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Ok, to settle this once and for all

Jimmy's A Legend

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Some of the stuff they came up with back then. I reckon they were on crack :D

"Wacky backy" more like, still as long as it isn't offensive its OK, and dont forget some of the funny names and sayings came from the East End Jews, try these sayings from my Nan.

"Gay sloffen" " Gayshla Vek" "Mumsa" "Mumsa baran nidda"

This is how i remember her saying it not as it is spelt, so please forgive me for misspelling.

Know any of these, or do you have any of your own?

Or look at this link i have found.


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"Wacky backy" more like, still as long as it isn't offensive its OK, and dont forget some of the funny names and sayings came from the East End Jews, try these sayings from my Nan.

"Gay sloffen" " Gayshla Vek" "Mumsa" "Mumsa baran nidda"

This is how i remember her saying it not as it is spelt, so please forgive me for misspelling.

Know any of these, or do you have any of your own?

Or look at this link i have found.


I know a bit of it, only the basic stuff, though, which I picked up from books and crap. I never met my grandad and I know pretty much next to nothing about his early life :(

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Btw guys the only reason i am asking this (and im sorry if it seems like a stupid question to you) is becuase i have seen so many interviews of Jimmy where he is in Japan, but then i read somewhere that he was chinese.

Edit to say that now i know that he is niether im ok.

Edited by Jimmy's A Legend
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...when Jimmy met his old friend Michael Winner who gave him the job of doing the Death Wish 2 sound track, Jimmy and his son were on their way to Kensington High St to go to his favourite Thai Restaurant.

Not to nitpick, but Jimmy didn't have a son back then - just his daughter, Scarlet.

As to the original question about Mr. Page's ancestry, I believe he's English and Irish (acc. to the bio by George Case). His mum's maiden name was Gaffigan, IIRC, which is Irish.

Edited by FireOpal
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Hi Lilith

No no, maybe a private joke though, when Jimmy met his old friend Michael Winner who gave him the job of doing the Death Wish 2 sound track, Jimmy and his son were on their way to Kensington High St to go to his favourite Thai Restaurant.

It's just a play on word's, but now everyone knows, so you can all see the joke, i hope.

Regards, Danny

Cheers, Danny! I love Thai food too - maybe I'll bump into Jimmy in a Thai restaurant one day (I wish) ...

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Not to nitpick, but Jimmy didn't have a son back then - just his daughter, Scarlet.

It was a bit ambiguous, but Michael Winner, who gave him the soundtrack job way back when, is a neighbor of Jimmy's, and mentioned in his restaurant column in the Sunday Times ("Winner's Dinners") a couple of years ago that he'd run into Jimmy and his son James on their way to a Thai retaurant.

Also--the "Asian" debate easily predates 1990.

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Slightly off topic, I know ... but Michael Winner irritates the hell out of me!

Any British fans here will know what I mean when I mention a series of TV commercials he did for a car insurance company. Made me want to chuck a brick at the TV! :mad:

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ah, yes, i can see what you mean. and your'e right, he most definitley did not have that "look" as a younger man. knowing this, it baffles me why people would make the kind of speculation in recent years. "i think i'm turning japanese" is just a song, you know, it really can't happen.


"Yes thats true he is only 1/8 chinese on his mothers side.Other than that he is english.But i find that as he got older the asian came out more.Random? Maybe the drugs helped that.. "

"he is 1/8 asian, idiot."

"He's part Chinese"

"Jimmy Pages mother was 1/4 chinese, so Jimmy Page is 1/8 Chinese."

This is a small selection of comments left under youtube videos of JP doing Japanese interviews. I just copied and pasted them here. This is a small amount, but I wanted to show you how much this "fact" is "known" and spewed on the internet.

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"Wacky backy" more like, still as long as it isn't offensive its OK, and dont forget some of the funny names and sayings came from the East End Jews, try these sayings from my Nan.

"Gay sloffen" " Gayshla Vek" "Mumsa" "Mumsa baran nidda"

"Gay sloffen" Go to sleep.

" Gayshla Vek" Go away

Mumsa baran nidda" ??? no recall

Will have to check out that link, thanks.

Yiddish was my first language. I forget most of it now. Quickly replaced by English

This is how i remember her saying it not as it is spelt, so please forgive me for misspelling.

Know any of these, or do you have any of your own?

Or look at this link i have found.


Oh goodness, I wouldn't want to repeat the stuff my mom used to say to me in Yiddish.

According to her, I was the Devil Incarnate, Serpent, Serpent Seed, Raised from the pit of hell etc. etc. (well if I was her kid....., just kidding. The after effects of the holocaust were devastating to say the least)

Oh, I have a good one:

Fekucked in dain Chainik.... (fucked in the (kettle) head)

Edited by kabbalahone
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I do see a few hints of maybe he has some Asian ancestory in his background, perhaps from generations before him. I saw the pic of him at Knebworth with the man whom some claimed to be his dad and to me that man looked like he may have some Asian traits in his background. Depends on how each person looks at it I guess. Makes me no difference whatsover. Jimmy is the man!!!!!! :wub::D

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Aww, where did you read that? Kids can be so cruel. Now who's laughing?


I finally found it!

It was interview in a copy of Zoso magazine that I got a hold of when he was interviewed in Japan from May of 1991.

There was a rumour that your mother was Japanese. Do you have any Japanese reletives?

This is what Jimmy's answer was:

"No, but at school other kids used to make fun of of me and say that "you must have a Japanese father or something." The first time I came to Japan everyone thought I had a Japanese wife, but I was still single so that was impossible. It seems the image of "Japanese" goes well with me."

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"Gay sloffen" Go to sleep.

" Gayshla Vek" Go away

Mumsa baran nidda" ??? no recall

Will have to check out that link, thanks.

Yiddish was my first language. I forget most of it now. Quickly replaced by English

Oh goodness, I wouldn't want to repeat the stuff my mom used to say to me in Yiddish.

According to her, I was the Devil Incarnate, Serpent, Serpent Seed, Raised from the pit of hell etc. etc. (well if I was her kid....., just kidding. The after effects of the holocaust were devastating to say the least)

Oh, I have a good one:

Fekucked in dain Chainik.... (fucked in the (kettle) head)

'kabbalahone' thanks a million, you are an "Aidel Mentsh".

And your mother was right, they always are!!!

And please never forget your history or your language, too many people have suffered for you too be where you are today, to forget would be disrespectful.

Many thanks, Danny

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'kabbalahone' thanks a million, you are an "Aidel Mentsh".

And your mother was right, they always are!!!

And please never forget your history or your language, too many people have suffered for you too be where you are today, to forget would be disrespectful.

Many thanks, Danny

Thanks Danny. Will never forget nor allow it to happen again.

I had to go through it (virtually) in order to understand it.

It's been my driving force for about a decade now.

I felt what was coming around the corner.

Honestly though, it's not something most people should get into you know eh?

Kabbalah, magic, all that stuff

very very dangerous, and I don't use props, or rituals...

My dad told me this summer his father wouldn't allow him to study.

My dad was so scared for me when I told him I was taking the dive.

I only had my faith and I took the plunge. I could feel hell brewing. Didn't really have a choice.

I would like to completely relearn Yiddish. First on the agenda is figuring out how to market my art work so I can make a living.

Never got paid for any of the spiritual work. I don't quite understand sheisters who write so called spiritual books, put out so called spiritual movies.... the secret.... what the bleep.

Oh yes, did you know, JZ Knight gets a court order so that the entity Ramtha can only speak through her? People actually buy into that shit?

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