the girls that were walking the street near us made a run for all of the change and started pocketing as much money as they could pick up. At that very moment, three police cars pulled up in front of all of us and arrested us all. My precious 1971 Chevelle Malibu was also impounded. Tod and I were too young to be in the County Jail since we were both minors. There was also a $200.00 bail each for both Tod and I. Cherry and the rest of the girls did not want Leroy the Pimp to find out what happened so cherry and the girls bailed themselves out of Jail. Cherry also did the sweetest thing for both Tod and I by bailing the both of us out of Jail and paying to get my car out of the car pound. However, I could not get my car out of the pound in time for the Oakland show.

In the mean time, while Tod and I were in Jail, I was only allowed one phone call so I called Donna and explained the situation to her. (I had to lie and change the story.) I asked her if there was any way that she could get some money together SOMEHOW and bail both Tod and I out of Jail and get my car out of the pound before my parents find out. Donna's parents worshipped the ground I walked on and have bailed me out of trouble many times without my parents finding out. Then again, my parents worshipped the ground Donna walked on and have bailed her ass of of trouble many times without her parents finding out. What's even better is that my parents, Donna's parents, Tod's parents and Stacy's parents are ALL BEST FRIENDS!

And what does Donna do in my situation? Rather than ask her Mom, she steals her Mom's credit card and she and Stacy sneak out the bedroom window and runs over to Stacy's house where Stacy steals her Mom's car.

Evidently, Leroy the Pimp must have found out what happened because he was mad at Cherry and the rest of the girls, especially Cherry, for bailing Tod and I out of Jail and paying to get my car out of the pound. By this time, Leroy was in a very mad mood and was finding out how to find us in order to collect the money that Cherry spent on us.

Since I could not get my car out of the pound since it was already closed, with Cherry, Tod and I in the taxi, we drove over to my High School parking lot where we miraculously saw both Donna and Stacy waiting in the parking lot. Donna and Stacy were both pissed when they saw Cherry with both Tod and I. Donna was yelling at the top of her lungs asking me how I got out of Jail. I told her that Cherry bailed us out. I also told Donna that since Cherry bailed us out, that we were taking her to the Oakland show to meet up with her friend. I then asked Cherry if it was ok with Leroy? Cherry said no but that she was going anyway. Since Leroy knew where Cherry and we were going, Leroy took it upon himself along with two other guys and drove up to Oakland to look for all of us. At the same time, Donna and Stacy were pissed at both Tod and I since they both told us that they have stolen a credit card and Stacy's Mom's car in order to help us out. At that very moment, I really truly felt that all of us were TOTALLY F*C*ED! So I figured that if we were all going to get into trouble, we'll all worry about it after the show. And so we did, we all packed into Stacy's mom's car and began our destination to Oakland, California where we had no idea what was awaiting us.

The crisis really began when Stacy's Mom called the police to report a stolen car from her driveway. Stacy's Mom then called her husband at work, Stacy's Dad called Tod's Dad, Tod's Dad called his wife (Tod's Mom), Tod's Mom called my Mom, my Mom called my Dad, my Dad called Donna's Dad and Donna's Dad called his wife (Donna's Mom). Its not in that order but thats how it happened. DAMN THATS CONFUSING! All eight of our parents got together and were hunting for all four of us. Then it all dawned on all eight of them about the concert on Saturday morning at the Oakland Coliseum in Oakland. With Leroy the Pimp and his two toughs driving to Oakland, all of our parents driving to Oakland together and the Sacramento Police Department notifying the Oakland Police Department of what was heading their way, the LED ZEPPELIN concert on 23 July 1977 at the Oakland Coliseum was surely going to start off with a BIG BANG! END OF PART ONE. ROCK ON!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? I hope the week went well for all of you. As for myself, I am enjoying today, Saturday and Sunday off. However, I will be working 12 hour shifts beginning on Monday which will last well into June. Despite all of the 12 hour shifts I can handle, it will not keep me from the LED ZEPPELIN Forum. I would like to personally extent a very warm thanks to "beatbo" and his girlfriend for their great hospitality while I was vacationing in Biloxi, Mississippi. "beatbo" took me to his favorite bar where I had a few drinks and I met and hung out with many of his friends who also made me feel welcome. "beatbo" and I also went to the Hard Rock Cafe where we took pictures of THE DRUMSTICKS once owned by one John Henry Bonham. "beatbo" took a great close-up picture of the Drumsticks which has JOHN BONHAM'S name engraved on the Drumsticks. "beatbo" also made sure that I had a great time in Biloxi especially on the last night when I didn't get back to the Beau Rivage Hotel & Casino until 4:30 A.M. in the morning. "beatbo" without a doubt, has Rock n' Roll in his blood. "beatbo" has an incredible music collection that would blow you away. I took over some of of my music collection which he loved. "beatbo" loved the REUNION 02 ARENA LONDON, ENGLAND 2-DVD set from 10 DECEMBER 2007 and burned a quick copy of it. "beatbo" also burned a great copy of EARL'S COURT 24 MAY 1975. But what "beatbo" REALLY loved was the 3 Part 3-CD set of FLEETWOOD MAC'S LIVE AT THE BOSTON TEA PARTY from 5, 6 & 7 February 1970. THESE THREE CD'S KICKED SOME SERIOUS ASS! If you don't believe me, ask "beatbo," he'll tell you. These three priceless CD's will also reveal to you just how great Peter Green and Danny Kirwan really were as Guitarists. I better stop talking for now or I will never stop talking.

As for many of my fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics that are dying to hear what happened to me in Oakland 1977 or should I say "THE CONTINUING ADVENTURES OF JOHN & DONNA and TOD & STACY at the Oakland Coliseum on 23 July 1977, I will finally tell it to all of you here on this thread tomorrow afternoon. If all of you thought that The Forum 23 June 1977 was crazy, wait till you hear this one. In the mean time, ROCK ON!

how's it going, ZFF fans?

man, was it wild or what? that "zepfanforever", he knows how to rock!

i had a lot of fun hanging out with ZFF. he is welcome back anytime. his father was also very nice and a pleasure to meet.

the fleetwood mac is really kick-ass.......

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How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? Since this TRUE story is a very long one, I have decided to break this story up into two parts. I will tell Part One today and Part Two tomorrow. I would like to begin this TRUE story on Friday, 22 July 1977. Why, because this day would play a very important role and would greatly influence what would happen on the mighty LED ZEPPELIN'S CONCERT DAY on Saturday, 23 July 1977. So without further delay, AND AWAY WE GO!

THE DAY: Friday, 22 July 1977, THE PLACE: Sacramento, California, THE EVENT: Events leading up to LED ZEPPELIN'S concert at the Oakland Coliseum in Oakland California and THE CHARACTERS: John (Me), Donna (My then crazy girlfriend.), Tod (Still my best friend to this day), Stacy (Tod's then crazy girlfriend and Donna's best friend), Cherry (Hooker), Sugar (Cherry's Hooker friend that lived in Oakland), Leroy The Pimp (Cherry's Pimp), The Sacramento and Oakland Police Department (Yes, they were involved too.) and last but not least, all of our parents.

It is Friday, 22 July 1977 and Tod and I decided to cut High School together like we always did. Donna and Stacy, on the other hand, decided not to go to school on Friday and stay at Donna's house. My then girlfriend Donna, was having a slumber party with her best friend and Tod's then girlfriend Stacy. Donna was supposedly grounded for life after totalling her Mom's precious brand new 1977 Lincoln Continental by wrapping it around a telephone pole after ZEPPELIN'S blistering show at The Forum on 23 June 1977 on the way back to Sacramento, California.

Tod and I have been hearing from fellow students at school about all of the fine hookers that were walking in front of the now torn down "Get Laid Cheap Motel" that used to be located on Auburn Blvd right off Freeway 80. I'd heard stories about how great these hookers were and I have driven by there many times and have seen them. I also heard that the "Get Laid Cheap Motel" was also known as being a 24 hour drug store. Well anyway, Tod and I decided that we wanted to take a drive in my 1971 Chevelle Malibu over there and park in the parking lot to see if we could sell some KGB (Killer Green Bud) skunk weed in order to get some spending money for tomorrow's LED ZEPPELIN show at the Oakland Coliseum. And at the same time, see if we could score some action with some of the hookers there. So here we are, Tod and I, parked in the parking lot of the "Get Laid Cheap Motel" and waited to see if someone would approach us and ask if we had weed to sell. About 30 minutes later, a beautiful hooker named Cherry approached us and asked us if we had any blow. Tod said no but we had some KGB (Killer Green Bud) skunk weed that would knock you on your ass after one hit. Tod then asked her if she wanted a hit. Cherry accepted and got in between Tod and I and Tod pulled out the hitter (Bong) from the glove compartment and filled it. Tod let Cherry do the honors and light up first. After she was inhaling it, she quickly blew the skunk smoke out and started coughing terribly. Cherry then started to say that this weed was the best f*c*ing weed that she has ever smoked. Cherry then called a couple more of her friends from our car that were walking Auburn Blvd in front of the "Get Laid Cheap Motel." Both girls got in the back seat where I would soon follow and sat between both of them. All I will say is that we were all f*c*ed up in fifteen minutes and there was no way that I could drive my car anywhere. By this time, business was starting to pick up for the girls in front of the motel and the two girls that I was sitting in the back seat with had to go to work. Cherry, on the other hand, really had the hots for Tod and asked Tod to get in the back seat with her which he quickly accepted. I knew that Tod was going to be the lucky SOB so I decided to get out of the car and let them both have their privacy. I decided to wait by the phone booth till they were both done. About 10 minutes later, Cherry and Tod come leaping out of the car and Cherry would soon start running towards me like I was next. But it was not to be and I was broken hearted as hell. Cherry then got into the phone booth and asked us if we had any change. I pulled out at least $3.00 in change and Tod pulled out about $1.50 in change. Cherry called her friend named Sugar in Oakland and told her that she knew of some people in Sacramento that were heading up to Oakland to see tomorrow's LED ZEPPELIN show at the Coliseum. Cherry then told Tod and I that Sugar was going to the ZEPPELIN show tomorrow also and to look her up at the front row since she could get access backstage passes as a groupie to to go backstage and meet the band. Sugar then asked Cherry to get a ride with us and come to the show. Cherry did not know if she could go especially since her Pimp named Leroy was angry with her for not making any money for him the night before. Cherry said that she would let her know if she could go or not. Cherry then got off the phone and asked what we thought. By this time, we were now out of money. All of the change that Tod and I had, we gave it to Cherry. Tod came up with this stupid idea of trying to open the telephone up and steal all of the money that was in there. I gave Tod a screwdriver that I had in my trunk and he tried to pry open the compartment that has all of the money in it. I do not know what happened or how he did it but the SOB opened up the telephone compartment and change went shattering everywhere inside and outside of the phone booth. All of the girls that were walking the street near us made a run for all of the change and started pocketing as much money as they could pick up. At that very moment, three police cars pulled up in front of all of us and arrested us all. My precious 1971 Chevelle Malibu was also impounded. Tod and I were too young to be in the County Jail since we were both minors. There was also a $200.00 bail each for both Tod and I. Cherry and the rest of the girls did not want Leroy the Pimp to find out what happened so cherry and the girls bailed themselves out of Jail. Cherry also did the sweetest thing for both Tod and I by bailing the both of us out of Jail and paying to get my car out of the car pound. However, I could not get my car out of the pound in time for the Oakland show.

In the mean time, while Tod and I were in Jail, I was only allowed one phone call so I called Donna and explained the situation to her. (I had to lie and change the story.) I asked her if there was any way that she could get some money together SOMEHOW and bail both Tod and I out of Jail and get my car out of the pound before my parents find out. Donna's parents worshipped the ground I walked on and have bailed me out of trouble many times without my parents finding out. Then again, my parents worshipped the ground Donna walked on and have bailed her ass of of trouble many times without her parents finding out. What's even better is that my parents, Donna's parents, Tod's parents and Stacy's parents are ALL BEST FRIENDS!

And what does Donna do in my situation? Rather than ask her Mom, she steals her Mom's credit card and she and Stacy sneak out the bedroom window and runs over to Stacy's house where Stacy steals her Mom's car.

Evidently, Leroy the Pimp must have found out what happened because he was mad at Cherry and the rest of the girls, especially Cherry, for bailing Tod and I out of Jail and paying to get my car out of the pound. By this time, Leroy was in a very mad mood and was finding out how to find us in order to collect the money that Cherry spent on us.

Since I could not get my car out of the pound since it was already closed, with Cherry, Tod and I in the taxi, we drove over to my High School parking lot where we miraculously saw both Donna and Stacy waiting in the parking lot. Donna and Stacy were both pissed when they saw Cherry with both Tod and I. Donna was yelling at the top of her lungs asking me how I got out of Jail. I told her that Cherry bailed us out. I also told Donna that since Cherry bailed us out, that we were taking her to the Oakland show to meet up with her friend. I then asked Cherry if it was ok with Leroy? Cherry said no but that she was going anyway. Since Leroy knew where Cherry and we were going, Leroy took it upon himself along with two other guys and drove up to Oakland to look for all of us. At the same time, Donna and Stacy were pissed at both Tod and I since they both told us that they have stolen a credit card and Stacy's Mom's car in order to help us out. At that very moment, I really truly felt that all of us were TOTALLY F*C*ED! So I figured that if we were all going to get into trouble, we'll all worry about it after the show. And so we did, we all packed into Stacy's mom's car and began our destination to Oakland, California where we had no idea what was awaiting us.

The crisis really began when Stacy's Mom called the police to report a stolen car from her driveway. Stacy's Mom then called her husband at work, Stacy's Dad called Tod's Dad, Tod's Dad called his wife (Tod's Mom), Tod's Mom called my Mom, my Mom called my Dad, my Dad called Donna's Dad and Donna's Dad called his wife (Donna's Mom). Its not in that order but thats how it happened. DAMN THATS CONFUSING! All eight of our parents got together and were hunting for all four of us. Then it all dawned on all eight of them about the concert on Saturday night at the Oakland Coliseum in Oakland. With Leroy the Pimp and his two toughs driving to Oakland, all of our parents driving to Oakland together and the Sacramento Police Department notifying the Oakland Police Department of what was heading their way, the LED ZEPPELIN concert on 23 July 1977 at the Oakland Coliseum was surely going to start off with a BIG BANG! END OF PART ONE. ROCK ON!

That is just too fucking awesome. I really wish I was born in the fifties.

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:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: Can't wait to read Part II. Great Story!

How's it going "PennyLane" as well as our fellow die hard ZEPPELIN fanatics? I have been a little sick today but that didn't keep me from going out and having a few drinks tonight. Tonight, at the bar, I felt like I was drinking Nyquil. If thats the case, then I should be feeling better here real soon. Thank you for your nice comment "PennyLane," I should be starting Part 2 here shortly right after I catch up with answering all of the responses on this thread. In the mean time, ROCK ON!

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how's it going, ZFF fans?

man, was it wild or what? that "zepfanforever", he knows how to rock!

i had a lot of fun hanging out with ZFF. he is welcome back anytime. his father was also very nice and a pleasure to meet.

the fleetwood mac is really kick-ass.......

How's it going "beatbo," MY BUDDY? Thanks for the kind words. I'm really serious about writing a script with you about Biloxi. Part 2 coming up. ROCK ON!

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