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Stupidity is not teaching your kids to respect guns and not teaching them proper use and leaving them around where they can get their hands on them. If you are that kind of parent, please see a doctor soon and reverse your procreation ability.


Because that always works.

Let me place a scenario for you... You have parents, whomever with guns. A kids has access to it, goes and shoots up a school.

Or you have tighter gun laws, or make it illegal to carry/have firearms. People obey the law and do not carry one. How is a kid going to get access to it?

You are a typical conservative, right up sarah palin alley. You are lucky because of the constitution.

I don't want to turn this into a gun argument though, so go ahead and respond, I've heard it all before from Del. Say your peace and be done with it. This is a debate thread.

Edited by electricmage
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Fwiw we should just remove all of the automobiles from the roadways.

There are tens of thousands of people killed by these every year and most of them are


Blaming and inanimate object is just insanity. It's not the object that is at fault.

It's the owner operator.

Now back to the debate.

I found this article about "Joe the Plumber" interesting. Seems there is a smear campaign

afloat. Just so you know I'm middle of the road on my politics ( common sense ) I read blogs from both sides, it's the only way to get to the real truth. B)

The Left Declares War On Joe The Plumber

By Michelle Malkin

October 17, 2008

Six-term Sen. Joe Biden's got some nerve going after citizen Joe the Plumber. But the entrenched politician from Delaware, who fancies himself the nation's No. 1 Ordinary Joe, had no choice. Obama-Biden simply can't tolerate an outspoken citizen successfully painting the Democratic ticket as socialist overlords. And so a dirty, desperate war against Joe Wurzelbacher is on.

The left's political plumbers are attacking the messenger, rummaging through his personal life and predictably wielding the race card once again. It's standard operating procedure for the Obama thug machine.

Wurzelbacher, in case you've been in hibernation, is the small-business man from Ohio who questioned Obama about his tax plan during a Toledo campaign swing last weekend. The revealing exchange was caught on tape and broadcast widely across the Internet and TV airwaves.

In response to Wurzelbacher's question about why he should be "taxed more and more for fulfilling the American dream," Obama sermonized that he needed to "spread the wealth around" because "it's good for everybody."

John McCain flung that chilling Marxist mantra back in Obama's face during Wednesday night's presidential debate and repeatedly cited Joe the Plumber's plight.

Obama squirmed. The dirt-diggers started Googling. And the next morning, six-term Sen. Biden launched the first salvo against the Ohio entrepreneur on NBC's "Today Show," challenging the veracity of his story: "I don't have any Joe the Plumbers in my neighborhood that make $250,000 a year."

Under an Obama-Biden administration, they'll make sure no Joe the Plumbers ever earn such a salary. "It's good for everybody," don't you know?

Biden, as is so often the case, twisted the facts about Wurzelbacher. No surprise there. Slick Joe Biden is the one who tells fables about visiting a diner in Delaware that hasn't been open in years; spins yarns about getting "forced down" in a helicopter over Afghanistan because of perilous conditions that turned out to be weather related, not al-Qaida related; and continues to slander the family of the man involved in his wife and daughter's fatal car accident (crash investigators cleared the now-deceased driver of drunk driving, despite Biden's insinuations). But I digress.

Wurzelbacher never claimed to be making $250,000 a year. He told Obama that he might be "getting ready to buy a company that makes about $250,000, $270,000" a year. His simple point was that Obama's punitive tax proposals would make it more difficult to realize his dream.

Obama's followers couldn't handle the incontrovertible truth. Left-wing blogs immediately went to work, blaring headlines like "Not A Real $250k Plumber!" Next, they falsely accused Wurzelbacher of not being registered to vote -- he's registered in Lucas County, Ohio, and voted as a Republican in this year's primary.

Next, they called him a liar for identifying himself as undecided. Only registered Democrats and fake Republican tools used in mainstream media stories and YouTube debates are allowed to use that label, you see.

Next, award-winning liberal blogger Joshua Marshall cast Wurzelbacher as some kind of rabid freak for calling Social Security a "joke" -- as if no working-class Americans could believe that the federal government's entitlement programs were a rip-off unless they were bought and paid for by the McCain campaign.

Then, suddenly, the journalists who wouldn't lift a finger to investigate Obama's longtime relationships with Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright sprang into action rifling through citizen Joe Wurzelbacher's tax records. Politico.com reported breathlessly: "Samuel J. Wurzelbacher has a lien placed against him to the tune of $1,182.92. The lien is dated from January of '07." Press outlets probed his divorce records. The local plumbers union, which has endorsed Obama, claimed he didn't do their required apprenticeship work and didn't have a license to work outside his local township.

Hang him!

After Wurzelbacher told Katie Couric that Obama's rhetorical tap dance was "almost as good as Sammy Davis, Jr.," the inevitable cries of "bigotry" followed. (There are now tens of thousands of hits on the Internet for "Joe the Plumber racist.")

Welcome to Joe the Plumber Derangement Syndrome. If you can't beat him, smear him. It's the Obama way.


Michelle Malkin is author of "Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild." Her e-mail address is malkinblog@gmail.com.


The rest of the article can be found here.


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Fwiw we should just remove all of the automobiles from the roadways.

There are tens of thousands of people killed by these every year and most of them are


Blaming and inanimate object is just insanity. It's not the object that is at fault.

It's the owner operator.

You are really going to compare automobiles to guns? Are you that ignorant. Let's just take away forks while were at it.

Do you really believe that conservatives or the GOP would question him? He blindly sided with McCain. Why would they turn up any dirt on someone who votes for the republican party.

You had better damn well bet that if this guy were voting for the Dems, he would have been chastised as well. The guy was a ringer for McCain, no butts about it. He's a moron, through and through, and he's being called on it. Maybe with the spotlight on him, he can now pay his back taxes and cancel his lien.

Seriously, are you that dumb to post something like this? Do you really get your info from both the left and right? Don't think so pal.

Edited by electricmage
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No I'm not comparing guns to automobiles, I'm comparing "IGNORANT" people to ignorant people. :rolleyes:

No, what you are saying is that ignorant people also drive cars. Automobiles weren't perfected to kill other humans. Where is the line drawn. Let's get rid of pencils as well. Somewhere someone has met death with a pencil

Guns are guns, they are a killing utensil.

I didn't see the VT killer ramming 32 students with a automobile.

Edited by electricmage
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We can argue til the cows come home, but it still happens. And it's going to keep happening until there are tighter gun laws/ less guns in circulation.

Case and point.


LAWS don't stop OUTLAWS. The sooner you figure that one out, the better off.

Edited by Rock Action
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Fwiw we should just remove all of the automobiles from the roadways.

There are tens of thousands of people killed by these every year and most of them are


Blaming and inanimate object is just insanity. It's not the object that is at fault.

It's the owner operator.


Do I think it's worth taking guns off the streets so people who would harm others with them won't, yes. But that's just it. It's the personna, not the pistol that kills.

An axe was made to decimate. An axe in the hands of someone who wants to hurt others is a deadly weapon. But that doesn't mean people who can operate an axe safely should be penalized.

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Fwiw we should just remove all of the automobiles from the roadways.

There are tens of thousands of people killed by these every year and most of them are


Blaming and inanimate object is just insanity. It's not the object that is at fault.

It's the owner operator.

Now back to the debate.

I found this article about "Joe the Plumber" interesting. Seems there is a smear campaign

afloat. Just so you know I'm middle of the road on my politics ( common sense ) I read blogs from both sides, it's the only way to get to the real truth. B)

The Left Declares War On Joe The Plumber

By Michelle Malkin

October 17, 2008

Six-term Sen. Joe Biden's got some nerve going after citizen Joe the Plumber. But the entrenched politician from Delaware, who fancies himself the nation's No. 1 Ordinary Joe, had no choice. Obama-Biden simply can't tolerate an outspoken citizen successfully painting the Democratic ticket as socialist overlords. And so a dirty, desperate war against Joe Wurzelbacher is on.

The left's political plumbers are attacking the messenger, rummaging through his personal life and predictably wielding the race card once again. It's standard operating procedure for the Obama thug machine.

Wurzelbacher, in case you've been in hibernation, is the small-business man from Ohio who questioned Obama about his tax plan during a Toledo campaign swing last weekend. The revealing exchange was caught on tape and broadcast widely across the Internet and TV airwaves.

In response to Wurzelbacher's question about why he should be "taxed more and more for fulfilling the American dream," Obama sermonized that he needed to "spread the wealth around" because "it's good for everybody."

John McCain flung that chilling Marxist mantra back in Obama's face during Wednesday night's presidential debate and repeatedly cited Joe the Plumber's plight.

Obama squirmed. The dirt-diggers started Googling. And the next morning, six-term Sen. Biden launched the first salvo against the Ohio entrepreneur on NBC's "Today Show," challenging the veracity of his story: "I don't have any Joe the Plumbers in my neighborhood that make $250,000 a year."

Under an Obama-Biden administration, they'll make sure no Joe the Plumbers ever earn such a salary. "It's good for everybody," don't you know?

Biden, as is so often the case, twisted the facts about Wurzelbacher. No surprise there. Slick Joe Biden is the one who tells fables about visiting a diner in Delaware that hasn't been open in years; spins yarns about getting "forced down" in a helicopter over Afghanistan because of perilous conditions that turned out to be weather related, not al-Qaida related; and continues to slander the family of the man involved in his wife and daughter's fatal car accident (crash investigators cleared the now-deceased driver of drunk driving, despite Biden's insinuations). But I digress.

Wurzelbacher never claimed to be making $250,000 a year. He told Obama that he might be "getting ready to buy a company that makes about $250,000, $270,000" a year. His simple point was that Obama's punitive tax proposals would make it more difficult to realize his dream.

Obama's followers couldn't handle the incontrovertible truth. Left-wing blogs immediately went to work, blaring headlines like "Not A Real $250k Plumber!" Next, they falsely accused Wurzelbacher of not being registered to vote -- he's registered in Lucas County, Ohio, and voted as a Republican in this year's primary.

Next, they called him a liar for identifying himself as undecided. Only registered Democrats and fake Republican tools used in mainstream media stories and YouTube debates are allowed to use that label, you see.

Next, award-winning liberal blogger Joshua Marshall cast Wurzelbacher as some kind of rabid freak for calling Social Security a "joke" -- as if no working-class Americans could believe that the federal government's entitlement programs were a rip-off unless they were bought and paid for by the McCain campaign.

Then, suddenly, the journalists who wouldn't lift a finger to investigate Obama's longtime relationships with Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright sprang into action rifling through citizen Joe Wurzelbacher's tax records. Politico.com reported breathlessly: "Samuel J. Wurzelbacher has a lien placed against him to the tune of $1,182.92. The lien is dated from January of '07." Press outlets probed his divorce records. The local plumbers union, which has endorsed Obama, claimed he didn't do their required apprenticeship work and didn't have a license to work outside his local township.

Hang him!

After Wurzelbacher told Katie Couric that Obama's rhetorical tap dance was "almost as good as Sammy Davis, Jr.," the inevitable cries of "bigotry" followed. (There are now tens of thousands of hits on the Internet for "Joe the Plumber racist.")

Welcome to Joe the Plumber Derangement Syndrome. If you can't beat him, smear him. It's the Obama way.


Michelle Malkin is author of "Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild." Her e-mail address is malkinblog@gmail.com.


The rest of the article can be found here.


It's always the cars fault...the car is what does the hitting, :)

As for Joe Shmoe, this article is not what i heard about him at all. First of all, he works for a plumbing company and it is reported that he doesn't have a license (which is required) to work as a plumber. Next, he has never made more than $40,000 a year, and he OWES taxes to the government! Maybe that is why he is so concerned about more taxes, which under Obama's plan should never be a concern of his. This dude asked a hypothetical question, and who made him famous (way beyond the 15 minutes he didn't deserve)? Oh right, it was MCSTUPID who spent so much of the debate talking about Joe the crook, lol. Hey this guy is so famous now, he has his own Wikepedia page...god damn!

Heres an article:


With US Elections Near, 'Joe the Plumber' Enters Political Pipeline

Ohio man becomes an example used by McCain to attack Obama on his tax plan and spreading wealth around. Transcript of radio broadcast:

17 October 2008

This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

Wednesday's presidential debate was the third and last between Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain. But on Thursday they both attended a yearly political tradition in New York, a dinner to raise money for Catholic charities. The first to speak was Senator McCain, who is fighting from behind in most national polls.

JOHN McCAIN: "A major announcement. Events are moving fast in my campaign, and yes, it's true that this morning I've dismissed my entire team of senior advisers. All of their positions will now be held by a man named Joe the Plumber."

BARACK OBAMA: "Now recently one of John's advisers told the Daily News that if we keep talking about the economy, McCain's going to lose. So tonight I'd like to talk about the economy."

Joe Wurzelbacher talking with reporters outside his home on Thursday

The jokes were a change from the final ninety-minute debate the night before on the economy and other domestic issues. Yet the debate produced an unexpected star who was not even there.

A working man named Joe Wurzelbacher met Barack Obama earlier in the week during a campaign stop in Toledo, Ohio. He told Senator Obama that he was getting ready to buy a company and was concerned that his taxes would increase under the senator's tax plan.

John McCain used "Joe the Plumber" as an example to attack Senator Obama's proposals.

JOHN McCAIN: "Joe, I want to tell you, I will not only help you buy that business that you worked your whole life for and I will keep your taxes low and I will provide available and affordable health care for you and your employees. And I will not stand for a tax increase on small business income."

Barack Obama and John McCain with CBS moderator Bob Schieffer during the third presidential debate

Barack Obama would raise taxes on earnings above two hundred fifty thousand dollars a year. But he said ninety-eight percent of small businesses make less than that. He talked about Joe the Plumber.

BARACK OBAMA: "What I essentially said to him was, five years ago, when you were not in a position to buy your business, you needed a tax cut then. And what I want to do is to make sure that the plumber, the nurse, the firefighter, the teacher, the young entrepreneur who does not yet have money, I want to give them a tax break now. And that requires us to make some important choices."

Both candidates looked into the camera and addressed Joe the Plumber directly. His name was used more than twenty times.

But with sudden fame came news that he is not a licensed plumber and that he owed the state of Ohio more than one thousand dollars in back taxes. Also, it was not clear that his taxes would increase under the Obama plan.

Since the debate, though, Senator McCain has talked about something else his opponent said to Joe Wurzelbacher. Senator Obama said, "I think that when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." Senator McCain says spreading the wealth means class warfare.

Barack Obama argues that John McCain would continue the economic policies of President Bush.

The Democrat is campaigning heavily in states that voted Republican in recent presidential elections but which he has a chance to win. These include Virginia, North Carolina and Colorado.

John McCain is working on larger states like Florida and Ohio that voted for President Bush. Opinion polls show that both of those states could go either way on November fourth.

And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake. For more political news, go to voaspecialenglish.com or VOA's election site, usavotes2008.com. I'm Steve Ember.

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It's always the cars fault...the car is what does the hitting, :)



As for Joe Shmoe, this article is not what i heard about him at all. First of all, he works for a plumbing company and it is reported that he doesn't have a license (which is required) to work as a plumber. Next, he has never made more than $40,000 a year, and he OWES taxes to the government! Maybe that is why he is so concerned about more taxes, which under Obama's plan should never be a concern of his. This dude asked a hypothetical question, and who made him famous (way beyond the 15 minutes he didn't deserve)? Oh right, it was MCSTUPID who spent so much of the debate talking about Joe the crook, lol. Hey this guy is so famous now, he has his own Wikepedia page...god damn!

Heres an article:


With US Elections Near, 'Joe the Plumber' Enters Political Pipeline

Ohio man becomes an example used by McCain to attack Obama on his tax plan and spreading wealth around. Transcript of radio broadcast:

17 October 2008

This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

Wednesday's presidential debate was the third and last between Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain. But on Thursday they both attended a yearly political tradition in New York, a dinner to raise money for Catholic charities. The first to speak was Senator McCain, who is fighting from behind in most national polls.

JOHN McCAIN: "A major announcement. Events are moving fast in my campaign, and yes, it's true that this morning I've dismissed my entire team of senior advisers. All of their positions will now be held by a man named Joe the Plumber."

BARACK OBAMA: "Now recently one of John's advisers told the Daily News that if we keep talking about the economy, McCain's going to lose. So tonight I'd like to talk about the economy."

Joe Wurzelbacher talking with reporters outside his home on Thursday

The jokes were a change from the final ninety-minute debate the night before on the economy and other domestic issues. Yet the debate produced an unexpected star who was not even there.

A working man named Joe Wurzelbacher met Barack Obama earlier in the week during a campaign stop in Toledo, Ohio. He told Senator Obama that he was getting ready to buy a company and was concerned that his taxes would increase under the senator's tax plan.

John McCain used "Joe the Plumber" as an example to attack Senator Obama's proposals.

JOHN McCAIN: "Joe, I want to tell you, I will not only help you buy that business that you worked your whole life for and I will keep your taxes low and I will provide available and affordable health care for you and your employees. And I will not stand for a tax increase on small business income."

Barack Obama and John McCain with CBS moderator Bob Schieffer during the third presidential debate

Barack Obama would raise taxes on earnings above two hundred fifty thousand dollars a year. But he said ninety-eight percent of small businesses make less than that. He talked about Joe the Plumber.

BARACK OBAMA: "What I essentially said to him was, five years ago, when you were not in a position to buy your business, you needed a tax cut then. And what I want to do is to make sure that the plumber, the nurse, the firefighter, the teacher, the young entrepreneur who does not yet have money, I want to give them a tax break now. And that requires us to make some important choices."

Both candidates looked into the camera and addressed Joe the Plumber directly. His name was used more than twenty times.

But with sudden fame came news that he is not a licensed plumber and that he owed the state of Ohio more than one thousand dollars in back taxes. Also, it was not clear that his taxes would increase under the Obama plan.

Since the debate, though, Senator McCain has talked about something else his opponent said to Joe Wurzelbacher. Senator Obama said, "I think that when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." Senator McCain says spreading the wealth means class warfare.

Barack Obama argues that John McCain would continue the economic policies of President Bush.

The Democrat is campaigning heavily in states that voted Republican in recent presidential elections but which he has a chance to win. These include Virginia, North Carolina and Colorado.

John McCain is working on larger states like Florida and Ohio that voted for President Bush. Opinion polls show that both of those states could go either way on November fourth.

And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake. For more political news, go to voaspecialenglish.com or VOA's election site, usavotes2008.com. I'm Steve Ember.

The point is sweetheart is that anyone in that position whether it's him or not is going to get blasted with taxes. Doesn't matter about him, that is just deferring from the issue.

You know kinda like comparing something bad with something more bad.

Bad is Bad.

And yes I would get more back in the short term but what happens when the small business person has to jack up all his prices to offset his tax hike?

Everything will cost the consumer more. I know you understand this you're a smart gal.


edited to spell you're correctly :P

Edited by Dzldoc
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The point is sweetheart is that anyone in that position whether it's him or not is going to get blasted with taxes. Doesn't matter about him, that is just deferring from the issue.

You know kinda like comparing something bad with something more bad.

Bad is Bad.

And yes I would get more back in the short term but what happens when the small business person has to jack up all his prices to offset his tax hike?

Everything will cost the consumer more. I know you understand this you're a smart gal.


edited to spell you're correctly :P

Look, Joe the Plumber is a bore and i BET he has hit someone or something with his car, :)

Everything is over inflated like mad now! Who is at fault? Well my money is on the people who have been in power just a couple years short of a decade. I'm not willing to let anyone in "that crowd" lead the way any more. At least not with my vote, which is all i have to say my peace with.

While i haven't researched this, i don't believe small business usually make a fortune (not the majority) and most will probably fall under the $250,000 proposed. I love the idea of the wealthy people paying higher taxes to give us middle class (who have become poor the past few years) a break. Robin Hood come out wherever you are hiding!

I do not believe John McCain has the smarts to move our Economy in a better direction, and Obama is the one who is friendly with Warren Buffet, lol. IMO, Warren would make a great advisor, and many others like him. I see Obama surrounding himself with good people, i can only see that McCain chose a nobody dimwit as a running mate, so i have no faith in anything else he does.

So we agree now? lol... well if not on this, at least we agree about the sweet and smart observations winking0001.gif

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You are really going to compare automobiles to guns? Are you that ignorant. Let's just take away forks while were at it.

Do you really believe that conservatives or the GOP would question him? He blindly sided with McCain. Why would they turn up any dirt on someone who votes for the republican party.

You had better damn well bet that if this guy were voting for the Dems, he would have been chastised as well. The guy was a ringer for McCain, no butts about it. He's a moron, through and through, and he's being called on it. Maybe with the spotlight on him, he can now pay his back taxes and cancel his lien.

Seriously, are you that dumb to post something like this? Do you really get your info from both the left and right? Don't think so pal.

Are you dain bramaged?

Ok here's a case point in fact.....

Take a good look at this... AR-15%20004.JPG Do you think it's going to pull it's own trigger or do you think it might be a trigger pulled by a human being?

It don't really matter does it, the end result is the same right? so lets ban all guns and cars and anything else that might kill another human, baseball bats, knives, bottles, etc etc....

IGNORANCE will kill you long before any criminal with an illegal gun will.

Edited by Literally Speaking
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We can argue til the cows come home, but it still happens. And it's going to keep happening until there are tighter gun laws/ less guns in circulation.

Case and point.

Never gonna happen. Only the law abiding will be affected, which won't fix anything.

Quote Charlton Heston:

There are no good guns, there are no bad guns.

A gun in the hand of a bad man is a bad thing.

Any gun in the hands of a good man is no threat to anyone, except bad people.

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^ LS, Actually it's not comparing apples to apples here, seeing as how one's a weapon and the other's a means of transportation. That they both can hurt is not the point - you can use a plastic spoon or bag for that. It's what they are meant to be used for that's the point. So you can't really use not banning cars as a valid point for not banning guns.

Edited by Patrycja
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We can argue til the cows come home, but it still happens. And it's going to keep happening until there are tighter gun laws/ less guns in circulation.

Case and point.

Laws already exist, yet criminals find ways to get Fully automatic AK-47s and Uzis. Why should I not be allowed to own a shotgun to defend my home against such intruders?

Should I wait for police? They take too long every time

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Laws already exist, yet criminals find ways to get Fully automatic AK-47s and Uzis. Why should I not be allowed to own a shotgun to defend my home against such intruders?

Should I wait for police? They take too long every time


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^ LS, Actually it's not comparing apples to apples here, seeing as how one's a weapon and the other's a means of transportation. That they both can hurt is not the point - you can use a plastic spoon or bag for that. It's what they are meant to be used for that's the point. So you can't really use not banning cars as a valid point for not banning guns.

Outlaw guns and only outlaws will own them!!!!!

Get it yet ?

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^ LS, Actually it's not comparing apples to apples here, seeing as how one's a weapon and the other's a means of transportation. That they both can hurt is not the point - you can use a plastic spoon or bag for that. It's what they are meant to be used for that's the point. So you can't really use not banning cars as a valid point for not banning guns.

I'll think of it as a seat belt just incase :D

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I agree. He doesn't understand the tax system under Obama either. He's just a stupid guy, representing my state.

Makes all Ohioans look like morons.

Yeah that's part of the problem with soundbites first and checking facts later. He really wasn't a good representation of anyone saying they understand the issues. Just once I'd like to hear someone say even though it may mean a bit of sacrifice, they see this plan or that one is what's best for the rest of the country and therefore they'll vote that way. Somehow civic responsibility has turned into rubbing a genie lamp and wanting three wishes.

Joe got exposed and I'm surprised McCain's camp didn't do a more thorough check before he addressed the 'regular guy' so often during the debate because it makes him look bad in retrospect. Again.

For what it's worth, Joe didn't make all Ohioans look like morons, just himself :)

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Gun control means hitting your target!

Guns don't kill people, they just make it easier!

Loaded for life!

Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again.

If You Can Read This, You're in Range!

Please notify your next of kin before breaking into this house.

Only criminals and a liberal government want an unarmed public.


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Outlaw guns and only outlaws will own them!!!!!

Get it yet ?

Wow you're easily rattled. If you read my post objectively, you'd see I'm not arguing for or against gun banning, just that that argument presented (guns/cars) does nothing to support banning or legalizing guns.

If you choose to respond, kindly do so with the respect you are given.

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Gun control means hitting your target!

Guns don't kill people, they just make it easier!

Loaded for life!

Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again.

If You Can Read This, You're in Range!

Please notify your next of kin before breaking into this house.

Only criminals and a liberal government want an unarmed public.



Mind if I steal it for future use? Didn't think so, LOL


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