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The crowd at the reunion

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Saying all that wasn't there Hells Angels problems at the Isle of White festival in 1970 with Jimi Hendrix ? that was an English festival.

How's it going "leddy?" You're right, The Isle of Wight Festival was a disaster and that was a British Festival. Lets not forget the German Festival named the Isle of Fehmarn, that concert was performed on 6 September 1970, just days before Jimi died. That Festival was worse than Altamont from what I read. ROCK ON!

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How's it going "leddy?" You're right, The Isle of Wight Festival was a disaster and that was a British Festival. Lets not forget the German Festival named the Isle of Fehmarn, that concert was performed on 6 September 1970, just days before Jimi died. That Festival was worse than Altamont from what I read. ROCK ON!

Yeh I am cool as usual :)

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I wasn't there, but after listening to, and seeing the concert, the crowd seemed listless to me. After songs like No Quarter, and TSRTS, I was expecting to hear huge roars of approval from the crowd. Instead, just a muted response from an obviously "corporate" crowd. Talk about dead, Robert at one point during the the chorus part in WLL even shouts "Is that it" to the crowd after getting no response. :blink: Then again, maybe they were in awe at what they were witnessing. I for one, had i been there, would have been bawling like a baby! :rolleyes:

I was there and you have no idea what your talking about the crowd was extremly loud and in shock at times but mute not even close. You guys sit around here and debate things that you have no clue about. You base your opinion on youtube clips and a bootleg you have no idea what it was like at that show it was incredible to say the least. I hear a lot of jealous people on this site it just seems that you are all pissed because you did not get to go. I did and I was surronded by huge Led Zeppelin fans not corporate people my Led Zeppelin brothers and sisters! You know real fans people who don't throw the members under a bus just because there not doing what you want them to do in the time you want it. Talk about dead the only thing dead here is your silly opinion! Get a life and a clue before you make stupid coments about a concert that you know nothing about because you were not there period.

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I was there and you have no idea what your talking about the crowd was extremly loud and in shock at times but mute not even close. You guys sit around here and debate things that you have no clue about. You base your opinion on youtube clips and a bootleg you have no idea what it was like at that show it was incredible to say the least. I hear a lot of jealous people on this site it just seems that you are all pissed because you did not get to go. I did and I was surronded by huge Led Zeppelin fans not corporate people my Led Zeppelin brothers and sisters! You know real fans people who don't throw the members under a bus just because there not doing what you want them to do in the time you want it. Talk about dead the only thing dead here is your silly opinion! Get a life and a clue before you make stupid coments about a concert that you know nothing about because you were not there period.

If you think my so called silly opinion of the crowd that night is based on jealousy, you are sadly mistaken. Jealous of you? Please, my life is not defined by attending a Zeppelin show or this board. I am just a fan, no better or worse than anyone else! You're opinion of the show is more valid than mine because I wasn't there? :huh: Sorry to dissapoint his highness, but to clue you in clueless, there is an absolute kick ass DVD version of the ENTIRE show that captures the crowd and all the brillliance that was that night, that little people like myself get to watch nightly! :lol: And while you're on the subject of judging peoples lives Nevada, you might as well tell "Big" Mick Hughes who engineered the show to get a life too, he apparently has similar views on the crowd! Go F*** yourself!

Edited by Stevedore
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I have this DVD and it is pretty good. I've tried to find the time to watch every minute of it to critique the performance, and I got thru most of it. I don't consider the crowd dead. Especially on some of this stuff on u-tube, where people are taping from their phones. It looked like everybody was holding up a phone! But when I first started watching it I was amazed at how loud the crowd was. It didn't seem like Zep could do any wrong!

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I have this DVD and it is pretty good. I've tried to find the time to watch every minute of it to critique the performance, and I got thru most of it. I don't consider the crowd dead. Especially on some of this stuff on u-tube, where people are taping from their phones. It looked like everybody was holding up a phone! But when I first started watching it I was amazed at how loud the crowd was. It didn't seem like Zep could do any wrong!

IMO, the applause at the end of songs performed in the middle of the set, No Quarter, and TSRTS didn't compare to the other's for whatever reason.

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I wasn't there but everyone I knew that went, reading blogs and reviews etc. all had the same statement. Absolutely magical, unbelievable, amazing and so on. How could it not be? DVDs and bootlegs don't capture the magic of being there. Sometimes crowd noise is blocked out or softened so it doesn't interfere with listening to the music.

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Where me and Mrs Gamgee were, floor, standing, stage right, was utter pandamoneum.

EVERYONE sang EVERY lyric to EVERY song from start to finish.

Mostly badly.

And as for the celeb/corporate lot not appreciating it and nipping out for beers, the sight of Brian May and Juliette Lewis absolutley trancing out to Kashmir wil remain with me till my dying, dying, dying.......cough (dee dee dee de deee, dee, dee, dee, de dee, that's got to be the one , hasn't it......)

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And everybody having their pics taken with the pic of Ahmet on the screen at the end!

Sadly, my camera batteries died towards the end of Kashmir. :( .

The spare ones I had didn't charged due to a conflict with my battery charger/power converter/hotel room outlet. My cell phone was not good enough to take the pics from section 415.

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Sorry about mine.

Wasn't the light show spectacullar though?

And the little tv thing at the start?

Yes the huge screen spanning the back of the stage was good, the light effects when Kashmir was on was just incredible, made what was already a perfect song even better. The footage I have seen doesnt do it justice, Wow what a moment :)

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Did the show for those of you that were there, feel like it flew by in an instant? I remember being on the board here and a lovely member was posting the songs as they were being done thanks to another lovely member texting them ( :D ). As slow as it was to keep loading the board, it felt like the 2 hours went by in a flash. Just wondering if it was the same feeling being there.

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Did the show for those of you that were there, feel like it flew by in an instant? I remember being on the board here and a lovely member was posting the songs as they were being done thanks to another lovely member texting them ( :D ). As slow as it was to keep loading the board, it felt like the 2 hours went by in a flash. Just wondering if it was the same feeling being there.

All to quick, I don't know about you but sometimes you can be at a gig and some of the songs drag on a bit. Its like come on !! but this was one that did just fly by.

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Where me and Mrs Gamgee were, floor, standing, stage right, was utter pandamoneum.

EVERYONE sang EVERY lyric to EVERY song from start to finish.

Mostly badly.

And as for the celeb/corporate lot not appreciating it and nipping out for beers, the sight of Brian May and Juliette Lewis absolutley trancing out to Kashmir wil remain with me till my dying, dying, dying.......cough (dee dee dee de deee, dee, dee, dee, de dee, that's got to be the one , hasn't it......)

Brian May was there? Oh, I would have liked to seen the lovely man. He reminds me of Sir Isaac Newton is some ways.

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Knebby, was it right what I read that the models at the show..Kate Moss, et al...got up and went crazy to Trampled Underfoot? :)

She wasn't anywhere near me Miss HD - the guests were either side of the stage and she was opposite - but I did see her at a Page Plant show in 1995 and she was going mental. :)

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Did the show for those of you that were there, feel like it flew by in an instant? I remember being on the board here and a lovely member was posting the songs as they were being done thanks to another lovely member texting them ( :D ). As slow as it was to keep loading the board, it felt like the 2 hours went by in a flash. Just wondering if it was the same feeling being there.

Flew by in an instant nine.

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