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Spats' Loveblahblahblah Thread

Lake of Shadows

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Yes but it defies logic. It makes no sense. I act cool and polite and behave myself and I get almost no reaction or not a lot of interest. But i behave like a complete idiot and she thinks it's cute. :o

My taste and her taste in "cute" is not anywhere near each other. I feel embarrassed.

Anytime you deal with any type of emotion, there isn't going to be a lot of logic involved. Why feel embarrassed? Something good came out of it, right?

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Yes but it defies logic. It makes no sense. I act cool and polite and behave myself and I get almost no reaction or not a lot of interest. But i behave like a complete idiot and she thinks it's cute. :o

My taste and her taste in "cute" is not anywhere near each other. I feel embarrassed.



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Yes but it defies logic. It makes no sense. I act cool and polite and behave myself and I get almost no reaction or not a lot of interest. But i behave like a complete idiot and she thinks it's cute. :o

My taste and her taste in "cute" is not anywhere near each other. I feel embarrassed.

You have no self-esteem.

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I know you feel stupid, but congradulations! You did it spats, she likes you. Keep up the good work. Since she likes you, ask for her number!

This was a perfect opportunity for him to have asked her to take a walk or something and he didn't. Apparently, 3 beers aren't enough. I feel for Spats. I just don't see him growing up.

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Grow up. A sense of humor is a very attractive quality in people, she clearly thinks you have one (even though we know different). There's nothing wrong with making someone laugh to make yourself look even that more interesting to them.

Yes but a person should not make an ass out of themselves to make someone laugh. You have to keep your dignity as much as possible. I threw mine out the window that night. I am not even a good singer. <_<

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I can't believe I'm jumping in this thread... :lol:

I couldn't agree more!! Funny men are a huge turn on. In fact, all of the men I've been attracted to have had a wonderful sense of humor, and have made me laugh.

But i am not really funny. The only reason i did that was because i had a couple beers in me. I am not naturally funny. And it was not even smart humor. It was idiot humor that i displayed.

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I know you feel stupid, but congradulations! You did it spats, she likes you. Keep up the good work. Since she likes you, ask for her number!

Thanks for the encouragement, LZ.

But i think she likes the juiced up version of me. I am not normally like that.

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Yes but a person should not make an ass out of themselves to make someone laugh. You have to keep your dignity as much as possible. I threw mine out the window that night. I am not even a good singer. <_<

So what? She liked you. Are you so bitter that you no longer know what it's like to be liked by a woman? And you clearly have no sense of humor and no sense of fun. I wouldn't want to be around someone who is as stale as saltines.

And who said you need to be a good singer? I bet no one here is that good, but they goof off and have fun with it BECAUSE THEY ARE FUN PEOPLE! You clearly aren't. Enjoy being bitter and alone.

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:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

What planet are YOU living on?

"Just stupidity"? Yes, your own. Your buddy's right.

The world makes perfect sense, you unfortunately don't. Enjoy your loneliness.

Well if the world making perfect sense means i have to behave like an idiot to attract a girl then there is something seriously wrong with the world.

A guy should be attracting women by acting cool, etc. Not doing that stuff.

My favorite type of humor is sarcastic humor or subtle humor. I don't like silly, stupid humor. I am amazed she would like that nonsense.

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Anytime you deal with any type of emotion, there isn't going to be a lot of logic involved. Why feel embarrassed? Something good came out of it, right?

I guess. I just like to accomplish things on my terms and i don't like the embarrassed feeling i have.

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You have no self-esteem.

This does not have anything to do with lack of self esteem. It just does not make sense why that worked but behaving normally did not. What does that say about society. Why do i feel like an idiot and she liked it? :blink::blink::blink:

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A guy should be attracting women by acting cool, etc. Not doing that stuff.

Define "cool". Come up with 5 concrete examples of this.

Also, why are you amazed that someone would have a different sense of humor than you? Do you require girlfriends to find the same things funny that you do, or do you allow them to think for themselves?

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This was a perfect opportunity for him to have asked her to take a walk or something and he didn't. Apparently, 3 beers aren't enough. I feel for Spats. I just don't see him growing up.

You are right , Even 3 beers didn't give me the nerve to ask her to take a walk. And she didn't ask me to take a walk either.

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So what? She liked you. Are you so bitter that you no longer know what it's like to be liked by a woman? And you clearly have no sense of humor and no sense of fun. I wouldn't want to be around someone who is as stale as saltines.

And who said you need to be a good singer? I bet no one here is that good, but they goof off and have fun with it BECAUSE THEY ARE FUN PEOPLE! You clearly aren't. Enjoy being bitter and alone.

Yes, i think i have forgotten what it's like to have a woman like me. It hasn't been happening very often lately. And yes i do think i have some bitterness in me from rejection, etc.

It's just disappointing that I had to act stupid for her to be attracted to me. And it wasn't even me. it was the beer talking.

I hope i don't find out that she likes to watch the "Hills" and the "Bachelorette"

By the way, how do post all of that writing at the bottom of your posts?

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If you judge people based on what TV shows they like to watch, you deserve to be alone.

By the way, how do post all of that writing at the bottom of your posts?

Magic, spats. The forum fairy comes by my computer and sprinkles my posts and POOF, those words appear.

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Define "cool". Come up with 5 concrete examples of this.

Also, why are you amazed that someone would have a different sense of humor than you? Do you require girlfriends to find the same things funny that you do, or do you allow them to think for themselves?

Everyone knows what acting cool means. Cool is cool.

I should not have said i was amazed that she thought that was funny. I should have said disappointed.

My girlfriends did anything they wanted. I have never been a controlling boyfriend. Completely the opposite. I just like to have things in common with girlfriends. If you and your girlfriend don't find the same things funny then you are not going to have much fun together. You won't like the same movies,etc.

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I said define it and come up with 5 concrete examples of it. If you think men should behave a certain way, and you can define it, you should be able to explain it.

I think everyone should act cool. Not just men. Women too.

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You are right , Even 3 beers didn't give me the nerve to ask her to take a walk. And she didn't ask me to take a walk either.

At least she didn't ask tell you to take a hike. That's something.

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Take some initative. Quit waiting for people to do things for you. If you see she's interested but she hasn't made a move, YOU MAKE A MOVE. That's what people who want things out of life do.

I know. Ideally i should have . And she could have too.

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