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Presidential Debate


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Barack screwed it up completely in my eyes! He didn't really give a direct answer

Johns answer of responsibility was exactly what I wanted, so points for him.

Obama did a good job of using that against him, but McCain quickly followed up on what he meant then went on the offensive again.

Barack answered all the questions. Both candidates had a lot of filler in many answers, but they all answered. And they took more than the one minute Tom was so adamant about maintaining, lol.

If you feel healthcare is important (and you should) then you will not want any plan McCain picks. He doesn't even care about the issue, because he has a fantastic government paid plan, and he does not give a shit about the middle class in America.

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Barack answered all the questions. Both candidates had a lot of filler in many answers, but they all answered. And they took more than the one minute Tom was so adamant about maintaining, lol.

If you feel healthcare is important (and you should) then you will not want any plan McCain picks. He doesn't even care about the issue, because he has a fantastic government paid plan, and he does not give a shit about the middle class in America.

I want Ron Paul's solution. Neither of theirs fits the bill. This country's screwed either way.

Edited by wanna be drummer
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David Gergen just said the following: "Obama can't win, he's black." This was a direct quote.

I must be having some sort of trippy flashback or something, not very coherent tonight. Ok, wasn't the context that BO's about 6-8 points ahead on national polls, and some on the CNN panel were ready to declare him a winner and so Gergen said the race might be closer because he'll likely lose about 6 points because he's black? And then someone countered that the polls were consistently accurate in terms of predicting results, etc, etc? Still, it was a ballsy thing to say. And then others commented on what a sad reflection that would be on the US if that were the case come voting day. So it's not so much that he would lose, but perhaps would lose enough votes so that this race is closer than might seem, like BO may need that 6-8 point lead as a safer cushion for the win?

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Well i know one person who's reason alone is that he would never vote for a black man. So people like him, will vote not on the issues, but out of prejudice. David Gergen is being honest. Maybe shockingly, but it needs to be said.

The smear campaign going on is repulsive, and just proves what i have said about the mccain/palin pathetic team all along. They are mean, and not what i expect out of a leader. If they had some real "plans" for helping this country, that is what they would be spending their time talking about. Not bashing Obama.

Bill Maher on Leno right now ( i love Bill)! He says "I think Sarah Palin is somebody who Americans have now seen. Competence is like pornography, you know it when you see it. Governor Avon Lady just doesn't pass the smell test"!

My dad doesn't think McCain will win, so i hope he is right (he has been right most of my life). Just have to wait it out.

Paraphrasing Bill Maher: "McCain is brave, but this is not the middle ages, we need smart people to get us out of this mess".

Oh yeah, Obama won the debate and i am glad he defended himself against McCains "low blows" as usual. NEWS FLASH, MR. MCCAIN, many of us do not consider you our "friend" and most of us do not even know you on a friendly basis, so stop calling us YOUR FRIEND. Just Patronizing and phoney, imo.

lol it reminds me every time I go into the local health food store and the lady's like "Hello my friend" Eeeew. So full of crap. And presumptuous. I know it's par for political course, but I hate when words are skewed for quick leverage. Friendships are borne of time, trust and going through the trenches together. It's a cheap rhetorical tactic.

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I hate to break it to you, but no1 is going to fix health care anytime soon.

I am lucky enough to work in a hospital that offers good healthcare benefits. However, over the past few years, my portion of what i pay has doubled, as well as my copays for each doctor visit/test and my deductible. I can't imagine what it would cost (for a plan that would be nowhere as good as mine) if i had to pay for it on my own.

I am well aware of the problems with healthcare. I have seen huge changes in the 16 years i have been a Registered Nurse. It is about time someone who cares makes an attempt at changing things. At least Obama feels it's everyone's "right". It should be. Especiallay children. I didn't hear McCain dispute voting against the bill to give all children health care coverage.

No one took any interest in healthcare, or the economy, or corruption in the government, or really anything at all (except for the millions a month we spend on this long drawn out give us a break already and get the hell out of there, War) Bush got us into. Eight years of nothing...i don't want any more of that. Republican leadership needs to get lost.

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Based on what?

I have been quite outspoken for weeks. Biggest issue for me: neither MCain or his VP pick are competent to run this country. McCain's 90 percent voting record with Bush is all i need to know. If you were ten years older you might feel the impact of what the last eight years has done to this country with more fervor. You are smart for someone your age, but you haven't had the years to experience what i have. When i was your age these issues did not influence my feelings anywhere near the way they do today.

I believe in my heart and mind that Obama cares much more about the "average" American than McCain does (and don't get me started on Palin). I believe Obama will make policies that focus on the middle class getting ahead and the millionaires giving more to their country. As someone who makes more money than i did last year, and is in way more debt (spending less than i did last year) I want someone who cares about me. I like his plan to give tax breaks to those making under $250,000 a year. I like his desire to get us out of Iraq. I like his desire to reform healthcare, improve the educational system. I like his ideas to help the environment and get us off our Oil addiction. I believe he will have "better" people appointed to positions of power in his Administration. I love his running mate Joe Biden, and have followed Joe's career since 1983. I can't say much that i like about McCain and even less about Palin. For me, the decision is easy. I just pray more of the voters see it my way.

Bottom line wanna be drummer...The Dems have a better record on the Economy. Clinton left us with money!!!!! Under Bush unemployment is sky high, thousands of jobs have been outsourced to other countries and stolen from our citizens, the war has cost billions and this bail-out is the most tragic thing our country has ever faced. This is the fault of a Republican President and his followers (who most have seemed to finally abandoned looking at his ungodly disapproval rating). Bush has imo, destroyed my country. McCain is not much better, Mr. Maverick/Bipartisan/dummy.

Aside from not believing anything Mr Flip Flop McCain says, and his strong likeness to Bush (and i posted his flip flops in a previous post if you want to know what they are), and his devastatingly incompetent pick to run with him, just look at what he and Palin have been saying about Obama in their rallies. Instead of talking about their plans, they go out and bash...behavior i don't expect from a leader.

edit for spelling

Edited by ~tangerine~
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I think the problem with the Republican party seems to be their pre-occupation with moral issues.

Well Bush just plain never cared about the American "people" and his poor leadership has proven this beyond a shadow of a doubt with the weakened country he is now finished ruining. I also think Bush's Administration have been primarly concerned about how they could prosper and not much else. If you ask me, i would say Bush has no morals.

I remember people saying during Bush's first term that he would do away with the middle class and we would soon have only rich and poor. He did a good job of that.

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I remember how in his first year in office Bush used to say "I'm a uniter, not a divider". Fuck me that didn't last long...

I thought he said "i'm a drinker", lol :)

One good thing, the Wonder years aka Bush is almost over. I don't think anyone can screw up this country to the extent this low-life has. GOD!

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I thought he said "i'm a drinker", lol :)

One good thing, the Wonder years aka Bush is almost over. I don't think anyone can screw up this country to the extent this low-life has. GOD!

I'm going to miss him though, well not actually miss him but I will miss the closing of that era or time chapter. A lot of good youthful memories from the last 8 years

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I have been quite outspoken for weeks. Biggest issue for me: neither MCain or his VP pick are competent to run this country. McCain's 90 percent voting record with Bush is all i need to know. If you were ten years older you might feel the impact of what the last eight years has done to this country with more fervor. You are smart for someone your age, but you haven't had the years to experience what i have. When i was your age these issues did not influence my feelings anywhere near the way they do today.

I believe in my heart and mind that Obama cares much more about the "average" American than McCain does (and don't get me started on Palin). I believe Obama will make policies that focus on the middle class getting ahead and the millionaires giving more to their country. As someone who makes more money than i did last year, and is in way more debt (spending less than i did last year) I want someone who cares about me. I like his plan to give tax breaks to those making under $250,000 a year. I like his desire to get us out of Iraq. I like his desire to reform healthcare, improve the educational system. I like his ideas to help the environment and get us off our Oil addiction. I believe he will have "better" people appointed to positions of power in his Administration. I love his running mate Joe Biden, and have followed Joe's career since 1983. I can't say much that i like about McCain and even less about Palin. For me, the decision is easy. I just pray more of the voters see it my way.

Bottom line wanna be drummer...The Dems have a better record on the Economy. Clinton left us with money!!!!! Under Bush unemployment is sky high, thousands of jobs have been outsourced to other countries and stolen from our citizens, the war has cost billions and this bail-out is the most tragic thing our country has ever faced. This is the fault of a Republican President and his followers (who most have seemed to finally abandoned looking at his ungodly disapproval rating). Bush has imo, destroyed my country. McCain is not much better, Mr. Maverick/Bipartisan/dummy.

Aside from not believing anything Mr Flip Flop McCain says, and his strong likeness to Bush (and i posted his flip flops in a previous post if you want to know what they are), and his devastatingly incompetent pick to run with him, just look at what he and Palin have been saying about Obama in their rallies. Instead of talking about their plans, they go out and bash...behavior i don't expect from a leader.

edit for spelling

Nice fairy tale. If you really looked at the records of the two candidates.... which you OBVIOUSLY haven't..... you would know that one talks a great game and votes the other way...yes, that's your Obama! I don't really like anyone that voted for the "Bailout", because that is the greatest proof that "PORK COMES FIRST!!"

Obama is the great SOCIALIST...the most liberal voting Senator in Congress, voting 100% Democrat partisan.

McCain did vote bi-partisan... and with a 26 year voting record was FAR FROM PARTISAN.

Obama voted FOR the bad home Mortgages... because poor people that can't afford homes need a loan. Look where that got us...we need him to lead our economy :rolleyes: ....HEAVY SARCASM!

IF Obama is elected: Welcome to the USSA! The United Socialist States of America. The rest of the world will be pleased. :blink:

The sleazy slander that Obama is attempting and that America (and gay men in Austrailia) are lapping up like it's truth, is easily dismissed by simply reading the legislation that was voted on and following the logic used by the Senators when they were voting.

I guess that I'm the only one that noticed what a LIAR Obama was during the debate. John McCain should be commended for not throttling Obama for publicly lying about his record. It's amusing to me how the "approval graph" went up for Obama, even when he had said nothing of any consequence. Yet when John McCain attempted to clear his name, it went down. Something stinks like "democrat".... errr I mean "poop". :D

Now I'll turn it over to young liberal girls that still live with "Daddy", but know "everything". :huh:

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Nice fairy tale. If you really looked at the records of the two candidates.... which you OBVIOUSLY haven't..... you would know that one talks a great game and votes the other way...yes, that's your Obama! I don't really like anyone that voted for the "Bailout", because that is the greatest proof that "PORK COMES FIRST!!"

Obama is the great SOCIALIST...the most liberal voting Senator in Congress, voting 100% Democrat partisan.

McCain did vote bi-partisan... and with a 26 year voting record was FAR FROM PARTISAN.

Obama voted FOR the bad home Mortgages... because poor people that can't afford homes need a loan. Look where that got us...we need him to lead our economy :rolleyes: ....HEAVY SARCASM!

IF Obama is elected: Welcome to the USSA! The United Socialist States of America. The rest of the world will be pleased. :blink:

The sleazy slander that Obama is attempting and that America (and gay men in Austrailia) are lapping up like it's truth, is easily dismissed by simply reading the legislation that was voted on and following the logic used by the Senators when they were voting.

I guess that I'm the only one that noticed what a LIAR Obama was during the debate. John McCain should be commended for not throttling Obama for publicly lying about his record. It's amusing to me how the "approval graph" went up for Obama, even when he had said nothing of any consequence. Yet when John McCain attempted to clear his name, it went down. Something stinks like "democrat".... errr I mean "poop". :D

Now I'll turn it over to young liberal girls that still live with "Daddy", but know "everything". :huh:

"Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

And you believe that McCain isn't a liar? You shouldn't be allowed to cross the street by yourself.

Edited by electricmage
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Nice fairy tale. If you really looked at the records of the two candidates.... which you OBVIOUSLY haven't..... you would know that one talks a great game and votes the other way...yes, that's your Obama! I don't really like anyone that voted for the "Bailout", because that is the greatest proof that "PORK COMES FIRST!!"

Obama is the great SOCIALIST...the most liberal voting Senator in Congress, voting 100% Democrat partisan.

McCain did vote bi-partisan... and with a 26 year voting record was FAR FROM PARTISAN.

Obama voted FOR the bad home Mortgages... because poor people that can't afford homes need a loan. Look where that got us...we need him to lead our economy :rolleyes: ....HEAVY SARCASM!

IF Obama is elected: Welcome to the USSA! The United Socialist States of America. The rest of the world will be pleased. :blink:

The sleazy slander that Obama is attempting and that America (and gay men in Austrailia) are lapping up like it's truth, is easily dismissed by simply reading the legislation that was voted on and following the logic used by the Senators when they were voting.

I guess that I'm the only one that noticed what a LIAR Obama was during the debate. John McCain should be commended for not throttling Obama for publicly lying about his record. It's amusing to me how the "approval graph" went up for Obama, even when he had said nothing of any consequence. Yet when John McCain attempted to clear his name, it went down. Something stinks like "democrat".... errr I mean "poop". :D

Now I'll turn it over to young liberal girls that still live with "Daddy", but know "everything". :huh:

Let's talk about lies. What Lie did Barack tell?

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Let's talk about lies. What Lie did Barack tell?

Try his slagging off knowing this guy as, "Just someone in the neighborhood",

Obama minimized his relationship by acknowledging only that he knows Ayers. But they have quite a bit more of a connection than that. He’s appeared on panels with Ayers, served on a foundation board with him and held a 1995 campaign event at the home of Ayers and his wife, fellow former terrorist Bernardine Dohrn. Ayers even gave money to one of his campaigns.

Obama is friendly with William Ayers, a leader of the radical Weather Underground, which in the 1970s carried out numerous bombings, including one inside the U.S. Capitol.

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Far too tempting a thread not to butt in have a word .

And by no means am I an expert on USA politics , but I have taken the time to follow the entire election from a Canadian point of view.

Personally I would vote for --- Lou Dobbs.

He raises the issues and brings light to the cracked and broken ways of today's leaders.

If only he would run for public office .

3 debates that are unwinnable ----

Best Politics

Best Music

Best Food

Everyone has their opinions.

And folks , let me introduce you to the next President --- Obama.

From this perspective it's about a 65 - 35 margin .

Prepare for the inevitable.


Edited by Zepp-4-Life
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Bottom line wanna be drummer...The Dems have a better record on the Economy. Clinton left us with money!!!!! Under Bush unemployment is sky high, thousands of jobs have been outsourced to other countries and stolen from our citizens, the war has cost billions and this bail-out is the most tragic thing our country has ever faced. This is the fault of a Republican President and his followers (who most have seemed to finally abandoned looking at his ungodly disapproval rating). Bush has imo, destroyed my country. McCain is not much better, Mr. Maverick/Bipartisan/dummy.

Aside from not believing anything Mr Flip Flop McCain says, and his strong likeness to Bush (and i posted his flip flops in a previous post if you want to know what they are), and his devastatingly incompetent pick to run with him, just look at what he and Palin have been saying about Obama in their rallies. Instead of talking about their plans, they go out and bash...behavior i don't expect from a leader.

Can't really answer the first paragraph as I have nothing to say except "Sorry I wasn't born earlier."

Anywho, about Democrats and the economy...do you like what Jimmy Carter did with it or no? Just curious.

Republicans AND Democrats are to blame for the situtaion of the country. One man did not destroy us in 8 years. George Bush is not the economy. The cracks have always been there, but no one cared until now and now we're fucked. The only Democrat/Republican I'd trust to fix this mess would be Ron Paul seeing as how intelligent the man is, especially in the field of economics. But instead of picking a very strong economically-thinking man, we're stuck with a party-line voting Democrat and a senior citizen who's admitted that the economy is not his strong point. Great choices. "Douche or a Turd"

And for what it's worth, McCain is not the one running his mouth on who Obama runs with or his past, that's what Palin is doing. McCain hasn't talked about that subject yet and he won't because it will ruin him.

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