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A whole lotta Chinese love

Del Zeppnile

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edited to add:

Sorry if this is old news, but I have not been watching the commie red chinese olympics based on china's horrible human rights record, and just heard about this today.

Actually kind of shocked that Mr. Page would have anything to do with this as well. Something tells me that Robert Plant probably has higher standards in this regard.... good for him.

Damn commies!


Edited by Del Zeppnile
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Sorry if this is old news, but I have not been watching the commie red chinese olympics based on china's horrible human rights record, and just heard about this today.

Actually kind of shocked that Mr. Page would have anything to do with this as well. Something tells me that Robert Plant probably has higher standards in this regard.... good for him.

Damn commies!

I was tending to believe the Reds were jabbing the judges in the back with bayonets when they scored for the Chinese.


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