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I sat glued too my radio in Los Angeles listening to JJ Jackson broadcast live updates of the show. I remember the antisipation of hereing what songs they played about killed me. Then had to wait to read about it in the paper and mags. What a great memory I have so many that Led Zeppelin were part of I think that is one of the things that made them legends to me.

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My wife (then girlfriend) and I went to the 11th Aug show because i wanted to see the New Barbarians (Not Fairport Convention who were on the bill for the 4th Aug). The Nbs were not as good as the hype had made them out to be..........Also they came on annoyingly late. As fo Zeppelin what struck me most was how much RPs voice had changed, still great but his range was noticeably different, apart from that they were fantastic........ ((((( Just but the DVD boot on now))))))........After the show had finished we made our way back to the campsite following the throng that was taking a short cut which involved crossing a piss ditch which i shone my torch down into and told my girl where we were and she still managed to put her foot in it.....To this day she still blames me...for being lazy and taking the short cut.........a little further on there were a group of guys stood around a Radio Cassette Recorder listening to LZs performance that had they just recorded minutes earlier........I've sometimes wondered if that Audience recording got on to a Bootleg.............

I thought the New Barbs were naff to be honest. Clearly under-rehearsed and every song sounded the same! Give me Chas 'n' Dave any day! You had a torch!!! Very Boy Scout!. I just trod in the cow shit and was done with it :lol:

Remember the endless cries of "Wally" around the campsite?

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I thought the New Barbs were naff to be honest. Clearly under-rehearsed and every song sounded the same! Give me Chas 'n' Dave any day! You had a torch!!! Very Boy Scout!. I just trod in the cow shit and was done with it :lol:

Remember the endless cries of "Wally" around the campsite?

Here's to the 2nd anniversary Pilot. :D:rolleyes:

You are right the new barbarians in my opinion were awful and not worth the extremely long wait for them to appear. :(

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My wife (then girlfriend) and I went to the 11th Aug show because i wanted to see the New Barbarians (Not Fairport Convention who were on the bill for the 4th Aug). The Nbs were not as good as the hype had made them out to be..........Also they came on annoyingly late. As fo Zeppelin what struck me most was how much RPs voice had changed, still great but his range was noticeably different, apart from that they were fantastic........ ((((( Just but the DVD boot on now))))))........After the show had finished we made our way back to the campsite following the throng that was taking a short cut which involved crossing a piss ditch which i shone my torch down into and told my girl where we were and she still managed to put her foot in it.....To this day she still blames me...for being lazy and taking the short cut.........a little further on there were a group of guys stood around a Radio Cassette Recorder listening to LZs performance that had they just recorded minutes earlier........I've sometimes wondered if that Audience recording got on to a Bootleg.............

How's it going "johnthomasmoby?" I hope all is well with you and your family. I just got home from the KNEBWORTH 11 August 1979 celebration day at one of my many favorite bars. It feels great talking with a KNEBWORTH 1979 attendee. I toasted a lot of drinks to all of the attendees including you. I also heard that THE NEW BARBARIANS (Ronnie Wood's band with appearances by Keith Richards) were not that good either, what happened? I am really curious as to what happened. Was the band too f*c*ed up to perform? I am looking forward to your response. In the mean time, take care and ROCK ON!

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My wife (then girlfriend) and I went to the 11th Aug show because i wanted to see the New Barbarians (Not Fairport Convention who were on the bill for the 4th Aug). The Nbs were not as good as the hype had made them out to be..........Also they came on annoyingly late. As fo Zeppelin what struck me most was how much RPs voice had changed, still great but his range was noticeably different, apart from that they were fantastic........ ((((( Just but the DVD boot on now))))))........After the show had finished we made our way back to the campsite following the throng that was taking a short cut which involved crossing a piss ditch which i shone my torch down into and told my girl where we were and she still managed to put her foot in it.....To this day she still blames me...for being lazy and taking the short cut.........a little further on there were a group of guys stood around a Radio Cassette Recorder listening to LZs performance that had they just recorded minutes earlier........I've sometimes wondered if that Audience recording got on to a Bootleg.............

Hi 'johnthomasmoby'

That my friend could quite easily have been me and my friends because that is exactly what happened to my little group, and rest assured that tape (and i still have it) never got in to the hands of the Bootleggers, a copy did end up at the Swan Song Headquaters and was given to Unity McLean who ran the office there, so it is quit possible that Jimmy and Co got to hear my version, and espically the bit of me telling everyone to "be quiet, i'm taping this" may have brought on roars of laughter from them.

Regards, Danny

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How's it going "johnthomasmoby?" I hope all is well with you and your family. I just got home from the KNEBWORTH 11 August 1979 celebration day at one of my many favorite bars. It feels great talking with a KNEBWORTH 1979 attendee. I toasted a lot of drinks to all of the attendees including you. I also heard that THE NEW BARBARIANS (Ronnie Wood's band with appearances by Keith Richards) were not that good either, what happened? I am really curious as to what happened. Was the band too f*c*ed up to perform? I am looking forward to your response. In the mean time, take care and ROCK ON!

Hey ZZF, Thanks for asking the family are all well....... My 16 year old daughter can be a pain... but are'nt all teenage girls................Good to hear you had a good time last night celebrating what was also Bonzo's last UK public performance. Cheers.

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Hi 'johnthomasmoby'

That my friend could quite easily have been me and my friends because that is exactly what happened to my little group, and rest assured that tape (and i still have it) never got in to the hands of the Bootleggers, a copy did end up at the Swan Song Headquaters and was given to Unity McLean who ran the office there, so it is quit possible that Jimmy and Co got to hear my version, and espically the bit of me telling everyone to "be quiet, i'm taping this" may have brought on roars of laughter from them.

Regards, Danny

Hey Danny, That is amazing...The probability that it was you and your group of friends is pretty high......As i recall what i heard as we were walking past sounded good, you must have been in a sweet spot for the sound...And as for telling those close to you to be quiet there's nothing wrong with that Cos a self made recording can be all the better for a little less intrusive chatter/cheering....................Oh my wife reckons the Guy(you?) that was in control of the recorder had blonde hair.......Cheers, JTM...........PS I've given this a little more thought and i think that what i heard was JPs solo on In the Evening which leads me to think that you may have stopped to search out the 2 new songs that had been played that night.........Maybe at the time i thought "oh that was one of the new tunes"..........Also i seem to remember a little elation going on around the cass player...... Anyway ..I'm starting to ramble.....Phew, this is starting to feel like it was yesterday...not 30 years ago.

Edited by johnthomasmoby
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Hey ZZF, Thanks for asking the family are all well....... My 16 year old daughter can be a pain... but are'nt all teenage girls................Good to hear you had a good time last night celebrating what was also Bonzo's last UK public performance. Cheers.

How's it going "johnthomasmoby?" I hope all is well with you and your family. I feel your pain and I know where you are coming from. I also have a daughter, she still has her moments. However, I should count my blessings and be thankful that my daughter did not cause many problems for my late wife and I when she was in her teenage years like I caused my parents in my teenage years. Thank God my daughter was no where near the rebel/hellion that I once was. Now I deeply regret what I put my parents through. The bitch of it all is that my younger sister learned all of my bad habits and is STILL getting into trouble at the present moment, the same exact way like I did when I was younger. In reality, I didn't get any paybacks from my daughter but I sure got a shit load of paybacks from my own sister. Paybacks are a real bitch! Thanks for your comment and ROCK ON!

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Hey Danny, That is amazing...The probability that it was you and your group of friends is pretty high......As i recall what i heard as we were walking past sounded good, you must have been in a sweet spot for the sound...And as for telling those close to you to be quiet there's nothing wrong with that Cos a self made recording can be all the better for a little less intrusive chatter/cheering....................Oh my wife reckons the Guy(you?) that was in control of the recorder had blonde hair.......Cheers, JTM...........PS I've given this a little more thought and i think that what i heard was JPs solo on In the Evening which leads me to think that you may have stopped to search out the 2 new songs that had been played that night.........Maybe at the time i thought "oh that was one of the new tunes"..........Also i seem to remember a little elation going on around the cass player...... Anyway ..I'm starting to ramble.....Phew, this is starting to feel like it was yesterday...not 30 years ago.


We all had Brown hair, i always thought mine was a little like Roberts style (just wash and leave it to dry out naturally) but Jimmys colour, the bit about looking for the new songs was about right, and i dont mind if you "Ramble On" for the next fortnight mate.

I dont think i was the only Guy there with a recorder, i have about 4 or 5 different recordings of it on Vinyl, i wont even go in to the calculations that could happen now with CD/DVDs, the mind boggles.

Maybe we should do a topic of all the people that Taped the Knebworth shows just to see how many there are, obviously with immunity from the law. :lol:

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Just realised, you still talk to your wife? after 30 years? theres hope for humanity after all then mate? :lol:

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We all had Brown hair, i always thought mine was a little like Roberts style (just wash and leave it to dry out naturally) but Jimmys colour, the bit about looking for the new songs was about right, and i dont mind if you "Ramble On" for the next fortnight mate.

I dont think i was the only Guy there with a recorder, i have about 4 or 5 different recordings of it on Vinyl, i wont even go in to the calculations that could happen now with CD/DVDs, the mind boggles.

Maybe we should do a topic of all the people that Taped the Knebworth shows just to see how many there are, obviously with immunity from the law. :lol:

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Just realised, you still talk to your wife? after 30 years? theres hope for humanity after all then mate? :lol:

Hi Danny,

Great idea to Seek out Knebworth tapers on this forum. Once an LZ fan always an LZ fan, I myself first got into them when i was 13 after II but before III...............and my wife...we've had are ups and downs but we're still going strong and beleive it or not we have'nt had an argument for over 3 years..... (I'm pretty amazed about that because she's a firey Scorpio) but as for her blonde hair thoughts she could be wrong after all it was pitch black...hence the need for a torch.... Which i took with me because i'd tripped up in the dark at the previous September Zappa Knebworth show..........Cheers JTM.

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Hi Danny,

Great idea to Seek out Knebworth tapers on this forum. Once an LZ fan always an LZ fan, I myself first got into them when i was 13 after II but before III...............and my wife...we've had are ups and downs but we're still going strong and beleive it or not we have'nt had an argument for over 3 years..... (I'm pretty amazed about that because she's a firey Scorpio) but as for her blonde hair thoughts she could be wrong after all it was pitch black...hence the need for a torch.... Which i took with me because i'd tripped up in the dark at the previous September Zappa Knebworth show..........Cheers JTM.


Then it could easily have been me and my mates, this internet sure makes the world a whole lot smaller doesnt it?

You got it right about Led Zep Fans for sure, i started late in life when i was about 15years old, about the same time as you did i think, never ever looked back, best decision i ever made, apart from marrying the wife that is, (not sure if she posts on here under a different name so i have to be a bit diplomatic,) yes dear. :huh:

You havent argued for over three years, what, do you live in different countries where there are no phones or internet then mate? :lol: Good for you both, keep it up it sounds good to me.

I was up at Knebworth the other day (Tuesday 11th) and that reminds me, Annie wanted me to do a Blog for all you lot on here, which i will do next week about the "Memories in Music" launch which i attended, and met Jimmy, :o get up you fools, i meant Jimmy the Roadie who was also there, i'll tell all next week when i have more time on my hands.

Till then, Kind Regards, Danny

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  • 1 month later...

How's it going my fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? I hope the weekend went well. I survived numerous hangover's this weekend while getting ready to celebrate LED ZEPPELIN'S first night at the KNEBWORTH FESTIVAL on 4 AUGUST 1979. I'm getting set to take my one hour lunch today and am very excited that I will have tomorrow off. Tonight, I will be at the Bicycle Club bar with my 4 August 1979 KNEBWORTH DVD set and will have my friend who is the manager of Bicycle Club show it on three huge screens in powerfull Dolby Surround Pro Logic sound. I know that I will be having a great time tonight and I will be thinking of all of you. If any of you were at the KNEBWORTH FESTIVAL or would like to share any thoughts of the first show on 4 August 1979, please feel free to enlighten me. I am looking forward to hearing from all of you, LONG LIVE THE MIGHTY LED ZEPPELIN! ROCK ON!

ZeppFanForever A.K.A. John

How's it going fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics? Are we having fun here on the forum yet? I just had to bring this thread back and for good reason. I just received a very great picture and sound quality of the KNEBWORTH 4 August 1979 show in a 3-DVD set at my sister's house in Yuba City. I had a friend of mine send me the collection to my sister's address in California rather than at my Texas address. This DVD collection is called LED ZEPPELIN, KNEBWORTH MASTERS, 30TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION, KNEBWORTH FESTIVAL, STEVENAGE, ENGLAND 4 AUGUST 1979. This Edition is numbered 038 and has 3 genuine original DVD's and not DVD-R copies of the originals. This footage is the BEST that I have ever seen. Its even better than the one that I have now and that one's great. I'm watching and listening to it now as we speak. WOW, this is FANTASTIC! Just when I thought that the picture and sound quality could get no better, this one comes along and kicks ass! Have a great day and ROCK ON fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics!

LATE EDIT! This 3-DVD set is fanf*c*ingtastic! WOW!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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How's it going my fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? I hope the weekend went well. I survived numerous hangover's this weekend while getting ready to celebrate LED ZEPPELIN'S first night at the KNEBWORTH FESTIVAL on 4 AUGUST 1979. I'm getting set to take my one hour lunch today and am very excited that I will have tomorrow off. Tonight, I will be at the Bicycle Club bar with my 4 August 1979 KNEBWORTH DVD set and will have my friend who is the manager of Bicycle Club show it on three huge screens in powerfull Dolby Surround Pro Logic sound. I know that I will be having a great time tonight and I will be thinking of all of you. If any of you were at the KNEBWORTH FESTIVAL or would like to share any thoughts of the first show on 4 August 1979, please feel free to enlighten me. I am looking forward to hearing from all of you, LONG LIVE THE MIGHTY LED ZEPPELIN! ROCK ON!

ZeppFanForever A.K.A. John

How's it going everyone? I hope all is well with all of you. I would like to give a review of the new 3-DVD set LED ZEPPELIN KNEBWORTH MASTERS, 30TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION, KNEBWORTH FESTIVAL, STEVENAGE, ENGLAND 4 AUGUST 1979.

First of all, I own many different versions of the first Knebworth show recorded on 4 August 1979. The best version that I currently own is the SECRETS REVEALED 2-DVD set which was released on the Watchtower label. The matrix number is WT-DV2005001/2. This version is fantastic with excellent picture and sound quality and is hard to find. This version is the perfect film version. I thought that I owned the very best picture and sound quality of this show until I bought and received the 3-DVD set that I'm about to review for all of you now.

In my opinion, the LED ZEPPELIN KNEBWORTH MASTERS 30TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION 3-DVD set is without a doubt, the best picture and sound qulaity that I have ever seen of the first show. This is the original crisp clear video version with outstanding sound quality. The picture quality is a little dark but its nothing that turning your brightness or picture settings can't take care of. What's even better is that this version has different camera angles as compared to the SECRETS REVEALED 2-DVD set. There are more close up shots of Bonzo than on the SECRETS REVEALED 2-DVD set. And there's more! There is extra footage of the show on Disc 3. Overall, this version blows the SECRETS REVEALED 2-DVD set right out of the water. The track listing for this 3-DVD set is listed as follows:


(1.) Introduction

(2.) The Song Remains The Same

(3.) Celebration Day

(4.) Black Dog

(5.) Nobody's Fault But Mine

(6.) Over The Hills And Far Away

(7.) Misty Mountain Hop

(8.) Since I've Been Loving You

(9.) No Quarter

(10.) Ten Years Gone

(11.) Hot Dog

(12.) The Rain Song

(13.) White Summer/Black Mountain Side

(14.) Kashmir


(1.) Trampled Underfoot

(2.) Sick Again

(3.) Achilles Last Stand

(4.) Guitar/Bow Solo

(5.) In The Evening

(6.) Stairway To Heaven


(1.) Audience

(2.) Rock And Roll

(3.) You'll Never Walk Alone (Audience)

(4.) Whole Lotta Love

(5.) Heartbreaker


(1.) 8mm Cine Films

(2.) BBC Radio at Knebworth Park

(3.) Rock And Roll - DVD Off-Cut

(4.) Heartbreaker - Alternate Camera Mix

(5.) Heartbreaker - Solo Camera

If you ever get a chance, buy this 3-DVD set! You will not be sorry. In the mean time, take care fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics and ROCK ON!

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Hi All,

I'm new to the forum but a long long long long long time Zep fan. I just wanted to make sure of something. Was there a DVD release that I'm not aware of? What is this


Is it an official DVD? Where can I get it? What's on it exactly? How's the footage? Please let me know more info. :)

Thanks in advance,



And I had a Kodak Instamatic too! Although sadly not used to take pictures of Zep at Knebworth...

Pilot, Ross Halfin should be watching his back :D

Edited by jayjay96
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Hi All,

I'm new to the forum but a long long long long long time Zep fan. I just wanted to make sure of something. Was there a DVD release that I'm not aware of? What is this


Is it an official DVD? Where can I get it? What's on it exactly? How's the footage? Please let me know more info. :)

Thanks in advance,


Greetings "jayjay96" A.K.A. JJ! I hope all is well with you. I would like to welcome you to the LED ZEPPELIN Forum. I promise you that you will meet several interesting ZEPPELIN fanatics here on the forum as well as learn different things that you never knew before. As for the 3-DVD set that you are inquiring about, I will PM you with the details. In the mean time, take care and ROCK ON "jayjay96!"

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