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Spats' Loveblahblahblah Thread

Lake of Shadows

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It probably would. I am not great looking. I would not want to be made fun of. I think the best i looked was when i was dressed up as The Joker recently. I got a lot of attention from women that night. Then when the paint came off it was back to normal.

:rolleyes: Com'on spats your turn!


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It probably would. I am not great looking. I would not want to be made fun of. I think the best i looked was when i was dressed up as The Joker recently. I got a lot of attention from women that night. Then when the paint came off it was back to normal.

Cuz that doesn't happen already?

We need a pic of you to see who we can hook you up with.You're not getting anything out of your league,believe me!

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Here's the other side of the spectrum for ya, Spats. It's not quite the same, but it's the same principle.

One of my boyfriend's closest friends and work mate is fast become an arsehole. Why, you may ask. Well, he's pretty much treating me in the very same manner you treat women you're not interested in - ignores the shit out of me. I hardly know him and I don't know why he ignores me. Talking to him, which, in theory shouldn't be hard, is like trying to draw blood from a stone. And the sad thing is, we have common ground and should have plenty to talk about. Not so. Now, mind you, I wasn't set up on a date, nor am I trying to date him, but all I want from him is to have him treat and talk to me with the same respect as everyone else (yeah, I'm the only one he won't talk to). So how does it feel to be ignored? Not very nice. And, you know what's worse, Spats? He doesn't want to even try and pretend to be nice and talk to me, if only for the sake of my boyfriend.

Now, Spats, what you did was go home and complain about that date. But what you don't know is that girl is pretty much feeling shit that you went out of your way to ignore her so much. This person may not have gone on the date with the inclination to get into a relationship with you, but she may have thought you'd be nice enough to be a friend of. When you can't be nice enough to pretend to care, you know you'll never be nice enough to actually care.

I honestly think the best way for you is to get to know the female friends you already have, since you're so dead set against the women you're set up with.

Again, not the same, but in theory, it's just the otherside of the mirror. And it's not nice.

Edited by longdistancewinner
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Here's the other side of the spectrum for ya, Spats. It's not quite the same, but it's the same principle.

One of my boyfriend's closest friends and work mate is fast become an arsehole. Why, you may ask. Well, he's pretty much treating me in the very same manner you treat women you're not interested in - ignores the shit out of me. I hardly know him and I don't know why he ignores me. Talking to him, which, in theory shouldn't be hard, is like trying to draw blood from a stone. And the sad thing is, we have common ground and should have plenty to talk about. Not so. Now, mind you, I wasn't set up on a date, nor am I trying to date him, but all I want from him is to have him treat and talk to me with the same respect as everyone else (yeah, I'm the only one he won't talk to). So how does it feel to be ignored? Not very nice.

Now, Spats, what you did was go home and complain about that date. But what you don't know is that girl is pretty much feeling shit that you went out of your way to ignore her so much. This person may not have gone on the date with the inclination to get into a relationship with you, but she may have thought you'd be nice enough to be a friend of. When you can't be nice enough to pretend to care, you know you'll never be nice enough to actually care.

I honestly think the best way for you is to get to know the female friends you already have, since you're so dead set against the women you're set up with.

Again, not the same, but in theory, it's just the otherside of the mirror. And it's not nice.

He may actually like you and not know how to act around you or her is jealous of the time you spend with him.

You may have a point. I probably didn't treat Laura very nice. Wasn't intentional. I was just not happy to be there. But she barely said two words to me either. It goes both ways.

The female friends i have for the most part have the attitude that i don't like in women. They want the guy to do everything. They are not my type at all. If i had a female friend that reved my motor i probably would have looked into that by now.

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He may actually like you and not know how to act around you or her is jealous of the time you spend with him.

You may have a point. I probably didn't treat Laura very nice. Wasn't intentional. I was just not happy to be there. But she barely said two words to me either. It goes both ways.

The female friends i have for the most part have the attitude that i don't like in women. They want the guy to do everything. They are not my type at all. If i had a female friend that reved my motor i probably would have looked into that by now.

Well, regardless of whether my so-called friend does or doesn't like me, he still doesn't act very pleasant. Which, even platonically, is a turn-off.

The point was, when someone goes out of their way to ignore you, and really make your time with them difficult, there will always be another side to it.

This lady may have felt like she could've (don't laugh) been interested in you. You ignoring her only chases her away. It also resonates. Girls talk and a scenario may come up when she'll advise her friends to avoid any potential dates with you. And you'll be kicking yourself if they're pretty.

You see, everyone is human and everyone has feelings and most people do carry a level, though not to the extreme you do, of self-insecurity. Whilst you may have been bored and disinterested with her, she may have felt rotten that she wasn't nice enough to even feign interest for.

It works both ways.

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Please go to the Master Forum and check out Zepp-4-Life's Toronto Meet and Greet that is happening tomorrow. You need to go to that. I have a feeling that you will meet a fellow Led Zeppelin fan there that you can establish a relationship with.

There is no reason or excuse for you not to go! Just contact Zepp-4-Life for a reservation and he will give you the details.

If you pass up this opportunity right in your home town to meet someone who has similar interests with you, then your cause is hopeless. You need to be open to any opportunity that arises in order to meet someone. Don't be so closed minded.

Don't you know that eternal light and I are praying for you? (see "What made you happy today" thread to see what we said). You have to help us out here and cooperate. We are trying to help you.

Don't miss this wonderful opportunity.

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Well, regardless of whether my so-called friend does or doesn't like me, he still doesn't act very pleasant. Which, even platonically, is a turn-off.

The point was, when someone goes out of their way to ignore you, and really make your time with them difficult, there will always be another side to it.

This lady may have felt like she could've (don't laugh) been interested in you. You ignoring her only chases her away. It also resonates. Girls talk and a scenario may come up when she'll advise her friends to avoid any potential dates with you. And you'll be kicking yourself if they're pretty.

You see, everyone is human and everyone has feelings and most people do carry a level, though not to the extreme you do, of self-insecurity. Whilst you may have been bored and disinterested with her, she may have felt rotten that she wasn't nice enough to even feign interest for.

It works both ways.

You have a point about women talking to each other. Boy do they. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Next time i will try and do a better job of faking interest. I wouldn't want the other one chattering to her friends about me.

I don't mind if i chased her away though. it just was not meant to be. I think everyone gets that feeling where they just know it is never gonna happen with that person. I should have just been a better actor about it.

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Please go to the Master Forum and check out Zepp-4-Life's Toronto Meet and Greet that is happening tomorrow. You need to go to that. I have a feeling that you will meet a fellow Led Zeppelin fan there that you can establish a relationship with.

There is no reason or excuse for you not to go! Just contact Zepp-4-Life for a reservation and he will give you the details.

If you pass up this opportunity right in your home town to meet someone who has similar interests with you, then your cause is hopeless. You need to be open to any opportunity that arises in order to meet someone. Don't be so closed minded.

Don't you know that eternal light and I are praying for you? (see "What made you happy today" thread to see what we said). You have to help us out here and cooperate. We are trying to help you.

Don't miss this wonderful opportunity.

Who else from the board is going to that?? :blink: :blink: :blink:

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You have a point about women talking to each other. Boy do they. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Next time i will try and do a better job of faking interest. I wouldn't want the other one chattering to her friends about me.

I don't mind if i chased her away though. it just was not meant to be. I think everyone gets that feeling where they just know it is never gonna happen with that person. I should have just been a better actor about it.

But you should mind that you chased her away, if only for the fact that you just wanted to appear nice to her. Not everyone is destined to be liked by everyone, but at least when you act politely and treat them nicely they can speak kindly of you. If you act like you did you'll only create a tally of all the disastrous dates you've been on. And it'll get longer.

If you go out looking for that bad date, you'll get it. Maybe next time you should just relax and take it for what it is - a bit of a set up. Perhaps you can have a giggle with your date about how your friend is the one trying too hard to set you up.

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You have a point about women talking to each other. Boy do they. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Next time i will try and do a better job of faking interest. I wouldn't want the other one chattering to her friends about me.

I don't mind if i chased her away though. it just was not meant to be. I think everyone gets that feeling where they just know it is never gonna happen with that person. I should have just been a better actor about it.

:slapface: No No No! Be sincere man.

Case in point: Dec 31st 1977 I attended a New Years Eve party at a local club and a friend of mine had a date, a very nice girl a bit homely but nice just the same.

Well we chatted for a while when my buddy went to get drinks and she said to me

"My cousin is here I'll have to introduce you when I see her"

I was alone so I thought ok that would be nice, someone to go dance with and have a nice time.

Well to my surprise this cousin comes up, she introduces us and the cousin moves right in and I get a New Years Kiss! We danced the night away yada yada yada :whistling:

31 years later I still remember that night although nothing more became of it.

As best I can recolect she looked a lot like this young lady red dress and all!


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Singles Cruise:

My buddy talked me going with him on a Toronto singles/dinner cruise cos he overheard a girl at work (that he had a crush on), was booking with some of her friends. I said yes - don't know why.

I almost jumped overboard after an hour.

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But you should mind that you chased her away, if only for the fact that you just wanted to appear nice to her. Not everyone is destined to be liked by everyone, but at least when you act politely and treat them nicely they can speak kindly of you. If you act like you did you'll only create a tally of all the disastrous dates you've been on. And it'll get longer.

If you go out looking for that bad date, you'll get it. Maybe next time you should just relax and take it for what it is - a bit of a set up. Perhaps you can have a giggle with your date about how your friend is the one trying too hard to set you up.

You make a good point. I will try and be nicer next time even if i have no interest in them.Thanks.

Edited by spats
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:slapface: No No No! Be sincere man.

Case in point: Dec 31st 1977 I attended a New Years Eve party at a local club and a friend of mine had a date, a very nice girl a bit homely but nice just the same.

Well we chatted for a while when my buddy went to get drinks and she said to me

"My cousin is here I'll have to introduce you when I see her"

I was alone so I thought ok that would be nice, someone to go dance with and have a nice time.

Well to my surprise this cousin comes up, she introduces us and the cousin moves right in and I get a New Years Kiss! We danced the night away yada yada yada :whistling:

31 years later I still remember that night although nothing more became of it.

As best I can recolect she looked a lot like this young lady red dress and all!


Wow. :o Lucky you. I have never really had a great experience like that at a New Years Eve party. Last Year i met a woman who was into playing games. She she would not ask to exchange numbers or ask for mine. She hinted for me to ask for hers. I guess she thought the dude should be doing the asking and she wouldn't just do it. I don't like that attitude so i wouldn't take the bait. If she had just asked then i may have had a girlfriend this year.

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Singles Cruise:

My buddy talked me going with him on a Toronto singles/dinner cruise cos he overheard a girl at work (that he had a crush on), was booking with some of her friends. I said yes - don't know why.

I almost jumped overboard after an hour.

Why? what happened? :blink:

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For what it's worth..... You must be patient until true love finds you......

Or, you can go the way of this Japanese "man" :


Slideshow included

That's nasty. :o:o

Well i wish love would hurry up and find me. There has been no sign of it and i have met and known a lot of women. And they were not it.

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