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Spats' Loveblahblahblah Thread

Lake of Shadows

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Seriously Spats: we need to know a little more about you, so that is why I asked for a quick bio, your best pic, a list of likes/dislikes, etc. Non identifying info about you personally. Don't care about your shoe or weiner size, maybe how tall you are, favourite foods, favourite pastimes, education, etc.

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Good post BB.

You have to understand spats that you are clearly in the minority here spats...most of us have, apparently, found exactly what we're looking for without any of your advice or any of your philosophies...so why don't you give our ideas a shot? Clearly yours no longer work for you.

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You see Spats, your situation on the matter of love are alot like Einstein's Theories of Relativity regarding time-travel.

Imagine a spacecraft capable of travelling 99.995% the speed of light. At this speed the time distortion factor is approximately 100. This craft leaves earth in the year 2009 AD headed on a trip to and from Alpha-Centauri (a star approximately 4.5 light-years from earth). When it returns from its journey, it will have travelled nine light-years at near the speed of light, and the passengers will find that the year on earth upon their arrival is 2018 AD. 9 years on earth will have passed, but due to the relative time distortion, the passengers aboard the craft will have seen just 1/100th of that time span pass - only about 1 month. Their bodies will have aged just 1 month; their clocks will have moved ahead the equivalent of 1 month. Ultimately, the net effect will be that these astronauts will have travelled into the future by 8 years and 11 months.

You pickin' up what I'm layin' down, Spatsy?

Because the mass of the ship increases as it goes faster, the spatial acceleration needed to produce one gravity is less. As the ship approaces the speed of light, its mass and the mass of everything aboard becomes very large. It takes much less change of velocity to create a force of 1 gravity when the objects become so much more massive. As time, seen from an external point of view, goes on, the velocity of the ship levels off as it approaches the speed of light. This results in less and less spatial acceleration, but, according to the passengers on the ship, nothing changes! Time seems to be perfectly normal, their weight and mass will seem to be the same, and their surroundings appear in perfect proportion.

You see, you are on board the ship... you never notice what is going on around you because you're not going anywhere relative to the origin of love... we observers here on earth watching from afar notice everything you miss while youre in the abyss of space.

The more time that goes on with you acting like this, the further away you get from the rest of us.. and the closer you will get to accepting the fact that your love life sucks...

seems you've forgotten to address the density of the subject we are dealing with... ;)

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The alternative is not to treat women like you do in the vain hope that someone better will come along.

Yeah, it's wrong to take that chance. You can really hurt someone when you say, 'I've found someone better'. You said so yourself that you take it personally when you're rejected. Yet you do that.

Does wonders for your ego, no? :rolleyes:

How about you take a chance and stay with someone and see what can come of it, instead of dropping them like a sack of shit and finding someone 'better'?

But what if you stay with that person and it ends up a waste of time and you did miss out on something?

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But what if you stay with that person and it ends up a waste of time and you did miss out on something?

What if you stay with someone and miss out? You wouldn't know, would you?

That's the chance you've got to take. Look, I've been with my boyfriend since I was 17. And never once did I think, 'I'll stay with him until someone better comes along'. I don't want anyone else. And I see plenty of guys who are attractive, but I don't go running to them because of it. I have something with my boyfriend I could never find elsewhere. And I wouldn't want to.

If you stay with someone and it doesn't work out, then you can say that it was a waste of time. And even then, most people don't think that when a relationship ends.

Edited by longdistancewinner
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seems you've forgotten to address the density of the subject we are dealing with... ;)


I can't believe I'm even here checking this thread out, it's like a bad soap opera. You can tune out for 5 years and one day tune it back in and you find out nothing really changed, there was just a lot of drama in between visits.

What if. Spats, what if your dick falls off tomrrow? What if you die tomorrow? What if the world as we know ends tomorrow. Live for NOW not tomorrow, tomorrow may never come. DUH!

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Find out her opinions on the music. Are there political songs on the album? yes? Great! Instant conversation stater, ask her about her views about it. Is there a certain aspect of the album that you find interesting? Tell her. Do you like a similar album, maybe by the same band or in the era? Reccommend it.

Do you know people who have done this? :blink::blink: Isn't that whole routine being dishonest though? because there is no cd out there that i am really interested in right now. I would be pretty much faking it.

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I've read enough of your posts Spats. You do. You come across as an immature, egoistic and ill-mannered individual.


I have plenty of friends (not to mention members of my family) who will look out for me, simply because I'm willing to do the same thing.

I thought we were talking about relationships, not about sex industry. :unsure:


I'm not like that, my friends are not like that, my neighbours are not like that, Bonnie's not like that, wannabe_drummer's not like that, Medbh's not like that,... Do I have to continue?

You are obviously the only person in this thread who is like that. If this was a survey,it would show that you represent a minority.

Spats, the problem is that you can't "hook up" with those women. You can meet them, get to know them and eventually build a friendship or a relationship with them. However, they will not "hook up" with you. That's why you won't find them on dating scene, because they're not interested in "hooking up" with superficial men.

I do care about their feelings but not before my own. I have to protect myself and make sure i am happy before concentrating on their feelings or how happy they are. If i am not happy then the whole situation won't be happy. Are they putting my feelings before theirs??? no. You can't treat some woman who you are dating or hoping to date more important than yourself. They aren't gonna do that for me.

My buddies try and look out for me but women have never been looking out for me.

Yeah but there is no time at a rock concert to even get to know a woman never mind hook up with one. What city is happening in where you can meet women at rock concerts or at some of the other places you mentioned?

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Seriously Spats: we need to know a little more about you, so that is why I asked for a quick bio, your best pic, a list of likes/dislikes, etc. Non identifying info about you personally. Don't care about your shoe or weiner size, maybe how tall you are, favourite foods, favourite pastimes, education, etc.

- I have brown hair and brown eyes.

- I am approximately 6 feet tall.

- I weigh around 170 lbs.

- My favorite foods are Pizza, Hamburgers, Greek Food, Bento Box. My favorite drinks are Grape Juice and Orange Pop From Mcdonalds.

- I like to hang out with friends, go to movies, go to some concerts. Go to Blue Jay Games even if the team sucks. I am not much of a tv watcher because most of what is on is garbage. Reality shows, CSI nonsense, hospital dramas and so on. All garbage. I pretty much just watch the late night talk shows.

My favorite music is - Led Zeppelin, Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix and a whole bunch of others.

My favorite movies - Tarantino films, Almost Famous, some others.

When it comes to women i like pretty (they don't have to look perfect), polite, humble, assertive, independant, women. I prefer long hair, and like them to at least be close to to my height range, and to be curvy with full lips. They must have good eating manners. I cannot compromise on that. I cannot tolerate bad eating manners. It just disgusts me.

What i don't want in a woman....bad eating manners, clingy, women who are too self obsorbed. Women who can't enjoy silence and think that there needs to be non stop talking. Like if there is any silence there must be something wrong.

Anything else???

Edited by spats
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Good post BB.

You have to understand spats that you are clearly in the minority here spats...most of us have, apparently, found exactly what we're looking for without any of your advice or any of your philosophies...so why don't you give our ideas a shot? Clearly yours no longer work for you.

But do you and i want the same thing?

I would love to find some pretty girl who i enjoy being around and so on.

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I'd say, at this point, you should just take every opportunity that comes your way. Because it may be all you can get.

That's what my buddies are starting to tell me. They have been saying that the next time some woman approaches me and shows interest then go for it and see what happens. Even if her looks don't appeal to me. At least i will might some action out of it. :o

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That's what my buddies are starting to tell me. They have been saying that the next time some woman approaches me and shows interest then go for it and see what happens. Even if her looks don't appeal to me. At least i will might some action out of it. :o

See, even your friends are saying so. Perhaps you should listen to us, Spatsy boy.....perhaps we know what we're talking about, hmm? I certainly think so. B)

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Do you know people who have done this? :blink::blink: Isn't that whole routine being dishonest though? because there is no cd out there that i am really interested in right now. I would be pretty much faking it.

Spats, just try it please? This is a Led Zeppelin, apparently you like Zeppelin that's why we are all here, so look at there selection of Zep. I'm really trying to help you but it isn't working.

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seems you've forgotten to address the density of the subject we are dealing with... ;)

<puts on ultra-dorky 1950's black-framed coke-bottle spectacles held together by tape in the middle>

Well, being as well educated as we must be, one could deduce, of course, that since density=mass/volume, and, with the case described in my post that the mass of the craft increases while the volume of the craft remains un-changed, it follows that the density of the craft, in kind, would increase proportionately.

The net result - Spats, like the spacecraft, is becoming increasingly dense as time meanders along.

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<puts on ultra-dorky 1950's black-framed coke-bottle spectacles held together by tape in the middle>

Well, being as well educated as we must be, one could deduce, of course, that since density=mass/volume, and, with the case described in my post that the mass of the craft increases while the volume of the craft remains un-changed, it follows that the density of the craft, in kind, would increase proportionately.

The net result - Spats, like the spacecraft, is becoming increasingly dense as time meanders along.

(tears off ultra-sexy librarian spec's...and chuckles to herself..)

while i agree you are on the right track...i tend to subscribe to the theory that spats will never get on board because he is curiously trapped in the spacecraft's boundary layer with the impending shock-wave turbulence about to hurl him into eternal oblivion irrespective of the size of his reynold number...

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See, even your friends are saying so. Perhaps you should listen to us, Spatsy boy.....perhaps we know what we're talking about, hmm? I certainly think so. B)

But what kind of way is that to live? Hook up with someone whose looks you don't like? Is that what we are supposed to do in life? Have you hooked up with guys whose looks didn't appeal to you? seriously?

If a woman approaches me who is not my type at all, how do i approach the whole thing and try to keep some sort of interest??

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Spats, just try it please? This is a Led Zeppelin, apparently you like Zeppelin that's why we are all here, so look at there selection of Zep. I'm really trying to help you but it isn't working.

It's just that i have never heard of this routine before.

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