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Spats' Loveblahblahblah Thread

Lake of Shadows

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You do that with men? You go up and start chatting? Would you do that if you were looking for a man? I am sure it's a lot easier when you aren't.

How would i go from talking about blueberry muffins to going on a date with them? :blink: And at grocery store you are not in line that long and peopl are concentrating on their groceries to be exchanging numbers. In this day and age i don't know if a woman is going to appreciate a complete stranger coming up to them in non dating atmosphere. It's not like a club where you are going there to hook up.

How can you have buddies who have so much luck with women and not pick up on how to do it yourself? Heres an example from this board. Dzldoc went out to dinner alone, saw an attractive lady sitting alone, and asked her to join him. Maybe gutsy, but taking a chance to meet someone you want to get to know is the only way to do it. You can hope for woman to be the aggressor, but you may continue to be lonely into old age. You like this girl, you either make a move or move on. Call her or forget about it.

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Where was that picture taken at the bottom of your post? I am so tired of winter. <_<

That's why i like pictures of tropical places, especially in the winter months!

I got the pic on google images, i don't know where this particular one was taken. However, if you are looking for a warm getaway, the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, or Southwest to Southeast Florida (anywhere between Naples and Sarasota) are some great choices! I am dying to take a warm weather vacation, but don't know if finances will allow it before the winter ends.

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How can you have buddies who have so much luck with women and not pick up on how to do it yourself? Heres an example from this board. Dzldoc went out to dinner alone, saw an attractive lady sitting alone, and asked her to join him. Maybe gutsy, but taking a chance to meet someone you want to get to know is the only way to do it. You can hope for woman to be the aggressor, but you may continue to be lonely into old age. You like this girl, you either make a move or move on. Call her or forget about it.

Because we have different personalities and they have not gone through what i have gone through. They have been successful with women all the way back to their teens. When i was getting my ass rejected they were scoring. I don't think what they do would work for me. They are "bad boys". I don't have that personality. I am humble, i don't think i am all that. I can be shy. They are the opposite. Any woman they are interested in they approach, they have the smooth lines, they are agressive. They are also good looking. They tell the women what they want to hear. The whole deal. They don't mind consantly catering to the women.

I have to give credit to Doc, it worked. I don't know what his track record is for rejection so that stuff might not bother him. And he does not seem to mind that women won't be the aggressor. Back in the day when i would approach like that i would get "sorry not interested". I don't know what Doc looks like. If he is a good looking dude that always helps one's chances.

I liked this woman on New Years eve. She was really cool that night. Her personailty seems to have changed somewhat. Now she seems more old fashioned and wants me to come to her.

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Because we have different personalities and they have not gone through what i have gone through. They have been successful with women all the way back to their teens. When i was getting my ass rejected they were scoring. I don't think what they do would work for me. They are "bad boys". I don't have that personality. I am humble, i don't think i am all that. I can be shy. They are the opposite. Any woman they are interested in they approach, they have the smooth lines, they are agressive. They are also good looking. They tell the women what they want to hear. The whole deal. They don't mind consantly catering to the women.

I have to give credit to Doc, it worked. I don't know what his track record is for rejection so that stuff might not bother him. And he does not seem to mind that women won't be the aggressor. Back in the day when i would approach like that i would get "sorry not interested". I don't know what Doc looks like. If he is a good looking dude that always helps one's chances.

I liked this woman on New Years eve. She was really cool that night. Her personailty seems to have changed somewhat. Now she seems more old fashioned and wants me to come to her.

I've had 3 steadies and 1 wife, I was a lot like you until I turned 16.

How many times have I posted a photo in the picture thread? :rolleyes:

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I've had 3 steadies and 1 wife, I was a lot like you until I turned 16.

How many times have I posted a photo in the picture thread? :rolleyes:

What changed when you were 16?

I don't recall what you look like doc. How far back are you in the picture thread?

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What changed when you were 16?

I don't recall what you look like doc. How far back are you in the picture thread?

For one! I moved to New Orleans :D

I don't know, I've posted several old and new photos. There is one in my profile :rolleyes:

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I wish i could move down south. I have always found the women to be much more friendlier down there than women up here. Women in Toronto have a rep for being snobby.

Women in the South may be friendlier than where you live, but they are going to expect to be treated the opposite of how you want to treat them.

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I could take that kind of comment from one of my buddies. Hell, they tell me that stuff all the time if they think i screwed up. But it would be a different story coming from a woman i am interested in hooking up with. With a buddy i would say they are probably right or laugh it off. But with a woman i find attractive ,etc. I would be tempted to tell her to get lost or hang up on her.

You have a cool profile pic by the way. :D

thanks it was taken just after i pulled up all the carpets and found lovely timber floors underneath!!!

The rest of that post is silly though - if you can take it from your 'buddies' then you should be able to take it from a woman... isn't that part of the 'equality' you reckon you are all for??

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Women in the South may be friendlier than where you live, but they are going to expect to be treated the opposite of how you want to treat them.

Meaning I would have to do all the work and chase them? Really? They never came across that way. They came across pretty aggressive and friendly. That's disappointing to hear.

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thanks it was taken just after i pulled up all the carpets and found lovely timber floors underneath!!!

The rest of that post is silly though - if you can take it from your 'buddies' then you should be able to take it from a woman... isn't that part of the 'equality' you reckon you are all for??

Yeah but i have known my friends for years. I hung out with this woman for one night. And it would kill my interest in her if she slammed me. You want to hear nice things from a woman you are attracted to. Not mean things.

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Meaning I would have to do all the work and chase them? Really? They never came across that way. They came across pretty aggressive and friendly. That's disappointing to hear.

Do you mean in Canada or the U.S. (which is where i thought you meant)? It's my understanding that Southern girls (like most girls) expect to be asked out, the date paid for, and treated like a lady at every turn. In addition, i would bet most southern women want to get married and raise a family. I believe tradition (and religion) rule in South more than where i live.

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Women are a lot more aggressive in New Orleans? :blink:

I wouldn't use the term aggressive, people are very outgoing though and friendly.

Things were really kickin' down here back in the 70's.

You know I met many girls back then and would ask them to dance maybe buy them a drink, talk, dance some more and never see them again. It was all good, just a bunch of young folks out to have some fun :)

You need to hop your ass on a plane and fly down for a weekend. They have a couple hotels right across from the airport and I'm 5mins from there. I'll take you to the Quarter

"It's Carnival Time!" :banana::D

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There is no equality between men and women (?)because (?) a lot of women use their looks to get what they want?

From what you said, one can deduce that:

1. The equality is impossible because women deliberately act in a self-demeaning way.

2. It's genetically or rather hormonally induced.

If this is not what you meant to say, then Pip is right and you indeed should think before you speak, because you can't express yourself well.

Equality is impossible because women think different than men think, and are built differently. Hence the two different animal statement. From the begining of time men have had specific roles (hunting and providing for the family) and the women have had specific roles (having children and taking care of the home). Now you probably won't agree with me but that is a fact. When the women felt the need to go to work, either out of necessity, bordom, or what ever reason, they did not get equal pay as the men. Then the womans lib movement came along and the women came a long way. I think it is great that women have come so far in the work place. My boss is a woman, and we get along great and I have alot respect for her. I was not talking about equality in the work place but rather equality as beings because we are two different models. Are lions equal? The lioness goes out and hunts while the lion kicks back under the shade tree and chills out. Now that I think about it, I guess I meant fairness not equality. Men have needs from women and women have needs from men, but are they the same? Are the needs equal or fair? Who's to say? Some women are happy staying at home and some are not. The ones in the work place want a fair shake and that is understandable. And from what I see, women, for the most part, get a fair shake. When it comes to "big money" (CEO of a company) they still have the good ol boy club and I don't think that will change anytime soon. But in the every day workplace, from what I see, women have mmade great progress and are accepted and make as much money as the men and get more respect than some men.


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GOTO is a statement found in many computer programming languages. It is a combination of the English words go and to. When executed it causes an unconditional transfer of control (a "jump") to another statement. The jumped-to statement is specified using some kind of label, which may be an identifier or a line number depending on the language. At the machine code level a goto is a form of branch or jump statement.

In some languages, goto functionality may be present without explicit use of the keyword goto, such as where a break or continue keyword may be followed by an identifier denoting a label. The SNOBOL programming language supports a form of statement suffix which causes an unconditional transfer of control after the statement has finished executing.

While GOTO statements are found in most high-level languages, there are a few high-level languages that do not support them. For instance, Java (where goto is a reserved word but does not presently serve any function).

The goto statement is often combined with the if statement to cause a conditional transfer of control.

IF condition THEN goto label;

Programming languages impose different restrictions with respect the jump location of a goto statement. For example, in the C programming language it is not allowed to jump to a label contained within another function.[1] The setjmp/longjmp functions provide support for non-local gotos.

[edit]Criticism of goto usage

The GOTO statement has been the target of much continued criticism and debate, with the primary negative claim being that use of GOTO results in unreadable and generally unmaintainable "spaghetti code". As structured programming became more popular in the 1960s and 1970s, many computer scientists came to the conclusion that programs should always use so-called 'structured' flow-control commands such as loops and if-then-else statements in place of GOTO. Even today some programming style coding standards forbid the use of GOTO statements using similar rationales. In defense of GOTO statements, others have noted that the restrained use of GOTO does not necessarily lead to poor quality code, and also argue that there are some tasks that cannot be straightforwardly accomplished in many programming languages without the use of one or more GOTO statements, such as implementing finite state machines, breaking out of nested loops and exception handling.

Probably the most famous criticism of GOTO is a 1968 letter by Edsger Dijkstra called Go To Statement Considered Harmful.[2] In that letter Dijkstra argued that unrestricted GOTO statements should be abolished from higher-level languages because they complicated the task of analyzing and verifying the correctness of programs (particularly those involving loops). An alternative viewpoint is presented in Donald Knuth's Structured Programming with go to Statements [3] which analyzes many common programming tasks and finds that in some of them GOTO is the optimal language construct to use.

This criticism had an effect on the design of some programming languages. Although the designers of the Ada language in the late 1970s were aware of the criticisms of GOTO, the statement was still included in the language, mainly to support automatically generated code where the goto might prove indispensable.[4] However, the labels used as the destination of a goto statement take the unusual form of an identifier enclosed in double angle brackets (e.g. <<Start_Again>>) and this syntax is not used anywhere else in the language. This makes it easy to check a program for the existence of goto destinations. The goto statement itself takes the simple form goto Start_Again;.


There are a number of different language constructs which can be described as forms of goto:

Restricted GOTOs

Many languages, such as C and Java, provide related control flow statements, like break and continue, which are effectively restricted forms of the goto statement. Their effect is an unconditional jump, but they can only be used to jump to a point after the end of a loop block - either to continue a loop at the next iteration (continue), or to end the loop (break).

[edit]switch/case structures

The switch statement in C, C++ and Java effectively performs a multi-way goto where the destination is selected by the value of an expression. In some other languages the switch (or case) statement does not behave in precisely this way (it does not have "fall-through" behaviour).

Computed GOTO

A computed GOTO (originally Fortran terminology) either jumps to one of several labels based on the value of an expression, or jumps to a label that has been stored in a variable. The ON ... GOTO statement in BASIC supports the first kind of computed GOTO and is useful for case-by-case branching, as in C's switch statement.[5] Some C compilers (e.g., gcc) support goto with a label variable using the label value operator. The label value operator && returns the address of its operand, which must be a label defined in the current function or a containing function. The value is a constant of type void * and should be used only in a computed goto statement. The feature is an extension to C and C++, implemented to facilitate porting programs developed with GNU C.[6]

Some variants of BASIC support a computed GOTO that can be any line number, not just one from a list. For example, one could write GOTO i*1000 to jump to the line numbered 1000 times the value of a variable i (which might represent a selected menu option, for example).


A continuation is similar to a computed GOTO in that it transfers control from an arbitrary point in the program to a previously marked point. A continuation can be more flexible than GOTO in some languages because it can leave the current function, something that a GOTO cannot do in most languages. Executing a continuation usually involves some adjustment of the program's call stack in addition to a jump. The longjmp function of the C programming language is an example of an escape continuation that may be used to escape the current context to a surrounding one. The Common Lisp GO operator also has this stack unwinding property, despite the construct being lexically scoped, as the label to be jumped to can be referenced from a closure.

"COME FROM" parody

Main article: COMEFROM

In the esoteric programming language INTERCAL, which is a parody of languages like BASIC, COME FROM is used instead of GOTO.


In Perl, there is a variant of the goto statement that is not a traditional GOTO statement at all. It takes a function name and transfers control by effectively substituting one function call for another (a tail call): the new function will not return to the GOTO, but instead to the place from which the original function was called. Early versions of COBOL had the ALTER verb to accomplish this.

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arrrggg! sorry just can't seem to drag myself away because you didn't get my point really... if you have this notion of 'us' and 'them' then you can't get equality. (I do have a notion of 'us' and 'them' myself but that is because I KNOW there isn't equality)

Aren't you contradicting yourself here?

and half of my post was about women in our countries. The fact is that women aren't seen by society as equal... the backlash of feminism is that now men can get the best of both worlds and women still get second best... as in men get sexually liberated women but women get men who don't commit to relationships and who want them to change. So unless you have a holistic approach to feminism and equality then you are only asking women to be 'equal' for your own reasons. We can't just act more equal because worldwide it just isn't true - we just don't have equality.

Don't you mean men?

By that you mean there are no women that do not commit to relationships? It seems like you like to put all men in one barrel.

And we never asked women to be equal. I'm sure it wasn't a man that started the womens lib movement!

we can't be seen as equal because we are still objectified on the largest of billboards, we still know by looking at other countries that one bad turn of government and we are the first to suffer (especially single mothers and women in highly religious areas - don't even get me started on that - I am sure that there are many religions governing the society of north America - well every religion has an idea about what women 'should be').

Women allow themselves to be objectified. It is called working for a living just like men do. If a woman does not want to be a poster child for sex, she can say "no" I don't want to do that. Right?

Feminism isn't about women wanting to be like men either ... it is about women wanting to be accepted as whatever we want to be - and any woman anywhere doesn't have that freedom now. I'm not talking jobs I AM talking dating world - even the woman you are trying it on with isn't being accepted by you because she has so-called typical feminine traits... IF she were to act more manly people would complain that she wasn't feminine enough...

This is a Spats thing! But I will say everyone is different when dating. Nobody shows thier bad side while dating. It always comes out later. From both sexes.

look ... it sounds like you have an idea of what you want a woman to be and that instantly means that you just don't get it. Why should any woman have to live up to standards that they don't even know about in the first place (and that are unrealistic because they are made by an individual so wholly unconnected to them - I think I just quoted Jane Austen...)

Spats thing.

also the fact that there is a post like this one means that you think you should be able to have a relationship with a woman - it isn't anything you said it is the action of writing about your trials and tribulations in the dating world - that is what tells me that you think you are owed a relationship - otherwise none of us would be here writing about it.

Spats thing.

I am sorry man we started out so well but if you keep on with the delusion that you are 'for equality' without actually knowing anything about it and contradicting yourself in the process then maybe you SHOULD read a bit about it.

seriously I think it would really help you - if you want to support equality of women then you will have to get you some knowledge! hehe

every time you generalize about women you are offending me - in answer to that question.

Talking about generalizing, read your second paragraph.

SO if we are going to get on the right footing again (and so neither of us become as popular as a turd in a punch bowl) then you have to really think about how equal women are, how much more objectified we are in your own home town, your own feelings about how you WANT a woman to be - think about how that actually makes you not only negative about women but also unrealistic about people in general.


who knows if you will take any of this in?! But I am sure that your primary problem in the dating world is your lack of knowledge ... maybe not just in this area ...

and seriously - show this woman you want to be with this WHOLE thread and see what she thinks about it... maybe she will answer some of your issues right then and there...

someone said before that you should be upfront and adult about stuff with her (the fact that you haven't been shows that you don't see her as an equal - more like an animal that has to be tricked and caught) I totally agree with who said that... like they said - being upfront isn't macho it is adult AND it is more respectful...

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Equality is impossible because women think different than men think, and are built differently. Hence the two different animal statement. From the begining of time men have had specific roles (hunting and providing for the family) and the women have had specific roles (having children and taking care of the home). Now you probably won't agree with me but that is a fact.

I'm not sure if you noticed or not, but there is a difference between doing one's job in an advanced society and killing a mammoth. Neither hunting not taking care of the home requires great intellect. You're right, I don't agree with you, because your argument has many severe flaws. While one needs tough and muscled exterior in order to successfully provide for the family in the middle of the wilderness, there's NOTHING which could justify the discrimination in today's world, unless you believe that women are in general less intelligent or capable than men. My feminine perception of the world does not prevent me from becoming a successful manager, physician or lawyer. As far as I know, intelligence is superior to instincts.

When the women felt the need to go to work, either out of necessity, bordom, or what ever reason, they did not get equal pay as the men. Then the womans lib movement came along and the women came a long way.

Are you giving me a history lesson? Who do you think I am, some ignorant hussy?

Actually, it was not only out of sudden necessity, or boredom, or what else you might think (; The industrial revolution played a rather important part in this. I'd bet that women had felt this need even before they were given the chance to fulfill it, but men simply had not allowed it. The reason why they did not get equal pay was also not because they were less efficient workers, but simply because they were women. I really don't see any point in this part of your argument, apart from trying to educate me. Yeah, women came a long way. I know. Thank you very much for this precious piece of information. What the hell am I complaining of, right? We already got what we wanted, in spite of the blatant inequality.

I was not talking about equality in the work place but rather equality as beings because we are two different models.

Neither was I. I think I strated this dialogue discussing the effects of sexual discrimination (effects you obviously dislike). I was talking about the discrimination of women in general, which sadly affects women's role in the work place, so it cannot be omitted. You know, the more I'm getting into this discussion, the more I'm staring to feel that you are either incapable of getting my point, or you completely disregard it. I'm not saying you have to agree with me, I know you won't, but nothing annoys me as much as people who are not able to develop their arguments regarding the arguments of the opposite side and only repeat what they already said.

I still don't understand how your argument about men and women being two different animals (lion and lioness are apparently also two different animals...I wonder who they can copulate and have healthy brood...) correlates with "a lot of women using men for money." You still haven't explained THAT. Bucause even though I'm a woman, I've never felt this urge, so it's obviously not the matter of hormonal instincts.

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Nothing new, but thanks anyway.

"These findings suggest that human evolution has created two different types of brains designed for equally intelligent behavior," said Haier [...]

I personally excel in stuff regarding visual arts, literary culture and linguistics. I don't think it's reserved to women. I'm very well aware of the fact that men are statistically more successful in natural science, but that doesn't exclude the possibility that certain women can be equally successful. Yet we were told by out maths teacher in secondary school that girls can't get better grades than boys, because that would be "unnatural." Strange, none of the boys in the class could grasp the subject better than me, even though I consider my mathematical capabilities to be very mediocre.

Edited by Katuschka
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Do you mean in Canada or the U.S. (which is where i thought you meant)? It's my understanding that Southern girls (like most girls) expect to be asked out, the date paid for, and treated like a lady at every turn. In addition, i would bet most southern women want to get married and raise a family. I believe tradition (and religion) rule in South more than where i live.

I mean in the U.S. When we have traveled in the south and popped into a club or two we would sometimes get approached by real pretty girls. They would come over and introduce themselves and everything. :P:P We were only there for a day or two so we couldn't hook up but it was still cool. :D

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I wouldn't use the term aggressive, people are very outgoing though and friendly.

Things were really kickin' down here back in the 70's.

You know I met many girls back then and would ask them to dance maybe buy them a drink, talk, dance some more and never see them again. It was all good, just a bunch of young folks out to have some fun :)

You need to hop your ass on a plane and fly down for a weekend. They have a couple hotels right across from the airport and I'm 5mins from there. I'll take you to the Quarter

"It's Carnival Time!" :banana::D

Friendly is one thing but would the girls ask you to dance and offer to buy you drinks? :blink:

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I mean in the U.S. When we have traveled in the south and popped into a club or two we would sometimes get approached by real pretty girls. They would come over and introduce themselves and everything. :P:P We were only there for a day or two so we couldn't hook up but it was still cool. :D

People who live in the South are known for being friendly and polite beyond what is found in most other areas, particularly in the more rural areas. They are used to helping one another, and extend this to visitors, whom they are usually fascinated with - due to not getting to meet many new people in their lives. What Tangerine wrote is most likely true about what they would be used to, and expecting in return - if you got to know any of them.

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People who live in the South are known for being friendly and polite beyond what is found in most other areas, particularly in the more rural areas. They are used to helping one another, and extend this to visitors, whom they are usually fascinated with - due to not getting to meet many new people in their lives. What Tangerine wrote is most likely true about what they would be used to, and expecting in return - if you got to know any of them.

If that's true then i guess it's good we didn't get to know them to well. Life is to short to half to chase after some woman.

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I mean in the U.S. When we have traveled in the south and popped into a club or two we would sometimes get approached by real pretty girls. They would come over and introduce themselves and everything. :P:P We were only there for a day or two so we couldn't hook up but it was still cool. :D

Sorry Spats, but even if the girls are doing the approaching, my guess is, they feel if you are interested, you will buy "them" a drink. Plus, in clubs it's not unusual for girls to approach guys, no matter where the location is. The effects of alcohol, you know :)

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