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Spats' Loveblahblahblah Thread

Lake of Shadows

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Because they are not sure they really want you.

No i just think they don't know how to send signals properly and have dreamt about being pursued since they were playing with dolls.

Ask most women and they will tell you that they know whether they want a certain guy very quickly.

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Spats - I would have to agree with JethroTull on this one. You would never know. :D

:lol: Yeah I can hear the conversation now...

"Buddy I wouldn't mess with her, she seems like a real bitch!" :shifty:

edited to say: when nookie is involved all bets are off :D

Edited by Dzldoc
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Why do you say that?? :o None of them would do something like that. I trust them more than anyone i know.

They would do something like that. You need to understand human nature. Your buddies are only human, and are probably not saints. If anyone can alter a friendship between buddies it is someone of the opposite sex.

No i just think they don't know how to send signals properly and have dreamt about being pursued since they were playing with dolls.

Ask most women and they will tell you that they know whether they want a certain guy very quickly.

They may know how to send signals perfectly well, but may lack motivation. Check to see who is motivated and then you'll see signals.

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Dude, you just gotta protect your turf. Having your buddy do your bidding is 1) asking for trouble and 2) juvenile like junior high school behavior. The chick will fuck your buddy just to screw you over for being such a wishy-washy dick. I have a couple of good friends, who I am still good friends with, but I always protected my turf when they were around. I'm sure they did the same with me.

Edited by JethroTull
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Spats - I would have to agree with JethroTull on this one. You would never know. :D

Seriously, he would never do something like that. And if she would sleep with him then she was not worth it to begin with. I would be better off not hooking up with her because it would show she has no morals.

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They would do something like that. You need to understand human nature. Your buddies are only human, and are probably not saints. If anyone can alter a friendship between buddies it is someone of the opposite sex.

They may know how to send signals perfectly well, but may lack motivation. Check to see who is motivated and then you'll see signals.

They would not do that. We have talked about this stuff. We have agreed that we would never stop being friends over a woman. They aren't worth it.

They are motivated. They are just are not good at sending signals. Me and my friends have seen it tons of times. Women think being nice is a good signal. When it isn't. They need to do a lot more than that.

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Dude, you just gotta protect your turf. Having your buddy do your bidding is 1) asking for trouble and 2) juvenile like junior high school behavior. The chick will fuck your buddy just to screw you over for being such a wishy-washy dick. I have a couple of good friends, who I am still good friends with, but I always protected my turf when they were around. I'm sure they did the same with me.

She isn't my turf to protect. I don't even know if she wants to hook up. I couldn't tell and of course she wouldn't come out and say it or suggest or aks for my number.

I am not being wishy washy. I am protecting myself from having my feelings hurt. it is painful when a woman you like has no interest in you.

And if she would screw him just to screw me over for not talking to her myself then she is not worth the time or effort.

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Writer Dickey Lee

Just because I asked a friend about her

Just because I spoke her name somewhere

Just because I rang her number by mistake today

She thinks I still care

Just because I haunt the same old places

Where the mem'ries of her lingers everywhere

Just because I'm not the happy guy I used to be

She thinks I still care

But if she's happy thinking I still need her

Then let that silly notion bring her cheer

But how could she ever be so foolish

Oh where could she get such an idea

Just because I asked a friend about her

Just because I spoke her name somewhere

Just because I saw her then went all to pieces

She thinks I still care

She thinks I still care

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Writer Dickey Lee

Just because I asked a friend about her

Just because I spoke her name somewhere

Just because I rang her number by mistake today

She thinks I still care

Just because I haunt the same old places

Where the mem'ries of her lingers everywhere

Just because I'm not the happy guy I used to be

She thinks I still care

But if she's happy thinking I still need her

Then let that silly notion bring her cheer

But how could she ever be so foolish

Oh where could she get such an idea

Just because I asked a friend about her

Just because I spoke her name somewhere

Just because I saw her then went all to pieces

She thinks I still care

She thinks I still care

How does this relate to me? :blink:

By the way. Listen to Elvis Presley's version of this song. He did it best.

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Would you dive into a pool or lake if you did not know how deep it was? Of course not. This is the same thing. I want to make sure she thinks i am good looking and if she wants to hook up. There is nothing wrong with that. If she does not think i am good looking then that will be the end of it and i don't have to be rejected to my face. She can reject me to my friend.

I have done it a few times. Actually, in the Atlantic Ocean. A good swimmer isn't worried about how deep the water is :) Oh, guess that's not quite what you meant, lol.

I understand your intention. I wonder if it works with people your age (as mentioned, it's a juvenille way to ask a girl out). Anyway, i'm dying to hear the results. Please let us know. Seriously spats, you have to get past worrying about being rejected. If you like someone and take a chance, at least you tried. It's better than the regrets you live with.

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I have done it a few times. Actually, in the Atlantic Ocean. A good swimmer isn't worried about how deep the water is :) Oh, guess that's not quite what you meant, lol.

I understand your intention. I wonder if it works with people your age (as mentioned, it's a juvenille way to ask a girl out). Anyway, i'm dying to hear the results. Please let us know. Seriously spats, you have to get past worrying about being rejected. If you like someone and take a chance, at least you tried. It's better than the regrets you live with.

He is supposed to talk to her tonight sometime. They are going to be at the same party. He is not thrilled about doing it but i talked him into it and that's what friends are for. I have done things for him like going on double dates and being stuck with women i had no interest in.

It's easy for women to say don't worry about rejection when women rarely risk it. Women don't know what men go through. You should have been around for my teen years. Rejection city. Have you ever had to leave a dance out of embarrasment because someone you liked said no to you. There were quiet a few depressing days back then. You feel worthless after that.

And everytime i face the risk of it now i feel like i am back in my teen years again. I gave my number to a girl at Harbourfront this past summer and she never called. It wasn't as bad as getting rejected to your face but there is still dissappoint that another women had no use for me. And then add on to the fact that my buddies are getting numbers and hooking up all the time. It makes me stand out even more.

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Would you dive into a pool or lake if you did not know how deep it was? Of course not. This is the same thing. I want to make sure she thinks i am good looking and if she wants to hook up. There is nothing wrong with that. If she does not think i am good looking then that will be the end of it and i don't have to be rejected to my face. She can reject me to my friend.

Pathetic! :slapface:

The best things in life come with a risk of failure.

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She isn't my turf to protect. I don't even know if she wants to hook up. I couldn't tell and of course she wouldn't come out and say it or suggest or aks for my number.

I am not being wishy washy. I am protecting myself from having my feelings hurt. it is painful when a woman you like has no interest in you.

And if she would screw him just to screw me over for not talking to her myself then she is not worth the time or effort.

Quit taking my advice so literally. I'm tired of this topic. The bottom line is you need to deal with your own demons. Don't expect people on a chat forum or even your buddy(who BTW, is about to get laid) to solve any of these problems. You've already been hurt in the past, but it sounds like you still need to figure things out - ON YOUR OWN.

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I have done it a few times. Actually, in the Atlantic Ocean. A good swimmer isn't worried about how deep the water is :) Oh, guess that's not quite what you meant, lol.

I understand your intention. I wonder if it works with people your age (as mentioned, it's a juvenille way to ask a girl out). Anyway, i'm dying to hear the results. Please let us know. Seriously spats, you have to get past worrying about being rejected. If you like someone and take a chance, at least you tried. It's better than the regrets you live with.

Well things didn't go exactly as i was hoping. Buddy talked to her and they both agreed that what he was doing was silly. He said he felt like an idiot asking her if she thought i was good looking. She said she did enjoy hanging out with me at the party but that if i want to do something sometime i am going to have to call her. She then gave him her number to give to me. Apparently me having him give her my number is not the proper way to do things. She felt insulted. Apparently this is the first time this has happened to her.

He gave me her number and told me to never ask him to that again. He said he felt like fool. <_<

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Well things didn't go exactly as i was hoping. Buddy talked to her and they both agreed that what he was doing was silly. He said he felt like an idiot asking her if she thought i was good looking. She said she did enjoy hanging out with me at the party but that if i want to do something sometime i am going to have to call her. She then gave him her number to give to me. Apparently me having him give her my number is not the proper way to do things. She felt insulted. Apparently this is the first time this has happened to her.

He gave me her number and told me to never ask him to that again. He said he felt like fool. <_<

Spats -

Pay backs are hell! You owe your friend a couple of concert tickets to his favorite band for doing you a favor so he doesn't look like a fool.

You need to call this girl to set a date. Take her to dinner and to the theater. Bring her roses (not red) and a box of chocolates, Godiva. You had embarrassed her.

Never ask a friend to do your dating for you. If you don't take this girl out, your reputation is blown. Read a book about etiquette on dating or get the "The Man's Handbook" by by Thomas Fink, it will tell you everything you need to know. Good luck! :D

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Well things didn't go exactly as i was hoping. Buddy talked to her and they both agreed that what he was doing was silly. He said he felt like an idiot asking her if she thought i was good looking. She said she did enjoy hanging out with me at the party but that if i want to do something sometime i am going to have to call her. She then gave him her number to give to me. Apparently me having him give her my number is not the proper way to do things. She felt insulted. Apparently this is the first time this has happened to her.

He gave me her number and told me to never ask him to that again. He said he felt like fool. <_<

So now you have learned your lesson. On the bright side, she wouldn't haven given your friend her number if she didn't have some interest in you. So call her and ask her out. Just be normal. You pick a place to take her for lunch or dinner. You pick up the bill. Flowers (as mentioned) would be very nice. Most of all, just be yourself and try not to worry so much. You will either click or you won't. Don't make such a production of this and maybe you can do it! If you both have a nice time, tell her you would like to take her out again.

As for your friend, well he will get over feeling foolish. Buy him some flowers, too :)

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Well things didn't go exactly as i was hoping. Buddy talked to her and they both agreed that what he was doing was silly. He said he felt like an idiot asking her if she thought i was good looking. She said she did enjoy hanging out with me at the party but that if i want to do something sometime i am going to have to call her. She then gave him her number to give to me. Apparently me having him give her my number is not the proper way to do things. She felt insulted. Apparently this is the first time this has happened to her.

He gave me her number and told me to never ask him to that again. He said he felt like fool. <_<

Spats! You spineless worm! :rolleyes: That number she gave your friend is probably

"Dial a Prayer" because you don't have one.

Either that or she has some elaborate scheme in mind to humiliate you in front of your and her friends in public. Be wary my friend :unsure:

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I don't think guys buying flowers for his buddy is a good idea - kind of weird. Maybe dinner or his favorite bottle of booze would work.

I had a boyfriend years ago who loved flowers. I bought him a gorgeous tropical arrangement with orchids and birds of paradise (less girly looking flowers) etc.. for Valentine's Day. I had them sent to him at work. He loved them! Anyway, i was joking about Spats giving his buddy flowers, lol. Even though his friends felt weird after the fact, he did it willingly so shame on him! :) Spats should treat him to a bento box for a thank you.

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Spats! You spineless worm! :rolleyes: That number she gave your friend is probably

"Dial a Prayer" because you don't have one.

Either that or she has some elaborate scheme in mind to humiliate you in front of your and her friends in public. Be wary my friend :unsure:

Come on Doc. I'm sure you are being paranoid here. Spats needs encouragement right now, not more fear. :)

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