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Spats' Loveblahblahblah Thread

Lake of Shadows

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I know that you are trying to explain things to me, but all I'm seeing is "wah wah wah...I'm a total girly-pants...wah wah wah"

Girly-pants? :o:o

Doesn't anyone have sympathy for the quiet, humble, sometimes shy guys who don't think they are all that? Alpha males who think they are hotstuff are the ones people should be knocking.

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Why can't you just say to her, would you like to take a walk? If she declines, you know she is NOT interested and you can move on. If she accepts, well, don't blow it, lol. No pain, no gain...you have to take risks in life.

But if i do that and she says no in front of her friends it will be the High school dance all over again. :o:o Imagine how awkward that scenario would be. The ideal situation would be if she suggests it. That would be beyond cool. because she is the one with the friends hanging around. She would see that the nice thing to do if she is interested is too not put me in a potential embarrassing situation.

A buddy said that if she doesn't do anything the next time I see her she probably is not interested in me.

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You and your buddies have the combined IQ of a rock. If you're interested in her, fucking ask her out already and quit being a spineless pussy. Quit saying it's up to her to do this, it's up to her to do that. It's not up to her to do jack shit. If YOU'RE interested, get off your ass and do something about it, you child.

Fucking hell, you're denser than pound cake.

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You and your buddies have the combined IQ of a rock. If you're interested in her, fucking ask her out already and quit being a spineless pussy. Quit saying it's up to her to do this, it's up to her to do that. It's not up to her to do jack shit. If YOU'RE interested, get off your ass and do something about it, you child.

Fucking hell, you're denser than pound cake.

Probably the best post on the thread.

Dickless Dick will never sack up and be a man. Shit, if that isn't obvious by now....

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Ok, I officially add my name to the list of those who don't believe "spats" is what he seems to be. I don't know the truth, but it's hard to believe anyone would just keep coming back here and taking the crap he does without reacting. For what? How long has this been going on?

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Ok, I officially add my name to the list of those who don't believe "spats" is what he seems to be. I don't know the truth, but it's hard to believe anyone would just keep coming back here and taking the crap he does without reacting. For what? How long has this been going on?

For waaaay too long, man. That's why I don't hesitate to tell the silly wanker what I think. I tried at first to offer advice, until I figured out that this is one big joke.

It's either an elaborate gag, or the dumbest sonofabitch ever to "grace" the planet. :rolleyes:

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You and your buddies have the combined IQ of a rock. If you're interested in her, fucking ask her out already and quit being a spineless pussy. Quit saying it's up to her to do this, it's up to her to do that. It's not up to her to do jack shit. If YOU'RE interested, get off your ass and do something about it, you child.

Fucking hell, you're denser than pound cake.

I am gonna try and figure out some way to get his done. If nothing happens this weekend i am going to pass on her or else i am just going to get an ulcer.

Would you give her the same advice if you could?

It would be interesting to know if the same people who are telling me to do that are doing it in their everyday life. I don't think you would be going up to some guy you like and asking him out.

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For waaaay too long, man. That's why I don't hesitate to tell the silly wanker what I think. I tried at first to offer advice, until I figured out that this is one big joke.

It's either an elaborate gag, or the dumbest sonofabitch ever to "grace" the planet. :rolleyes:

Your advice was to go the alpha male route. And i am not a alpha male. I would look silly doing that. Trust me this is no gag. Why is it so hard to believe that a guy is having trouble getting a girlfriend/

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Spats, I am telling you to ask her to take a walk. I'm in high school and I can handle that. Just say: It's loud here, why don't we take a walk? or I could use some fresh air, would you like to take a walk? It's really that easy. And smile when you cay it.

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I am gonna try and figure out some way to get his done. If nothing happens this weekend i am going to pass on her or else i am just going to get an ulcer.

Would you give her the same advice if you could?

It would be interesting to know if the same people who are telling me to do that are doing it in their everyday life. I don't think you would be going up to some guy you like and asking him out.

If I want something, I go after it. That's how you succeed in life. Sitting on your ass waiting for things to happen isn't how you get things done.

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Ok, I officially add my name to the list of those who don't believe "spats" is what he seems to be. I don't know the truth, but it's hard to believe anyone would just keep coming back here and taking the crap he does without reacting. For what? How long has this been going on?

Bill you know i am real guy. We chatted in private messages. I just don't like to insult anyone. I don't really get angry at anyone here because i don't really know everyone here other than what i see on here. if people in my everyday life said the same things i might get pissed. But none of this is life and death. it would be sort of silly if everyone was shouting back and forth with each other.

I consider myself to be a pretty easy person to get along with and would probably get along with most people here if we met in person. :D

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Spats, I am telling you to ask her to take a walk. I'm in high school and I can handle that. Just say: It's loud here, why don't we take a walk? or I could use some fresh air, would you like to take a walk? It's really that easy. And smile when you cay it.

Maybe i will try it. I haven't done this routine in a long time. What if she says no? Ugh.

Is there a emoticon represents puking? because i think that's what might happen if i do it. :D

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If she says no, you just say "thanks anyway, it was great meeting you/talking to you, have a nice evening." That's what you do. For God's sake, this is not that hard.

I don't know who is more insane; you or the rest of us for putting up with this.

Edited by Electrophile
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And how do you handle it if you fail?

If I fail at somethings, it means I learned something. It means that I should try again, and take more from the situation then I went in with. If you really like a girl, and you approach her one way and you get turned down, try a different way. If you get turned down more than three times, then it's time to move on. And space out your tries, not only will you seem desperate she may resent it. So just try every once in awhile.

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i think past rejection has just paralyzed my ass. It's sort of handcuffed me. If i had been succesful at it then i don't think i would have the problems with it that i do. If i had got lots of compliments on my looks then i would not worry about that part of it. It's a whole bunch of things. On the other hand i do think women should stand up and take charge of this stuff too. I hate the fact that they lay the most of the repsponsibility on men.

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If I fail at somethings, it means I learned something. It means that I should try again, and take more from the situation then I went in with. If you really like a girl, and you approach her one way and you get turned down, try a different way. If you get turned down more than three times, then it's time to move on. And space out your tries, not only will you seem desperate she may resent it. So just try every once in awhile.

But if she is not doing any intiating does that not show she has no interest in me and i should just save my breath and not even bother trying different ways?

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Girly-pants? :o:o

Doesn't anyone have sympathy for the quiet, humble, sometimes shy guys who don't think they are all that? Alpha males who think they are hotstuff are the ones people should be knocking.

Prove to me you're not, and I shalll never make fun of you again....

No, I don't. Because no one is asking you to be the "alpha male", as you put it. They just want you to have a little bit of courage. Surely it can't be that hard. And get over the damn high school dance, already! Geez. That was how long ago?

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i think past rejection has just paralyzed my ass. It's sort of handcuffed me. If i had been succesful at it then i don't think i would have the problems with it that i do. If i had got lots of compliments on my looks then i would not worry about that part of it. It's a whole bunch of things. On the other hand i do think women should stand up and take charge of this stuff too. I hate the fact that they lay the most of the repsponsibility on men.

Handcuffs, eh? So, you like that sort of thing?

....sorry, nevermind.

Carry on.

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Your advice was to go the alpha male route. And i am not a alpha male. I would look silly doing that. Trust me this is no gag. Why is it so hard to believe that a guy is having trouble getting a girlfriend/

Cut the "alpha male" schtick, will ya? :rolleyes:

It's called being a NORMAL male. Or just a normal person, for that matter.

If you want something/someone, you have to take action.

(shit, I just got sucked into it again, didn't I? :lol:)

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I would bet that spats is into some really kinky stuff.......like jumper cables attached to his balls and violet wands. He just acts grossed out by the simplest things here so that we don't discover the ruse. People like him are always closet nymphos.

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If I want something, I go after it. That's how you succeed in life. Sitting on your ass waiting for things to happen isn't how you get things done.

My grandpa used to tell me "They're three kinds of people in life"

Those that make things happen

Those that watch things happen and

Those that have absofuckinglutely no clue :lol:

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