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Del Zeppnile

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And I want your Royal Family handed over to the Republic of Ireland to be tried and punished for hundreds of years of murder and oppression.

Make no mistake about it.

So how does it feel when I but into your political affairs cousin?


Wow, and to think I said some pretty nice things about the American people earlier.

I don't care one jot what you want to do with the Royal Family - they don't bother me or the many millions of Briton's who live in the country.

And me saying who I want to win (which is clearly not to your liking) is hardly 'butting' in. What I say, will not go in your country, so don't get your pants all in a bunch. It's an opinion. I was under the impression your country prided itself on freedom of speech. So, butt in all you want about Britain or the Royal Family, but you don't live here, so what you say, won't go.

Patriotism is such a lovely thing, don't you think? Hostility isn't.

And the many Irish people I know (including my family) would probably laugh at your claim to hand over the Royal Family to them. I think England pretty much paid for all of the Republic of (and Northern) Ireland's hardship's in the past 40 years or so (thanks, by the way, for funding that).

Make no mistake about it.


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Wow, and to think I said some pretty nice things about the American people earlier.

And why wouldn't you? America is a wonderful country full of caring citizens who have helped to bring freedom and security to many areas of the world.

At least we agree on that.

I don't care one jot what you want to do with the Royal Family - they don't bother me or the many millions of Briton's who live in the country.

Although you would agree that many other people in the world, namely the Irish, those in favor of Scottish independence, people all over Africa, the Middle East, France, India, Pakistan and of course those with long memories here in the United States... are free to have a difference of opinion on the legacy of the Royals. Right?

And me saying who I want to win (which is clearly not to your liking) is hardly 'butting' in. What I say, will not go in your country, so don't get your pants all in a bunch. It's an opinion. I was under the impression your country prided itself on freedom of speech. So, butt in all you want about Britain or the Royal Family, but you don't live here, so what you say, won't go.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion. I welcome your opinion as long as it is in the proper context. And just as you are clearly in favor of Barrack Obama being the President of the Untited States. Based of course on your personal views of what is best for your country . I also have an opinion on the archaic personality worship by the British for a royal family who's legacy is one of oppression, imperial dominance, and a perveted system of preference to loyalist stooges backed up soley by the British military.

And that coming from me, one who considers Britian to be one of our two best allies and friends. Israel being the other one.

Patriotism is such a lovely thing, don't you think? Hostility isn't.

Patriotism and hostility are both lovely things given the correct context.

It was because of American patriotism and our hostility towards the British King, that spurned us to go forward and throw off the shackles of British imperialism, and win our own liberty and freedom.

Yes, a very lovely thing.

And the many Irish people I know (including my family) would probably laugh at your claim to hand over the Royal Family to them. I think England pretty much paid for all of the Republic of (and Northern) Ireland's hardship's in the past 40 years or so (thanks, by the way, for funding that).

I didn't fund anything. I happen to be of mainly English/Scottish decent.... although I'm sure an Irishmen probably got his in the mix at some point or another. Oh, and I'm not even Catholic either, so go figure.

No, I did not support the IRA if that is what you are attempting to imply. I disagreed with their tactics and their methods, while at the same time blaming Britain for attempting to ignore the legacy of economic and cultural warfare they used with the aid of Loyalists stooges in the six counties for years. To deny these facts are simply illogical.

And quite honestly embarrassing.

Make no mistake about it.


No problem....



Queenie and the Red Hand

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And why wouldn't you? America is a wonderful country full of caring citizens who have helped to bring freedom and security to many areas of the world.

At least we agree on that.

Although you would agree that many other people in the world, namely the Irish, those in favor of Scottish independence, people all over Africa, the Middle East, France, India, Pakistan and of course those with long memories here in the United States... are free to have a difference of opinion on the legacy of the Royals. Right?

Of course you are entitled to your opinion. I welcome your opinion as long as it is in the proper context. And just as you are clearly in favor of Barrack Obama being the President of the Untited States. Based of course on your personal views of what is best for your country . I also have an opinion on the archaic personality worship by the British for a royal family who's legacy is one of oppression, imperial dominance, and a perveted system of preference to loyalist stooges backed up soley by the British military.

And that coming from me, one who considers Britian to be one of our two best allies and friends. Israel being the other one.

Patriotism and hostility are both lovely things given the correct context.

It was because of American patriotism and our hostility towards the British King, that spurned us to go forward and throw off the shackles of British imperialism, and win our own liberty and freedom.

Yes, a very lovely thing.

I didn't fund anything. I happen to be of mainly English/Scottish decent.... although I'm sure an Irishmen probably got his in the mix at some point or another. Oh, and I'm not even Catholic either, so go figure.

No, I did not support the IRA if that is what you are attempting to imply. I disagreed with their tactics and their methods, while at the same time blaming Britain for attempting to ignore the legacy of economic and cultural warfare they used with the aid of Loyalists stooges in the six counties for years. To deny these facts are simply illogical.

And quite honestly embarrassing.

No problem....



Queenie and the Red Hand

LOL, i have to give you credit. You stooped lower than imaginable. BECAUSE longdistancewinner likes Obama, you totally blast her. If on the other hand she would have praised your Mcstupid and Stalin pick, i bet your words would have been welcoming.

Maybe the governments of other countries have a real interest in who is chosen for their personal gain, but i think the average citizen not only sees with clear eyes, but makes their choice based on their own values, not those of their government. We are once again, and deservingly, being laughed at and ridiculed by everyone outside the U.S.A.

And sorry Del, but you do seem to impose on the Freedom of Speech of others in your attacks. Let me ask, do you not have strong opinions of leaders elsewhere? I 'm sure you do.

Your blind love of this party is sad given you seem to be above average in intelligence. But like the majority of your party, you don't see the state of things today and the state of our future if we continue down this path. You blindly follow the party. I bet you would want the American Eagle hunted if Sarah Palin said it was a good idea.

Longdistancewinner, i hope you don't consider Del to be an average American. He is very much an extremist.

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Who the hell is this Del fella? Are you that insecure to impose your beliefs upon others?? Do I have to come into this section and read/skip your half page diatribes?? Are you that full of yourself?? You, my little zep friend, are no better than any other person on this planet! Your attacks upon others show a lack of maturity and high insecurity. NEVER EVER attack anyone for their beliefs! You have attacked me and now you will not hear the end of it until you find humility. Are you here just to piss people off? Then go somewhere else...I am ashamed that you are a zep fan, Im actually rather surprised. You are an embarrassment as an American and human being in general. Go ahead and respond and attack me..

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Who the hell is this Del fella? Are you that insecure to impose your beliefs upon others?? Do I have to come into this section and read/skip your half page diatribes?? Are you that full of yourself?? You, my little zep friend, are no better than any other person on this planet! Your attacks upon others show a lack of maturity and high insecurity. NEVER EVER attack anyone for their beliefs! You have attacked me and now you will not hear the end of it until you find humility. Are you here just to piss people off? Then go somewhere else...I am ashamed that you are a zep fan, Im actually rather surprised. You are an embarrassment as an American and human being in general. Go ahead and respond and attack me..

He's the "THUNDERCHIEF" didn't you see that in his profile. Tread lightly, mad dog. His fangs are sharp, lol.

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Who the hell is this Del fella? Are you that insecure to impose your beliefs upon others?? Do I have to come into this section and read/skip your half page diatribes?? Are you that full of yourself?? You, my little zep friend, are no better than any other person on this planet! Your attacks upon others show a lack of maturity and high insecurity. NEVER EVER attack anyone for their beliefs! You have attacked me and now you will not hear the end of it until you find humility. Are you here just to piss people off? Then go somewhere else...I am ashamed that you are a zep fan, Im actually rather surprised. You are an embarrassment as an American and human being in general. Go ahead and respond and attack me..

And I thought it was going to be boring around here!


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It's only a problem when a Democrat says it. Republicans can say all the vile things they want and it's okay. Like when McCain called Chelsea Clinton ugly in front of a room full of supporters in 1996. That was okay because McCain is a Republican. Or when he called his wife a c--t. That was okay too. Or when he joked about rape. Or when he used the same comment Barack Obama did to describe Hillary Clinton's policy stance.

It's only okay if you're a Republican. Key word(s) today, kids: Cognitive Dissonance.

That's bullshit.

It isn't right, coming from either party. Politicians, no matter what side they're on, are all assholes. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can get past all this and make a rational decision.

Edited by Rock Action
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LOL, i have to give you credit. You stooped lower than imaginable. BECAUSE longdistancewinner likes Obama, you totally blast her. If on the other hand she would have praised your Mcstupid and Stalin pick, i bet your words would have been welcoming.

I don't think I "blasted" her, we are just having a disagreement is all.

What makes you think I was being rude to her?

Maybe the governments of other countries have a real interest in who is chosen for their personal gain, but i think the average citizen not only sees with clear eyes, but makes their choice based on their own values, not those of their government. We are once again, and deservingly, being laughed at and ridiculed by everyone outside the U.S.A.

Well that way of looking at it is really...

insignificant logic.

World opinion is obviously overrated.

And sorry Del, but you do seem to impose on the Freedom of Speech of others in your attacks. Let me ask, do you not have strong opinions of leaders elsewhere? I 'm sure you do.

I like Putin even if I don't trust that old KGB bastard. At least with Putin you know what to expect... or should know what to expect. Afterall he is one of those KGB bastards. His current actions are going to be a good reason for the United States to get back on our game and really ratchet up the stakes when it comes to building up our armed forces to the levels of the 1980s again. And of course that is good for the American aerospace industry as well.

I'm a little worried about that Sarkosy guy. He doesn't talk like a Frenchman... he must be the anti-christ.

I really liked Margaret Thatcher when she was the prime minister. Her ability to recognize the significance of Ronald Reagan's leadership at the right time. She was one of the good ones.

There are other one of course. I think the president of Finland is really funny. She looks just like Conan O'Brien.

Your blind love of this party is sad given you seem to be above average in intelligence. But like the majority of your party, you don't see the state of things today and the state of our future if we continue down this path. You blindly follow the party. I bet you would want the American Eagle hunted if Sarah Palin said it was a good idea.

I am worried about our future. And that is why Barrack Obama would be a very, very bad president.

What part of this politics game don't you get?

Longdistancewinner, i hope you don't consider Del to be an average American. He is very much an extremist.

:lol: Yeah sure.

Truth is I'm pretty much just like ONE HALF of the American population. The half that elected George Bush TWICE. And the half that will elect McCain/Palin in November.


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What exactly would America lose by Obama becoming the next POTUS?

Oh,where to begin....

Our dignity, our freedoms, our self respect...

Liberals only want what THEY want. All other's opinions and feelings are irrelevant. The last thing we need is some hypocritical, two-faced group running this country. We're in enough deep shit already.

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Who the hell is this Del fella? Are you that insecure to impose your beliefs upon others?? Do I have to come into this section and read/skip your half page diatribes?? Are you that full of yourself?? You, my little zep friend, are no better than any other person on this planet! Your attacks upon others show a lack of maturity and high insecurity. NEVER EVER attack anyone for their beliefs!

Let me guess, I'll bet you are a liberal aren't you?

So at least share with us YOUR beliefs? I'm just dying to hear about what makes you tick.


You have attacked me and now you will not hear the end of it until you find humility. Are you here just to piss people off? Then go somewhere else...I am ashamed that you are a zep fan, Im actually rather surprised.

Why are you suprised that I am a Led Zeppelin fan? Does it has something to do with my political beliefs? Maybe I don't fit into your preconcieved notion of how a Led Zeppelin fan is supposed to think.


You are an embarrassment as an American and human being in general.

Wow! Not only am I not suitable to be a Led Zeppelin fan; but not even worthy of being an American or a HUMAN BEING either.

And what was that you were saying before about "Never attack anyone for their beliefs." Does that only apply to me, or are you under some other standard that I am not aware of.

Go ahead and respond and attack me..

I don't need to attack you.

You do a pretty good job all on your own of attacking yourself.

But please Mr or Ms 58 posts...

Please have the last word.

He's the "THUNDERCHIEF" didn't you see that in his profile. Tread lightly, mad dog. His fangs are sharp, lol.

Thunderchief is just one of my many duties here on this forum. I am also an American Superhero, the head bull-goose loony, and a card carrying member of at least one Led Zeppelin secret society in very good standing. I am respected by my friends and enemies all the same. Just ask around and you'll see what I'm talking about.

I'm also a twice decorated leader of the ".com wars" notice the Four Star General rank in my sig.

Hell, with all that going for me, maybe I should be the one running for president?


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I don't think I "blasted" her, we are just having a disagreement is all.

What makes you think I was being rude to her?

Well that way of looking at it is really...

insignificant logic.

World opinion is obviously overrated.

I like Putin even if I don't trust that old KGB bastard. At least with Putin you know what to expect... or should know what to expect. Afterall he is one of those KGB bastards. His current actions are going to be a good reason for the United States to get back on our game and really ratchet up the stakes when it comes to building up our armed forces to the levels of the 1980s again. And of course that is good for the American aerospace industry as well.

I'm a little worried about that Sarkosy guy. He doesn't talk like a Frenchman... he must be the anti-christ.

I really liked Margaret Thatcher when she was the prime minister. Her ability to recognize the significance of Ronald Reagan's leadership at the right time. She was one of the good ones.

There are other one of course. I think the president of Finland is really funny. She looks just like Conan O'Brien.

I am worried about our future. And that is why Barrack Obama would be a very, very bad president.

What part of this politics game don't you get?

:lol: Yeah sure.

Truth is I'm pretty much just like ONE HALF of the American population. The half that elected George Bush TWICE. And the half that will elect McCain/Palin in November.


You were rude, and she picked up on it too. Could it have been the brutality of your Royal Family comment?

Roughly, one half choose to allow GWB another four years of corruption and pushing our country into a recession. Who would have imagined with the surplus Clinton left, we would be in such debt (and i know my grandchildren will still be paying). I posted the stats on 2001 vs. today a while ago in a post. Everything that was rated is much worse off today. Americans need to ask themself this question: are they better off today than 4 years ago? Who can even afford gasoline as just ONE example? We need to take care of US. The war is an unfortunate, ongoing (Del, in the very beginning of the war, how long did GWB project it would last)?

McCain has no plans to change anything. He doesn't have a solid answer to his plans to fix unemployment, healthcare, education, poverty, insect over-population :), crime, the environment, including Global Warming (which Palin has no clue about), etc... he will continue the war and continue the high cost of human lives being lost and financial debt being incurred, and i heard he is also for stem cell research (which Palin opposes). I didn't happen to hear McCains thoughts on book censorship, but if Palin steps in for him, it will be another Fahrenheit 451, :).

That last statement you made, very uncool... tsk, tsk.

edit for spelling

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You were rude, and she picked up on it too. Could it have been the brutality of your Royal Family comment?

But I made a valid point didn't I. She supposes to inject her opinions on our presidential election, which of course she certainly entitled to do. However, in doing so she "makes it certain" for all to read, that she is in favor of Barrack Obama.

I didn't read any other commentary from her in this thread, although it may exist. But when she "makes it certain" without offering any other discussion about why it "should be so certain" then I assume she is just blowing hot air. If she wants to jump into our debate about our presidential election, then she is going to have to make the discussion a hell of a lot more interesting than that.

And my comments about the Royals being responsible for centuries of oppression in Ireland is not exactly a sentiment from left field. It has just as much "certainty" in my opinion, as her "certainty" that Barrack Obama is her choice. Even though her thoughts on our election, or my thoughts on her country's history in Northern Ireland have an equal amount of irrelevency.

And of course I certainly hit the right raw nerve, obviously.

Roughly, one half choose to allow GWB another four years of corruption and pushing our country into a recession. Who would have imagined with the surplus Clinton left, we would be in such debt (and i know my grandchildren will still be paying).

The economy has slowed, but it has still continued to grow if even at a smaller pace for the last three years. But to say that this 'consumer driven' recessionary trend in the last 10 months is the fault of anyone other than the stupid people who took out homeloans that they could not afford, or the lenders who gave out those loans, is inncorrect.

Certainly raising energy costs have contributed to problems in the market. But I wonder how much those energy costs would be if we weren't in the middle east making certain that the free flow of oil can continue?

And in terms of "Clinton's" handling of the economy. Let's not forget that it was a much more conservative Republican congress under Newt Gingrich that was keeping domestic spending under control at the time. You know it is congress who writes the checks, not the President.

I posted the stats on 2001 vs. today a while ago in a post. Everything that was rated is much worse off today. Americans need to ask themself this question: are they better off today than 4 years ago? Who can even afford gasoline as just ONE example? We need to take care of US. The war is an unfortunate, ongoing (Del, in the very beginning of the war, how long did GWB project it would last)?

The first responsibility of a President is to keep this nation safe. And George Bush has done just fine in that task since the horrible day of September 11, 2001. If that turns out to be his only legacy, it will still be a good one.

McCain has no plans to change anything. He doesn't have a solid answer to his plans to fix unemployment, healthcare, education, poverty, insect over-population :), crime, the environment, including Global Warming (which Palin has no clue about), etc... he will continue the war and continue the high cost of human lives being lost and financial debt being incurred, and i heard he is also for stem cell research (which Palin opposes). I didn't happen to hear McCains thoughts on book censorship, but if Palin steps in for him, it will be another Fahrenheit 451, :).

That last statement you made, very uncool... tsk, tsk.

edit for spelling

What exaclty is Obama's plan for protecting the United States and our interests in the Middle East? He seems to keep changing his answers, but Obama was for pulling out of Iraq even before the success fo the surge. Don't you see that as a problem with his leadership?

If we had pulled out during the peak of sectarian violence as Obama wanted, there would have been a bloodbath in Iraq. The Iranians would have capitalized on the situation, the Kurds would have gone to war with BOTH the Shia and the Sunnis. The Saudis would have been very nervous, if not sucked into the battle. The cost of oil would have been even higher with the turmoil, and who knows what Israel's response might have been if Syria and Iran had seen our withdrawl as an oppourtunity to expand their terrorist support of Hamas and Hezbolah.

John McCain understands what is at stake in Iraq. Obama has only offered a contrarian position because is it politically easy to do so. Obama'a approach to ideas is to take polls and roll the dice. He is an empty suit with empty answers to difficult questions.

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John McCain understands what is at stake in Iraq. Obama has only offered a contrarian position because is it politically easy to do so. Obama'a approach to ideas is to take polls and roll the dice. He is an empty suit with empty answers to difficult questions.

and he understands because of what???...oh yea, i remember...because he was screwing around in his jet and got shot down, right?? ... the hotdog (oops... maverick) didn't learn his lesson after flying into power lines or running out of gas...

it's too bad his father and grandfather were such big-wigs because any other person would have been tossed out on their ass for being such a fuck-up(oops, i mean maverick)...

i guess that means john mccain got exactly what he deserved in vietnam... ;)

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And why wouldn't you? America is a wonderful country full of caring citizens who have helped to bring freedom and security to many areas of the world.

At least we agree on that.

Well, you're certainly not bucking that trend. I don't need you to tell me America is caring - I have plenty of wonderful family and friends to do that for me already, nevermind spending half my childhood holiday's in your country. I'm no expert, but, then, I'm not professing myself to be.

Although you would agree that many other people in the world, namely the Irish, those in favor of Scottish independence, people all over Africa, the Middle East, France, India, Pakistan and of course those with long memories here in the United States... are free to have a difference of opinion on the legacy of the Royals. Right?

You can have any opinion that you want of the Royal Family - therein lies the difference between us, Del. I don't mind whether you wish to rip the Royal Family to shreds or defend them. It's your opinion. And, believe me, there would be some who are just as much in favour of ENGLISH independence as they are Scottish.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion. I welcome your opinion as long as it is in the proper context. And just as you are clearly in favor of Barrack Obama being the President of the Untited States. Based of course on your personal views of what is best for your country . I also have an opinion on the archaic personality worship by the British for a royal family who's legacy is one of oppression, imperial dominance, and a perveted system of preference to loyalist stooges backed up soley by the British military.

And that coming from me, one who considers Britian to be one of our two best allies and friends. Israel being the other one.

My opinion isn't welcomed because it's not in the proper context? And how should that be? 'I want Obama to win only if McCain isn't elected?' I'm in favour of Obama because I don't want my country to be in Iraq any more than yours does. Every day that goes by we hear of another of Britain's boy's losing their lives. If Barack promises to pull out American troops, I have no doubt we will follow. How selfish of me.

You're basing your rather skewed opinion of the Royal Family, and the rest of us, from hundred of years ago.

No, I did not support the IRA if that is what you are attempting to imply. I disagreed with their tactics and their methods, while at the same time blaming Britain for attempting to ignore the legacy of economic and cultural warfare they used with the aid of Loyalists stooges in the six counties for years. To deny these facts are simply illogical.

And quite honestly embarrassing.

You personally haven't funded anything, but your country has. It's a well known fact and I've known that for years - and I'm only 22. Your country give the Provisional IRA the ammunition and money to kill many of my countrymen (and their own) - which, I'm sure you'll be happy to know, included a member of the Royal Family. And that network still exists today. I don't hold it against your country. So, please, don't hold your archaic imagery of the Royal Family's past against mine.

You seem to want blame Britain for just about anything - though your basis for it is held long in the past.

I'm not getting into a fight with you, and I'm not being disrespectful or whatever when I say who I want to win, because mine is an opinion. And just like I've respected yours, please do so with mine.

Edited by longdistancewinner
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Hi all,

and he understands because of what???...oh yea, i remember...because he was screwing around in his jet and got shot down, right?? ... the hotdog (oops... maverick) didn't learn his lesson after flying into power lines or running out of gas...

it's too bad his father and grandfather were such big-wigs because any other person would have been tossed out on their ass for being such a fuck-up(oops, i mean maverick)...

i guess that means john mccain got exactly what he deserved in vietnam... ;)

He got what he deserved???? :angry:

KB :burp:

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But I made a valid point didn't I. She supposes to inject her opinions on our presidential election, which of course she certainly entitled to do. However, in doing so she "makes it certain" for all to read, that she is in favor of Barrack Obama.

I didn't read any other commentary from her in this thread, although it may exist. But when she "makes it certain" without offering any other discussion about why it "should be so certain" then I assume she is just blowing hot air. If she wants to jump into our debate about our presidential election, then she is going to have to make the discussion a hell of a lot more interesting than that.

And my comments about the Royals being responsible for centuries of oppression in Ireland is not exactly a sentiment from left field. It has just as much "certainty" in my opinion, as her "certainty" that Barrack Obama is her choice. Even though her thoughts on our election, or my thoughts on her country's history in Northern Ireland have an equal amount of irrelevency.

And of course I certainly hit the right raw nerve, obviously.

You hit a raw nerve? Who with exactly? Me? Because I didn't reply?

What are you talking about, 'making it certain'? Making what certain, exactly? I want someone to win, and that's it. I have no power on your elections, and if McCain wins, I won't be losing any sleep over it. There's no 'certainty' in it. Am I wrong for being in favour of Obama? Would you think I was just as bad if I said I wanted McCain to win? Would I vilify someone from overseas who thinks Gordon Brown has done a shit job? No. You have your opinion. And I'll respect it. I may not agree with it, but it's respected.

I made a statement, who I would like to win. Doesn't mean I am any more right or wrong then you are.

You were the one who starts waffling on about my country's 'colouful' history. Get over it. I never said anything personal about your's.

And if my thoughts on your election are irrelevent, you don't need to be on the attack then, do you?

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LOL, i have to give you credit. You stooped lower than imaginable. BECAUSE longdistancewinner likes Obama, you totally blast her. If on the other hand she would have praised your Mcstupid and Stalin pick, i bet your words would have been welcoming.

Maybe the governments of other countries have a real interest in who is chosen for their personal gain, but i think the average citizen not only sees with clear eyes, but makes their choice based on their own values, not those of their government. We are once again, and deservingly, being laughed at and ridiculed by everyone outside the U.S.A.

And sorry Del, but you do seem to impose on the Freedom of Speech of others in your attacks. Let me ask, do you not have strong opinions of leaders elsewhere? I 'm sure you do.

Your blind love of this party is sad given you seem to be above average in intelligence. But like the majority of your party, you don't see the state of things today and the state of our future if we continue down this path. You blindly follow the party. I bet you would want the American Eagle hunted if Sarah Palin said it was a good idea.

Longdistancewinner, i hope you don't consider Del to be an average American. He is very much an extremist.

Tangerine, I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier, been a bit busy elsewhere :rolleyes:

Thanks for sticking up for me. I hope your country understands that it's not personal against yourselves when I merely make a choice about who I would like to win.

And I don't consider Del the average American. Thankfully, I've known plenty of them to let me know that the majority in your country are amongst the most welcoming and kindest of people I've ever known :)

If I was bit more quick witted I would've tried to reply to Del in a better way than I have done. Thankfully, you said pretty much all I couldn't :)

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