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Spats' Loveblahblahblah Thread

Lake of Shadows

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Jesus, I hope my stories didn't put the end to this topic!

Nothing will put an end to this topic, except perhaps the Apocalypse... and even then, Spats will wonder if there were any hotties there who might be willing to pursue him and ask for his phone number.

I haven't read anything in this thread for several weeks, but on a whim, I decided to read the latest 2 pages... and it's just like every other page I've read. It was like I'd never been gone.

Spats, if you were as tenacious about going after the girl as you are in whining about why you won't, you'd have "hooked up" already... several times.


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Nothing will put an end to this topic, except perhaps the Apocalypse... and even then, Spats will wonder if there were any hotties there who might be willing to pursue him and ask for his phone number.

I haven't read anything in this thread for several weeks, but on a whim, I decided to read the latest 2 pages... and it's just like every other page I've read. It was like I'd never been gone.

Spats, if you were as tenacious about going after the girl as you are in whining about why you won't, you'd have "hooked up" already... several times.



You really have a way with words.

Thanks Lakey

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Here's are the sad and very true stories.

Chicklet #1 - Very petite, very cute, very mid 70's. It was around 1975/76. She was a couple years younger than me, but we met at the Student Union Building and used to hang out between classes. I actually had a girlfriend at the time and things weren't going well. But I was inexperienced with girls and a loyal boyfriend. Chicklet #1 and I were walking to the parking lot after morning classes. She told me her parents were out of town and would I like to come over for lunch. DUH!!! I said no thanks. My girlfriend screwed me over a couple of months later.

Chicklet #2 - Another cute 70's type. She was only around for a couple of semesters - 2nd semester freshman year and 1st semester sophomore year. The year would have been 1974. I had a crush on her and didn't know how to deal with it. All my friends used to kid me about having a crush on Carla. We went to a park one day to hang out and she said to me, "you like me don't you". I should have said yes and started kissing her, but I just froze. I think she liked me too. She seemed like a troubled person and used to speak of a former boyfriend. We lost touch after she dropped out. 1st semester of my junior year(1975) a mutual friend told me Carla was murdered during the summer. Again I froze. I think she was murdered by a boyfriend. I recently looked her up on an obiturary website. She died on on June 1, 1975 and was 19. I'm depressed just writing about it.

1. Yeah but it would have been wrong to cheat on your girlfriend. I am not saint i even i have never cheated. That's wrong. You should have ended it with your girlfriend when you knew this girl wanted to climb all over you and then hooked up with the hottie.

2. Sorry to hear that. That's sad. But the girl didn't come out and say she wanted you. So how were you to know? and if you did hook up with her that ex boyfriend might have come after you.

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Nothing will put an end to this topic, except perhaps the Apocalypse... and even then, Spats will wonder if there were any hotties there who might be willing to pursue him and ask for his phone number.

I haven't read anything in this thread for several weeks, but on a whim, I decided to read the latest 2 pages... and it's just like every other page I've read. It was like I'd never been gone.

Spats, if you were as tenacious about going after the girl as you are in whining about why you won't, you'd have "hooked up" already... several times.


And even during the Apocalypse women will STILL be wanting guys to make all the moves. :slapface::rolleyes:

Dude, even if i pulled out all the stops pursuing a woman i wanted there is no guarantee she will accept me. Most show they have no interest and the ones who make it hard to tell if they are.I tried the pursuing in my teen years and 95% of the time it did not work. Now, my looks are not not even as good as they were then (and i was nothing to write home about then) so why would the experience be a total turn around??

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And even during the Apocalypse women will STILL be wanting guys to make all the moves. :slapface::rolleyes:

Dude, even if i pulled out all the stops pursuing a woman i wanted there is no guarantee she will accept me. Most show they have no interest and the ones who make it hard to tell if they are.I tried the pursuing in my teen years and 95% of the time it did not work. Now, my looks are not not even as good as they were then (and i was nothing to write home about then) so why would the experience be a total turn around??

... like the waiting for them to pursue you is working so well for you now... :whistling:

Ah, yeah... I'll check back in after another 20-30 pages or so.


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... like the waiting for them to pursue you is working so well for you now... :whistling:

Ah, yeah... I'll check back in after another 20-30 pages or so.


You have a point. :rolleyes: But if i were a girl i would not want me pursuing me. Did you know i a have two pimples going right now??? :o I am so far past puberty and yet i have two freaking pimples! :o What woman is going to want to look at that coming at her? I wouldn't want to see that heading in my direction.

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You have a point. :rolleyes: But if i were a girl i would not want me pursuing me. Did you know i a have two pimples going right now??? :o I am so far past puberty and yet i have two freaking pimples! :o What woman is going to want to look at that coming at her? I wouldn't want to see that heading in my direction.

Two diametrically opposed thoughts:

1) I really don't think anyone worth dating would care;

2) But yet she still has to be a hottie? :blink:

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You have a point. :rolleyes: But if i were a girl i would not want me pursuing me. Did you know i a have two pimples going right now??? :o I am so far past puberty and yet i have two freaking pimples! :o What woman is going to want to look at that coming at her? I wouldn't want to see that heading in my direction.

Christ almighty, Spats. You think that once you're done with puberty you're somehow immune to spots? Pimples/Zits/Spots, they can pop up at anytime, anywhere. No age limit. Both myself and the boyfriend get them, and neither of us avoid the other just because we have them. Will I still kiss him if there's a spot on his face? You fucking betcha.

You want to prevent them? Change your fucking monstrosity of a diet!

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Two diametrically opposed thoughts:

1) I really don't think anyone worth dating would care;

2) But yet she still has to be a hottie? :blink:

1. You really think so? First impressions are everything ya know.

2. They don't have to be a super model. I just have to like their looks.

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Christ almighty, Spats. You think that once you're done with puberty you're somehow immune to spots? Pimples/Zits/Spots, they can pop up at anytime, anywhere. No age limit. Both myself and the boyfriend get them, and neither of us avoid the other just because we have them. Will I still kiss him if there's a spot on his face? You fucking betcha.

You want to prevent them? Change your fucking monstrosity of a diet!

But you are already a couple. Would you have hooked up with him if you first met him and he had a big ass pimple on his face?

Can diet really affect that?? :blink:

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But you are already a couple. Would you have hooked up with him if you first met him and he had a big ass pimple on his face?

Can diet really affect that?? :blink:

We fell in love and got together at 17 - I defy you to tell me what 17 year old won't have the occasional spot. And to be honest, I never noticed if he did, and if he did, it wouldn't effect how I feel about him.

And, yes, diet can effect your skin. You eat a lot of processed/tinned stuff. That usually contains higher amounts of salt and sugar than you ought to have - and that is all you eat. Where do you get your vitamins from? Do you drink plenty of water? Red and white meat, fish, vegetables, fruit - all are a neccessity to maintain a balanced, healthy diet. It's a wonder that spots are all you have.

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We fell in love and got together at 17 - I defy you to tell me what 17 year old won't have the occasional spot. And to be honest, I never noticed if he did, and if he did, it wouldn't effect how I feel about him.

And, yes, diet can effect your skin. You eat a lot of processed/tinned stuff. That usually contains higher amounts of salt and sugar than you ought to have - and that is all you eat. Where do you get your vitamins from? Do you drink plenty of water? Red and white meat, fish, vegetables, fruit - all are a neccessity to maintain a balanced, healthy diet. It's a wonder that spots are all you have.

That's good you didn't notice that stuff. :D Back in my day the pretty teenage girls weren't going out with guys with pimples. I dreaded getting one of those because you just knew you were screwed when it came to girls if you had any of those. And i would of course get them sometimes. Not a fun time. And getting some now is just not good. It stacks the cards against me even more because the first thing a woman is going to zero in on is your face.

I don't take vitamins. I don't drink much water. I drink juice, mill and pop. I eat some fruit and some vegetables. But i also eat a lot of junkfood and fast food.

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These things aren't going away. They better not be on my face by the weekend or it's ruined.

A pimple is agonizing to you? Aye, aren't you happy you're not in high school anymore?

But, honestly, we all get pimples once in a while and puberty isn't a deterrent. And a lot of adults have way worse acne than you. They don't get the occasional breakout. So, don't agonize over two pimples that broke out.

And yes, as Kristin said, diet very much can affect your skin. It doesn't cause pimples, but it definitely doesn't help your skin in the healing process. All that sugary and fatty junk aggravates the healing process.

Wow, I began talking about pimples in this thread, didn't see that coming.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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A pimple is agonizing to you? Aye, aren't you happy you're in high school anymore?

But, honestly, we all get pimples once in a while and puberty isn't a deterrent. And a lot of adults have way worse acne than you. They don't get the occasional breakout. So, don't agonize over two pimples that broke out.

And yes, as Kristin said, diet very much can affect your skin. It doesn't cause pimples, but it definitely doesn't help your skin in the healing process. All that sugary and fatty junk aggravates the healing process.

Wow, I began talking about pimples in this thread, didn't see that coming.

Yes, this is very bothering to me. I am never going to be mistaken for brad Pitt to begin with. This won't help matters. If i chat with any women they will be staring at the damn things.

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Yes, this is very bothering to me. I am never going to be mistaken for brad Pitt to begin with. This won't help matters. If i chat with any women they will be staring at the damn things.

You're talking as if you're suffering from this, though.

ALL of us l have pimples once in a while, even Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt has editors modulating his pictures with Photoshop and make up artists.

Apparently, your non-existent pimples back in the past haven't aggravated your dating problems in the past.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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These things aren't going away. They better not be on my face by the weekend or it's ruined.

Make an appointment with a dermatologist and get some acne cream for your face. Adults do have acne. You need to change your diet too. Quit drinking the sugar juices and sodas. Drink more water and wash your face before you go to bed. Put some acne cream on your face in the AM and before you go to bed. This should clear up your acne.

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You're talking as if you're suffering from this, though.

ALL of us l have pimples once in a while, even Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt has editors modulating his pictures with Photoshop and make up artists.

Apparently, your non-existent pimples back in the past haven't aggravated your dating problems in the past.

He still is great looking though. Women would not hold a pimple against him. Yes, i have had dating problems without pimples. :o But i don't need another excuse for them not to find me hot. Just makes things worse.

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Make an appointment with a dermatologist and get some acne cream for your face. Adults do have acne. You need to change your diet too. Quit drinking the sugar juices and sodas. Drink more water and wash your face before you go to bed. Put some acne cream on your face in the AM and before you go to bed. This should clear up your acne.

You sound like my mom when i was a teen. :o I appreciate the input though.

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