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New singer for Jimmy, JPJ and Jason?


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Good luck replacing Robert Plant. He's a hard act to follow regardless of what people may think.

ha ha ha I wish someone had replaced this current "new" Robert Plant with the "older younger" one... Just kidding... Robert has made his choice and I am sure is happy, there is no point at all to hope that he will suddenly "change" his mind ;) . If they choose a new singer it will not be a replacement, just a beginning of a new Era. Well, that is, hopefully. On the other hand, it is so quiet now, seems that the guys could have just changed their minds and returned to their old routines. :wacko:

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ha ha ha I wish someone had replaced this current "new" Robert Plant with the "older younger" one... Just kidding... Robert has made his choice and I am sure is happy, there is no point at all to hope that he will suddenly "change" his mind ;) . If they choose a new singer it will not be a replacement, just a beginning of a new Era. Well, that is, hopefully. On the other hand, it is so quiet now, seems that the guys could have just changed their minds and returned to their old routines. :wacko:

It's quiet except for the last shows and the awards. But it really doesn't matter.

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There should not be a reunion tour if Robert Plant won't come back as the Lead Singer - it's BAD KARMA! Robert Plant is "Led Zeppelin".

The band members know they can always be replaced but never the Lead Singer.

Robert Plant is 1/4 of Led Zeppelin not the whole band. Their success is the sum of the FOUR parts.

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There are other good bands besides Led Zeppelin, but good in their own unique way, due to the individual chemistries of each band. Zep fans are much too puritanical in their devotion. Much too uptight. You can bet Deep Purple of Whitesnake or Sabbath fans are more open-minded, because the lineup has changed so much there. Enjoy the music but don't obssess too much on the cult of personality. Remember that sometimes Zeppelin didn't even live up to its own reputation back in the day. The ideals of what they were striving for can be accomplished by many different musicians if they really 'get it'.

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Of course its not Zep without Robert but the temptation to use the Zeppelin name may be there. Led Zeppelin vs PBnJ--which one would get more attention? It matters not what the more serious fans think either. I'm betting that the general public, being much more familiar with Zeppelins music and name than with the name of individual band members will resond much more favorably(fill arenas) than if Page, Jones, Bonham bill themselves as something else.

This may be due to Zeps media avoidance and the fact that band members did not appear front and center on the album covers like other groups. I think that the Zeppelin could've been much more famous individually than they were/are. I think they completely blew off TV appearances after 69 or 70; one of the reasons being they didn't like the way the band sounded over dinky tv speakers. Or being lambasted by the press on some occasions made them somewhat media shy.

Wasn't it the Outrider tour that had attendance problems and some venues had to cancel if memory serves me? The serious fan knows but the general public doesn't realize that its freakin' Jimmy Page of Zeppelin; one of the seminal figures in the history of rock, a great showman, and inspiration to the next generation of rock guitarists.

I think that the closest I'll come to seeing Zep will be the '95 Page/Plant show--great performance and perhaps more Zep than Page/Jones at this point in time.

Even if Plant signs up now I'm ambivalet. You're asking 60 year olds to reproduce the high energy shows of the 70s.

I'm not angry at Plant anymore. I used to be back in the day when rumours swirled following Live Aid, Atlantic Records 40th show, etc. Like someone said before, Robert is not a circus animal who performs on cue for our amusement. Hes an artist who has to do things that satisfy his own sensibilites for the product to be worthwhile. And I'm much more a Jimmy Page fan than Plant.

I'm just glad for what we have--12 years of amazing music. Most bands never make it that far with the same members.

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There are other good bands besides Led Zeppelin, but good in their own unique way, due to the individual chemistries of each band. Zep fans are much too puritanical in their devotion. Much too uptight. You can bet Deep Purple of Whitesnake or Sabbath fans are more open-minded, because the lineup has changed so much there. Enjoy the music but don't obssess too much on the cult of personality. Remember that sometimes Zeppelin didn't even live up to its own reputation back in the day. The ideals of what they were striving for can be accomplished by many different musicians if they really 'get it'.

I hear what you're saying but the thing with Zep is, we only know them as the four original members. So much time has passed since their demise that it becomes a bit harder to imagine them say without Robert singing. I do think that they are all amazing musicians and whatever they choose to do with whomever they work with, it'll no doubt be fantastic as they've shown us over the years, I just don't see whatever this future project will be, as Led Zeppelin. But I am very much looking forward to it and hoping (rather impatiently ;) ) that we won't have to wait too long!

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Maybe I just got more cynical over the years - but the onging media tripe has gotten right on my nerves for best part of a year now

Zeppelin never needed this type of hype in the halcyon days and probably less so nowadays

I remain totally convinced that Zepp will hit the road next year with Plant - the statement he made regarding "2 years off"makes no sense to me

It's all part of the game....tedious and boring but maybe a sign of the times - some unquenchable ego's to satisfy perhaps!

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Haven't we pretty much established that if Kennedy joins Page, Jones, and Bonham that it won't be called "Led Zeppelin"? Didn't Jason say back in August that they're working on new material and that it might not be Zeppelin but it will be "something"? Didn't Page say last month that without Plant there's no Zeppelin?

Why are people getting hung up on something that isn't true, or at the very least is unproven? Page, Jones, and Bonham have been playing together and working on new material. That's straight from the horses' mouth, Jason said it and even Jimmy admitted it although he understandably downplayed it. Get excited people, this is positive stuff!

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Maybe I just got more cynical over the years - but the onging media tripe has gotten right on my nerves for best part of a year now

Zeppelin never needed this type of hype in the halcyon days and probably less so nowadays

I remain totally convinced that Zepp will hit the road next year with Plant - the statement he made regarding "2 years off"makes no sense to me

It's all part of the game....tedious and boring but maybe a sign of the times - some unquenchable ego's to satisfy perhaps!

All he said is that he isn't planning to tour for the next two years, not that he's planning to take two years off. He's practically a workaholic. I doubt it will even be two years before he tours, possibly with Alison again (thoughnot Zep).

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All he said is that he isn't planning to tour for the next two years, not that he's planning to take two years off. He's practically a workaholic. I doubt it will even be two years before he tours, possibly with Alison again (thoughnot Zep).

Pleased we agree on that - Robert strikes me as one of the almost dictionary definitions of "ever onward" if you get my drift.

The idea that he will propose, let alone take, a 2 year sabbatical (singing-recording-touring...whatever) at this time is sheer tomfoolery by Plant

Additionally, the concept of Percy picking up for another round with Krauss or gravitating to SS whilst the JJJ's hit the road is equally beyond comprehension and possibility in my opinion


It's a game and it will result in a reformed Zeppelin with Plant at the turn of the year-ish

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ok this is just my two pence worth and is really in response to a number of threads currently on this board. And my first post so pls don't flame me ..lol

Regards Robert Plant, I for one loved the Raising Sands Album in fact its turned me on to a whole different side of music. I thought his performance at the O2

to be a great performance by a great singer of his 60 years. Specially, if you think all of Led Zeppelins music was written while he a young man. Had they ever Toured as Zeppelin again, I do however wonder if, he especially would cope with it? Now I say that because the human voice being organic changes with age, just look at the singing on Raising Sands. Now imagine to yourself him knock out the immigrant song every other night while on tour! Ok admittedly I'd be first in line to go see him sing, but I'd probably want to go to show number 10 when he'd probably be in fine voice and well rehearsed. So I think Plant is right in what he's doing, he has stated that he'll not tour with Zeppelin, but at the same point wished the others well. In my mind that's like saying lads go for it, and I'll probably come join you on the odd evening.

Now the rest of them. I was listening to JPJ's Zooma in the car the other day and listening to the last few tracks on that CD it's very Zeppelin in places not the whole song just the Drum and Bass it was quite sad in my mind was missing the killer guitar from Jimmy over it all. And again I was listening to the coverdale, page, album and there's a few good riff's on there, but again missing something. John Paul Jones, and Jimmy Page where made to make music together. Now I've never really liked fully either independent efforts, Now Zeppelin there's really none of it I dislike!

Jason Bonham is not John Bonham however he is a mighty fine drummer, and those who doubt him well if you play better then fine otherwise hold your tongue..lol I do however think he has enough of John in him that love of music and drums to be the best modern fit to Jonesy and Pagey.

Now to that dread questions names, well I think you have to say Led Zeppelin died with John Bonham, it was the four that made the music, there styles all blending to give us an aural shot of euphoria, I for one thank all of them for that. However should the 3 J's decided to use the name how about just "Led Zepp II" I for one would love to hear new music from them all and preferably together, just maybe Plant has given them all the opportunity to try without ever being able to hurt the legacy that is LED ZEPPELIN..

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Maybe I just got more cynical over the years - but the onging media tripe has gotten right on my nerves for best part of a year now

Zeppelin never needed this type of hype in the halcyon days and probably less so nowadays

I remain totally convinced that Zepp will hit the road next year with Plant - the statement he made regarding "2 years off"makes no sense to me

It's all part of the game....tedious and boring but maybe a sign of the times - some unquenchable ego's to satisfy perhaps!

BINGO!!!! You hit the nail on the head! I think there will be a Zep tour! I think Robert is just trying to take the attention away from(over shadowing) his current progect, and at the same time building anticipation. If they tighten up the show that they put on last year and hit the road, it will hit the world like a "Led Balloon". Forget "The Who", "Stones", and "The Eagles", "LED ZEPPELIN" will rule the world again. I don't think it would work w/another singer, and I think it needs to be a 4-piece w/Jason Bonham, which makes it "Legit". And they most definitely need "JPJ". He is so much a part of "LZ". Watching and listening to him in the "Reunion footage", just drives it home!!!!! JPJ was the best of the bunch. It needs to be called "Led Zeppelin" to get the box office attention. The 4 of them could get "close again" to the sound, and "Vibe", but their is nothing on earth that compares to "The Mighty Zep" in their prime. They still have what it takes, and they will get it done! Their isn't any new music that compare's. The interest is definitely there. Get Robert away from that "Chick" and "LET'S ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The thing is, Robert never asked them to wait for him. Instead, he wished them success.

Yes, they need to rock out now.

I get that and have read his statement, I am referring to some of the people on here that think they shouldn't do anything without Robert Plant.

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ha ha ha I wish someone had replaced this current "new" Robert Plant with the "older younger" one... Just kidding :wacko:

I hope this isn't an ingenius idea to go along the lines of Jurassic Park by recreating or cloning via DNA? Actually, including Robert Plant and Jurassic Park in the same sentence as a reference to this brainstorm might not be the best example. :huh:

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Pleased we agree on that - Robert strikes me as one of the almost dictionary definitions of "ever onward" if you get my drift.

The idea that he will propose, let alone take, a 2 year sabbatical (singing-recording-touring...whatever) at this time is sheer tomfoolery by Plant

Additionally, the concept of Percy picking up for another round with Krauss or gravitating to SS whilst the JJJ's hit the road is equally beyond comprehension and possibility in my opinion


It's a game and it will result in a reformed Zeppelin with Plant at the turn of the year-ish

Sorry, but you can cling to this vision for evermore and it still won't make it happen. Robert is completely against joining up for the new project. Its NOT gonna happen.

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I just wish somebody could ask Myles Kennedy if he is in or out.

Could not be so difficult could it?


Are you kidding? :blink:

This is the best thing that's ever happened to Myles Kennedy. Millions of people who would never have known his name a week ago are all talking about him. He must be laughing his arse off.

He won't want this to stop...

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BINGO!!!! You hit the nail on the head! I think there will be a Zep tour! I think Robert is just trying to take the attention away from(over shadowing) his current progect, and at the same time building anticipation. If they tighten up the show that they put on last year and hit the road, it will hit the world like a "Led Balloon". Forget "The Who", "Stones", and "The Eagles", "LED ZEPPELIN" will rule the world again. I don't think it would work w/another singer, and I think it needs to be a 4-piece w/Jason Bonham, which makes it "Legit". And they most definitely need "JPJ". He is so much a part of "LZ". Watching and listening to him in the "Reunion footage", just drives it home!!!!! JPJ was the best of the bunch. It needs to be called "Led Zeppelin" to get the box office attention. The 4 of them could get "close again" to the sound, and "Vibe", but their is nothing on earth that compares to "The Mighty Zep" in their prime. They still have what it takes, and they will get it done! Their isn't any new music that compare's. The interest is definitely there. Get Robert away from that "Chick" and "LET'S ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FYI, that "chick" is Alison Krauss and BTW, his tour has with her has already ended, but I still don't see Robert getting back with the boys unless at the last minute he changes his mind but I don't see it happening.

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Jimmy and John Paul may very well still be thinking about what they are going to do, and if so, an official announcement is hardly forthcoming just now. The way things look to me right now, it seems they're really disappointed - as are so many of us fans - that Robert decided not to join them. They aren't getting any younger either. But what can you do about that? In the end, absolutely nothing. The man simply doesn't want to, and that means he can't do it.

Let me just say, as an old fan of Led Zeppelin, that I hope Jimmy, Jason and John Paul will use the opportunity to just focus on creating new music, with new people. A new touring band, if that's what they want to do; or even better, as things stand, just make an album with several guest stars, different singers, instrumental numbers, what have you. The latter possibility might be a good way to just get going with lots of positive energy and to see who fits the bill.

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