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Clay Aiken: His Shocking Truth Revealed


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So? I have no idea why it matters to anyone what someone else does in their bedroom. It's none of anyone's business. He's gay. He's bi. He's hetero. It's his business.

It's actually huge if you consider that during the holocaust being gay meant you're gonna die.

And after that, decades of persecution. Having to live in a closet is almost as bad as the

rulers who get away with murder. Hard on the conscience that is....

Edited by kabbalahone
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So? I have no idea why it matters to anyone what someone else does in their bedroom. It's none of anyone's business. He's gay. He's bi. He's hetero. It's his business.

AGREED 100%!!!

I don't post in anger often, but I must admit this really got to me. Firstly, I don't watch the AI and don't know the guy. And I'd like to keep it that way. But I have have an issue not only with homophobes, but with any kind of discrimination based on sexual orientation or practices. That includes being too nosy when it comes to private life of someone who is perfectly straight. As long as sex is between consenting adults, I really really really don't care who does what, how, and with whom. And I don't want to see, know or hear about it. It really infuriates me when someone's professional or artistic worth is being judged based on what they're doing in their bedroom.

I was a fan of Queen for over 25 years. For many years I didn't know that Freddie Mercury was gay. The impact of the discovery on my fandom? Absolute zero. I don't value him as a musician any more or any less. Why should anyone?

A comment on another message board struck me as odd... Someone commented on watching Groupies (1970 film) and being "relieved" that Terry Reid declined advances of a gay groupie and asserted himself as being unquestionably straight. I couldn't care less. He could have turned out "gay as a daffodil" and still remain on my personal top 10 vocalists, right along with Freddie.

I was particularly disgusted with the infamous Monica Lewinsky scandal. Not the events which took place in the Oval Office, but with the media storm surrounding them. WTF? Did Clinton do a bad job as a president? I dare anyone to prove he did. Wehrmacht scrutinized every Standartenführer in regards to their sexual orientation and fidelity to their spouses, what a noble model to follow!

I despise homophobes, but don't be thinking I'd accept homosexual professional's or artist's work of inferior quality for the sake of affirmative action. Back in the 90's my then-boyfriend mentioned a very annoying aspect of San Francisco local music scene: a number of gay rock bands with mediocre output expecting to be appreciated for the mere fact that they're gay. It's almost like backwards-discrimination. "Political" credibility cannot replace artistic credibility. Being homosexual doesn't make them better or worse musicians. It's simply irrelevant.

OK, done with rant. Just my 2 cents.

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As I said,I don't give a blue perpendicular fuck if the guy fucks goddamn watermelons,I just think he's a fuckin' loser for whoring his kid out for a cover story in People.I'm sick and tired of seeing the soundbyte over and over of him saying he didn't want to carry on the lie,for the sake of his child ("I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things"),but evidently it's perfectly okay to pimp out your son for money.He could've come out without being plastered all over the media.

Fucking loser.

Edited to add: Why the hell is this in "Other Bands"!?

Edited by 59LesPaul
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As I said,I don't give a blue perpendicular fuck if the guy fucks goddamn watermelons,I just think he's a fuckin' loser for whoring his kid out for a cover story in People.I'm sick and tired of seeing the soundbyte over and over of him saying he didn't want to carry on the lie,for the sake of his child ("I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things"),but evidently it's perfectly okay to pimp out your son for money.He could've come out without being plastered all over the media.

Fucking loser.

Edited to add: Why the hell is this in "Other Bands"!?


I hear ya man.

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I'm gay, and I'm glad Clay Aiken has decided to come out. However...in various interviews I've found him to be horrificly obnoxious and his music to be quite vapid. Nothing substantial there. However, good for him...hope he's a happier person now...

It's a hard thing to make that decision....but....it is what it is.

One thing though....remember that Zeppelin used to go into gay bars in America at times because they didn't get bothered and they played better music there....I've always respected that about the boys :)


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It's actually huge if you consider that during the holocaust being gay meant you're gonna die.

And after that, decades of persecution. Having to live in a closet is almost as bad as the

rulers who get away with murder. Hard on the conscience that is....

You've missed my point entirely.

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