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Spats' Loveblahblahblah Thread

Lake of Shadows

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One sentence says it all..... :whistling:

Well it's true. It may sound bad but it's true. If i am not happy then what does it matter if she is. If i am not happy then it's not going to be a fun situation for me.

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Well, first you'd have to BE those things so maybe it's time you start dealing with reality. Just sayin' B)

I realize that it is the reality. But there is no point in getting involved with a girl if she does not find me great looking. I want to be found physically attractive.

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Spats, obviously something in you had to say that, so yes she does like you. It may be hard to accept, but accept it. You are making progress. Next time, ask her on a walk!

Thanks LZ. :D Or hopefully she will ask me to take a walk. I did something by acting like a idiot in front of everyone. It would be great if she did something now. i did something even if i wasn't really in control of it.

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It's selfish. You are shallow, selfish and boring. And then you wonder why women aren't beating your door down to date you.

It's not selfish. It's just that both parties should be enjoying themselves in this process.

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You know something, I've found a person's attitude goes a long way to improving their looks. If a really, really good-looking guy comes off like an asshole, to me....he's nothing. But if a guy who is not traditionally good-looking comes off like a gentlemen, is nice, is smart, is friendly, has a sense of humor......suddenly he's a God. That's how it works. Improve your attitude and maybe more women will find you physically attractive even if you don't think you are.

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You know something, I've found a person's attitude goes a long way to improving their looks. If a really, really good-looking guy comes off like an asshole, to me....he's nothing. But if a guy who is not traditionally good-looking comes off like a gentlemen, is nice, is smart, is friendly, has a sense of humor......suddenly he's a God. That's how it works. Improve your attitude and maybe more women will find you physically attractive even if you don't think you are.

I agree with you to some extent, Elizabeth. We meet a lot of girls at clubs who are very pretty but they are also loud and obnoxious. It's ruins the whole thing. A waste of good looks. But i can't really relate to the reverse. I have never really met a girl who wasn't that pretty but became hot in my eyes because she was really nice and had a good personality.

It's too bad there are not tons of women who have the same attitude about that that you do. If there were I would probably be getting some action right now. Because women usually pass on those guys and pick the good looking bad boys.

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It's too bad there are not tons of women who have the same attitude about that that you do. If there were I would probably be getting some action right now. Because women usually pass on those guys and pick the good looking bad boys.

There's an old expression "Men fall in love with their eyes, woman with their ears." I think there is something to that. Everyone is different of course,but don't assume they(women) feel like you do.

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There's an old expression "Men fall in love with their eyes, woman with their ears." I think there is something to that. Everyone is different of course,but don't assume they(women) feel like you do.

I can vouch for the women falling in love with their ears, lol. I am hooked on my current flame's voice. It's intoxicating sometimes...the biggest reason i forgive him when he's bad :)

Hey Spats, if you have a sexy voice you need to start utilizing it. If you don't you're back to square one.

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There's an old expression "Men fall in love with their eyes, woman with their ears." I think there is something to that. Everyone is different of course,but don't assume they(women) feel like you do.

I guess you mean you have to kiss their ass and stroke their ego. <_< .Tons of women fall in love with their eyes too though. That's why the great looking guys get loads of women.

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I can vouch for the women falling in love with their ears, lol. I am hooked on my current flame's voice. It's intoxicating sometimes...the biggest reason i forgive him when he's bad :)

Hey Spats, if you have a sexy voice you need to start utilizing it. If you don't you're back to square one.

No, i don't have a sexy voice. It's never been mentioned by any women anyways.

There is no real way for me to know what my strong points are physically,etc because i rarely get compliments from women.

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No, i don't have a sexy voice. It's never been mentioned by any women anyways.

There is no real way for me to know what my strong points are physically,etc because i rarely get compliments from women.

Spats, even the biggest dorks in the world can manage to get into meaningful relationships, you just come up with excuse after excuse after excuse...

Let's just take sense of humor..you say you and your friends can crack each other up laughing but you can't do that with a woman. Could you provide some examples please?

I can't believe I think there's still help for you! You FIGHT to lose, I swear!!

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Spats, even the biggest dorks in the world can manage to get into meaningful relationships, you just come up with excuse after excuse after excuse...

Let's just take sense of humor..you say you and your friends can crack each other up laughing but you can't do that with a woman. Could you provide some examples please?

I can't believe I think there's still help for you! You FIGHT to lose, I swear!!

But not "THE" biggest! :lol:

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Spats, even the biggest dorks in the world can manage to get into meaningful relationships, you just come up with excuse after excuse after excuse...

Let's just take sense of humor..you say you and your friends can crack each other up laughing but you can't do that with a woman. Could you provide some examples please?

I can't believe I think there's still help for you! You FIGHT to lose, I swear!!

What excuses am i giving? I don't thnk i am making excuses. Just being realistc. I was just replying to them that i don't have a sexy voice. I don't know what my best assets are because i never get compliments from women that would point out what my positives are.

As far as a sense of humor. My buddies and i just have the same sense of humor. I can never find a woman with the same sense of humor. My buddies and i can just hang out and laugh and stuff but it's not the same as with women. How can you have fun with a woman if you don't find the same things funny? Hell, i would love to find a woman who has the same taste in movies as me. What kin of examples did you want? Like specific funny things?

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What excuses am i giving? I don't thnk i am making excuses. Just being realistc. I was just replying to them that i don't have a sexy voice. I don't know what my best assets are because i never get compliments from women that would point out what my positives are.

You don't need compliments from women to know what you like about yourself and what you want to emphasize to people. It's called looking in the mirror and being honest with yourself. Everyone does it. Why can't you?

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You don't need compliments from women to know what you like about yourself and what you want to emphasize to people. It's called looking in the mirror and being honest with yourself. Everyone does it. Why can't you?

The only things i don't mind about my body or physical features are my height (around 6 feet) and my weight (170lbs). Everything else i would change. And my physical features are not attracting any women. So how can one feel good about those things if those things are not attracting anyone. Now if i was getting compliments from women on my face or whatever that would be a different story. You would know what to emphasize or what your strong points are. You yourself are not going to know what your strong points are unless they work for you. No? Even when i was a kid i didn't get called cute. No wonder i feel the way i do about my looks.

I would love to look like the all american guy, You know the type of looks i mean. Those guys always have plenty of women to choose from. Women drool over those guys.

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I'd rather be with a man who if he could, would wish to be smart, cultured and sophisticated rather than hot. That would tell me the things he values most about people and himself. And therefore make me more attracted to him.

Think about it.

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The only things i don't mind about my body or physical features are my height (around 6 feet) and my weight (170lbs). Everything else i would change. And my physical features are not attracting any women. So how can one feel good about those things if those things are not attracting anyone. Now if i was getting compliments from women on my face or whatever that would be a different story. You would know what to emphasize or what your strong points are. You yourself are not going to know what your strong points are unless they work for you. No? Even when i was a kid i didn't get called cute. No wonder i feel the way i do about my looks.

I would love to look like the all american guy, You know the type of looks i mean. Those guys always have plenty of women to choose from. Women drool over those guys.

If you sit and wait for people to compliment you, people will think you're a nutter. It's not your right to be complimented. It's a privilege. And if you start putting so much value on compliments and they don't come, you'll drive yourself crazy.

And the all-American look? The same look that has Led Zeppelin attracting so much attention from women?

So, no. I don't think most women would drool over the all-American look. Maybe just the superficial ones. But you could handle that, right?

Edited by longdistancewinner
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If you sit and wait for people to compliment you, people will think you're a nutter. It's not your right to be complimented. It's a privilege. And if you start putting so much value on compliments and they don't come, you'll drive yourself crazy.

And the all-American look? The same look that has Led Zeppelin attracting so much attention from women?

So, no. I don't think most women would drool over the all-American look. Maybe just the superficial ones. But you could handle that, right?

Well put!

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I would love to look like the all american guy, You know the type of looks i mean. Those guys always have plenty of women to choose from. Women drool over those guys.

So...what exactly do you consider to the be "all-american guy" looks? Do you mean like the dudes in the clothing store ads or something? Because those guys are kinda douchebag-y, in my honest opinion...And truthfully, I don't think any of the females on the Led Zeppelin forum are attracted to preps--am I right, girls??

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If you sit and wait for people to compliment you, people will think you're a nutter. It's not your right to be complimented. It's a privilege. And if you start putting so much value on compliments and they don't come, you'll drive yourself crazy.

And the all-American look? The same look that has Led Zeppelin attracting so much attention from women?

So, no. I don't think most women would drool over the all-American look. Maybe just the superficial ones. But you could handle that, right?

I don't sit and wait for it. I realize it is a privilege. And it's one i never get. If women don't compliment me i will never know if they are attracted to me or not or if i am good looking or not. If a person does not get compliments then they won't think anyone likes how they look.

Rock n roll stars get attention from women no matter what they look like.

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So...what exactly do you consider to the be "all-american guy" looks? Do you mean like the dudes in the clothing store ads or something? Because those guys are kinda douchebag-y, in my honest opinion...And truthfully, I don't think any of the females on the Led Zeppelin forum are attracted to preps--am I right, girls??

Yes, those type of guys. Clean cut, well groomed, all american boy looks. I see guys downtown like that with some of the prettiest girls.

I don't know what the women on the forum find physically attractive but it's painfully obvious what a lot of pretty women in my city find to be a turn on. And it's those type of guys.

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