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Del Zeppnile

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i guess that means john mccain got exactly what he deserved in vietnam... ;)

I would never say that about John McCain or anyone who served in Viet Nam, be they conservative or liberal. It's inhuman and unconscionable to condone torture.

I wonder sometimes if this generation really understands what happened during the war in Viet Nam. It was a profound misery that I would never wish on anyone.

Edited by eternal light
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Everyone can give their opinion and without needing to explain. You did nothing wrong and shouldn't feel like you have to defend yourself. But i think you figured that out by now. Don't expect an apology from Del,

I have issued many apologies, but only when I was wrong.

Maybe you might want to ask her to appologize for calling our leaders shit?

Keep rooting for Obama, we need all the prayers we can get!


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But I made a valid point didn't I. She supposes to inject her opinions on our presidential election, which of course she certainly entitled to do. However, in doing so she "makes it certain" for all to read, that she is in favor of Barrack Obama.

I didn't read any other commentary from her in this thread, although it may exist. But when she "makes it certain" without offering any other discussion about why it "should be so certain" then I assume she is just blowing hot air. If she wants to jump into our debate about our presidential election, then she is going to have to make the discussion a hell of a lot more interesting than that.

And my comments about the Royals being responsible for centuries of oppression in Ireland is not exactly a sentiment from left field. It has just as much "certainty" in my opinion, as her "certainty" that Barrack Obama is her choice. Even though her thoughts on our election, or my thoughts on her country's history in Northern Ireland have an equal amount of irrelevency.

And of course I certainly hit the right raw nerve, obviously.

The economy has slowed, but it has still continued to grow if even at a smaller pace for the last three years. But to say that this 'consumer driven' recessionary trend in the last 10 months is the fault of anyone other than the stupid people who took out homeloans that they could not afford, or the lenders who gave out those loans, is inncorrect.

Certainly raising energy costs have contributed to problems in the market. But I wonder how much those energy costs would be if we weren't in the middle east making certain that the free flow of oil can continue?

And in terms of "Clinton's" handling of the economy. Let's not forget that it was a much more conservative Republican congress under Newt Gingrich that was keeping domestic spending under control at the time. You know it is congress who writes the checks, not the President.

The first responsibility of a President is to keep this nation safe. And George Bush has done just fine in that task since the horrible day of September 11, 2001. If that turns out to be his only legacy, it will still be a good one.

What exaclty is Obama's plan for protecting the United States and our interests in the Middle East? He seems to keep changing his answers, but Obama was for pulling out of Iraq even before the success fo the surge. Don't you see that as a problem with his leadership?

If we had pulled out during the peak of sectarian violence as Obama wanted, there would have been a bloodbath in Iraq. The Iranians would have capitalized on the situation, the Kurds would have gone to war with BOTH the Shia and the Sunnis. The Saudis would have been very nervous, if not sucked into the battle. The cost of oil would have been even higher with the turmoil, and who knows what Israel's response might have been if Syria and Iran had seen our withdrawl as an oppourtunity to expand their terrorist support of Hamas and Hezbolah.

John McCain understands what is at stake in Iraq. Obama has only offered a contrarian position because is it politically easy to do so. Obama'a approach to ideas is to take polls and roll the dice. He is an empty suit with empty answers to difficult questions.

Del, longdistancewinner had every right to state her opinion and who she favors. Like i said before, if she favored McCain you would have welcomed her. Even lavished her with jewels possibly, :) Attacking her government the way you did wasn't necessary, but i can see you enjoy doing it!

AFAIC, it's the fault of the current administration that the economy is where it is. Look at the funds spent on the war alone. Not hard to figure out why people are feeling the pinch, big time. As for GWB and the security of the country, refer to my old friend Electrimage's post. Short and sweet, but totally accurate. Obama has Biden to guide him with Forgeign relation and policy. IMO, Joe Biden is the best man for the job and i'm certain Obama will be happy to be assisted by him. What can Sarah do? Oh yeah, i hear she can see Russia through her window, lol. Del i don't know if you answered my question on the other post, but in case you didn't, i will ask again. When good ole GWB got us into this war initially, how long did he tell us it would take to win?

If you look at McCains views, same as old GWBushwacker. No change, except with Sarah on board, maybe the maverick will be a bit more conservative. Maybe he will demolish the Endangered Species list enitriely. Sarah might decide she wants an American Eagle trophy above her mantle. He may even change his views on Stem Cell Research. Oh funny thing, too, prior to Sarah's special needs baby, she cut programs for others. Flip flopping or just plain heartless? I hear her twisting the truth about that one in her speeches, along with her now famous Bridge to Nowhere claim to fame.


Sep 4th, 2008 at 8:06 am Palin and Special Needs Children»

I understand that Sarah Palin’s fans find her critics loathesome and our motives dubious, but I wonder how they feel about the fact that her two national appearances have been so packed full of lies. To site the most obvious example, the story she’s now told in both of her appearances before national audiences about how “I told the Congress ‘thanks, but no thanks,’ for that Bridge to Nowhere” is an enormously appealing story. But to me, the appeal wore off when I learned it wasn’t true. Similarly, this is a nice idea:

To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters. I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House.

But then you read:

However, a comment here notes that Palin actually slashed funding for schools for special needs kids by 62%. Budgets: FY 2007 (pre-Palin), 2008, 2009 (all pdfs).

Well that’s less appealing. Republicans who’ll cut social services for people in need are as common as politicians who favor pork for their home state.




I have no problem with Obama's desire to change our country, for the average American, for the better. I say we gave the Republicans almost a decade and they blew it. Time to till the soil.

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Del, longdistancewinner had every right to state her opinion and who she favors. Like i said before, if she favored McCain you would have welcomed her. Even lavished her with jewels possibly, :) Attacking her government the way you did wasn't necessary, but i can see you enjoy doing it!

Why is okay for her to make comments like "more shit" when talking about our government / president/ 2008 Republican nominee. But when I say something about her country that I don't like, you make her into a victim?

Are you that incapable of seeing your own bias in this exchange between LDR and I?

AFAIC, it's the fault of the current administration that the economy is where it is. Look at the funds spent on the war alone. Not hard to figure out why people are feeling the pinch, big time.

I've got no problem with the cost of the war. All wars cost money, and I agreed with our reasons for getting into this war.

As far as the economy goes, I'm more pissed off at all the stupid people who went out and bought homes they could not afford and now are crying for the taxpayers to bail them out. That has had more of a negative effect on our economy than anything else.

As for GWB and the security of the country, refer to my old friend Electrimage's post. Short and sweet, but totally accurate. Obama has Biden to guide him with Forgeign relation and policy. IMO, Joe Biden is the best man for the job and i'm certain Obama will be happy to be assisted by him.

Obama is the worst pick for the job, and Biden is the second worst pick. And the funny thing is that if you pie in the sky liberals would have picked Hillary, you would have won.

Sarah Paln is more qualified to be THE PRESIDENT than Obama is qualified to be a Senator from Illinois. With Palin you get character of conviction and a clear view of where she is in the bigger scheme of things. And frankly that is why her polling numbers are so high. America is in love with this woman, even if you can't see that yet.

What can Sarah do? Oh yeah, i hear she can see Russia through her window, lol. Del i don't know if you answered my question on the other post, but in case you didn't, i will ask again. When good ole GWB got us into this war initially, how long did he tell us it would take to win?

It doesn't matter. Politicians can't make those kind of promises anyway. How long did it take us to defeat the Soviet Union in the Cold War? Something like 50 years. This war with Islamic extremists will take at least that long if not longer.

What did you think, that it would take a few weeks?

If you look at McCains views, same as old GWBushwacker. No change, except with Sarah on board, maybe the maverick will be a bit more conservative. Maybe he will demolish the Endangered Species list enitriely.

To hell with that bullshit, it's not even anywhere near the top of the list of importance in the scheme of things. We are dealing with Islamic extremism, a global energy crisis, and an economy that should be preforming much better. You think this election is going to come down to hunting policies and friggin polar bears?

You are so out of step with what is going on in this election.

He may even change his views on Stem Cell Research.

I hope McCain does change his view to Palin's point of view. I also hope they put more Supreme court justices in who will eventually overturn Roe V.Wade.

I have no problem with Obama's desire to change our country, for the average American, for the better. I say we gave the Republicans almost a decade and they blew it. Time to till the soil.

We'll see about that. Looks like McCain is doing pretty well in the polls. And it looks like the Obama camp is pretty nervous. I'm probably going to laugh for a month the day McCain wins, I hope you around to hear it.

... and your English friend too for that matter.

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Hi all,

AFAIC, it's the fault of the current administration that the economy is where it is. Look at the funds spent on the war alone. Not hard to figure out why people are feeling the pinch, big.

Your right,old GW wanted the whole thing to go in the tank,good call.How is Congress doing?Yes,folks the people you elected is lower than the man you didn't!

Of course the US sent more aid/money and relief workers to where?Iran,China,etc.,name the disaster, regular bunch of a-holes,.... :rolleyes:

And let's not forget,when US soldiers were eating kittens in Iraq,... and building schools,roads and hospitals,... <_<


Edited by zepyep
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I'm thinking here that you must be offended, because you keep on trying to defend your position--- or attack my critisizm or royal legacy. You may feel like the Royals don't represent the average Briton. But to the rest of the world we are scratching our heads and wondering why you keep them around? Don't you want to see them tossed out on their butts? Wouldn't you love to see that Prince Charles have to get a real job?

I'm not offended. I actually find your narrow-mindedness quite funny. I don't defend my position at all. I reply to what you say, but it's not defending. The thing is, it's one rule for you and another for me. I can't say I would like Obama to become President - thus ensuing a better future for yourselves and the rest of the world. But you can say you would like the Royal Family to pay for their past indescretions - something none of them are actually guilty of doing. Should I wish every current German citizen to pay for their ancestor's role in killing my Polish Jewish family during the war? No, because I know that they had no hand in it.

Contrary to popular belief most Briton's don't sit around thinking about the Royal Family all day long. Some of us have a lot more problems then wondering why it is that 'that' Prince Charles doesn't work - and, thus, neglecting the fact that his main 'work' is for charity. A lot of it. Some of us couldn't care less whether they're the Monarchy or simply 'tossed out on their butts'. But, I'll be sure to remember when America was pretty much cut up over Diana's death - still calling her Princess 'Di', even when she was no longer a HRH.

What happend to the British fighting spirit that never gives up?

It started to wane around the time you started this shit.

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Why is okay for her to make comments like "more shit" when talking about our government / president/ 2008 Republican nominee. But when I say something about her country that I don't like, you make her into a victim?

Are you that incapable of seeing your own bias in this exchange between LDR and I?

I've got no problem with the cost of the war. All wars cost money, and I agreed with our reasons for getting into this war.

As far as the economy goes, I'm more pissed off at all the stupid people who went out and bought homes they could not afford and now are crying for the taxpayers to bail them out. That has had more of a negative effect on our economy than anything else.

Obama is the worst pick for the job, and Biden is the second worst pick. And the funny thing is that if you pie in the sky liberals would have picked Hillary, you would have won.

Sarah Paln is more qualified to be THE PRESIDENT than Obama is qualified to be a Senator from Illinois. With Palin you get character of conviction and a clear view of where she is in the bigger scheme of things. And frankly that is why her polling numbers are so high. America is in love with this woman, even if you can't see that yet.

It doesn't matter. Politicians can't make those kind of promises anyway. How long did it take us to defeat the Soviet Union in the Cold War? Something like 50 years. This war with Islamic extremists will take at least that long if not longer.

What did you think, that it would take a few weeks?

To hell with that bullshit, it's not even anywhere near the top of the list of importance in the scheme of things. We are dealing with Islamic extremism, a global energy crisis, and an economy that should be preforming much better. You think this election is going to come down to hunting policies and friggin polar bears?

You are so out of step with what is going on in this election.

I hope McCain does change his view to Palin's point of view. I also hope they put more Supreme court justices in who will eventually overturn Roe V.Wade.

We'll see about that. Looks like McCain is doing pretty well in the polls. And it looks like the Obama camp is pretty nervous. I'm probably going to laugh for a month the day McCain wins, I hope you around to hear it.

... and your English friend too for that matter.

LDW would have probably stopped the discussion but you gave her more and more need to defend herself.

I think Obama choose who he beleived to be the best person for the position. Nothing you say to discredit Biden phases me. I have followed this man's career since i was in my late teens (just a couple days ago, lol) and i have always admired his integrity, intelligence, and just plain ability to see how the average American lives (cause his daddy wasn't a big oil dude).

The cost of this war is more than our country can afford. That is a pity. Did i think it would end in a few weeks? It wasn't my decision to turn the middle east upside down over a crazy Iraqi leader who tried to assassinate daddy, and maybe something about Oil. Convenient that 9/11 gave an open excuse for GWB however. Reports say that Al Qaeda is flourishing in Afghanistan. My theory is there will be another attack here, just a much better planned one that will be way more catastrophic than 9/11. This is a patient group of people. Bush has done little to nothing to protect our country from terrorists.

I don't have any problem with reality. This country needs healthcare reform, better education for everyone, more jobs, less crime, big changes in energy sources, environmental plans, immigration reform, to name a few. Palin has no idea about any of this. Don't kid yourself. Do you not hear about her? She has no plans. She has no care about healthcare reform, she doesn't think sex education should be taught (what is that about), she tried to censor library books, she needs a political education herself, she has no foreign policy experience, she is a religious nut (just gave a church sermon to students recently about the Iraqu war being God's will, give me a break)...yes she will win the vote of the Evangelical fruits who want our country to go backwards. It's really about good for all vs. good for a few select as far as i see it. Repubs want to take care of the few (the rich, none of them Marines), Dems want to take care of everyone (except those who can afford to own seven mansions).

Hardly everyone is in love with her. She came on the scene unknown, but as she is forced to speak in public (something she does very shakily, even when softy Charlie Gibson interviewed her) people will see she's not so bright. She speaks loud, but that doesn't mean she speaks wisdom. She is good at dodging questions she can't answer. She has already misrepresented herself (bridge to nowhere, special needs children education)...being investigated for abuse of power...ideas that will set the country back a hundred years...Del, you are an extremist.

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Reports say that Al Qaeda is flourishing in Afghanistan. My theory is there will be another attack here, just a much better planned one that will be way more catastrophic than 9/11.

Then I don't see your logic. First of all we attacked on 9/11 before we went to war in either Iraq or Afghanistan. Sure we fought a battle to expel Saddam from Kuwait. But we did so with a United Nations mandate as well as with the support and encouragement of many Muslim and Arab countiries.

So apperently it doesn't matter if we over there in a war or not for them to attack us, and you seem to suggest that is their plan anyway. So then why not bring the fight to them as we have been doing?

It certainly haskept us from being attacked again over here you would have to agree.

I don't have any problem with reality. This country needs healthcare reform, better education for everyone, more jobs, less crime, big changes in energy sources, environmental plans, immigration reform, to name a few.

Healthcare is not the responsiblity or the mandate for our government. We need less government involvement in most of the things you have listed not more. The only exception would be immigration--- NO ILLEGALS!

Palin has no idea about any of this. Don't kid yourself. Do you not hear about her? She has no plans. She has no care about healthcare reform, she doesn't think sex education should be taught (what is that about), she tried to censor library books, she needs a political education herself, she has no foreign policy experience, she is a religious nut (just gave a church sermon to students recently about the Iraqu war being God's will, give me a break)...yes she will win the vote of the Evangelical fruits who want our country to go backwards. It's really about good for all vs. good for a few select as far as i see it. Repubs want to take care of the few (the rich, none of them Marines), Dems want to take care of everyone (except those who can afford to own seven mansions).

Hardly everyone is in love with her. She came on the scene unknown, but as she is forced to speak in public (something she does very shakily, even when softy Charlie Gibson interviewed her) people will see she's not so bright. She speaks loud, but that doesn't mean she speaks wisdom. She is good at dodging questions she can't answer. She has already misrepresented herself (bridge to nowhere, special needs children education)...being investigated for abuse of power...ideas that will set the country back a hundred years...Del, you are an extremist.




Here take that!

Are you melting now?


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I didn't realize this...but her oldest daughter is smokin hot

Sorry for that, it's a little off topic, but damn she is fine :P

Well, based on the proximity of your age to hers I guess you can say that. However I can't... but I know what you mean.

I will say that her mom is pretty much smokin hot though!

And what a nice looking family they have. Did you see how the youngest daugher Piper was holding the baby during the RNC and she did that thing where she licked her hand to wet the baby's hair.

Absolutly priceless!


and then of course that funny bit on Jimmy Kimmel's show last week about Piper Palin


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Well, based on the proximity of your age to hers I guess you can say that. However I can't... but I know what you mean.

I will say that her mom is pretty much smokin hot though!

I know what you mean Del B)

Yeah dude, some nice looking ladies in this family. They take good pictures, thats for sure. Always a plus

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nah... come on, you guys are talking about a pregnant 17 year old and a soon to be grandma... anything that rhymes with ilf!

I ain't saying anything about the girl. But a woman doesn't even start to get good in bed until she reaches at least age 32.

At least by that age she knows what SHE WANTS and where she needs to go....

And if you are lucky, you get to be the guy driving the buggy.

Young women only look good in swimsuits.

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WOW! I'm really not sure how to respond to this or if I even should. But first of all McCain was not "hot dogging" when he was shot down over Hanoi. His jet was struck by a North Vietnamese rocket while he was on a bombing mission. There really isn't any disputing of this, or the fact that he was also tortured by his captors for many years. But I guess you don't need to believe me, just ask some of the men who were in Hanoi with him if you think it is just a made up story.

I actually hope that a lot of liberals have your same attitude about McCain and his military service. And I hope you continue to spout off this same way. Because this attitude will only help him in the minds of MOST AMERICANS, and further undersscore the baseless hatred and desperation of the radical left.

Shame on you.

panties in a bunch del???...maybe you missed that little wink... :lol:

thought you set the standard that as long as we give a liitle wink or a little tongue we could say the most ridiculous thing we could think of... <_<

of course mccain would never hot-dog in his plane because why? ...he never had done that before?... no...because he says so and he's such an honest, faithful, honorable man?...yes...of course he is...just ask his second wife... ;)

(notice a put a wink there del...in case you didn't catch that... :P)

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And let's not forget,when US soldiers were eating kittens in Iraq,... and building schools,roads and hospitals,... <_<


hey kb...don't forget to mention airport terminals...wish i could post some of the stuff i get to see on my afn commercials...

one airport featured beautiful marble architecture, huge water fountain, crystal chandeliers...it's truly amazing what our tax dollars can accomplish!!!...

i have been to literally hundreds of airports in america and i can tell you i have never seen one the likes of this, it was like a palace!.. eerie to see it completely empty though as it is in the middle of nowhere...guess they are hoping someday tourists will flock to the back deserts of iraq!

get your tickets now!

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panties in a bunch del???...maybe you missed that little wink... :lol:

thought you set the standard that as long as we give a liitle wink or a little tongue we could say the most ridiculous thing we could think of... <_<

of course mccain would never hot-dog in his plane because why? ...he never had done that before?... no...because he says so and he's such an honest, faithful, honorable man?...yes...of course he is...just ask his second wife... ;)

(notice a put a wink there del...in case you didn't catch that... :P)

So you claim now that it was just a joke.


But then if it was just a joke why would you continue to make fun of McCain getting shot down over Hanoi? I don't get it. Are you claiming that he was "hot dogging" while on a bombing mission? And what would his relationship with his first wife have to do with his ability to fly his bombing mission?

You seem to be all over the place with this twisted line of thinking. I'm sure you think Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy (a war hero too BTW) where 'honorable men' don't you? I'm sure you also think they were capable politicians and leaders, right? I'm sure you are aware that they had affairs with other women too right?

I could accept all kinds of jokes about John McCain or any politician. What I don't accept is making fun of his military service -- especially that part of it where he served in combat and was a prisoner of war.

And BTW on the subject of "hot dogging" with figher pilots. Although officially it is strictly forbidden,and in the event something goes wrong, a pilot can get into pretty deep shit. But with all of that in mind, it is also pretty much expected in the 'fighter culture' that a pilot have some "hot dogging" under his wings too. And even more so for Naval Aviators from the era in which John McCain served.

Call it having "the right stuff" if you will. Which if you ever want to read a great novel. The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe is a facinating look into the culture of fighter and test pilot/astronauts during the space race with the Soviets. One of my favorite novels.

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