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All this over a stupid Teddy Bear...


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Well, the Sudanese Government had to do something, a token sentence and deportation seems like a rational response given that she would have been dragged into the street and beheaded had they done nothing

Colonialism may be just what those savages need.

Where's Napoleon when you need him?


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Christ, these people are seriously fucked if they will stone a 13 year old girl to death for being raped.

Welcome to Sharia, my friend.


PS - this isn't some 18th century, third world bullshit either.

This happens TODAY, by state imposed religious (re: Islamic) law ... in big, modern countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran.

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I feel bad for Muslims who are not violent, who are not hateful and who don't treat other human beings like this because the less educated of the population will lump them in with the bad seeds and paint them all with the same brush. A girl I went to H.S. with was Muslim and had stuff shoved in her locker, got pushed around in the hallways and all I could think was, "this is how a Christian behaves? This isn't very Christ-like." Then again, if Christ was alive now, most uber-fanatical Christians would want nothing to do with him, what with his hippie demeanor and "love your neighbor" mantra.

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I feel bad for Muslims who are not violent, who are not hateful and who don't treat other human beings like this

Though, I think those people have either left their home countries out of fear, or are dead. That's probably why most of the "moderate Muslims" seem to live in non-muslim countries.

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This actually doesn't surprise me.

Yes ... it's a shame that because of the actions of so many "non-peaceful" muslims around the world, non-muslims are now conditioned to expect reactions like this in muslim nations.

And they rarely fail to deliver.

Then they make excuses thereafter ...

... As if it is all non-muslims who are to blame for their savagery.


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Forget about chill pills...we ned chill gas...truckloads...

What we need is to find alternative and environmentally safe means of energy.

Think about it. Most of the world's polution is caused by petroleum fuel. And who sells us that shit? On whom are we dependent for the fuel that destroys our environment?

Islamic countries.

I'm seriously thinking, for the time being, of buying a diesel powered truck. I never new it before ... but regular diesel automobiles will run on fry grease (super-filtered, of course) ... without modification.

That should do until we get wise enough to create efficient and affordable hydrogen or electric cars ...

Then we can work on stopping global warming and get our environment healthy again ... and leave those savages to sell dates and make afghan quilts.


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Colonialism may be just what those savages need.

Where's Napoleon when you need him?


Britain tried to influence the Sudanese government once before.

It is very fortunate for the English woman the government was kind enough to give her a token light sentence (brief incarceration for 15 days and deportation) otherwise the mobs would seek and destroy her entirely if they could.

It's not enough to travel into the Sudan knowing so little about their culture. If she had realized the history and current events there she would have chosen her words more carefully. Culture shock is a major factor in the Sudan whether or not you are familiar with their way of life.

The British woman needs to leave the Sudan while she still can; she is too much of a target for the mobs who would kill her if she remains there. She should be grateful to escape alive, as that is the actual situation she is now facing. Incarceration for 15 days is nothing compared to the real risk of death. Even though the courts and the government have protected her, if the mobs get a hold of her she may not survive.

Teacher Hidden As Sudan Mob Urges Death

Early history

Ibrahim Pasha, the adopted son of Muhammad Ali, the ruler of Egypt, founded Khartoum in 1821 as an outpost for the Egyptian army, but the settlement grew as a regional center of trade, including the slave trade. Troops loyal to the Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad began a siege of Khartoum on March 13, 1884 against the defenders led by British General Charles George Gordon. The siege resulted in the massacre of the Anglo-Egyptian garrison.


Mahdist Revolt

Main article: Mahdist War

In 1879, the Great Powers forced the removal of Ismail and his replacement by his son Tewfik I. Tewfik's corruption and mismanagement resulted in the Orabi Revolt, which threatened the Khedive's survival. Tewfik appealed for help to the British, who subsequently occupied Egypt and Sudan in 1882, ostensibly to guarantee the authority of the Khedive. In reality, however, the British largely took control of Egyptian and Sudanese affairs, fanning ever greater nationalist resentment.


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Thats for posting that stoning video razor, I mean ~666~

Razor? You must have me confused with someone else, old timer...



Well ... I'm a Hindu ... so I don't believe in the whole Armageddon thing.

I agree where is that fucking Napoleon when you need him.

A good "whiff of grape shot" perhaps?

I'm glad you got my reference.

I fucking love Napoleon.


PS - hey ... I don't remember you from the OLD old board. Were you under a different name?

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Yeah, look at my signature.

I shed the whole `trash personna because of Jerry Springer, although I am tempted to revive it.

It was somewhat avant garde back in 1997 but not now.

Fuckin a. I even know what you look like, bitch.

You new name is pretty cool ... but I dig the TT ...

Old skool Brothers ...


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I don't want to sound like my ways are always right, but I don't agree with alot of the stuff I"ve heard about coming from this religion. I don't have a problem with the religion, but I mean this is just a teddy bear.

It's a reaction against Western culture, symbolized by the teddy bear's improper naming from the view of Muslim hardliners who interpret it as a blasphemous disrespect for the prophet Muhammad, whose name is considered holy in Sudanese culture.

It's similar to if someone were to name a teddy bear 'Jesus Christ' as if to encourage worship of an object instead of the true Christ. In the Judeo-Christian tradition there is a similar view where God gave the ten commandments to Moses, one being, "I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have strange gods before you," or something similar.

From the Muslim hardliner viewpoint, a teddy bear so improperly named becomes in effect a false god for the children. So the Sudanese see the English teacher as misleading the children in religious terms, in effect encouraging the children to worship a false god.

In Islam there are no human images of Allah allowed. None of their buildings are decorated with images of saints, no human images at all, and neither animals (teddy bears), as they are forbidden. That is why you will see many remarkable patterns decorating mosques, as they absorb all the artistic efforts.

Many in the West were mystified by the anger over a teddy bear.

During her trial, a weeping Gibbons said she had intended no harm. Her students, overwhelmingly Muslim, chose the name for the bear, and Muhammad is one of the most common names for men in the Arab world. Muslim scholars generally agree that intent is a key factor in determining if someone has violated Islamic rules against insulting the prophet.

But the case was caught up in the ideology that President Omar al-Bashir's Islamic regime has long instilled in Sudan, a mix of anti-colonialism, religious fundamentalism and a sense that the West is besieging Islam.

Teacher Hidden As Sudan Mob Urges Death

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Hi all,

The big,bad teddy bear in question was named after the 2nd grader,guess what his name was?


So where is NOW and all the other upholders of women's rights 'round the world?You haven't heard a damn word from them,.....pardon me while I vomit,...


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Hi all,

The big,bad teddy bear in question was named after the 2nd grader,guess what his name was?


So where is NOW and all the other upholders of women's rights 'round the world?You haven't heard a damn word from them,.....pardon me while I vomit,...


Because the British woman's life is really at stake here, no one wants to aggravate the mobs who have demanded her execution. The Sudanese mobs want to make an example of her as a way to show resistance to what they see as a growing invasion of Western culture trying to suppress Islam.

To the Sudanese mobs, the British woman symbolizes what they hate and resent in terms of culture. It is a very serious situation for her, and it's most important at this time for her to escape the country unharmed. She is a scapegoat and a target for their outrage. In their eyes she has so fallen from grace that it justifies her death.

It's more diplomatic to restrict inflammatory comments so as not to tempt the mobs any further on their destructive path.

Teacher Hidden As Sudan Mob Urges Death

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — Thousands of Sudanese, many armed with clubs and swords and beating drums, burned pictures of a British teacher Friday and demanded her execution for insulting Islam by letting her students name a teddy bear Muhammad.
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Hi all,

Because the British woman's life is really at stake here, no one wants to aggravate the mobs who have demanded her execution. They want to make an example of her as a way to show resistance to what they see as a growing invasion of Western culture trying to suppress Islam. It is a very serious situation for her, and it's most important at this time for her to escape the country unharmed. It's more diplomatic to restrict inflammatory comments.

Teacher Hidden As Sudan Mob Urges Death

Aggrevate the mob? It wouldn't be mob if it wasn't aggravated!

This little boy tried to explain to all the big bad,useless adults what he did,he named Teddy after himself,braver than thou!

Diplomacy works great in theory,yet not in practice,......

Let's kiss some more ***,that will appease them,oh,like the last few wars? :blink:

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I am a Recovering Catholic who is now an Honorary Jew because I am appalled that Islamo-nuts would kill by beautiful-three-year old Hebrew daughter simply because of her faith.

I am a Hindu because I love Devi Maa.

Different stokes ...

Hey ... on the gun note ... you know I have guns.

Kimber full size .45 ACP

Kimber compact .45 ACP (my carry weapon)

Springfield 9mm

S&W .357 revolver

Ruger .22 semi-auto

New England Firearms single shot 410

Winchester 12 gauge (my home protector ... birdshot)

My concealed carry permit expired this year. But I haven't carried in a while, anyway.

The range used to be my home.

Got too expensive.


PS - I still want a bare-bones Colt army issue style .45.

And ... a nickel plated Colt .38 Super! *drool*

How retro.

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Hi all,

Aggrevate the mob? It wouldn't be mob if it wasn't aggravated!

This little boy tried to explain to all the big bad,useless adults what he did,he named Teddy after himself,braver than thou!

Diplomacy works great in theory,yet not in practice,......

Let's kiss some more ***,that will appease them,oh,like the last few wars? :blink:

Her life is in imminent danger and the dangerous mobs are looking for any fault they can find to give them an excuse to provide a target for their anger. Aggravating the mobs further would only put her life even more at risk, so remaining diplomatic is necessary.

From a practical point of view, the main thing is that she gets out of there alive.

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For home defense, I keep a Ruger Red Hawk .44 mag on top of the book case.

Got a Mini-14 with a couple of thousand rounds of .223

Why in the fuck would you have such punch for YOUR HOUSE?

I mean ... a shotgun ... big spread (it's dark ... accuracy is not your primary concern) ... and birdshot (relatively drywall tolerant).


.223 carbine?


You gonna collateral kill everything in the house?


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Got the conceal stuff also but I don`t carry a gun around, its nuts.

If I do its a S&W 5 shot .38SP.

I don't think so ... at least not in VA.

I actually had the nerve to carry open once into a thrift store (it's perfectly legal here ... but of course no one does it).

The rent a cop freaked out as I casually looked at furniture with my girlfriend. He actually reached for his gun as he asked me if I had a permit.

What an ass.

I carefully reached for my wallet and pulled out my concealed carry permit and showed him ... then politely informed him that it was LEGAL to open carry in VA. He got all cool after that ... and even asked me about what kind of handgun I had ... like we were buddies and shit.

Now THAT'S nuts.

I will never carry open again.

Concealed carry ... you bet.


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In Texas you weapon MUST be concealed to be covered under the concealed permit. At least that what they said in the last class I had to attend to be afforded this permit.

Open carry isn't covered by a concealed carry permit in VA (except in Falls Church VA).

You see... any asshole can open carry in VA. Except in Falls Church.

In the city of Falls Church you must have a permit to carry at all.

Of course in DC it's a felony to even have ammunition in your possession.

Funny how much gun crime is committed in DC.


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