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Jimmy Page to perform at closing ceremony of Beijing Olympics


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The US announcers were very respectful of Jimmy and announced him with much excitement. Also they did not talk over his playing. The French on the other hand talked all over Jimmy, and were laughing. I didn't understand what they were saying, but I have a funny feeling it was not nice.

They were saying: oh, Jimmy Page, is that really him? Well, he was famous in the 60s(hmmm?), but do the chinese know him? Maybe now he would become famous in China too.

Sorry my french knowing is quite limited so it‘s not the exact translation.

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I had the closing ceremony on the DVR and watched it tonight.

I thought Page looked fantastic.

Sound was sucky though.

But who cares?

Eye candy was nice enough. B)

Page is forever the pro isn't he?

The channel I watched it on was very respectful of Pages performance and didn't hardly breath a word for the duration of the song...unlike those Frenchies who gabbed during the solo.

Now if Page got his old band mates together, I betcha they could sellout that stadium. :D

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I had the closing ceremony on the DVR and watched it tonight.

I thought Page looked fantastic.

Sound was sucky though.

But who cares?

Eye candy was nice enough. B)

Page is forever the pro isn't he?

The channel I watched it on was very respectful of Pages performance and didn't hardly breath a word for the duration of the song...unlike those Frenchies who gabbed during the solo.

Now if Page got his old band mates together, I betcha they could sellout that stadium. :D

It would seem the prince of cool has most of his crew back on board. Now it rests in a decision. Either way I will be happy, but I would love to see the two men I admire most be on the forefront, together again.

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For grins and giggles, there's a picture of the NY Mag writer who commented on Jimmy's appearance, at www.dankois.com/about.html -- (it is to laugh, all in good sport.) :)

I'm always glad to hear good music done well (whether pre-recorded/adapted or not) and in my opinion this was done very well for what it was. Not meant to be a concert performance in the strict sense. Good fun, honor, celebratory, lively, and love-ly. ;):D

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Britain probably did hate it. They prefer seeing David Beckham kick a football into a crowd than watch Jimmy Page. Now it were Paul or Brian May that would be a different story.

I imagine they only reason Zeppelin gets any attention in the UK is the fact that they are so popular outside of the UK


BTW what a lot of people probably don't get is that "Whole Lotta Love" is a hugely well-known riff here in the UK even to people who don' know Zeppelin. It was the theme tune for our biggest TV music show "Top of The Pops" (which attracted massive audiences and was an institution) for the majority of its 30+ year run (little forrays into things like Lynotts "Yellow Pearl" notwithstanding) and was in the top 10 in two versions OTHER THAN Zeppelin's (Alexis Korner's CCS and Blonde on Blonde). Its a completely unsurprising choice.

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Its true Page was overshadowed here by Leona and Beckham but thats because they are part of todays celeb culture. People still enjoyed seeing him there though especially the UK Zep fans.

London does not deserve Page?? Clapton and beck too then

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Its true Page was overshadowed here by Leona and Beckham but thats because they are part of todays celeb culture. People still enjoyed seeing him there though especially the UK Zep fans.

London does not deserve Page?? Clapton and beck too then

I was working Sunday but able to listen to the proceedings via BBC Radio 5 Live, which is a predominantly news and sport channel. You could tell the presenters (respected sports people like John Inverdale etc) were far more excited about Jimmy's prescence than anyone else's, including Beckham. Led Zeppelin are a cool name to drop these days and I honestly believe that Jimmy Page, possibly due to his recent higher profile, is becoming in the eyes of the nation, a national treasure.

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I just stumbled on this review:


Sexual Innuendo Dropped From Led Zeppelin Song at Olympic Closing Ceremony

Posted Aug 24th 2008 7:16PM by Michael David Smith (author feed)

Filed under: Beijing

The Beijing Games concluded with the closing ceremony today, and the Summer Olympic torch was passed off to London. A performance by Jimmy Page of the British band Led Zeppelin was part of that hand-off from Beijing to London, but it turns out that some folks think Zeppelin lyrics aren't appropriate for all ears.

Page and Leona Lewis performed a version of the Zeppelin classic "Whole Lotta Love" that had some of the lyrics changed and others excised so as not to offend. Lewis didn't want to sing the line, "I'm gonna give you every inch of my love" in the second verse, because she said she didn't think that particular "sexual innuendo" made sense from a female singer. So "inch" was changed to "bit."

And the third verse, which includes the line, "Shake for me, girl, I wanna be your backdoor man" was deemed inappropriate and was cut from the ceremony.

My question: If the song was considered inappropriate, why didn't they just pick another song, instead of saddling the closing ceremony with a bastardized version?


Interesting that the article claims the lyric was changed at Leona's request; I hadn't read that before. If I had been Leona, I would have had a hard time singing different lyrics after, you know, singing along to the original all these years :blush: But anyhow I thoroughly enjoyed it :)

Not to nitpick about the article's claims (OK, I'm about to nitpick...), but what the author alleges are the objectionable second and third "verses" of WLL are actually Robert's improvs/vamping on the closing section of the song. So Leona wouldn't normally have sung them anyway, presumably, because most singers don't do a slavish note-for-note copy of an original song they're covering.

But yeah, obviously Leona is right that "gonna give you every inch of my love" doesn't make much sense being sung by a woman. :)

Edited by FireOpal
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Ive read a lot of the last 10 pages about opinions on the performance, was it live, etc. But I dont think anyone mentioned what I noticed. during the entire thing they ddid not send the direct audio feed to broadcast, but what was coming out from the arena speakers. Almost all the audio, especially vocals had the echo and was off by a bit as typical with such loudspeaker systems.

LL voice had it, and the guitar just did not sound right, not like it was coming right from one of Jimmys amps to our ears (but out the arenas speakers).

So I think that is why it never seemed like his playing matched up.

Im not saying this is definitive, but it just seemed that way to me.

Either way I enjoyed it quite a bit, she had a good voice, did the song well. Of course the guitar should have been twice as loud, but I think they made the vocals much louder on purpose

Excellent point Ezy. Makes me feel better about the whole thing; reminiscent of going to a Day on the Green at the Oakland Colosseum.... a good time was had even if the acoustics sucked.

It would be awesome to see a release of the recording.

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Its true Page was overshadowed here by Leona and Beckham but thats because they are part of todays celeb culture. People still enjoyed seeing him there though especially the UK Zep fans.

London does not deserve Page?? Clapton and beck too then

I don't think jimmy was overshadowed .I heard a really BIG :cheer: As soon as he played the opening riff to WLL.

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Its true Page was overshadowed here by Leona and Beckham but thats because they are part of todays celeb culture. People still enjoyed seeing him there though especially the UK Zep fans.

London does not deserve Page?? Clapton and beck too then

I don't think jimmy was overshadowed .I heard a really BIG :cheer: As soon as he played the opening riff to WLL.

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I don't think jimmy was overshadowed .I heard a really BIG :cheer: As soon as he played the opening riff to WLL.

Yeh your right there about the cheer, but then maybe the crowd were ordered to clap ?? ..only joking, they did cheer as i guess its an instantly recognisable riff, as Knebby said somewhere on here it was the theme tune to a popular music programme for years and years (although it was a cover by Alexis Korners CCS ). My GF keeps telling me to my annoyance :)that it was the theme to Cheggers plays pop pop pop..Cheggers plays pop pop pop ...eeek :)

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Just to annoy Leddy :)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q-2krX7Ygs

Alexis Korner CCS TOTP intro (oh lawd there's a flute on this! no!):


The Cheggers must be the later theme as it was the Zeppelin tune that use to open the show...eeek :)!!

Now about the flute that is an insult :blink:

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Olympics bow out with 6.8m viewers for closing ceremony

"LONDON - The Olympic closing ceremony, which included David Beckham riding a bus as part of the symbolic handover to London, was watched by 6.8m people in the UK on Sunday afternoon.

The event concluded what Nielsen calculated was the most watched Games in history, which reached 4.4bn people or two-thirds of the world's population.

The 2004 Athens Olympics was watched by 3.9bn and the 2000 Sydney Olympics by 3.6bn."



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Though I was out of town for a couple of days, I managed to catch the performance. First and foremost, Jimmy looked great.....I even liked the ponytail and the outfit was #thumbsup#. But most importantly, I thought the performance worked...I liked Leon's singing and Jimmy looked as if he was having a great time (even if he wasn't playing live). I wish they had performed live though.....it would've been AWESOME!!!

Any links to post ceremony interview posted yet???!!! :D

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hi moonmaid :wave: cant wait to see the pics that ross halfin would have taken...............


Yes! I have been waiting for Ross's take on this and his pictures. He hasn't said or postered anything as yet.

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