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John Edwards has a fever

Pb Derigable

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In other words you'd still vote for him, wouldn't you, but then you are completely devoid of any moral compass anyway.

A moral compass is all well and good, however I find that society's 'magnetic north' is often more ludicrous than the morality that society seeks to piss all over

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If he is the prez and he's getting laid in the Oval Office instead of attending an important meeting then its news. This guy is no longer in the running for president.

You can still donate and his website for president is still up. He still could have delegates vote for him in the Hilrod/Obama roll call.

Anyways, I do agree with Obama now. America is a shit hole.

Because now cheating on your spouse is normal now. That’s what I get from this thread.

As long as you can give a good speech, you could do anything you want. Right?

Why get married anymore. Lets the gays have it. If it's normal to cheat on your wife, I’m going to put my dick in anything that has a skirt and could cook me breakfast in the morning.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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The point is how the main stream media tried so hard to make McCain look bad while trying so hard to cover up for Edwards. Look when the news finally broke, on a Friday when the Olympics are starting. They hope that it will be forgotten by Monday. If the media treated Republicans and Democrats equally, McCain would be 20 points ahead of Obama and most people would think that our President has done a great job. Check out Iraq, we have now won the war and the Media will not report it. Their anti American bias is amazing. The Russians have now slaughtered ove 1500 people in two days and you hear nothing about it, but if a single car bomb goes off in Iraq it will be lead in and front page news.

Again we hear about this so-called 'liberal bias' in the news which I think is bullshit, first and foremost because America's most-watched news channel is Fox news, and we all know that channel isn't liberal biased.

Now you're claiming the war in Iraq has been 'won' and because it's not reported in the news, that it must be some sort of anti-Americanism...maybe the problem is you are too pro-republican? And maybe you're upset because the news doesn't reflect your viewpoint?

And why would McCain be ahead if he received more media coverage? Are you telling me that media coverage instantly makes a political candidate more popular? George W Bush has had a shitload of media coverage...it hasn't improved his standing... But then as far as your bias is concerned, you think McCain is the better candidate, and Bush was the better president

Your bias is just as strong as what you claim the media's is, so it's not bias you're upset about, it's the fact that you feel the media isn't on your side of the fence

And you know car bombs used to go off all the time in Algeria in the 90's, killing hundreds of people, but America media didn't give a crap about it because it didn't involve Americans. If America wasn't in Iraq, a car bomb in Baghdad would be burried in the newspaper with the Russian war, it's always been that way and it always will be that way.

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Why do people even care in the first place? This isn't your life.

Yes, but the point is, as PB pointed out, that the media makes it news if it's a conservative (McCain) even if it can't be substantiated, but when it's one of the leading figures of the democratic party, it has to be dragged out of them. And just because he's not in the presidential campaign doesn't make him any less a major figure in the democratic party.

Banner hung behind Duh-bya referencing the "mission" of the carrier group he was addressing, which, BTW, HAD accomplished it's mission - "Mission Accomplished".


Sorry, but Bush never said those words.

This is one of the most oft-repeated (and tired) "remember it the way we constantly repeat it rather than the way it really happened" liberal distortions of fact that are so common that (as intended) the average person begins to "believe it."

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Again we hear about this so-called 'liberal bias' in the news which I think is bullshit, first and foremost because America's most-watched news channel is Fox news, and we all know that channel isn't liberal biased.

You use a single network (and pretty much the ONLY conservative network) to claim the media in general doesn't have a liberal bias???

Conservative: FOX News

Liberal: ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Headline News, and of course we can't forget NPR.

gimme a break.

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In her statement Friday, Elizabeth Edwards said it wasn't easy to find out about the extramarital affair in 2006 but indicated she did not believe that her husband was the father of Hunter's daughter.

"This was our private matter, and I frankly wanted it to be private because as painful as it was I did not want to have to play it out on a public stage as well," she said. "Because of a recent string of hurtful and absurd lies in a tabloid publication, because of a picture falsely suggesting that John was spending time with a child it wrongly alleged he had fathered outside our marriage, our private matter could no longer be wholly private."

A good reason to let this "news" fade away. There are more important things happening in the world right now. The Russian/Georgian war for one.

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You use a single network (and pretty much the ONLY conservative network) to claim the media in general doesn't have a liberal bias???

Conservative: FOX News

Liberal: ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Headline News, and of course we can't forget NPR.

gimme a break.

MSNBC is kind of conservative, but you are right on point. The majority are liberal with NPR probably the most.

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You use a single network (and pretty much the ONLY conservative network) to claim the media in general doesn't have a liberal bias???

Conservative: FOX News

Liberal: ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Headline News, and of course we can't forget NPR.

gimme a break.

Agreed 100%. One popular conservative news station does not make up for the scores of liberal news stations..

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*Note to self: stay out of politics... you will cheat on person you love.*

To all of you saying it's no big deal or it isn't news: If it had been Bush or McCain, would y'all be saying the same things you're saying now? Or would you have started the thread and been all "hahaha... take that, conservative fools!"?

On the flip-side, to all of you saying it is a big deal: if it had been Bush or McCain, would y'all be saying the same things you are now, or would you be saying "it's no big deal. It isn't news."?

I want everybody in this thread to think about my questions very carefully. Why? Because it's easy to answer no to those questions. I don't want you to just say no. I want you to be honest, with us and with yourselves. I ask for this reason:

It is Edwards who this came out about. I notice an interesting division. All the conservative/non-liberal members of this board are making it a big deal, and in fact, the starter of this thread is one of the non-Liberal members of this board. I notice the only people who don't seem to care about it and/or don't think it's news are the liberal/non-conservative members of this board.

So my question is... what would be the board responses if the political party in question here (Democratic) was switched (to Republican)?

All that said, here is why it should be a big deal to everyone. This is the same reason it was a big deal when Clinton did it (having nothing to do with him being President at the time).

We are supposed to be able to trust these people to represent us. If they can't be honest with their private lives, can we really trust them to be honest with us, the public? Cheating on your spouse is indicative of an untrustworthy person. I don't care why you do it. If your spouse can't trust you, why should the rest of us?

Again we hear about this so-called 'liberal bias' in the news which I think is bullshit, first and foremost because America's most-watched news channel is Fox news, and we all know that channel isn't liberal biased.

You are kidding, right? The only Conservative channel that exists is Fox. Every single other news-channel is Liberal. The only unbiased "news source" is The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and he's proudly biased. In fact, there is no such thing as unbiased news. And if you really think CNN is unbiased, the you really have no idea what American news is. Sorry, but if Fox is biased, CNN is disgustingly so.

FYI, this bias issue is the reason I get my news from Jon Stewart. At least he admits he's biased, and at least he tackles the issues, instead of making Bret Fabre(SP?) a top story (MSNBC- isn't that Sports Center's job?), having a love-affair with Barack Obama (CNN- seriously... when are they gonna get married), and resorting to calling Obama "arrogant" (Fox- Umm... Obama's running for President. He thinks he can lead the free world. What's McCain's campaign statement? "Vote for me. I don't presume to be a good president and I may not be the best choice."?)

In fact, it isn't just the bias issue. American news-media sucks. If a nuclear bomb went off in LA, but at the exact same second an extremely explicit sex tape was released on the internet featuring Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Alba, Keira Knightly, Kate Beckinsale, and some undisclosed male (... me... :D), I would bet my life that the nuclear bomb in LA would be completely ignored and the sex tape would be top story on all channels for at least 6 months, if not longer.

The news media would rather cover sports stars (which should be left to Sports Center) and celebrities (which should be left to E!) then cover actual news.

This, and the bias issue, is why I prefer Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

Edited by Nathan
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I think the man is basically a good human being that has made a mistake. He isn't the first and won't be the last. I could care less about his politics .....he's human just like the rest of us. We fuck up from time to time

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Why is it that whenever I write something I'd like answered, it's always the last post of a page (in this case, page 2), and someone else manages to post one second after me, so there's always a new page and then nobody will see what I posted? It's just not fair.

(Not yelling at you, ally... it isn't your fault... it's Murphy's Law I blame).

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In fact, it isn't just the bias issue. American news-media sucks. If a nuclear bomb went off in LA, but at the exact same second an extremely explicit sex tape was released on the internet featuring Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Alba, Keira Knightly, Kate Beckinsale, and some undisclosed male (... me... :D), I would bet my life that the nuclear bomb in LA would be completely ignored and the sex tape would be top story on all channels for at least 6 months, if not longer.

The news media would rather cover sports stars (which should be left to Sports Center) and celebrities (which should be left to E!) then cover actual news.

This, and the bias issue, is why I prefer Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

Well sorry Nathan but I guess I'm exempt from your little questionnaire because I'm more conservative and I said I didn't care very much :P

But I agree with you on Colbert. I hate Jon Daily, I don't find him funny and he's obnoxiously stuck up at times. Colbert on the other hand is funny and features some of the best satire I've ever seen


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I think my earlier post should be clear that I have no particular issue with Edwards cheating (judge not and whatnot) - well, while his wife's battling cancer is pretty disturbing - but my whole issue is the media deciding when cheating is an issue, i.e., when it's a conservative it's an issue, when it's a lib, it's none of our business.

THAT'S the problem I have with all of it.

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I think the man is basically a good human being that has made a mistake. He isn't the first and won't be the last. I could care less about his politics .....he's human just like the rest of us. We fuck up from time to time

Yeah,I agree,the "Breck"girl is basically a good human being.He's made a pile of money as a trial lawyer,succesful,well spoken,lends an everbending ear to his constituents.

It is a shame he had to drop his boxers to his ankles so he could service an attractive colleague because he "became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic."Why,that happens to me all the time.Yep ,he fucked up.Let's give the poor sap a pass.Live and let live.Peace be with you Mrs. Edwards.

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Yeah,I agree,the "Breck"girl is basically a good human being.He's made a pile of money as a trial lawyer,succesful,well spoken,lends an everbending ear to his constituents.

It is a shame he had to drop his boxers to his ankles so he could service an attractive colleague because he "became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic."Why,that happens to me all the time.Yep ,he fucked up.Let's give the poor sap a pass.Live and let live.Peace be with you Mrs. Edwards.

He doesn't get a pass. And I don't admire him for doing what he did. I just know that he is not the only person on the planet that has done the same. I think that if we went back in history and fired all our politicians for this then D Day may never have happened. Ike, FDR, were more than happy to screw around. I think if I'd been living in Europe at the time and they'd both been fired for being indiscreet, I might think that America had gone nut's or something

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He doesn't get a pass. And I don't admire him for doing what he did. I just know that he is not the only person on the planet that has done the same. I think that if we went back in history and fired all our politicians for this then D Day may never have happened. Ike, FDR, were more than happy to screw around. I think if I'd been living in Europe at the time and they'd both been fired for being indiscreet, I might think that America had gone nut's or something

If the world relied on "honest" politicians,I believe the world would be void of politicians.Adultery,chicanery,dishonesty...all here to stay in a bipartisan way.

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If the world relied on "honest" politicians,I believe the world would be void of politicians.Adultery,chicanery,dishonesty...all here to stay in a bipartisan way.

Ha Ha, You got that right :D

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Why is it that whenever I write something I'd like answered, it's always the last post of a page (in this case, page 2), and someone else manages to post one second after me, so there's always a new page and then nobody will see what I posted? It's just not fair.

(Not yelling at you, ally... it isn't your fault... it's Murphy's Law I blame).

Well, here ya go... (although I'm too lazy to go get the quotes from others that you put in your post).

*Note to self: stay out of politics... you will cheat on person you love.*

To all of you saying it's no big deal or it isn't news: If it had been Bush or McCain, would y'all be saying the same things you're saying now? Or would you have started the thread and been all "hahaha... take that, conservative fools!"?

On the flip-side, to all of you saying it is a big deal: if it had been Bush or McCain, would y'all be saying the same things you are now, or would you be saying "it's no big deal. It isn't news."?

I want everybody in this thread to think about my questions very carefully. Why? Because it's easy to answer no to those questions. I don't want you to just say no. I want you to be honest, with us and with yourselves. I ask for this reason:

It is Edwards who this came out about. I notice an interesting division. All the conservative/non-liberal members of this board are making it a big deal, and in fact, the starter of this thread is one of the non-Liberal members of this board. I notice the only people who don't seem to care about it and/or don't think it's news are the liberal/non-conservative members of this board.

So my question is... what would be the board responses if the political party in question here (Democratic) was switched (to Republican)?

All that said, here is why it should be a big deal to everyone. This is the same reason it was a big deal when Clinton did it (having nothing to do with him being President at the time).

We are supposed to be able to trust these people to represent us. If they can't be honest with their private lives, can we really trust them to be honest with us, the public? Cheating on your spouse is indicative of an untrustworthy person. I don't care why you do it. If your spouse can't trust you, why should the rest of us?

You are kidding, right? The only Conservative channel that exists is Fox. Every single other news-channel is Liberal. The only unbiased "news source" is The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and he's proudly biased. In fact, there is no such thing as unbiased news. And if you really think CNN is unbiased, the you really have no idea what American news is. Sorry, but if Fox is biased, CNN is disgustingly so.

FYI, this bias issue is the reason I get my news from Jon Stewart. At least he admits he's biased, and at least he tackles the issues, instead of making Bret Fabre(SP?) a top story (MSNBC- isn't that Sports Center's job?), having a love-affair with Barack Obama (CNN- seriously... when are they gonna get married), and resorting to calling Obama "arrogant" (Fox- Umm... Obama's running for President. He thinks he can lead the free world. What's McCain's campaign statement? "Vote for me. I don't presume to be a good president and I may not be the best choice."?)

In fact, it isn't just the bias issue. American news-media sucks. If a nuclear bomb went off in LA, but at the exact same second an extremely explicit sex tape was released on the internet featuring Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Alba, Keira Knightly, Kate Beckinsale, and some undisclosed male (... me... :D), I would bet my life that the nuclear bomb in LA would be completely ignored and the sex tape would be top story on all channels for at least 6 months, if not longer.

The news media would rather cover sports stars (which should be left to Sports Center) and celebrities (which should be left to E!) then cover actual news.

This, and the bias issue, is why I prefer Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

I agree there is some media bias. I don't think it's as cut and dried or simple as "liberal media bias" vs. "conservative". I certainly remember the media coverage of Bush, Iraq, etc. in 2002-2003, and the coverage certainly didn't come across as anti-Bush or against the administration's pep rallies for going to war in Iraq.

If anyone needs an example, go find the coverage of Iraqis toppling the statue of Sadaam... and then find the parts that weren't packaged by the media and military for the US public. That kind of thing didn't come to light for quite awhile.

As for Edwards... I think it's a small-medium deal as opposed to a big deal. I think it would be a bigger deal if Edwards was going to actually be the Democratic nominee. I don't agree that him being dishonest about his private life means we can't trust him to represent us. OTOH, I don't dismiss it as unimportant either. To me, if he started this while his wife was battling her cancer, etc. is a bigger deal than the fact that he had an affair at all.

A lot of our politicians and govt. folks have done rather unsavory things before, during, and/or after their terms of office, yet they've apparently done a decent job at representing us or whatever their various roles are/were. By the same token, some folks have done a piss-poor job of it for whatever reason, and they didn't necessarily cheat on their spouses.

That doesn't excuse Edwards, Clinton, J. Edgar Hoover, JFK, Thomas Jefferson, Duhbya, Clarence Thomas, or anyone else's behavior... but I don't think it's necessarily a 'deal-breaker'. It is a factor to consider but it's far from the only one.

Just my $0.02

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You are kidding, right? The only Conservative channel that exists is Fox. Every single other news-channel is Liberal. The only unbiased "news source" is The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and he's proudly biased. In fact, there is no such thing as unbiased news. And if you really think CNN is unbiased, the you really have no idea what American news is. Sorry, but if Fox is biased, CNN is disgustingly so.

No I'm not kidding

And as I'm neither Republican nor Democrat nor American, I can watch with a more objective eye

And I can tell you that Fox news borders on shamefull, that no other news channel comes close to its level of bias. Not in reporting the news, but in the copious amounts of commentary and opinion that they have on afterwards... It's almost theatre it's that bad

Most of you complaining about the news are conservatives or republicans, and what I find hilarious is that you criticise the media simply because it isn't sympathetic to your viewpoint or ideology...

Now if the media were so biased, how is it that Clinton suffered such terrible, scrutinized coverage during Monica Lewinsky, and yet Bush's blunders have only really been tackled by late-night comedy show hosts?

If the American media is so liberally biased, how come they all shut down any discussion during the opening of the Iraq War? Not a bad word was said about anyone or anything in that month...

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And as I'm neither Republican nor Democrat nor American, I can watch with a more objective eye

No, but you are blatantly liberal, or, to be more precise, you express blatantly liberal viewpoints in your posts, so you really aren't very objective at all.

And I can tell you that Fox news borders on shamefull, that no other news channel comes close to its level of bias. Not in reporting the news, but in the copious amounts of commentary and opinion that they have on afterwards... It's almost theatre it's that bad

You just made every conservative's point.

ABCNBCCBSCNNMSNBC et al all report the news with a distinct bias.

I could care less about their commentary afterwards, because it's just that - commentary.

But just give us the news straight.

But all the other networks put their commentary INTO their reporting of the news, which is exponentially more shameful than having commentary afterwards.

But since you bring it up, I've never heard any commentary more shameful than the intellectually derelict rantings of Keith Olbermann, staring wide-eyed into the camera mocking Bush for his Surge strategy (oops, that ended up actually working, huh Keith? That's not egg on your face, that's a fuggin' Denver Omelette buffet.)

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