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All this over a stupid Teddy Bear...


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Men are not perfect; they use religion to preach the hatred in their hearts.

Islam is not immune from this imperfection in men, but it is not limited to Islam.

Historically, men have committed acts of hatred in the name of Christ, and perhaps other religions as well. It only illustrates the flaws in men.

God (Allah) remains perfect regardless of the deeds of men.

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Muslims take this whole "the name of Mohammed is sacrosanct" thing way too far. :rolleyes:

A name is just a name.. (pardon the upcoming pun).. for Christ's sake.

I could call my next poop "Mohammed" and it wouldn't detract from the historical figure

Mohammed any more than my calling my next poop "Buddha" would detract from Buddha.

In fact,.. poop is Buddha. Everything is Buddha.. or Brahmin.. or "God".. or whatever NAME you wanna give That consciousness which is the essence of existence itself. I've no doubt that Buddha the historical figure would not have been the least bit disturbed by someone calling a poop "Buddha".

Mohammed the teddy bear.

That's... cute. :)


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No it bloody isn't, because you wouldn't find 10 kids in a "Western" class named "Jesus Christ".

That's just an excuse.

In Spanish-speaking areas of North and South America, there are plenty people named Jesus. That's kind of what I thought of when I saw this.

If it's not okay to name things like your teddy bear Mohammad, why is it okay to name your child Mohammad?

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In Spanish-speaking areas of North and South America, there are plenty people named Jesus. That's kind of what I thought of when I saw this.

If it's not okay to name things like your teddy bear Mohammad, why is it okay to name your child Mohammad?

I went to school with dozens of kids named Jesus...and a few named Moses

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In Spanish-speaking areas of North and South America, there are plenty people named Jesus. That's kind of what I thought of when I saw this.

If it's not okay to name things like your teddy bear Mohammad, why is it okay to name your child Mohammad?

In attempting to reason with an angry mob of men, I usually stay off that kind of subject because they may get more upset. In their blindness they have found a target for their anxieties. It has more to do with politics than reason. They are really only using religion as an excuse to vent.

Many in the West were mystified by the anger over a teddy bear.

During her trial, a weeping Gibbons said she had intended no harm. Her students, overwhelmingly Muslim, chose the name for the bear, and Muhammad is one of the most common names for men in the Arab world. Muslim scholars generally agree that intent is a key factor in determining if someone has violated Islamic rules against insulting the prophet.

But the case was caught up in the ideology that President Omar al-Bashir's Islamic regime has long instilled in Sudan, a mix of anti-colonialism, religious fundamentalism and a sense that the West is besieging Islam.

Teacher Hidden As Sudan Mob Urges Death

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Men are not perfect; they use religion to preach the hatred in their hearts.

Islam is not immune from this imperfection in men, but it is not limited to Islam.

Historically, men have committed acts of hatred in the name of Christ, and perhaps other religions as well. It only illustrates the flaws in men.

God (Allah) remains perfect regardless of the deeds of men.

Unfortunately they use religion to preach the hatred in their hearts because the religious scripture justifies it.

Acts are not limited to Islam, true; but acts of violence cannot be justified by Hindu, Buddhist and Christian texts.

Christ NEVER charged his followers to oppress women, lie, or kill infidels.

The Vedas NEVER promoted violence toward people.

And the fact remains: Violence and oppression in the name of any other religion, TODAY ... in the MODERN AGE ... simply does not occur on the universal, ubiquitous and wholesale scale as it does with Islam.

Why do you suppose that is?

How could so many MILLIONS of muslims have gotten the wrong idea?

Let's say ...

A wayward nut-job who happens to be Christian (who cannot support his actions by the words of Christ) kills a homosexual. What happens? He is served justice in a court of law..

Can you say the same for the Islamic nation of Iran ... Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan ... and so on?

They not only support it ... but they celebrate it.


Yes ... men are imperfect ... all men.

Tell me ... since Mohammed was a man ... was he imperfect?

He was the one who dictated the Koran, and his deeds are documented in the Hadith.

Do you suppose maybe he got some of it wrong along the way?


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Unfortunately they use religion to preach the hatred in their hearts because the religious scripture justifies it.

Acts are not limited to Islam, true; but acts of violence cannot be justified by Hindu, Buddhist and Christian texts.

Christ NEVER charged his followers to oppress women, lie, or kill infidels.

The Vedas NEVER promoted violence toward people.

And the fact remains: Violence and oppression in the name of any other religion, TODAY ... in the MODERN AGE ... simply does not occur on the universal, ubiquitous and wholesale scale as it does with Islam.

Why do you suppose that is?

How could so many MILLIONS of muslims have gotten the wrong idea?

Let's say ...

A wayward nut-job who happens to be Christian (who cannot support his actions by the words of Christ) kills a homosexual. What happens? He is served justice in a court of law..

Can you say the same for the Islamic nation of Iran ... Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan ... and so on?

They not only support it ... but they celebrate it.


Yes ... men are imperfect ... all men.

Tell me ... since Mohammed was a man ... was he imperfect?

He was the one who dictated the Koran, and his deeds are documented in the Hadith.

Do you suppose maybe he got some of it wrong along the way?




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Violence occurs because with all the scripture available to guide them, men continue to make very poor choices in what actions they take, most often when they choose to vent their frustrations, anxieties and hatred. So I must pray for their redemption.

you seem to be dodging the obvious point that in many

regards Islam CONDONES.. if not DEMANDS.. violence.

Why all the quasi-religious tap dancing around this obvious point?


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you seem to be dodging the obvious point that in many

regards Islam CONDONES.. if not DEMANDS.. violence.

Why all the quasi-religious tap dancing around this obvious point?


Perhaps you shouldn't hound him.

At least his apostate heart is in the right place.

If there was an argument to challenge my query... I'm sure he would posit it.


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you seem to be dodging the obvious point that in many

regards Islam CONDONES.. if not DEMANDS.. violence.

Why all the quasi-religious tap dancing around this obvious point?


Violence is a poor choice made by men. Islam has many options.

Mr Shadjareh, chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, said: "I find it offensive that Islam is being used in this way by the Sudanese government and the media.

Muslims in jailed teacher protest

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Stories like that strengthen my belief that there is no God (yeah I'm an atheist)...remember what Lennon said :

"Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace..."

I really believe the world would be a better place if there were no religions.

Sorry, I don't mean to offend people here who believe in God. Its just my opinion. **go ahead you can stone me now...** ;)

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Stories like that strengthen my belief that there is no God (yeah I'm an atheist)...remember what Lennon said :

"Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace..."

I really believe the world would be a better place if there were no religions.

Sorry, I don't mean to offend people here who believe in God. Its just my opinion. **go ahead you can stone me now...** ;)

Yeah ... you need to be stoned.

But don't bogart, bitch.


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Stories like that strengthen my belief that there is no God (yeah I'm an atheist)...remember what Lennon said :

"Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace..."

I really believe the world would be a better place if there were no religions.

Sorry, I don't mean to offend people here who believe in God. Its just my opinion. **go ahead you can stone me now...** ;)

I too am an atheist, but I prefer to avoid the word belief/believe, it is like having faith in the non existance of God which sounds just as ridiculous as the crap spewed by the "believers".

I am convinced there is no God and that religous people are delusional.

The only thing good about Islam is they are actually willing to fight the NWO, as opposed to A) all talk & no action...B)active participation in the ideologies and institutions being used to further the Agenda or C) hiding your head in the sand and rejecting the entire concept

Don't get me wrong, they are as full of shit as any other delusional group, and obviously barbaric in their customs.

Flame away

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Violence is a poor choice made by men. Islam has many options.

More quasi-religious tap dancing, eh? :rolleyes:

C'mon muh-man,.. step up and address the issue directly.

Does, or does not, Islam CONDONE.. if not DEMAND.. violence in some regards?


and whats with the big, purple font btw?

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haha. I'm sorry!

To be "stoned" means to "get high" ... you know ... on pot.

"bogart" means "don't smoke it all".

I was making a joke.

I'm terribly sorry for the misunderstanding!


lol sorry...how dumb am I? :rolleyes::D I'm tired and get the wrong ideas!!! sorry. I think I should go and get a good night sleep!!!

thanks for the bogart thing! I'm just curious! I love learning new english expressions! :)

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