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Led Zeppelin owes us a tour!

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They dont owe us anything.. Anyways, i think that John Bonham would mind if they ever do any Tour. In my honest opinnion he wouldn't mind if they just continued after his death.. but, maybe I'm wrong and I still respect their act.

P.S.: Come to Portugal if you do that wished Tour! :)

Boa vinda (forgive me if the translation is lame) Yohanne! Great post amigo! Salut! :beer:

Edited by Evster2012
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Led Zep does owe us a tour. Simply because they can. Robert needs to start thinking about all the fans who love them. I'm not talking about "like" them but LOVE them. I don't think its to much to ask. They are able and most of them are willing from the looks of it. Robert needs to get over himself and remember the fans that put him were he is. Remember we love them and would like some of there love back. We're human and need the love, just look back at all the posts. I think not doing a tour is selfish. They are the rock gods for this and last generation and many to come. I know they're human. The point is the music they made is more than amazing. I don't think John Bonham would mind a tour. I bet he would have wanted more and would have loved to see his son fill in his shoes.

Bottom line is: Robert you owe Led Zeppelin and us more. Remember "we walk the miles" missing Led Zeppelin!

4. Thank You


they don't owe us anything. it's silly to even think like that. shame on you!

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There are two sides here, the way I see it.

ONE: Those that wear their heart on their sleeve, and are not afraid to voice their own desires, no matter what the cost. The raw honest emotions like children wanting more candy. I love that realness.

TWO: Those that secretly would love for LZ to tour, and wants Robert to finally stop this non-commital, wishy-washy talk he does, but need to be 'cool' and show that sophistication, that psychology of 'they don't owe us anything' means nothing more than I won't show my emotions and be disappointed. It's like- saying you would never want to win the lottery because money is the root of all evil, and you've seen or heard what happens to people when they do win. BUT, secretly, you would LOVE to win the lottery. Who wouldn't? Who would turn it down?

Be real. You wouldn't be on this board if you didn't want to see LZ tour or play live.

I, for one, am with BD.

Unfortunately, the way you see it is evidently affected by the fact that you are with BD, which makes this post nothing else than another ignorant comment in a row. 'They don't owe us anything' means nothing else but that the person who says that thinks that they really don't owe us anything at all, no matter how much we'd all like to see them live. It shows some respect for the band, because they're more than just walking jukeboxes. But your analysis is interesting anyway. Please enjoy your raw honest emotions while I'll continue refining my sophistication.

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I'm with you Kat. I didn't read that post until now and I find it offensive. Oh, and also bollocks. :D

And I also think Aqua is cool. But then I suppose I am probably trying to be cool by agreeing with popular opinion. Or am I supposed to disagree with it? Hell I think I'll just stick with feeling what I feel. Hasn't done me bad in the past. ;)

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Here this, newbie punks:

LED ZEPPELIN OWES YOU NOTHING. When have they ever defaulted your entertainment dollar? That's right, every dollar you ever spent on Led Zeppelin was rewarded with the very best rock has to offer, and so it was an even exchange at the very least. If anything, YOU owe THEM loyalty, respect, and apprectiation for the countless hours of brilliant music they have given you.

If you think Led Zeppelin owes you a tour, I owe you a boot to the ass.

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Here this, newbie punks:

LED ZEPPELIN OWES YOU NOTHING. When have they ever defaulted your entertainment dollar? That's right, every dollar you ever spent on Led Zeppelin was rewarded with the very best rock has to offer, and so it was an even exchange at the very least. If anything, YOU owe THEM loyalty, respect, and apprectiation for the countless hours of brilliant music they have given you.

If you think Led Zeppelin owes you a tour, I owe you a boot to the ass.

Nice Post Sam!

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Here this, newbie punks:

LED ZEPPELIN OWES YOU NOTHING. When have they ever defaulted your entertainment dollar? That's right, every dollar you ever spent on Led Zeppelin was rewarded with the very best rock has to offer, and so it was an even exchange at the very least. If anything, YOU owe THEM loyalty, respect, and apprectiation for the countless hours of brilliant music they have given you.

If you think Led Zeppelin owes you a tour, I owe you a boot to the ass.


Best post ever in this forum.

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More importantly, Robert owes his mates a tour. I don't care if Jimmy, John Paul, and Jason go 3 men out on stage and do an all acoustic set without vocals- just tour before Jimmy drops dead, so the sooner the better! Screw you, Percy. Your mates owe you nothing at this point.

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More importantly, Robert owes his mates a tour. I don't care if Jimmy, John Paul, and Jason go 3 men out on stage and do an all acoustic set without vocals- just tour before Jimmy drops dead, so the sooner the better! Screw you, Percy. Your mates owe you nothing at this point.


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More importantly, Robert owes his mates a tour. I don't care if Jimmy, John Paul, and Jason go 3 men out on stage and do an all acoustic set without vocals- just tour before Jimmy drops dead, so the sooner the better! Screw you, Percy. Your mates owe you nothing at this point.


I think you just shifted this thread to new dimensions. How crude.

Edited by Katuschka
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More importantly, Robert owes his mates a tour. I don't care if Jimmy, John Paul, and Jason go 3 men out on stage and do an all acoustic set without vocals- just tour before Jimmy drops dead, so the sooner the better! Screw you, Percy. Your mates owe you nothing at this point.

You are NOT being fair. Robert has previous obligations (Plant/Krauss). Wait until September and see what he says then. If he says "fuck no, I'm done with Led Zeppelin," then proceeds to play rather badly revamped Led Zeppelin covers with Strange Sensations or whoever, I may be inclined to agree with you. But as of right now you're jumping the gun. Besides, after O2 and Robert's comments leading up to it, I believe it isn't a question of if, but when.

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More importantly, Robert owes his mates a tour. I don't care if Jimmy, John Paul, and Jason go 3 men out on stage and do an all acoustic set without vocals- just tour before Jimmy drops dead, so the sooner the better! Screw you, Percy. Your mates owe you nothing at this point.



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3 months, and 9 pages of posts later, the song remains the same.

If one day you wake up and read a story that John Bonham had faked his death, and has been racing cars all these years in anonymity, then you could say Led Zeppelin owe you a tour. Until that happens, No, Led Zeppelin owes you/me/or anyone, nothing.
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More importantly, Robert owes his mates a tour. I don't care if Jimmy, John Paul, and Jason go 3 men out on stage and do an all acoustic set without vocals- just tour before Jimmy drops dead, so the sooner the better! Screw you, Percy. Your mates owe you nothing at this point.

A football chant comes to mind.

"You don't know what you're doing...."


"You're shit, and you know you are......."

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I am so sick of the word owe. <_<

Owe, owe, owe, owe, owe, ...you don't have go owe, owe, owe, owe, owe.

You don't have to go-owe, owe, owe, owe, owe.........

You don't have to go...owwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Edited by Hotplant
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