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Today's Sun: Led Yep, Robert's in for the reunion....


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If you have something to say about the rumour and I repeat rumour, pro or con, then great, all contributions welcome.

Closure is what started it so can we have some of it now on this?

Quite the rant, Reg. I like it... :D

Anyway, it's been a couple of day's since this alleged "story" broke and still no denial from Robert or Jimmy et al.

Do they need to dignify this tripe with a response or not? The conspiracy peeps might suggest that the lack of denial confirms the story and conversely, the "realists" believe that the lack of denial confirms the absurdity of the source.

My personal belief is that i have no idea wtf is happening which means that nothing has changed since 02.

Thank You.

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Anyway, it's been a couple of day's since this alleged "story" broke and still no denial from Robert or Jimmy et al.

There are numerous other examples of rumours which went undenied in the past, so it really doesn't mean anything either way.

However if you want the scoop - I had a dream that the tour was going to happen. That's proof enough for me. All we need now are the tour dates....

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However if you want the scoop - I had a dream that the tour was going to happen. That's proof enough for me. All we need now are the tour dates....

I dreamed that i could play guitar better than Jimmy....then i woke up.

Hope your dream is more realistic than mine.

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Perhaps that's what Jimmy was hoping would happen. But does that mean that Robert came off stage last night after his show with Alison (where it seemed like he was having a great time) called Jimmy up and said "I'll do the tour because I know you're serious about replacing me". It just doesn't seem right at all. Although it's a bit deja vu after the Coverdale/Page thing, but I can't see it.

That was SUCH a great show! And totally worth the wait considering the first St. Louis show was rescheduled... I was in the fourth row and had a sign and I'm pretty sure it's what convinced Mr. Plant to join up on the tour..... ;) IF of course, the article is true.

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There are numerous other examples of rumours which went undenied in the past, so it really doesn't mean anything either way.

However if you want the scoop - I had a dream that the tour was going to happen. That's proof enough for me. All we need now are the tour dates....

PM me and I'll give you the opening leg tour dates.

Just kidding...I can only wish I had a way to information like that!

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I saw a Raising Sand show this summer and the crowd loudly roared for every Zep tune. I was almost embarrased for the other fine musicians on the stage. Robert clearly knows the love of Zep is still there.

I believe they will reform. I believe I will see them again.

I'm ready when you are, guys.

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I hear him slip into it at PK shows. He wants to go there. He can't help it.

I love this image! Robert, desperate to "unleash the beast" (his voice, that is) :lol:

And yes, I heard the same thing at the show I saw in May. It gave me goosebumps every time he started to let rip with his voice, but then he'd rein it in again. Tease! :D

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I would believe it if it were on a more reputable website than a tabloid newspaper. If it had been Rolling Stone or something then perhaps. But I think, in the final analysis, I'll believe it when Led Zeppelin announces it on the official site.

This is the Official site for Led Zeppelin News Right?All there ever is; is rumor's or 1/2 a dozen people who claim to know the band members or people with close connections with the band or individual members. These people seem to be on here for Hours on end posting (god knows what)topic's of led zeppelin latest news "snippets" while living a normal life beyond led zeppelin while socializing with "the band etc"It's high time the Led Zeppelin Web site Administration took control of this site, and stopped some of this posting non factual post's and only allow the true stories of actual truth to filter through in the post's etc." No one" in There Right mind; wants to read through 20-24 pages of threads just to see a whole lot of dribble which is unreliable gossip. :wtf:

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This is the Official site for Led Zeppelin News Right?All there ever is; is rumor's or 1/2 a dozen people who claim to know the band members or people with close connections with the band or individual members. These people seem to be on here for Hours on end posting (god knows what)topic's of led zeppelin latest news "snippets" while living a normal life beyond led zeppelin while socializing with "the band etc"It's high time the Led Zeppelin Web site Administration took control of this site, and stopped some of this posting non factual post's and only allow the true stories of actual truth to filter through in the post's etc." No one" in There Right mind; wants to read through 20-24 pages of threads just to see a whole lot of dribble which is unreliable gossip. :wtf:

Well, these forums are only what we, the posters, put into them. It's perhaps regrettable how many people (often newbies, in fact) create unnecessary threads, and then lots of us start posting in them.... but in the end this, like everything else on here, only reflects the fan base of the band. And that's just what these forums are supposed to do. Hyper-active mods won't make this a better place.

And the criteria you propose for censoring the threads very obviously can't be applied. :)

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I just got a new alert from a source other than the Sun saying that they will tour next summer. Which would mean they most likely are working on an album. I am very confident it will happen. But how many? Where? And I cant even imagine the cost. Just imagine this board with a whole year to discuss this when/if it is confirmed. There will be new members coming out of the woodwork.

The woodwork, sheetrock, attic, basement, sewer, rivers, oceans, mountains it'll be like night of the living dead lol. :lol:

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Quite the rant, Reg. I like it... :D

Anyway, it's been a couple of day's since this alleged "story" broke and still no denial from Robert or Jimmy et al.

Do they need to dignify this tripe with a response or not? The conspiracy peeps might suggest that the lack of denial confirms the story and conversely, the "realists" believe that the lack of denial confirms the absurdity of the source.

My personal belief is that i have no idea wtf is happening which means that nothing has changed since 02.

Thank You.

I doubt they'll say anything and when the time comes they're ready to unveil the 3J's and ___, that's when we'll hear.

This is the Official site for Led Zeppelin News Right?All there ever is; is rumor's or 1/2 a dozen people who claim to know the band members or people with close connections with the band or individual members. These people seem to be on here for Hours on end posting (god knows what)topic's of led zeppelin latest news "snippets" while living a normal life beyond led zeppelin while socializing with "the band etc"It's high time the Led Zeppelin Web site Administration took control of this site, and stopped some of this posting non factual post's and only allow the true stories of actual truth to filter through in the post's etc." No one" in There Right mind; wants to read through 20-24 pages of threads just to see a whole lot of dribble which is unreliable gossip. :wtf:

A bit judgemental don't you think. How much time people spend here is really not your business - who cares? It's their life and how do you know they don't just have their computer on and are doing other things. Really unnecessary comment. People love Zep. That's why we're on this board. When something relating to them hits the news, real or otherwise, it stirs up discussion. You don't like it, don't read it. It's a DISCUSSION board and if the site administrator felt the threads weren't appropriate, he'd pull them as has happened in the past.

But you seem to feel justified in starting countless threads on "whatever" and that's okay :rolleyes:

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Sorry, but someone's self righteous rants have made me decide to keep confidences.

We all keep confidences, well, most of us do I guess and that's how it should be.

Loose lips, sinks (air)ships!

Anyone who does know anything would be best served to keep it to themselves to eliminate any repercussions from disgruntled members.

On the other hand everyone has the freedom to express an opinion or to try and stimulate conversation by fooling around with certain scenarios thus having an enjoyable experience on the forum.

It appears this is not always the case.

Self righteous, dunno who you're referring to there?

Nothing would please me more than to see these marvellous musicians play together again in some form or another.

What about you?


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Sorry, but someone's self righteous rants have made me decide to keep confidences.

i'm a big fan of your's, nech....i've been reading your posts to FBO for years. always good information, qualified opinion, and even when all your wheels have fallen off and you snap, i must say that those can be some of my personal favorites of yours. they show passion, zeal, and give temper tantrum's credibility all over the internet. :)

that said, the post like the one above makes me shake my head.

i hope i'm misunderstanding it.

if you have inside info and have been given it with out restriction, then what you do with that is your business.

to post that you will withhold it because of your judgement of another person's post doesn't sound like you at all.

inner circle confidences are great, and we all thank you for the signposts of the past.

will it change my seat location at any future concert featuring jimmy page in any type of arrangement?

i doubt it.

once again, i would like to say...

...i'm a big fan.

do what thou wilt....

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another long thread based on the Sun ... <_<


... and I've read it too ... :boohoo:

obviously it's so close to a waste of time and my thoughts remains intact:

when and if they'll tour we'll know it from an official source

... and it seems that this is not the official source we'ld like or we'ld hope it is ...

yes, the only regret is that the LZ.com official forum is not an official source for reliable infos

well, it's almost a no source of official news but commercial (!)

so let's talk again about rumors, enjoy and have fun ... nothing else

we'll read the real news on some serious newspaper (not here)


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For some strange reason in the Led Zeppelin online community, there is a competition to be the "go to person" for inside information. Well the fact is, people change there minds all the time. Situations change within an hr. It has happened before. So your (in general not towards any one person) inside information could be completely creditable one minute, and pure BS another. This being said, if I knew something, i'd keep it to myself and those I can trust with it. Here is the thing that gets me, the I knew it all along bunch...

No. You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you knew all along that's cool, good for you, but since you reserved your right to withhold your knowledge, guess what? Yep. You knew shit. Live with the fact you do know ok, but don't go bragging about it after the fact. Then we have those who come along after the "I knew it all along people" who say...We who know you, knew you knew. You people are the worst offenders. I think it's best for these people to keep their third hand, acting like they know something, better then thou attitude to yourself. I have been guilty of this myself.

Rant over. :D

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Sorry, but someone's self righteous rants have made me decide to keep confidences.

Dammit... One of the few people on this board who don't let their mouths write a check that the facts in the bank can't cover has successfully been offended to the point to where they won't participate...

Hey Solar - Being a Zep fan may still be fun, but participating in this forum is going down the drain slowly.

I guess I am at a loss. I always thought it was okay to disagree on message boards, but the constant fingerpointing and self-righteousness is just plain burdensome. I remember reading Evster saying he was stepping away from this board because of things like this during all of the O2 clammor. I don't know the guy, but enjoyed reading his posts (even when I disagreed with his opinion). At the time he said he was leaving the forum, I thought that was a bit over the top, but I can see his point now... Why try to have fun and be a fan when others are just dead set on being miserable and confrontational?

Edited by cabal200
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