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Led Zeppelin owes us a tour!

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I don't think the Zeps owe anyone a tour. However, it really doesn't make any sense for them to be doing all this prep work for one gig.

Yes, they want to make sure they give of their best at the O2 concert, but it does feel a bit like they've opened Pandora's Box now...

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I don't think the Zeps owe anyone a tour. However, it really doesn't make any sense for them to be doing all this prep work for one gig.

Yes, they want to make sure they give of their best at the O2 concert, but it does feel a bit like they've opened Pandora's Box now...

have heard these words before... :whistling:

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Ok. We're up to page 4 now, and the Forum is puffed up with righteous indignation. so predictable and so...didn't we all have this conversation last month? I think this topic was a set up in the first place, and you all took the bait hook line and sinker. why bother? When you put forward a statement like "Zeppelin owe us a tour", I don't think it's worth even giving a reason why. It's a moot point, a meaningless rhetorical device, and should not be taken seriously.

So let's try this again. Led Zeppelin owe us a tour. Why? Because I said so. A promissory note was written in the stars the day after Live Aid, and now, 22 years later (23 after the Krauss tour) it has reached it's maturity date. Why? I dunno.

How many Led Heads does it take to change a light bulb? <_<

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While I personally think that it would be great if they did a tour after the O2, I also don't think they "owe" it to the fans. I think we as the fans should rather be grateful if they decide to do so. And I think it's a very wise to wait with the final decision until the O2 event is over and I'm sure they'll make the right decision after that.

I think this too.

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Ok. We're up to page 4 now, and the Forum is puffed up with righteous indignation. so predictable and so...didn't we all have this conversation last month? I think this topic was a set up in the first place, and you all took the bait hook line and sinker. why bother? When you put forward a statement like "Zeppelin owe us a tour", I don't think it's worth even giving a reason why. It's a moot point, a meaningless rhetorical device, and should not be taken seriously.

So let's try this again. Led Zeppelin owe us a tour. Why? Because I said so. A promissory note was written in the stars the day after Live Aid, and now, 22 years later (23 after the Krauss tour) it has reached it's maturity date. Why? I dunno.

How many Led Heads does it take to change a light bulb? <_<

Nice. I like the way you think. But if they do a tour its only because I demanded it.


P.S. Do the tour Robert. Remember the DNA is the same. Oh yeah, and you owe us!

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Nice. I like the way you think. But if they do a tour its only because I demanded it.


P.S. Do the tour Robert. Remember the DNA is the same. Oh yeah, and you owe us!

Pedigree is indeed a plus..but definitely not the same thing. This is like if the Beatles would have done a show in the 80's w/ Julian Lennon (and yes, I consider Bonzo to be as important to Zep as John Lennon was to the Beatles) It's just not the same thing. So where do you stand on Charlie Jones? His DNA is literally IN Plant's DNA. :whistling::lol:
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Pedigree is indeed a plus..but definitely not the same thing. This is like if the Beatles would have done a show in the 80's w/ Julian Lennon (and yes, I consider Bonzo to be as important to Zep as John Lennon was to the Beatles) It's just not the same thing. So where do you stand on Charlie Jones? His DNA is literally IN Plant's DNA. :whistling::lol:


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Pedigree is indeed a plus..but definitely not the same thing. This is like if the Beatles would have done a show in the 80's w/ Julian Lennon (and yes, I consider Bonzo to be as important to Zep as John Lennon was to the Beatles) It's just not the same thing. So where do you stand on Charlie Jones? His DNA is literally IN Plant's DNA. :whistling::lol:

Started a new topic on this in the forum. I think this is a good subject to talk about. The DNA Remains The Same is the subject.

Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones remarked once, "It was uncanny, Jason had every nuance of his father's approach to the group's music, it was as though we'd played together for years."

This is good enough for me. Is it for you?


P.S. Robert - Jason is putting is own flare to what you guys did. This could be and is a great tribute to Bonzo.

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In the excellent David Fricke interview with Robert Plant, Robert says that Jason is a more contemporary drummer and more efficient (or something like that).. I was listening to a god awful 77 show the other day (Seattle, I'll wager) and Jonesy was really off on a tangent with his grand piano on No Quarter, even during Jimmy's solos. Terrible frequency spread, all highs and middle.

And it went on and on and on.. Fast forward to 1998 P/P No Quarter is tight, the keyboard sound is mellow and has a nice vibrato, kinda Floydsy, the guitar solos are in sections again and have peaks and valleys and don't wear out their welcome. Excellent. Between Jason Bonhams' more efficient approach and the matured taste of the 96-98 period, I think this line up is going to avoid the pitfalls

of excess. If they are getting hand crafted, specially made instruments, I think that bodes well for a few additional shows.

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They absolutely owe me another chance to see them. Robert Plant will damage my opinion of him if it's him that stops it. I also think his 'one last great show' comment was incredibly arrogant. It's what we all need. It should have been a reasonable chance for everyone that wants to to see them or no concert at all.

It's not a question of him being forced into a tour he should have the respect for us to want too. He's out there touring and playing a set stuffed full of Zeppelin numbers. Jimmy has acknowledged that the current arrangement is selfish. What are we asking for - just that he does the thing he still loves (playing live) and makes a tidy stack of cash whilst doing it (not that I'm suggesting the money is a reason to do it).

Rant over - I'm reasonably confident that after The O2 blows him away he'll give us all what we want anyway. Once The Genies out of the bottle it'll be dificult to cram it back in.

I swear some of you take hero worship to ridiculous heights. They aren't gods and it's Ok to criticise them sometimes. Well, OK they are gods but it's still OK to criticise them.

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Pedigree is indeed a plus..but definitely not the same thing. This is like if the Beatles would have done a show in the 80's w/ Julian Lennon (and yes, I consider Bonzo to be as important to Zep as John Lennon was to the Beatles) It's just not the same thing. So where do you stand on Charlie Jones? His DNA is literally IN Plant's DNA. :whistling::lol:

Well kind of. In Carmen Plant. Unless...uh..nevermind.

On a different note, Sean Lennon touched me with his butt at a Beck/Helium/Cibo Matto show.

Is this D.N.A transferable?

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They absolutely owe me another chance to see them. Robert Plant will damage my opinion of him if it's him that stops it. I also think his 'one last great show' comment was incredibly arrogant. It's what we all need. It should have been a reasonable chance for everyone that wants to to see them or no concert at all.

It's not a question of him being forced into a tour he should have the respect for us to want too. He's out there touring and playing a set stuffed full of Zeppelin numbers. Jimmy has acknowledged that the current arrangement is selfish. What are we asking for - just that he does the thing he still loves (playing live) and makes a tidy stack of cash whilst doing it (not that I'm suggesting the money is a reason to do it).

Rant over - I'm reasonably confident that after The O2 blows him away he'll give us all what we want anyway. Once The Genies out of the bottle it'll be dificult to cram it back in.

I swear some of you take hero worship to ridiculous heights. They aren't gods and it's Ok to criticise them sometimes. Well, OK they are gods but it's still OK to criticise them.

Man you have it worse than me. I know how you feel. On one hand we demand they sing us a tune and on the other we're not worthy.

Feeling your pain,


P.S. Robert - See there's two of us. Isn't that enough.

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Quit talking to Robert Plant as if he reads this board and will personally be affected by what you say. He's got better things to do than sit around and wonder if some random name on a message board wants him to tour or not.

You mean he doesn't read this board!? :unsure:

Well, that's him off my Christmas Card list for good. I wouldn't have wasted a second posting here if I'd known that. :blink:

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I don't know what they're putting in the water down there in Georgia...wait they have no water down there in Georgia.

Hey... I drink Georgia's water... I ain't crazy. I know better than to think any of 'em owe any of us anything. Then again, I should probably stop drinking Georgia's water because we need all the water we can get.

Anyone got a river they could send our way? :D

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THis whole thread and I dont think anyones commented about how Robert Plant is already commited to supporting "Raising Sand" with a tour in 2008. I will definitely be there.

I don't know how these things really work but I would think that he actually DOES owe support to the people involved in performing and recording "Raising Sand". These guys are not multi millionaires and have worked very hard to craft that awesome album.

So that reality does throw a wrench into plans for a Led Zeppelin tour in 2008.

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Quit talking to Robert Plant as if he reads this board and will personally be affected by what you say. He's got better things to do than sit around and wonder if some random name on a message board wants him to tour or not.

Robert I know you read very post. Tour just do it. Deep down in side you need tour.


P.S. Robert give me a call. Remember Rio de Janeiro? If you do call.

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I don't know what they're putting in the water down there in Georgia...wait they have no water down there in Georgia.

If we don't have water in Georgia, why am I drinking tap water right now? We have water. Not as much as we normally would because of the drought, but we're not all in danger of dying of thirst. Good Lord.

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I had tickets for Knebworth but couldn't go because of a death in the family. I have played their music almost daily in my life. I was crushed when my name did not get drawn in Oct and that I’d missed the chance. I was resigned but still grateful.

It is I that owes them, not them that owe me. They have given me so much already.

My name got drawn this week! I'm going and can sing my own Thank You! – Of course only in accompaniment. I’d feel a bit dumb trying to do it to Trampled! :D

The only obligation they have is to be honest with us all.

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I had tickets for Knebworth but couldn't go because of a death in the family. I have played their music almost daily in my life. I was crushed when my name did not get drawn in Oct and that I’d missed the chance. I was resigned but still grateful.

It is I that owes them, not them that owe me. They have given me so much already.

My name got drawn this week! I'm going and can sing my own Thank You! – Of course only in accompaniment. I’d feel a bit dumb trying to do it to Trampled! :D

The only obligation they have is to be honest with us all.

Cool. Honest indeed.


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