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All this over a stupid Teddy Bear...


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Speak for yourself, ignorant ,stupid and cant f8ckin spell. My golliwog doll is called Muhammed, the dog chews is mostly.

I agree, don't put everyone in your idiot, prehistoric, transparent load of horse manure mindset. Your analogies make no sense at all.

Now "Old Scratch" or whoever you pretend to be today? Go scratch a hole in the yard to bury some of this manure your dishing out.

Rolls>>> :wacko:

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The Sudanese mobs want to make an example of her as a way to show resistance to what they see as a growing invasion of Western culture

I see they don't mind having T.Vs and riding around in Mercedes pickups though.


I see they don't mind the 100s of millions of pounds of aid the U.K alone gives to Sudan each year.


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Hey ... on the gun note ... you know I have guns.

Kimber full size .45 ACP

Kimber compact .45 ACP (my carry weapon)...

I am so jealous :angry:

My concealed carry permit expired this year. But I haven't carried in a while, anyway.

Now I'm really jealous. You even have a permit for all that good stuff. :notworthy:

... I need to move South of the Mason-Dixon line. :'(


The insanity that is Islam

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It's a reaction against Western culture, symbolized by the teddy bear's improper naming from the view of Muslim hardliners who interpret it as a blasphemous disrespect for the prophet Muhammad, whose name is considered holy in Sudanese culture.

It's similar to if someone were to name a teddy bear 'Jesus Christ'

No it bloody isn't, because you wouldn't find 10 kids in a "Western" class named "Jesus Christ".

That's just an excuse.

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Now "Old Scratch" or whoever you pretend to be today? Go scratch a hole in the yard to bury some of this manure your dishing out.

Rolls>>> :wacko:

I'm sorry ... do I know you?

ledzeprolls ... with whatever balls you think you have today ...

why don't you take your very impolite demeanor and shove it carefully, but forcefully, into your puckerd little anus.

Now ... talk to me only when your mother says it's OK. Apparently she's lost control of her rude little "punkin face".

BTW - she dresses you funny. Toughskins and polyester Izod shirts are NOT cool.



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"Feminist author rewrites novel after death threats from Muslim extremists," by Ashling O’Connor in the Times :

A feminist author is to rewrite her autobiography after she was forced to flee from Muslim extremists who placed a bounty on her head.

Taslima Nasreen, 45, a former doctor, said today that she hoped that the move would appease fundamentalist groups and end a controversy that forced her to leave Calcutta last week.

Ms Nasreen had claimed that the religious references in Dwikhandito, which means Divided, are sourced from “universally accepted” books on Islamic history.

Today she relented under pressure and said that “controversial lines” relating to Islam from the autobiographical novel would be removed.

“The book was written in 2002, based on my memories of Bangladesh in the 1980s, during which time secularism was removed from the Bangladesh constitution. I wrote the book in support of the people who defended secular values. I had no intention to hurt anybody’s sentiment,” she said today from a secret location.

“I have done what I have never done in my life. I have compromised even in a secular India.” She added that she hoped she would now be able to “live peacefully” in India.

Prashant Mukherjee, her publisher in Calcutta, refused to divulge the exact text or the nature of the sentences that were deemed particularly offensive by Islamic clerics, but said two paragraphs would be deleted.


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Gillian Gibbons' safety is the main issue.

Muslims in jailed teacher protest

British Meet Teached Jailed in Sudan

By MOHAMED OSMAN – 3 hours ago

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — Visiting British parliament members met Saturday with a British teacher imprisoned in Sudan for allegedly insulting Islam by letting her students name a teddy bear Muhammad and they said she was in good spirits.

The two Muslim members of Parliament's upper house also met with Sudanese officials and said afterwards that the government in Khartoum wants to resolve the case.

A lawyer for Gillian Gibbons said President Omar al-Bashir could inform the visiting parliamentarians that he had pardoned the teacher.

Labour peer Lord Ahmed and Baroness Warsi, a Conservative, arrived in Sudan Saturday on what the British Foreign Office called a private visit to meet with Sudanese officials and seek the release of Gibbons. They visited Gibbons in prison for more than an hour.

"Gillian was surprisingly in good spirits considering the last seven days," Warsi told Sky News.

Warsi said she and Ahmed met Sudanese officials Saturday morning and more meetings were scheduled later.

"The Sudanese government do want to resolve this matter. ... (We) hope we can come to an amicable resolution soon," she said.

Gibbons' lawyer Kamal al-Gizouli said Sudan's president could deliver news of a pardon when he meets the British visitors. But it was not immediately clear when they would meet.

"I would not be surprised if president of the republic will tell delegation we have dropped this charge," al-Gizouli told The Associated Press.

Gibbons, 54, was sentenced Thursday to 15 days in jail and deportation for insulting Islam by naming a teddy bear Muhammad — the name of Islam's prophet. The naming was part of a class project for her 7-year-old students at a private school in Sudan.

Al-Gizouli said only the president has the power to lift Gibbons' 15-day sentence which runs until Dec. 9.

Gibbons was moved from the Omdurman women's prison to a secret location on Friday after thousands of Sudanese, many armed with clubs and swords and beating drums, burned pictures of her and demanded her execution.

There was no overt sign that the government organized the protest, but such a rally could not have taken place without at least official assent.

The teacher's conviction under Sudan's Islamic Sharia law shocked Britons, and the British government has said it was working with Sudan's regime to win her release.

Gibbons escaped harsher punishment that could have included up to 40 lashes, six months in prison and a fine. Her time in jail since her arrest Sunday counts toward the sentence.

During her trial, the weeping teacher said she had intended no harm. Her students, overwhelmingly Muslim, chose the name for the bear, and Muhammad is one of the most common names for men in the Arab world. Muslim scholars generally agree that intent is a key factor in determining if someone has violated Islamic rules against insulting the prophet.

But the case was caught up in the ideology that al-Bashir's Islamic regime has long instilled in Sudan, a mix of anti-colonialism, religious fundamentalism and a sense that the West is besieging Islam.

The uproar comes as the U.N. is accusing Sudan of dragging its feet on the deployment of peacekeepers in the western Sudanese Darfur region.

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No it bloody isn't, because you wouldn't find 10 kids in a "Western" class named "Jesus Christ".

That's just an excuse.

And if someone did name a teddy bear Jesus Christ, there wouldn't be an uproar, a criminal trial, or a mob scene. There isn't a whole "you're not allowed to disrespect Jesus in any way" mentality in the West. You can freely question the notion of Jesus, not believe, believe, or do whatever you want.

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I believe the primary issue is NOT the teacher's safety ... however important it may be ... but the backwardness, ignorance and savagery of Sharia law.

Blame the "West" for whatever violence muslims commit; but the fact remains Sharia equates totalitarianism, oppression of woman , the freedom to worship as you choose, and the complete compromise of basic human rights.

BTW - I suppose India is considered "West" ... India certainly has its' share of islamic fundamentalist violence.

I, personally, believe in human rights ... as well as the right to free speech.

Maybe I'm the one who has backward values?


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And if someone did name a teddy bear Jesus Christ, there wouldn't be an uproar, a criminal trial, or a mob scene. There isn't a whole "you're not allowed to disrespect Jesus in any way" mentality in the West. You can freely question the notion of Jesus, not believe, believe, or do whatever you want.

You can find Hindu deities on shirts, purses ... shoes ...

I have even seen a toilet seat with the image of Devi Maa for sale online!

The Simpsons have even mocked Hinduism and Hindu deities on the show.

Hindus don't particularly appreciate it ... it even angers some.

But they do not respond with wholesale violence.

You know why? Because Hindu scripture does not charge Hindus to act violently.

Unlike the koran and hadith.

Whether "moderate" muslims choose to act on it or not, Islamic scripture and custom promotes the oppression of non-muslims.

Unfotunately, many do choose to follow islamic scripture as it is written.

Anyway, what's with the term "moderate" islam? That in itself implies that in order to be peaceful, you must practice a watered down version of the norm.

I mean, really! Do we call non-violent Christians "moderate"? Do we even have a term that distinguishes non-violent Christians, Hindus and Buddhists?

Do we need one?



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In Islam, human images are forbidden in regard to worship, similar to the ban on animals and objects in the Old Testament, (the golden calf); that is why you will see ornate motifs decorating buildings intended for Islamic worship, but no statues or paintings of people.

Islamic art is not, properly speaking, an art pertaining to religion only. The term "Islamic" refers not only to the religion, but to the rich and varied Islamic culture as well. Islamic art frequently adopts secular elements and elements that are frowned upon, if not forbidden, by some Islamic theologians.

According to the Encarta "Islamic art is developed from many sources: Roman, Early Christian, and Byzantine styles were taken over in early Islamic architecture; the influence of Sassanian art—the architecture and decorative art of pre-Islamic Persia was of paramount significance; Central Asian styles were brought in with various nomadic incursions; and Chinese influences had an important effect on Islamic painting, pottery, and textiles."

There are repeating elements in Islamic art, such as the use of geometrical floral or vegetal designs in a repetition known as the arabesque. The arabesque in Islamic art is often used to symbolize the transcendent, indivisible and infinite nature of Allah.

It is a common myth that human or animal depiction is forbidden altogether in Islamic art. In fact, human portrayals can be found in all eras of Islamic art. Rather, human representation for the purpose of worship is considered idolatry and is duly forbidden in Islamic law, known as Sharia law. There are also many depictions of Muhammad, Islam's chief prophet, in historical Islamic art.

Islamic Art and Idolatry

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In Islam, human images are forbidden in regard to worship, similar to the ban on animals and objects in the Old Testament, (the golden calf); that is why you will see ornate motifs decorating buildings intended for Islamic worship, but no statues or paintings of people.

I think many of us know and understand what Islam is and what it believes... some of us even know quite a lot about it.

But "educating" people about what Islam does and does not believe does nothing to address the problems inherent to the religion ... nor does it take away the violence committed around the entire world in the name of Islam; nor does it hide the oppressive nature of nations ruled by Sharia.


BTW - I have confidence that I could live in Israel and have a golden statue of a calf in my house, call it God, and not be afraid of the police raiding my house and a court condemning me to death.

And besides ... Hindus worship Nandi ... Siva's bull. I don't know of any Jews who would act violently because I was an "idolator"....much less because their religion dictated it verbatim.

But I WOULD fear if I lived in a muslim nation.

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Iranians sure love their women!

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian police will crack down on women in Tehran flouting Islamic dress codes with winter fashions deemed immodest, such as tight trousers tucked into long boots, an officer was quoted as saying on Saturday.

"Considering the start of the cold season and its special way of dressing, police will start early next week a drive against women who wear improper dress," Tehran police chief Ahmad Reza Radan was quoted as saying by state news agency IRNA.

"Tight trousers tucked inside long boots while wearing short overcoats are against Islamic codes," the police chief said.

"Wearing a hat or cap instead of scarves is also against Islamic dress codes."

Police officials were not immediately available for comment. The Iranian week begins on Saturday.

Police regularly clamp down on skimpier clothing and looser headscarves in the summer. Usually this is for just a few weeks but this year the campaign has run into the autumn.

There has not recently been a move against winter fashion.

Enforcement of Islamic dress codes that require women to cover their hair and disguise the shape of their body with loose overcoats has become progressively sterner since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad came to power in 2005.

Women found dressing inappropriately may be warned or, particularly for repeat offenders, can be taken to a police station and fined. Police this year have also cracked down on men sporting what are considered "Western" spiked haircuts.

In October, a newspaper said 122,000 people, mostly women, had been warned about their clothing and nearly 7,000 of those had to attend classes on respecting the rules.

Young women, particularly in wealthier urban areas, often challenge limitations by wearing tight clothing and colorful headscarves that barely cover their hair. The codes are less commonly challenged in poor suburbs and rural regions.

Iran has rejected criticism by rights groups of such crackdowns and said its efforts were aimed at "fighting morally corrupt people".


Hey ,,, maybe someday they will be able to dress themselves!

If the men let them, of course.


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Men are not all saints and they come with flaws; the extremes of the Sharia law prove that.

Surely you're not saying Mohammed had flaws?

Isn't Sharia Law based on the Hadith?

Isn't the Koran the exact word of God?


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It is not for me to judge any prophet, as only God can judge men in truth. In Islam God is known as Allah. So it is not for me to judge any prophet, as only Allah can judge men in truth.

Only God can know His exact words and I pray my faith guides me to them. In Islam God is known as Allah. So only Allah can know His exact words and I pray my faith guides me to them.

The Qur'an is more concerned with moral guidance than legal instruction, and is considered the "sourcebook of Islamic principles and values". Muslim jurists consult the hadith, or the written record of Muhammad's life, to both supplement the Qur'an and assist with its interpretation.

Muslims consider the Qur'an to be the literal word of God; it is the central religious text of Islam.


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only Allah can judge men in truth.

Only God can know His exact words and I pray my faith guides me to them. ..

...So only Allah can know His exact words and I pray my faith guides me to them.

Then, sir, you are an apostate.

... because Mohammed knew the exact words of Allah ... and Mohammed is not God.

Do you deny that the Prophet was the messenger of Allah ... and the perfect man as well?

Let me ask you ...Do you see any imperfection in the words of the Prophet (PBUH)?


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But in the jurisdiction of the Sudan, Islamic law applies in the affairs of men, and so we pray for the least of the extremes.

No one is above God, not even the prophets. In Islam God is Allah. So no one is above Allah, not even the prophets.

Only God is all-knowing. In Islam God is Allah. So only Allah is all-knowing. I remain His humble servant praying to make my way according to His will. I thank Him for sending his prophet to guide me.

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