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I'll be voting for the most liberal... Did it ever occur to you that he might turn this country around from the shit that Bush did to it?
The next president (whoever itis) will probably go down as one of the worst of all time. The government has proven they don't know how to fix the economy or this mortgage crisis that they got us into.

I don't think you are dumb, i just think you are ignorant. Which is worse?

Ingnorance is more dangerous.

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I find you to be superficial in your assessments of American culture and conditions. That is why the "little girl on the sidelines of an American football game" quote is so accurate in regards to how much I think that your opinion counts here! :D

Albert Einstein once said "Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former..."

God, it's like he saw you coming :D

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I find it very interesting that the GOP, and the mindless storm troopers that follow them, keep using the term "liberal" incorrectly. The term is defined as "favorable to individual liberty, social reform and the removal of economic restraints". That doesn't sound like a socialistic term. Socialistic is when a government controls - which is completely against a liberal stance.

If you want to incorrectly use the term "liberal" in the sense that the government will control everything financially and endlessly spend tax payers money without foresight into the future, then I am sure we are nearing the end of the most liberal presidency in history.

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The next president (whoever itis) will probably go down as one of the worst of all time. The government has proven they don't know how to fix the economy or this mortgage crisis that they got us into.

Ingnorance is more dangerous.

I highly doubt that. The next president will have the chance to correct everything is wrong. He could be in office for 8 years remember.

Bush is obviously the worst in history. The country is in shambles. I'm guessing it can only get better. But then again, it could barely be worse.

I can elaborate if you'd like.

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I find it very interesting that the GOP, and the mindless storm troopers that follow them, keep using the term "liberal" incorrectly. The term is defined as "favorable to individual liberty, social reform and the removal of economic restraints". That doesn't sound like a socialistic term. Socialistic is when a government controls - which is completely against a liberal stance.

If you want to incorrectly use the term "liberal" in the sense that the government will control everything financially and endlessly spend tax payers money without foresight into the future, then I am sure we are nearing the end of the most liberal presidency in history.

Thank you Walter for pointing that out. The word 'liberal' is slung around here like it's 'nazi'... :rolleyes: and always with more than a few choice adjectives.

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Thank you Walter for pointing that out. The word 'liberal' is slung around here like it's 'nazi'... :rolleyes: and always with more than a few choice adjectives.

Thanks to you also, Medhb.

"Nazi" should be reserved when referring to the wack jobs going to Sen. McCain rallys and yelling "kill him", talking about Sen. Obama. That sounds more like 1930's Germany than anything. <_<

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Thanks to you also, Medhb.

"Nazi" should be reserved when referring to the wack jobs going to Sen. McCain rallys and yelling "kill him", talking about Sen. Obama. That sounds more like 1930's Germany than anything. <_<

I agree with that opinion as well :)

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Thanks to you also, Medhb.

"Nazi" should be reserved when referring to the wack jobs going to Sen. McCain rallys and yelling "kill him", talking about Sen. Obama. That sounds more like 1930's Germany than anything. <_<

Hmmm, less like 1930s Germany, more like 1960s Mississippi.

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Its sad to see the -mccain campaign go from character assasination to harnessing anger. But there are people on the cable news channels calling for -mccain to be socially responsible and call down these shouts from crowds.

Seems to me that would be the 'decent' thing to do <_<

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You've proven to us already how dumb you are.

I don't think you are dumb, i just think you are ignorant. Which is worse?

I was dumb and then 4 hours later, I wasn't. I'm ignorant? If you think that Obama has all of the answers, then I would say that you are the ignorant one. I don't think that McCain has the answers either. I will say one thing: Throwing money at the current economic problem will only make things worse and the Democrats are planning to do just that. We will be forced into Socialism if we continue down this path, because we are following the socialist doctrine: Let government control everything and do away with private enterprise. My prediction is that Republicans will take over both houses of Congress and create another "lame duck President" situation before Obama can get reelected (if he can get elected this time). Regulation is good to a point, because lack of it allowed corporate greed and intertwining socialist agenda into lending practices, get us into this situation. Obama's "plan" will eliminate the middle class completely if allowed to run too long. We're in big trouble. I'm voting for the Libertarian ticket. At least I'll be able to live with my vote. I know that it won't have any impact, but I believe in the plan that they have.

It's not ignorance, it's called principles..... something that NEITHER of the major party candidates seem to have.

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I was dumb and then 4 hours later, I wasn't. I'm ignorant? If you think that Obama has all of the answers, then I would say that you are the ignorant one. I don't think that McCain has the answers either. I will say one thing: Throwing money at the current economic problem will only make things worse and the Democrats are planning to do just that. We will be forced into Socialism if we continue down this path, because we are following the socialist doctrine: Let government control everything and do away with private enterprise. My prediction is that Republicans will take over both houses of Congress and create another "lame duck President" situation before Obama can get reelected (if he can get elected this time). Regulation is good to a point, because lack of it allowed corporate greed and intertwining socialist agenda into lending practices, get us into this situation. Obama's "plan" will eliminate the middle class completely if allowed to run too long. We're in big trouble. I'm voting for the Libertarian ticket. At least I'll be able to live with my vote. I know that it won't have any impact, but I believe in the plan that they have.

It's not ignorance, it's called principles..... something that NEITHER of the major party candidates seem to have.

Um....probably doesn't matter to you since you're not voting for either Obama or McCain but I feel a need to correct your statement above. The proposal McCain unveiled during the debate this week is way more lenient to the irresponsable lenders and borrowers and will most likely cost the taxpayer more money than what is currently on the table.

McCains mortgage bailout package

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Some deeply entrenched racism is really starting to rear its ugly head as the end of campaigning nears. Even though it's very disturbing to see, I think this is a very good thing for America - pulling the rug up and seeing what's really going on below. These things need to be acknowledged otherwise progress happens at a glacial pace, if at all.

A political analyst nailed it when he said that calling BO an 'Arab' or 'terrorist' is really a euphemism for 'Black', a more acceptable if covert way of expressing a racism they know would be unacceptable to utter. Some people will never stop hiding behind more politically correct ways of expressing their racially motivated ignorance, but hopefully there'll be fewer and fewer of them with each fig leaf getting pulled.

What is that term, the '---------- effect', named after a black man who was running for office in California in the 80's and was up by 15 points three days before election and then lost? That's why it's good for BO to have his six (and counting) point cushion.

Edited to give credit to McCain for trying to control his increasingly erratic supporters.

Edited by Patrycja
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I've read some of the quotes from these "angry Americans."

They're dumber than lint. And I tried to fray from the obvious, but it has to be said, you can certainly hear within their anger that a "nigger" is about to become their next president. That's not media bias or any of that crap. It's black and blue American history 101.

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Some deeply entrenched racism is really starting to rear its ugly head as the end of campaigning nears. Even though it's very disturbing to see, I think this is a very good thing for America - pulling the rug up and seeing what's really going on below. These things need to be acknowledged otherwise progress happens at a glacial pace, if at all.

A political analyst nailed it when he said that calling BO an 'Arab' or 'terrorist' is really a euphemism for 'Black', a more acceptable if covert way of expressing a racism they know would be unacceptable to utter. Some people will never stop hiding behind more politically correct ways of expressing their racially motivated ignorance, but hopefully there'll be fewer and fewer of them with each fig leaf getting pulled.

What is that term, the '---------- effect', named after a black man who was running for office in California in the 80's and was up by 15 points three days before election and then lost? That's why it's good for BO to have his six (and counting) point cushion.

Edited to give credit to McCain for trying to control his increasingly erratic supporters.

You're thinking of the Bradley Effect. However Nate Silver over at FiveThirtyEight (who also runs PECOTA for Baseball Prospectus) has done a significant amount of math work on this and he doesn't feel there is a Bradley Effect in this campaign.

And I'm sorry, but McCain's "attempt" to dissuade the Klan rally he was speaking to was pure political acting, nothing more. He did that because it makes for good TV. "Oh look, John McCain is trying to defend Barack Obama. What a maverick." Bullshit. McCain started this garbage because it's all he's got left to run on for the next 3 weeks. He can't tuck tail and run away from it, he's waist deep in it.

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I've read some of the quotes from these "angry Americans."

They're dumber than lint. And I tried to fray from the obvious, but it has to be said, you can certainly hear within their anger that a "nigger" is about to become their next president. That's not media bias or any of that crap. It's black and blue American history 101.

Well put. Thank god McCain briefly came to his senses today and acted like the McCain I used to respect. It won't help him either way, but it had to be done.

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If you can't elaborate, it means you have no answer. For example, if I were to say "McCain is a neo-Nazi" and not provide any proof of that, I would expect to be called out and ridiculed for saying something so insanely stupid.

I'm sorry, but supporting a candidate you believe in does not equal being a sheep. Being a sheep would be if news reports came out that Obama murdered 10 people, raped the corpses and drank the blood.....and still coming on here to say you're voting for him no matter what. THAT would be being a sheep. If the best you can do is accuse people who are supporting a candidate that they have no brains and are somehow under some kind of spell, or otherwise not in control of their faculties, you're full of shit.

Right now I could say anyone still supporting McCain/Palin after the absolute shit they've been flinging at Obama and his wife, are sheep.....but see I won't do that because I can at least respect that you're sticking by your principles and voting for them anyway. Seems like none of you can return that respect. Oh well. Not my loss.

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What is there to elaborate on. It's a pretty direct statement. If you don't know what I mean by "sheepish" and you don't know what "peer pressure" is, do some research.

Anyone that I know, who fits well within those meanings, is voting for Obama.

I've never been a follower and I wouldn't recognize peer pressure if it came up and said "C'mon, DO it!" Sorry. Just not true.

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