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John Edwards has a fever

Pb Derigable

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John Edwards Admits to Affair, Denies He's Father of Lover's Child

Saturday, August 09, 2008


John Edwards has admitted having an affair with Rielle Hunter.

Former presidential hopeful John Edwards admitted to an affair Friday with his former videographer, Rielle Hunter, though he firmly denied tabloid reports that he is the father of her child.

Edwards released a statement late in the day saying he made a "serious error in judgment," after telling ABC News' Nightline that he repeatedly lied about the affair during his failed presidential campaign.

"I made a serious error in judgment and conducted myself in a way that was disloyal to my family and to my core beliefs," Edwards said in his statement. "I was and am ashamed of my conduct and choices, and I had hoped that it would never become public.

"In the course of several campaigns, I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic. If you want to beat me up — feel free. You cannot beat me up more than I have already beaten up myself," he said.

I wonder if B. Hussein Obama will have to throw him under the Obama train.

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Isn't it funny how the liberal controlled mainstream media REFUSED to cover this story for many months. It took a tabloid paper to finally bring national attention to this story..

I've been saying it for years, but John Edwards is a slimey bag of shit injury attorney who is idolized by sappy liberals.

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Isn't it funny how the liberal controlled mainstream media REFUSED to cover this story for many months. It took a tabloid paper to finally bring national attention to this story..

I've been saying it for years, but John Edwards is a slimey bag of shit injury attorney who is idolized by sappy liberals.

The best part of this story is the New York Times wrote a front page article saying that John McCain had an affair with a lobbyist. With two unnamed sources that they could not confirm what they were saying was true, who also had no proof of it either.

Front fucking page

And they claim this guy is not a public figure anymore so they don't report it.

http://www.johnedwards.com and you can still give money to him also.

It's like what Bill O'Reily did to Rep. Robert Wexler (D) Fl. He has not lived in the state of Florida since he was elected in 1997 and Bill reported it. So Roberts’s hometown newspaper, instead of reporting it, decides to blast O'Reily for bringing this up.

Edwards is a piece of shit then and is even a bigger piece of shit.

This is going to be our next attorney general for the B. Hussein Obama term.

Thats why I care about this.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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Yeah, but I thought I read that he had the affair while his wife was battling cancer, which is really sad if it's true.

Of course it's sad. He's a sleazebag if it's true. But it shouldn't be news. Now if he killed someone, raped someone, robbed a bank, got caught selling dope.....that's news. Fucking around on your wife is not news.

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Of course it's sad. He's a sleazebag if it's true. But it shouldn't be news. Now if he killed someone, raped someone, robbed a bank, got caught selling dope.....that's news. Fucking around on your wife is not news.

If it was joe blow on the street it would not be news. If it's a public figure who was trying to be the prez it is news.

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If it was joe blow on the street it would not be news. If it's a public figure who was trying to be the prez it is news.

If he is the prez and he's getting laid in the Oval Office instead of attending an important meeting then its news. This guy is no longer in the running for president.

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Yeah, but I thought I read that he had the affair while his wife was battling cancer, which is really sad if it's true.

I agree this really isn't news worthy. Well, she probably wasn't up for it being sick and all, so filling a need may have been part of it. Cuz you know a man needs some... oh, wait never mind.

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To me this very upsetting, yes this is a very private matter just between him and his wife, unless you are running for the president of USA. When he made it public that his wife was batteling cancer, and that the most important thing in his life was to help her through this I thought he was such a devoted husband. But to now find out that he was having an affair during that time, well I am very dissapointed to say the least.

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Of course it's sad. He's a sleazebag if it's true. But it shouldn't be news. Now if he killed someone, raped someone, robbed a bank, got caught selling dope.....that's news. Fucking around on your wife is not news.

Oh yeah, it's not news, but you know what newspapers are like, they print nothing but sleaze then tut tut everyone for not being 'moral' enough

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The best part of this story is the New York Times wrote a front page article saying that John McCain had an affair with a lobbyist. With two unnamed sources that they could not confirm what they were saying was true, who also had no proof of it either.

Front fucking page

And they claim this guy is not a public figure anymore so they don't report it.

http://www.johnedwards.com and you can still give money to him also.

It's like what Bill O'Reily did to Rep. Robert Wexler (D) Fl. He has not lived in the state of Florida since he was elected in 1997 and Bill reported it. So Roberts’s hometown newspaper, instead of reporting it, decides to blast O'Reily for bringing this up.

Edwards is a piece of shit then and is even a bigger piece of shit.

This is going to be our next attorney general for the B. Hussein Obama term.

Thats why I care about this.

John Edwards, or as Laura Ingram calls him -- "the silky pony" is DONE.... so stick a fork in him.

What a turd this guy is.

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Of course it's sad. He's a sleazebag if it's true. But it shouldn't be news. Now if he killed someone, raped someone, robbed a bank, got caught selling dope.....that's news. Fucking around on your wife is not news.

In other words you'd still vote for him, wouldn't you, but then you are completely devoid of any moral compass anyway. Look, it would be one thing if he had responded "none of your business" to these inquiries on the campaign trail, but he flat out lied to everyone.

It comes as no surprise there are underlying issues here pertaining to corruption and paternity. He's a maggot and he's finished politically. Good riddance!

Edited by SteveAJones
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I've never really gone for Edwards myself, but it's a bit silly to expect politicians to be any different from the rest of us--they aren't priests or superheroes, for goodness' sake. And sure, he owes it to his wife to be honest, but it's no one else's business, and only a bad politician wouldn't lie about it (or deny it for as long as possible) in public.

Edited by AllisonAdler
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