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How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? I'm on my break at work and have been having a big discussion on THE BEATLES. I figured that I would take a little break from the mighty LED ZEPPELIN and talk about THE BEATLES for a moment. I know that all of my fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics love THE BEATLES as well so I figured that I would share a little of the discussion that my co-workers and I have been conversing about. Music promoter and millionaire Sid Bernstein had been offering THE BEATLES millions of dollars for one big single concert from 1974 up to 1980. Sid Bernstein, along with BEATLES manager Brian Epstein, were the first to host a band in a stadium. Believe it or not guys, THE BEATLES were the first band or entertainer to ever perform in a stadium live. 15 August 1965 is Rock n' Roll history. From 1978 up to 1980, Lennon and McCartney had patched up a lot of their differences. In your opinion, had John Lennon not been assasinated on 8 December 1980, do you think that THE BEATLES would have reunited for one big concert had Sid Bernstein offered them millions in 1981? In my opinion, there was a very good possibility that it could have happened had John Lennon lived but my heart says no. I would really love to hear what all of you have to say in this matter. ROCK ON!

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If John Lennon had lived, he would have died sometime within the last 8 years from a heart-attack brought on by sheer shock at the Bush Administration and the fact that we were stupid enough to keep them in for two terms...

Seriously, though, I could ask that question about so many... if Jim Morrison had lived, would The Doors be around today as they were then? If Kurt Cobain had lived, would Nirvana still be around or at least doing reunions?

What If John Bonham had lived? What if Keith Moon had lived? What if Jimi Hendrix had lived? What if Stevie Ray Vaughn had lived? What if Randy Rhoads had lived?

Quite frankly (and I mean absolutely no offense or disrespect to you, ZeppFanForever), I think it is a very stupid question, simply because these people are dead. There's simply no point in asking the question because there's no way of getting an answer. What is done is done. "What if's" only exist to exacerbate something that does not need to be exacerbated.

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I believe, not for money ( Except Paul McCartney who thinks a lot in money <_< ). I was reading these days about a party in the middle of the seventies, which Paul, George and Ringo played some musics together on the stage to let the kids far from the instruments. Later, Lennon asked about it, saíd: " If they called me, I would play along." So... I believe.

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They would have done it for sure. And they would have done it for the money. Does Paul do his big world tours for free??? Hell No. They would have been like every other big name and would have been paid tons to do it. Just because they were already rich does not mean they would turn the money down. They weren't above doing that.

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If John Lennon had lived, he would have died sometime within the last 8 years from a heart-attack brought on by sheer shock at the Bush Administration and the fact that we were stupid enough to keep them in for two terms...

Seriously, though, I could ask that question about so many... if Jim Morrison had lived, would The Doors be around today as they were then? If Kurt Cobain had lived, would Nirvana still be around or at least doing reunions?

What If John Bonham had lived? What if Keith Moon had lived? What if Jimi Hendrix had lived? What if Stevie Ray Vaughn had lived? What if Randy Rhoads had lived?

Quite frankly (and I mean absolutely no offense or disrespect to you, ZeppFanForever), I think it is a very stupid question, simply because these people are dead. There's simply no point in asking the question because there's no way of getting an answer. What is done is done. "What if's" only exist to exacerbate something that does not need to be exacerbated.

How's it going "nathan?" Thanks for your honesty, I really do appreciate it. As you are probably already aware, this question has been asked thousands of times but it was a big discussion at my place of employment so I figured that I would bring it into the Forum. The answer to this question is speculation but it never hurts to wonder what if. It does build hopes on our idols had they lived but you do have a point as well, it does not make any sense. I guess there is always going to be pros and cons concerning any discussion. I also want to thank all of you for all of your answers concerning this topic of discussion. ROCK ON!

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No. They didn't even reunite in the late 70s when they conceivably had a chance. They were through with it and that was that.

In the 70's they were all into their new found independence. John, Paul and George did very well with their solo careers (okay, Ringo did just fine, too) :) and they had no reason to be dreaming of reuniting with each other. However, i think by "now" they very likely would have gotten together for some kind of collaboration. I don't know if it would have been a concert or a tour or even an album, but i believe The Beatles would have done something (and certainly in the years before George had passed away). In 1980 John was rejuvinated and "Starting Over" seemed like a John who would be focused in a good direction. I'm sure at some point he would have welcomed meeting up with his old pals for some fun. Sadly, we'll never have The Beatles, but they left a wonderful legacy and music that i now share with my child. One of my other strong reasons for believing they would have reunited is because of Ringo Starr. I heard an interview on Larry King Live with Ringo on his birthday (last month) and it was just obvious to me that if the four of them could be together today, it would happen.

On the last day of my daughter's camp (last week) her teacher asks me, does she listen to the Beatles because she was singing one of their songs in class the other day and i love the Beatles. It was so funny. My daughter knows at least 15 or 20 Beatles songs by now and she even sings them in school!

edit for typo

Edited by ~tangerine~
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If John Lennon had lived, he would have died sometime within the last 8 years from a heart-attack brought on by sheer shock at the Bush Administration and the fact that we were stupid enough to keep them in for two terms...

Seriously, though, I could ask that question about so many... if Jim Morrison had lived, would The Doors be around today as they were then? If Kurt Cobain had lived, would Nirvana still be around or at least doing reunions?

What If John Bonham had lived? What if Keith Moon had lived? What if Jimi Hendrix had lived? What if Stevie Ray Vaughn had lived? What if Randy Rhoads had lived?

Quite frankly (and I mean absolutely no offense or disrespect to you, ZeppFanForever), I think it is a very stupid question, simply because these people are dead. There's simply no point in asking the question because there's no way of getting an answer. What is done is done. "What if's" only exist to exacerbate something that does not need to be exacerbated.

Agreed. Once you start the 'What if' game, you're going down a tricky path. There's no point in lamenting what could've been. It's depressing.

I'd like to think they would've done something for George, if they'd have known how long he'd have had left to live. But I honestly don't know. And I don't dwell on it, either.

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Very nice post ~tangerine~ :)

No One seems to remember that Ringo, Paul and George got together to complete a couple of solo Lennon recordings for the Anthology discs. Free as a Bird and Real Love.

I have no doubts had Lennon lived, there would have been a great chance they may have done some work together again, whether or not they did a concert, who knows?

Time and Age changes people and their bitterness they would have had amongst them. Even the disdain they had for live performance might have lessened as well.

So much of the paranoia among big musicians now stems in part from John Lennons assassination. Had that and a few other high profile musician assaults not happened, maybe they would have entertained the thought even more.

Its all speculation so to adamantly state they definately would or not is ridiculous. Especially from those who werent even alive during their tenure.

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Very nice post ~tangerine~ :)

No One seems to remember that Ringo, Paul and George got together to complete a couple of solo Lennon recordings for the Anthology discs. Free as a Bird and Real Love.

I have no doubts had Lennon lived, there would have been a great chance they may have done some work together again, whether or not they did a concert, who knows?

Time and Age changes people and their bitterness they would have had amongst them. Even the disdain they had for live performance might have lessened as well.

So much of the paranoia among big musicians now stems in part from John Lennons assassination. Had that and a few other high profile musician assaults not happened, maybe they would have entertained the thought even more.

Its all speculation so to adamantly state they definately would or not is ridiculous. Especially from those who werent even alive during their tenure.

Thank you...

It seems obvious to me. When you look at how passionate they all remained to music over the years. Even now, Ringo and his All Star Band (in their tenth year). They all love/loved being musicians and playing with other musicians. I am certain by sometime in the last decade they would have wanted to get together and reminisce. They loved each other. As i thought about this further, i wouldn't have been surprised if they had done another "Beatles" type movie together, even...lol. And some new Christmas greetings in the 90's... :)

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i think if lennon was alive, he would have been president, easily. (maybe that's why 'they'

shot him?)

Umm... no. He wasn't born in the USA. You have to be born in the USA in order to be President. They won't change that for Arnold Schwarzeneger, they would not have changed it for John Lennon.

Besides... I think John Lennon would have stayed out. Politics here would have corrupted him, IMO... especially these days.

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George, Paul and Ringo played together at the party to celebrate Clapton's wedding in 1979, and John contacted Clapton afterwards to say he would have been there too had he known. Who knows what that might have sparked?

(I guess this is what you were refering to Mr Kite - "I believe, not for money ( Except Paul McCartney who thinks a lot in money ). I was reading these days about a party in the middle of the seventies, which Paul, George and Ringo played some musics together on the stage to let the kids far from the instruments. Later, Lennon asked about it, saíd: " If they called me, I would play along." So... I believe")

Edited by Knebby
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In actuality, he wasn't the hardest to convince about a Beatles reunion, it was George Harrison.

But they got together to do the Anthology project, so it's conceivable that they could've got together again

I guess we'll never know

best and most accurate post yet.

there are several clues to this and some conflict. there is the playboy interviews with lennon on record passionately embracing his past and exoricising the demon-especially the one with the beatles saving the world onstage. he did have a new record to sell, and he was hounded by fans for a reunion more than robert, jimmy and john paul put together when he was in the street or the park.

there is footage of a halftime interview on monday night football, where none other than howard cosell (who would announce his death to a shocked nation 7 years later) asked him pointblank: 'will the beatles ever reunite?'

lennon replied "well, you just never know..."


i saw that game live, and at the time, i thought he was just being polite...

the anthology project was afoot for many years however. it was a pet progect of neil aspinall, and lennon was not against it. there were talks about various levels of involvement while lennon was alive, and there was also an audio interview lennon did with elliot mintz that came out after his death where he talked about the probability of the beatles making another record, but....

george harrison.

aside from the music, george hated the beatles. it took him many years, and then some serious wound healing between paul and him before they could pour him in a seat for interviews and recording for anthology. the basis of the rift between him and paul seemed to be that paul told the press that george and john were at opposite ends of the bat when he was assassinated, and according to george things were good. he was very pissed. he got pissed again when paul annouced to the press that he would like to write some new music with george in some type of beatley arrangement. george replied "the beatles can never reunite because one of them is dead-the important one."

my assessment: i didn't think they would get george to do anything-ever! i think that they may have done....but i don't think that they would have done a tour or charity show. live aid was special, but john was very savvy about charity events-"the sound is always bad, and the artist always comes off poorly, and everyone gets paid but you. bangladesh was ca-ca...."

i did enjoy "free as a bird" (and loved the video! one of the best ever made, in my book)and "real love", but i always considered them outside the catalogue.

free as a bird

the anthology releases were kick ass (including the book, but especially the cd's and film).

i would love to see the same from zeppelin.

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Another Monday morning quarterback. No speculation just factual statement huh? :lol:

Thanks for the info.

You want a factual statement?

They had ample opportunities to reform since their demise in 1970, for several reasons, including the much publicised falling out between John and Paul (alledgedly over Yoko's influence over John), they chose not to.

Lennon practically gave up music and became a devoted family man.

When he released Double Fantasy he was at the top of his game both musically and vocally.

I seem to recall talk of him wanting to get back to playing live again with a band formed from his studio musicians.

Right up until his death the likelihood of The Beatles reuniting for anything, even an event like the Olympics was less than zero.

So the answer to the question: If John Lennon had lived, would The Beatles have reunited for one big concert?

Is a definite NO!


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You want a factual statement?

So the answer to the question: If John Lennon had lived, would The Beatles have reunited for one big concert?

Is a definite NO!


I understand your reasoning, however it still is only conjecture, admitted by yourself in the end. That was my point as well as saying as time goes on, people change their views. So factually, it might possibly have happened.

Thanks for your opinion though, really.

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Umm... no. He wasn't born in the USA. You have to be born in the USA in order to be President. They won't change that for Arnold Schwarzeneger, they would not have changed it for John Lennon.

Besides... I think John Lennon would have stayed out. Politics here would have corrupted him, IMO... especially these days.

ya, that's right, i didn't think of his home country.

k, carry on.

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