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Led Zeppelin owes us a tour!

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Indeed it has reached the locking stage.

I agree with rokarolla that it was a set-up in the first place, I just wish I'd realized that earlier. The tone and innuendo of some of the posts is also out of line, IMO.

First its not a setup. Second I love Led Zep. and Third I am amused by all the posts but I really do think they owe us a tour.

Out of line is kind of pushing don't you think? I think this a valid view as any posted. I know you disagree but out line? I think we should agree to disagree.


P.S. Robert before I offend everyone just say you'll do the tour.

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First its not a setup. Second I love Led Zep. and Third I am amused by all the posts but I really do think they owe us a tour.

Out of line is kind of pushing don't you think? I think this a valid view as any posted. I know you disagree but out line? I think we should agree to disagree.


P.S. Robert before I offend everyone just say you'll do the tour.

I said "some of the posts." I'm not repeating which ones because I think they're inappropriate, even if they were just joking. And for the record, it wasn't a reference to yours or your view, with which I do indeed disagree--but I think you knew that a fight was coming. It's always a topic that's good for heated disagreements, and we already had them on the old board. But for what it's worth--sure, we can agree to disagree.

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I think it's already too late....

I can still dream. See below.


The new Q magazine is out (in the UK), with Zeppelin on the cover:


Inside are interviews with Jimmy & JPJ. Robert wouldn't be interviewed. A very brief resume:

Both are reticent to give much away about what was rehearsed and when.

Jimmy hopes for more than one show and would like them to record:

'I would like to keep this moving. I've got things I've been working on for the past 4 years that I'm proud of. Some of the songs I've got are as good as anything I've done in the past. I wouldn't necessarily save them for my solo career'.

He mentions that things between them aren't easy as they've got different managers.

Jimmy's also worried about the sound at the O2:

'The Stones sounded terrible, Prince wasn't great, Snow Patrol was just this great monolithic noise'.

The interviewer mentioned that once the i/v had finished and the tape was switched off, Jimmy opened up:

'Off the record he's more frank about his hope that this one-off reunion might lead to something more extensive next year. 'But at the moment it's not looking good' he concludes, sadly.'

Jonesy is more up-beat, seemingly happy to go with the flow. Regarding offers to play he said:

'Yes, we've been offered hundreds of millions of dollars to tour North America but we've never got anywhere near accepting'.

When asked about more shows after the O2 he said:

'I have no idea. I guess the door has been left slightly ajar. We'll have to see how we feel about it afterwards. Everybody's got to really want to do it. I'm scheduled to produce an album by Sara Watkins of Nickel Creek early next year..'

He also states that neither the triple-neck guitar or the mellotron will be used at the O2!

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It's easy for those who've got o2 Arena tickets, and/or saw them years ago to say they don't owe us a tour.

While I don't think 'owe' is the right way to say it, Jimmy himself has said that it would be very selfish to only play one gig with such demand from fans, so don't rush to crucify people who think the same as Jimmy, with your pious holier than thou comments please.

I think expecting a World Tour is very unrealistic from how Plant has been coming across, but I really do think that unless the 02 show is a disaster and gets panned by the critics, which I very much doubt, I'm very hopeful that there will be a few more gigs.

Everyone get off their high horse, we would all like to see more gigs announced, I truly think there is a chance of that happening, but probably not a big 'Tour'.

I think it was unfortunate to say they 'owe' us a tour, but they sure are teasing their fans like hell, and I really can't see that all of the releases, new website etc etc etc can be just for 20,000 people at the 02 Arena, just doesn't make sense.

Let's all wish them well for Dec 10th, and pray they can't get the genie back in the bottle!!!

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It's easy for those who've got o2 Arena tickets, and/or saw them years ago to say they don't owe us a tour.

While I don't think 'owe' is the right way to say it, Jimmy himself has said that it would be very selfish to only play one gig with such demand from fans, so don't rush to crucify people who think the same as Jimmy, with your pious holier than thou comments please.I think expecting a World Tour is very unrealistic from how Plant has been coming across, but I really do think that unless the 02 show is a disaster and gets panned by the critics, which I very much doubt, I'm very hopeful that there will be a few more gigs.

Everyone get off their high horse, we would all like to see more gigs announced, I truly think there is a chance of that happening, but probably not a big 'Tour'.

I think it was unfortunate to say they 'owe' us a tour, but they sure are teasing their fans like hell, and I really can't see that all of the releases, new website etc etc etc can be just for 20,000 people at the 02 Arena, just doesn't make sense.

Let's all wish them well for Dec 10th, and pray they can't get the genie back in the bottle!!!

That is one of the more ludicrous characterizations I've seen of those who think that after they gave us music and we paid them for it by buying their records, nobody owes anybody anything. And it's surely obvious to everybody that when Jimmy says it's selfish, he's not talking to the media, or to us, he's talking indirectly to Robert--but it's still only Jimmy's opinion, and he's only one of four people in this band. (And if you think anybody is being crucified, you're taking this WAY too seriously.)

If they all want to do some more shows, that's terrific. End of.

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It's easy for those who've got o2 Arena tickets, and/or saw them years ago to say they don't owe us a tour.

While I don't think 'owe' is the right way to say it, Jimmy himself has said that it would be very selfish to only play one gig with such demand from fans, so don't rush to crucify people who think the same as Jimmy, with your pious holier than thou comments please.

I think expecting a World Tour is very unrealistic from how Plant has been coming across, but I really do think that unless the 02 show is a disaster and gets panned by the critics, which I very much doubt, I'm very hopeful that there will be a few more gigs.

Everyone get off their high horse, we would all like to see more gigs announced, I truly think there is a chance of that happening, but probably not a big 'Tour'.

I think it was unfortunate to say they 'owe' us a tour, but they sure are teasing their fans like hell, and I really can't see that all of the releases, new website etc etc etc can be just for 20,000 people at the 02 Arena, just doesn't make sense.

Let's all wish them well for Dec 10th, and pray they can't get the genie back in the bottle!!!

I didn't get tickets to this show nor have I ever seen Zep and I still don't think they owe us a damned thing.

Whatever they choose to do is fine with me. I'm not clamouring for a tour or other gigs so please don't speak for everyone. If they do, great and if not, so be it. I'm excited to see Robert and Alison tour, a new Strange Sensation album and whatever else may lurk in the horizon. Maybe Jimmy will finish that long anticipated solo album...

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I didn't get tickets to this show nor have I ever seen Zep and I still don't think they owe us a damned thing.

Whatever they choose to do is fine with me. I'm not clamouring for a tour or other gigs so please don't speak for everyone. If they do, great and if not, so be it.

This is how I feel as well. They don't owe us anything and it's not being on a high-horse or being "holier than thou" to say that thinking they do is a spoiled or ungrateful.

Edited by Electrophile
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Why am I able to post a reply?

Look. The boys don't owe us shit, but we can all agree a tour would be cool as hell and for some of us it'll be a dream come true.

BD, Robert isn't reading this board, so I hope your asides to him are in jest because if not, you may want to open your eyes. He may check it every once in a while (why not), but I doubt he reads threads like this.

I am 20 years old. Never saw the band live. I did get to see Page & Plant when I was ten at MSG with my Uncle Paul, but at the time I had no f'ing clue what I was witnessing, so I don't count it. My hopes of seeing this reunion were dashed when after the third(!) drawing, I still didn't get a ticket, and my hopes sinks even lower every single time I read a post by someone talking about how they have a ticket.

That being said, the only thing Led Zeppelin owes me and everyone else is another live relase (who's with me... Japan '71 or Earl's Court... yes? Or how's about June 19, 1972? Much better show than either of the two dates used for HTWWW...)! :P

Okay, on a serious note, they don't owe us shit. Sorry Binary and SIBLY. You may feel they owe you, but they don't. So can't we all just shut up about it?

If they tour, I will be there... everywhere... no matter what it fucking takes. If they don't tour, I will be depressed, but I will also get over it. I don't expect anything from the boys, and neither should you. Got it?

Now, will somebody please lock this stupid thread?

Edited by Nathan
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That is one of the more ludicrous characterizations I've seen of those who think that after they gave us music and we paid them for it by buying their records, nobody owes anybody anything. And it's surely obvious to everybody that when Jimmy says it's selfish, he's not talking to the media, or to us, he's talking indirectly to Robert--but it's still only Jimmy's opinion, and he's only one of four people in this band. (And if you think anybody is being crucified, you're taking this WAY too seriously.)

If they all want to do some more shows, that's terrific. End of.

It seems more like self-preservation in view of the grind a Zeppelin tour can become. Sometimes that audience just can't be satisfied; they are forever chomping at the bit for one thing or another, like a racehorse that never finishes its course and runs itself ragged when it belongs in a cozier spot. Dashing through the snow may have its advantages but horses need to curl up by the hay and unwind with a nice massage every so often.

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and Third I am amused by all the posts but I really do think they owe us a tour.


Do you enjoy the music and film footage from '68-'80? If you do, and even if you don't. They don't under any circumstances owe any of us a tour. They broke up because a fourth of the band is gone now. They are reuniting for someone who helped them make it, and got them a record deal. If they feel they owe him that then so be it. But IMO they do not owe anyone anything.

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Okay, on a serious note, they don't owe us shit. Sorry Binary and SIBLY. You may feel they owe you, but they don't. So can't we all just shut up about it?

Now, will somebody please lock this stupid thread?

Man, this is my therapy. If you don't like it don't read it. Besides I'm keeping my thoughts on this thread only and not pouring over into other threads or forums about this. ONLY here.


P.S. Robert touring will be fun. Won't be a lot of work I promise.

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Man, this is my therapy. If you don't like it don't read it. Besides I'm keeping my thoughts on this thread only and not pouring over into other threads or forums about this. ONLY here.


P.S. Robert touring will be fun. Won't be a lot of work I promise.

Have you ever been on tour to know that it won't be a lot of work?

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Jimmy himself has said that it would be very selfish to only play one gig with such demand from fans, so don't rush to crucify people who think the same as Jimmy, with your pious holier than thou comments please.

Yes, but Jimmy says that after a seven year nap on the couch. Robert has a hit record and a tour already lined up. He seems to enjoy recording and performing with Stange

Sensation. Would you really want to see him phone it in night after night? We saw that occasionally '98, before he bailed out on Jimmy for good.

This ought to lead to a lock. :)

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Yes, but Jimmy says that after a seven year nap on the couch. Robert has a hit record and a tour already lined up. He seems to enjoy recording and performing with Stange

Sensation. Would you really want to see him phone it in night after night? We saw that occasionally '98, before he bailed out on Jimmy for good.

This ought to lead to a lock. :)

I'm with Jimmy on this one. I really don't care how long he naps. The guys are looking good on the cover stories. Well rested and ready to go. So I say they should. 50 million to 1 on the tour question. My guess is you want a tour to. Just not the way I put it.


P.S. Robert Please. Now I'm begging not demanding.

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My guess is you want a tour to. Just not the way I put it.

Actually, those few here who know me would tell you I've been against the O2 reunion

from the get go and I certainly don't think a tour is a good idea. Nothing against Page,

Plant, or Jones, rather the industry in 2007/08 is not the same as it was in 1977/78.

I really don't want to see "Best Buy Presents Led Zeppelin". I don't want 18,000 out of

20,000 attendees to be there on a corporate expense account, bringing to the gig their

trophy wives and cellphones. I don't want to hear Cleveland sing Stairway to Heaven.

Who cares right? I'm just a speck in the crowd.

As a life-long fan, what do I want? In the end, I just want them to do what THEY want to do. The O2 reunion is THEIR moment to honor THEIR mentor. I respect that. If they find common ground to tour, record, have lunch, whatever, I'm ok with that too. I'm

not pushy. They don't owe me anything.

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