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Do you like House M.D.?


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As I think "House" is the one of rare TV shows which you can't call stupid. I like it very much and I've seen all the seasons for at least three times. That's dramatical and funny at the same time, that's cognitive and interesting. That's great. And that's not a soap opera. And of course the main hero, Greg House performed by Hugh Laurie, is awesome.

So, people, do you watch this brilliant TV creation too?

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I never used to watch it,but now I'm watching re-runs of it here and there,and I must say,it's growing on me.

I love the fact that it's not one of those "He seems gruff and mean,but he's really got a heart of gold" characters..

The guy is an unrepentant asshole,and I love it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey, what about the fifth season? Has anyone seen the 1st episode?

I have, but I won't ruin it for you :) I'm very agitated because the second episode is on tomorrow and we have are going on a dinner cruise. I don't know if I can record it because my husband lost the television manual and we can't figure out how the hell to set it to record at a certain time. Way too many frikking buttons on these remotes these days and none of them do what I want them to do!

Oh Dear...I think that should have went on the Peeves board, sorry for that little rant :unsure:

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Virginia! Those are my two must see's also! Bones is the coolest chick ever, I love her!

:D I missed the first episode of House last week though; I forgot it was on :( And I only remembered about Bones halfway through. I'm driving kids around tomorrow night too, darn. :(

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