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Del Zeppnile

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"The first responsibility of a President is to keep this nation safe. And George Bush has done just fine in that task since the horrible day of September 11, 2001. If that turns out to be his only legacy, it will still be a good one."

You are so blind Del. How is this nation any safer?

What has George Bush done to close borders, or heighten security?

Please tell me, because all i've been reading, is how our security is still in the same weakened state, the same weakened state since 2000.

You are a fool.

Edited by electricmage
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and he understands because of what???...oh yea, i remember...because he was screwing around in his jet and got shot down, right?? ... the hotdog (oops... maverick) didn't learn his lesson after flying into power lines or running out of gas...

it's too bad his father and grandfather were such big-wigs because any other person would have been tossed out on their ass for being such a fuck-up(oops, i mean maverick)...

i guess that means john mccain got exactly what he deserved in vietnam... ;)

WOW! I'm really not sure how to respond to this or if I even should. But first of all McCain was not "hot dogging" when he was shot down over Hanoi. His jet was struck by a North Vietnamese rocket while he was on a bombing mission. There really isn't any disputing of this, or the fact that he was also tortured by his captors for many years. But I guess you don't need to believe me, just ask some of the men who were in Hanoi with him if you think it is just a made up story.

I actually hope that a lot of liberals have your same attitude about McCain and his military service. And I hope you continue to spout off this same way. Because this attitude will only help him in the minds of MOST AMERICANS, and further undersscore the baseless hatred and desperation of the radical left.

Shame on you.

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The first responsibility of a President is to keep this nation safe. And George Bush has done just fine in that task since the horrible day of September 11, 2001. If that turns out to be his only legacy, it will still be a good one.

You are so blind Del. How is this nation any safer?

What has George Bush done to close borders, or heighten security?

Please tell me, because all i've been reading, is how our security is still in the same weakened state, the same weakened state since 2000.

You are a fool.

Despite several continued efforts my terrorists wanting to kill Americans, we have not been attacked since 9/11.

Just where have you been?


BTW- either learn how to properly use the 'quote tags' or at least cite the person you are quoting clearly. Otherwise your posts come off as awkward and irritating to the reader. Which says nothing about the foolish content itself. But it is something you need to correct.


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WOW! I'm really not sure how to respond to this or if I even should. But first of all McCain was not "hot dogging" when he was shot down over Hanoi. His jet was struck by a North Vietnamese rocket while he was on a bombing mission. There really isn't any disputing of this, or the fact that he was also tortured by his captors for many years. But I guess you don't need to believe me, just ask some of the men who were in Hanoi with him if you think it is just a made up story.

I actually hope that a lot of liberals have your same attitude about McCain and his military service. And I hope you continue to spout off this same way. Because this attitude will only help him in the minds of MOST AMERICANS, and further undersscore the baseless hatred and desperation of the radical left.

Shame on you.

But I'm sure you didn't shame the swiftboaters! Nah, cause that was different.

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Despite several continued efforts my terrorists wanting to kill Americans, we have not been attacked since 9/11.

Just where have you been?


BTW- either learn how to properly use the 'quote tags' or at least cite the person you are quoting clearly. Otherwise your posts come off as awkward and irritating to the reader. Which says nothing about the foolish content itself. But it is something you need to correct.


i'm sorry, i must be missing something. george bush allowed our homeland to be attacked on 9/11. he did allow that, didn't he as commandeer-in-chief? if he gets gredit for being in office without an attack since 9/11, it stands to reason that he and his administration should be blamed for the attack itself (especially the PENTAGON!)

but then, where have i been?

by the way, i have no political party affiliation and my vote is very much up for grabs between obama and mccain. it is the reasoning in threads like these from ultra-right nazi's (who wouldn't give mccain a nickel 4 years ago but have no choice now since the bush administration has screwed this country so unmercifully)that almost make me puke.

also, you have alot of nerve correcting anybody for the use of irritating posts. maybe you should go back and re-read some of your own drivel.

khan....i'm laughing at the superior intellect.......

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Hi all,

i'm sorry, i must be missing something. george bush allowed our homeland to be attacked on 9/11. he did allow that, didn't he as commandeer-in-chief? if he gets gredit for being in office without an attack since 9/11, it stands to reason that he and his administration should be blamed for the attack itself (especially the PENTAGON!)

but then, where have i been?

He did?Facts please,....can you name any? :blink:

Have we been attacked since 9/11/2001?

I see,says the blind man,two wrongs,make a right,...

And of,course this was not brewing during the Bush(1),or Clinton(2),....right,...?


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Hi all,

He did?Facts please,....can you name any? :blink:

Have we been attacked since 9/11/2001?

I see,says the blind man,two wrongs,make a right,...

And of,course this was not brewing during the Bush(1),or Clinton(2),....right,...?


you need facts that we were attacked on 9/11 while bush was president? :blink:blink:

that's a cute saying, by the way, about the blind man. make it up?

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There is no election Obama and McCain are puppets to make you beleive that something is actually going on. This is exactly what they wanted; to turn politics into some kind of stupid publicity scam. You guys need to listen to some Alex Jones or trip shrooms or something but this shit is just stupid. Infowars.com people!

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Hi all,

Hi beatbo!

Yep!That just made up that morning.Nothing planned,...right? :blink:

After the WTC 1993,no one,FBI,NSA,CIA,had any idea what was going to happen,eh?

you need facts that we were attacked on 9/11 while bush was president? :blink:blink:

So what are you saying?Bush allowed this to happen?Prove that.

that's a cute saying, by the way, about the blind man. make it up?



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Well, you're certainly not bucking that trend. I don't need you to tell me America is caring - I have plenty of wonderful family and friends to do that for me already, nevermind spending half my childhood holiday's in your country. I'm no expert, but, then, I'm not professing myself to be.

But you have no problem professing your opinion of Republicans and John McCain. Even though your opinions are based soley on YOUR wishes, for YOUR interests and in a manner obviously aimed at offending at least of the Americans already having this discussion. I could care less of what your opinion is. And I could care less if you choose voice that opinion in this discussion. However since you have already decided to choose sides in the debate--- AND do so in a not so respectful tone. Then don't act offended if I or anyone else GIVES some attitude right back at you.

Isn't this YOUR quote from a few day ago:


I can't understand why so many Republican's are taking the comment out of context. Obama is talking about change. You vote Republican and you'll have another 8 years of the same shit. Dress it up all you like, it's still what it is.

He could've used the old chestnut, 'You can't polish a turd', but then the shit would've really hit the fan.

I think it would be a real travisty if McCain gets in. Even Gordon Brown has expressed his support for Obama. And no UK Prime Minister has ever done that pre-election before.

If "shit" "turds" and "travesty" is your opinion, then that is you right. But then if I want to throw the same 'shit' back at you for the TRAVESTY of your Royal Family's involvment in Northern Ireland. Then at least accept MY OPINIONS as a way to balance American critisism for your leaders as well.

It's called "if you can dish it out, then you had better be able to take it."

You can have any opinion that you want of the Royal Family - therein lies the difference between us, Del. I don't mind whether you wish to rip the Royal Family to shreds or defend them. It's your opinion. And, believe me, there would be some who are just as much in favour of ENGLISH independence as they are Scottish.

But you assumed that my critisism of your Royal Family and it's legacy of murder and oppression in Ireland was because I was Irish-American and a supporter of the IRA. Well, you were wrong on that weren't you. I am a Protestant (WASP) of mainly English decent. An American who's decendents fought your country for Independece and liberty. I am an American who see total HYPOCRICY in the attitude of any Brit who would call OUR LEADERS shit without accepting some of their own rotten legacy. Call it a reality check, but guess what. Most of us Americans don't care about what you think of us, our leaders or our Presidential canidates. If you think when we go to our election booths, we are thinking about who you want to be our president... well, then you are pretty much wrong.

My opinion isn't welcomed because it's not in the proper context? And how should that be? 'I want Obama to win only if McCain isn't elected?' I'm in favour of Obama because I don't want my country to be in Iraq any more than yours does. Every day that goes by we hear of another of Britain's boy's losing their lives. If Barack promises to pull out American troops, I have no doubt we will follow. How selfish of me.

Most of the problems in the middle east today stem from a lot of hatred and political turmoil that was created by European Imperialists among which your nation was the biggest trouble maker. Long before any American ever involved themselves in the middle East, your nation was over there picking and choosing which tribes would be friendly to the crown -- where the borders should be drawn, and who would be benefiting from a "good relationship" with "the Empire." You need to own up to the FACT, that nations like Kuwait were 'declared' independent sheikdoms under British mandate after WW1 in order to best put forth Britian's interests in these oil rich nations.

So if you want to sit there and whine about how your country has been pulled into this conflict because of my country's policy in Iraq. Without owning up to YOUR nation's history and involvment in the region. Then you are either ignorant of the facts, or lying. And in the same way that you are ignoring the facts about your county's involvment in Northern Ireland. GET IT! It's reality check time for you.

You're basing your rather skewed opinion of the Royal Family, and the rest of us, from hundred of years ago.

I don't think the 1970s were a hundred years ago. I don't think I have skewed the fact that the British military despite claiming to be a peace keeping force in the six counties, colluded with the Ulster Unionists and other paramiltary units to effect intimidation and assinations of their opposition there. All with the blessing of your Royal family.

I mean really. Don't you ever just look at that "family" and ask yourself WHY the British taxpayers are continuing to support that circus act? So if you want to talk about our leaders as 'shit' then you need to thicken up your skin a bit cousin.

You personally haven't funded anything, but your country has. It's a well known fact and I've known that for years - and I'm only 22. Your country give the Provisional IRA the ammunition and money to kill many of my countrymen (and their own) - which, I'm sure you'll be happy to know, included a member of the Royal Family. And that network still exists today. I don't hold it against your country. So, please, don't hold your archaic imagery of the Royal Family's past against mine.

I have no doubt that some Irish Americans, especially those with family in Ireland have supported the IRA. But that is on them, not on this government or the American people as a whole. Most Americans did not involve themselves in the senseless sectarian violence that you folks seemed to be causing by your continued presence in Ireland.

The whole thing was rather silly from our point of view. The Irish are great people and if anything many of us saw their situation a lot like ours 200 years ago. A heavy handed British military acting on behalf of the Royal Family and their Loyalist stooges. Although, I guess we were much luckier in the fact that we were thousands of miles away across an ocean, fighting on our own rural terrain. And not to mention the fact that the British were engaged with an Imperial war with France.

You seem to want blame Britain for just about anything - though your basis for it is held long in the past.

I'm not getting into a fight with you, and I'm not being disrespectful or whatever when I say who I want to win, because mine is an opinion. And just like I've respected yours, please do so with mine.

I actually like the British. Actually like them a lot. I would even say that I am very glad that my nation, our language, or customs, laws and most of our culture, stems from England. It could have gone another way, and we could have been a French or Spanish nation. But what I don't respect is any Brit who feels perfectly comfortable critisizing my nation and our leaders and policies, without owning up to their own history and critisizims as well.

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But I'm sure you didn't shame the swiftboaters! Nah, cause that was different.

When did John McCain return from Vietnam and openly critisize his fellow soldiers for their involvment in the war the way John Kerry did? You remember, the "severed heads, arms and scenes like Gengis Kahn" speech that Kerry made before congress.

Kerry brought shame upon himself after he returned from Vietnam. And other veterans pointed that fact out.

I swear, you liberals see the world through the same 'stoner glasses' that John Lennon must have been wearing.

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But you have no problem professing your opinion of Republicans and John McCain. Even though your opinions are based soley on YOUR wishes, for YOUR interests and in a manner obviously aimed at offending at least of the Americans already having this discussion. I could care less of what your opinion is. And I could care less if you choose voice that opinion in this discussion. However since you have already decided to choose sides in the debate--- AND do so in a not so respectful tone. Then don't act offended if I or anyone else GIVES some attitude right back at you.

If "shit" "turds" and "travesty" is your opinion, then that is you right. But then if I want to throw the same 'shit' back at you for the TRAVESTY of your Royal Family's involvment in Northern Ireland. Then at least accept MY OPINIONS as a way to balance American critisism for your leaders as well.

It's called "if you can dish it out, then you had better be able to take it."

But you assumed that my critisism of your Royal Family and it's legacy of murder and oppression in Ireland was because I was Irish-American and a supporter of the IRA. Well, you were wrong on that weren't you. I am a Protestant (WASP) of mainly English decent. An American who's decendents fought your country for Independece and liberty. I am an American who see total HYPOCRICY in the attitude of any Brit who would call OUR LEADERS shit without accepting some of their own rotten legacy. Call it a reality check, but guess what. Most of us Americans don't care about what you think of us, our leaders or our Presidential canidates. If you think when we go to our election booths, we are thinking about who you want to be our president... well, then you are pretty much wrong.

Most of the problems in the middle east today stem from a lot of hatred and political turmoil that was created by European Imperialists among which your nation was the biggest trouble maker. Long before any American ever involved themselves in the middle East, your nation was over there picking and choosing which tribes would be friendly to the crown -- where the borders should be drawn, and who would be benefiting from a "good relationship" with "the Empire." You need to own up to the FACT, that nations like Kuwait were 'declared' independent sheikdoms under British mandate after WW1 in order to best put forth Britian's interests in these oil rich nations.

So if you want to sit there and whine about how your country has been pulled into this conflict because of my country's policy in Iraq. Without owning up to YOUR nation's history and involvment in the region. Then you are either ignorant of the facts, or lying. And in the same way that you are ignoring the facts about your county's involvment in Northern Ireland. GET IT! It's reality check time for you.

I don't think the 1970s were a hundred years ago. I don't think I have skewed the fact that the British military despite claiming to be a peace keeping force in the six counties, colluded with the Ulster Unionists and other paramiltary units to effect intimidation and assinations of their opposition there. All with the blessing of your Royal family.

I mean really. Don't you ever just look at that "family" and ask yourself WHY the British taxpayers are continuing to support that circus act? So if you want to talk about our leaders as 'shit' then you need to thicken up your skin a bit cousin.

I have no doubt that some Irish Americans, especially those with family in Ireland have supported the IRA. But that is on them, not on this government or the American people as a whole. Most Americans did not involve themselves in the senseless sectarian violence that you folks seemed to be causing by your continued presence in Ireland.

The whole thing was rather silly from our point of view. The Irish are great people and if anything many of us saw their situation a lot like ours 200 years ago. A heavy handed British military acting on behalf of the Royal Family and their Loyalist stooges. Although, I guess we were much luckier in the fact that we were thousands of miles away across an ocean, fighting on our own rural terrain. And not to mention the fact that the British were engaged with an Imperial war with France.

I actually like the British. Actually like them a lot. I would even say that I am very glad that my nation, our language, or customs, laws and most of our culture, stems from England. It could have gone another way, and we could have been a French or Spanish nation. But what I don't respect is any Brit who feels perfectly comfortable critisizing my nation and our leaders and policies, without owning up to their own history and critisizims as well.


After that thrilling read, I really shouldn't be arsed to reply to you. It doesn't matter how wrong you think I am, having an opinion doesn't make me so. That's why it's an opinion. We have people like you in Britain, they're called the BNP. Why are you bothered by what I think? If I was all for McCain and Palin would you give a shit?

You used a quote I made and implied I was using it to make it look like I had called McCain a turd? My statement was my interpretation of what Obama was saying: Don't vote for change, and expect another possible 8 years of the same 'ol, same 'ol. And you really don't need that. As much as I don't like it, your President is a laughing stock in Europe. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. So, yeah. I think (that being the operative word) it was be a real travesty is McCain won.

You're so pathetic, that all your gripe's about the Royal Family are from hundreds of years ago. They had no active part in the Troubles, so what other time period do you speak of? Can't you think of anything more recent?

Why do you keep thinking I'm offended? I couldn't give a shit. Perhaps you'd like to find a quote of mine that says I do so? I'll say it again: It's your opinion and I respect it. Think what you will of Britain or the Monarch all you like. It's your opinion.

You seem to think I'm living in denial of Britain's role in the world. Did I ever make a comment beforehand that stated that Britain was squeaky clean? I'm not particularly proud of Britain's Imperialistic past, but then, I never made the notion that I was. So, instead of pulling random thoughts out of your magic hat, why don't you just reply to the quote in hand?

And, saying I don't want my country in Iraq anymore is hardly a 'whine'. It's my desire to not hear of another of our lads die at the hands of a war that was never needed.

Really, the moment I start dissing your heritage (which is what you're doing to mine), is the moment you can say I'm being personal against your country. Saying I don't like your current government and having a 'favourite' candidate isn't a personal attack on your heritage.

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You used a quote I made and implied I was using it to make it look like I had called McCain a turd? My statement was my interpretation of what Obama was saying: Don't vote for change, and expect another possible 8 years of the same 'ol, same 'ol. And you really don't need that.

Same 'old shit' you mean to say. And that is just your opinion.

Although another way to look at it would be what kind of worse shit would we have been if Al Gore or John Kerry had been the President? Keep in mind that neither of those choices could beat G.W. Bush TWICE. So I wouldn't be so quick to presume or imply "what we need" or what we want as Americans. The voting record is very clear on that.

I could give you a pretty long list of what you "need" to do in your country. But I'm sure you would not appreciate the logical advise anyway.

As much as I don't like it, your President is a laughing stock in Europe. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. So, yeah. I think (that being the operative word) it was be a real travesty is McCain won.

Let me clue you in a dirty little secret that I'm sure your liberal media and socialist leaders haven't clued you into:

Most Americans really don't care what most Europeans think about us. We have pretty much learned all we need to know about most Europeans after fighting in two wars for you all over there. And not to mention the general lack of appreciation by many (not all) Europeans for us leading NATO during the cold war. In today's world Americans are more appreciated in places like Poland and the Czech Republic, than in the nations where we shed our blood to defend you -- TWICE!

So don't put too much stock in what "Europeans think" about our leaders or our policies. Barrack Obama may give a speech to thousands of cheering Germans and other Europeans, but too bad for him because Europeans aren't voting for our President. Our election will be determined by those beer drinking, NASCAR cheering folks in the American heartland. The ones "clinging to their guns and religion" who pretty much don't give a second thought to what people in Europe might be thinking about us.


Yeah, we spend a lot of time worrying about what you think of us. :lol:

You're so pathetic, that all your gripe's about the Royal Family are from hundreds of years ago. They had no active part in the Troubles, so what other time period do you speak of? Can't you think of anything more recent?

Why do you still have a royal family? Talk about 'troubles' your Queen is generally more concerned with the way her circus act of a family is portayed in public than any genuine concern or regret for the legacy of British oppression of Ireland and Irish self-determination. To deny that your royal family, sitting there in their various castles, yachts and high living oppulance -- All of which was paid for my the Imperialist/Loyalist policies of the British government over hundreds of years, and well into the present day, is to deny realitiy.

What a joke they are. No bigger group of hangers on than ever existed.

As an American I want you Brits to throw the royals out in the street. Don't you care about what a laughing stock your royal family is? Don't you care what Americans and other people around the world think about your silly system of giving these inbred blue bloods so much priveldge?

See how this works?


Why do you keep thinking I'm offended? I couldn't give a shit. Perhaps you'd like to find a quote of mine that says I do so? I'll say it again: It's your opinion and I respect it. Think what you will of Britain or the Monarch all you like. It's your opinion.

Of course you are offended. It's all in your tone and your insistence to respond.

You really aren't very good at the flame game are you cousin?

You seem to think I'm living in denial of Britain's role in the world. Did I ever make a comment beforehand that stated that Britain was squeaky clean? I'm not particularly proud of Britain's Imperialistic past, but then, I never made the notion that I was. So, instead of pulling random thoughts out of your magic hat, why don't you just reply to the quote in hand?

I would argue that your country has cost my country more lives and treasure over the last hundred years, than my country could ever have cost yours in the last seven.


And, saying I don't want my country in Iraq anymore is hardly a 'whine'. It's my desire to not hear of another of our lads die at the hands of a war that was never needed.

How many of our lads died in your wars? Any ideas?

Britian under Tony Blair understood what was at stake in Iraq and Afghanistan and has been a willing participant in this struggle just like the United States. For you to suggest that Britian does not have a vested interest in the middle east, or an interest in opposing global terror is absolutly ridiculous. Your brave soldiers have died in Iraq for the same good cause that Americans and other coalition partners have died there for... so grow up.

Really, the moment I start dissing your heritage (which is what you're doing to mine), is the moment you can say I'm being personal against your country. Saying I don't like your current government and having a 'favourite' candidate isn't a personal attack on your heritage.

The royal family is not your PERSONAL heritage any more than Southern plantation slave owners is my personal heritage. So please spare me the false indignation. You called a Republican victory in November four more years of shit (paraphrasing what you said). And I said your royal family continues to be a thousand years of shit.

Sounds like an even exchange of ideas and opinions.

No go away before I taunt you a second time.


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Same 'old shit' you mean to say. And that is just your opinion.

Although another way to look at it would be what kind of worse shit would we have been if Al Gore or John Kerry had been the President? Keep in mind that neither of those choices could beat G.W. Bush TWICE. So I wouldn't be so quick to presume or imply "what we need" or what we want as Americans. The voting record is very clear on that.

I could give you a pretty long list of what you "need" to do in your country. But I'm sure you would not appreciate the logical advise anyway.

Let me clue you in a dirty little secret that I'm sure your liberal media and socialist leaders haven't clued you into:

Most Americans really don't care what most Europeans think about us. We have pretty much learned all we need to know about most Europeans after fighting in two wars for you all over there. And not to mention the general lack of appreciation by many (not all) Europeans for us leading NATO during the cold war. In today's world Americans are more appreciated in places like Poland and the Czech Republic, than in the nations where we shed our blood to defend you -- TWICE!

So don't put too much stock in what "Europeans think" about our leaders or our policies. Barrack Obama may give a speech to thousands of cheering Germans and other Europeans, but too bad for him because Europeans aren't voting for our President. Our election will be determined by those beer drinking, NASCAR cheering folks in the American heartland. The ones "clinging to their guns and religion" who pretty much don't give a second thought to what people in Europe might be thinking about us.


Yeah, we spend a lot of time worrying about what you think of us. :lol:

Why do you still have a royal family? Talk about 'troubles' your Queen is generally more concerned with the way her circus act of a family is portayed in public than any genuine concern or regret for the legacy of British oppression of Ireland and Irish self-determination. To deny that your royal family, sitting there in their various castles, yachts and high living oppulance -- All of which was paid for my the Imperialist/Loyalist policies of the British government over hundreds of years, and well into the present day, is to deny realitiy.

What a joke they are. No bigger group of hangers on than ever existed.

As an American I want you Brits to throw the royals out in the street. Don't you care about what a laughing stock your royal family is? Don't you care what Americans and other people around the world think about your silly system of giving these inbred blue bloods so much priveldge?

See how this works?


Of course you are offended. It's all in your tone and your insistence to respond.

You really aren't very good at the flame game are you cousin?

I would argue that your country has cost my country more lives and treasure over the last hundred years, than my country could ever have cost yours in the last seven.


How many of our lads died in your wars? Any ideas?

Britian under Tony Blair understood what was at stake in Iraq and Afghanistan and has been a willing participant in this struggle just like the United States. For you to suggest that Britian does not have a vested interest in the middle east, or an interest in opposing global terror is absolutly ridiculous. Your brave soldiers have died in Iraq for the same good cause that Americans and other coalition partners have died there for... so grow up.

The royal family is not your PERSONAL heritage any more than Southern plantation slave owners is my personal heritage. So please spare me the false indignation. You called a Republican victory in November four more years of shit (paraphrasing what you said). And I said your royal family continues to be a thousand years of shit.

Sounds like an even exchange of ideas and opinions.

No go away before I taunt you a second time.


Good work Del.

as B. Ussein Obama would say,

"I've been busy making bank"

so im not on as much and one more thing.

I hope they keep trying to prove Obama is better than Palin because if they do, John McCain might as well pick out the color of the carpet for the Oval Office today.

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Good work Del.

as B. Ussein Obama would say,

"I've been busy making bank"

so im not on as much and one more thing.

I hope they keep trying to prove Obama is better than Palin because if they do, John McCain might as well pick out the color of the carpet for the Oval Office today.

Actually the carpet in the oval office was just changed a few years ago. Right after G.W. Bush took office upon Bill Clinton's exit.

...also all the door knobs and toilet seats too from what I heard.



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Why do you still have a royal family? Talk about 'troubles' your Queen is generally more concerned with the way her circus act of a family is portayed in public than any genuine concern or regret for the legacy of British oppression of Ireland and Irish self-determination. To deny that your royal family, sitting there in their various castles, yachts and high living oppulance -- All of which was paid for my the Imperialist/Loyalist policies of the British government over hundreds of years, and well into the present day, is to deny realitiy.

What a joke they are. No bigger group of hangers on than ever existed.

As an American I want you Brits to throw the royals out in the street. Don't you care about what a laughing stock your royal family is? Don't you care what Americans and other people around the world think about your silly system of giving these inbred blue bloods so much priveldge?

Britian under Tony Blair understood what was at stake in Iraq and Afghanistan and has been a willing participant in this struggle just like the United States. For you to suggest that Britian does not have a vested interest in the middle east, or an interest in opposing global terror is absolutly ridiculous. Your brave soldiers have died in Iraq for the same good cause that Americans and other coalition partners have died there for... so grow up.

The singular most offensive thing, aside from implying that Tony Blair 'understood' Iraq et all, is having you calling me 'cousin'.

Do you even know what the 'Troubles' were? I get that you feel the injustice over Ireland, but as a descendent of the country, you needn't bother. Ireland doesn't give a shit any more than Britain does. That's the beauty of the past. It's been done. We've moved on.

You can have as big a laugh about the Royal Family all you like. Do you think no one in Britain does? They make no impression on me at all. They don't represent the average Briton, and any implication that they do so, is all the more offensive and ignorant. So if they should suddenly disappear, the only thing that we would notice would be lack of nightclub photos in the paper. So, I guess if you wanna start 'flaming' the British Royal Family, you may want to think about the other Royal Families on Europe. Or do they have no bearing on you? Not quite personal enough to insult the Spanish, is it?

Does it bother me what you think of Europe? Not one bit. Just tells me you are every little bit self-absorbed as I think you are. I'd like to think that that is just you, though. I care a great deal about what your country thinks, not just about Britain, but pretty much everywhere else.

The brave soldiers of my country will be the first to tell you that they aren't fighting the 'good cause'. They aren't fighting any cause. People are dying and they shouldn't, it's only getting the worse and it's time to bring our boys and girls home.

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The singular most offensive thing, aside from implying that Tony Blair 'understood' Iraq et all, is having you calling me 'cousin'.

Do you even know what the 'Troubles' were? I get that you feel the injustice over Ireland, but as a descendent of the country, you needn't bother. Ireland doesn't give a shit any more than Britain does. That's the beauty of the past. It's been done. We've moved on.

You can have as big a laugh about the Royal Family all you like. Do you think no one in Britain does? They make no impression on me at all. They don't represent the average Briton, and any implication that they do so, is all the more offensive and ignorant. So if they should suddenly disappear, the only thing that we would notice would be lack of nightclub photos in the paper. So, I guess if you wanna start 'flaming' the British Royal Family, you may want to think about the other Royal Families on Europe. Or do they have no bearing on you? Not quite personal enough to insult the Spanish, is it?

Does it bother me what you think of Europe? Not one bit. Just tells me you are every little bit self-absorbed as I think you are. I'd like to think that that is just you, though. I care a great deal about what your country thinks, not just about Britain, but pretty much everywhere else.

I'm thinking here that you must be offended, because you keep on trying to defend your position--- or attack my critisizm or royal legacy. You may feel like the Royals don't represent the average Briton. But to the rest of the world we are scratching our heads and wondering why you keep them around? Don't you want to see them tossed out on their butts? Wouldn't you love to see that Prince Charles have to get a real job?

The brave soldiers of my country will be the first to tell you that they aren't fighting the 'good cause'. They aren't fighting any cause. People are dying and they shouldn't, it's only getting the worse and it's time to bring our boys and girls home.

Everybody wants this war to end and our soldiers come home. But the war won't be over until the time is right and the conditions on the ground will dictate a complete withdrawl. You can whine and ring you hands all you want, but I'm sure your "feelings" aren't the driving force behind the military decisions that are being made.

What happend to the British fighting spirit that never gives up?

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Tangerine, I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier, been a bit busy elsewhere :rolleyes:

Thanks for sticking up for me. I hope your country understands that it's not personal against yourselves when I merely make a choice about who I would like to win.

And I don't consider Del the average American. Thankfully, I've known plenty of them to let me know that the majority in your country are amongst the most welcoming and kindest of people I've ever known :)

If I was bit more quick witted I would've tried to reply to Del in a better way than I have done. Thankfully, you said pretty much all I couldn't :)

You are very welcome. I had a good friend on this board back in 02' when Bush was already making this country look bad to the rest of the world. He was from Spain. He got into so many spats with Bush lovers (and believe me Jose could speak his mind with the best of them) that he left the board. He had been to America a couple times and was very knowledgeable about the world in general. Everyone can give their opinion and without needing to explain. You did nothing wrong and shouldn't feel like you have to defend yourself. But i think you figured that out by now. Don't expect an apology from Del, lol.

Keep rooting for Obama, we need all the prayers we can get!

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