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Robert Plant - Official Statement


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Saying that you want him to sing with the others for a few shows because it would make so many fans happy (though you'd never know it from the names some of them have called him today, in disappointment, I realize) is rather different to saying he's childish and not a man if he doesn't--you're making a huge leap there.

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Is it okay with everyone if he does what he wants now that he is in his sixties? If he stays on the treadmill too much longer he'll think that he has been reborn as Marilyn Monroe, and Elton John will need to revise Candle in the Wind.

Robert Plant should do what he believes to be right for him.

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when you are a singer. you can sing with anyone that you want to. Everyone of us chooses what we do, especially artists. ......

That's what he is doing.

I am not asking for the rest of his career to be with jjj, but for the sake of millions and millions of people could he at least do a few shows???? It's not like it's absolutely horrible playing with these guys. he stated that he enjoyed it so why wouldn't he enjoy a few more shows?? The fact that he's not doing it makes it seem like it's a hardship to play with them. He always says that he goes to the roots. He chooses blues songs that are deep in the roots, he's playing with alison going back to americanas roots. is it that treacherous, for the sake of making millions of people happy go back to his own roots??? Again, just for a breif nine show tour.

Even if he would do more shows, there would still be people unhappy with him for not doing "more". See what happened after O2?

And didn't you read some posts here that said his voice is weak, he just doesn't fit Zep anymore, he can't sing anymore? So they can be totally happy now that they get rid of him, at last :rolleyes:

And he had never ruled out the possibility to do more one-off shows, as I can recall, eh?

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That's what he is doing.

Even if he would do more shows, there would still be people unhappy with him for not doing "more". See what happened after O2?

And didn't you read some posts here that said his voice is weak, he just doesn't fit Zep anymore, he can't sing anymore? So they can be totally happy now that they get rid of him, at last :rolleyes:

And he had never ruled out the possibility to do more one-off shows, as I can recall, eh?

Sorry, I just don't agree. They only did one show and many believe there is not enough footage for a dvd. If they did nine shows there would definitely be enough and then the masses could be satisfied.

His voice is weak?? I saw the reunion and I saw PK three times. He does not sing with the power and authority he once did, but it's OK. I'm not asking for his greatest performance. He's so incredibly talented that an average performance from him would blow us all away, and blow away any "replacement".

You are absolutely correct. He never said never.

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I think it he is being childish and he is not being a man. when you are a singer. you can sing with anyone that you want to. Everyone of us chooses what we do, especially artists. When they reunited the reaction of the fans at the show and of the whole world is that zeppeln is deeply loved and missed. He(they, of course) made tens of thousands of people happy that they reunited. He could make millions and millions happy if he did even six or nine shows. I consider myself a generous persons in some ways as I do things that are not exactly what i prefer to do in order for others to enjoy. Many performers over the years have played longer than they have wanted to in shows because of the fans. I am not asking for the rest of his career to be with jjj, but for the sake of millions and millions of people could he at least do a few shows???? It's not like it's absolutely horrible playing with these guys. he stated that he enjoyed it so why wouldn't he enjoy a few more shows?? The fact that he's not doing it makes it seem like it's a hardship to play with them. He always says that he goes to the roots. He chooses blues songs that are deep in the roots, he's playing with alison going back to americanas roots. is it that treacherous, for the sake of making millions of people happy go back to his own roots??? Again, just for a breif nine show tour.

No because it would never be enough. There would be people saying it wasn't a big enough tour, not everyone got to see it etc. Not to mention slagging him if he doesn't sing the same way and so on. Look at the reaction of the 02 show which no one expected to happen. People prior to that kept wishing for ONE show. They got it and the post show reaction was once again accusing Robert of being selfish because they only did one show. How is that childish and not being a man? It's childish and selfish to demand someone else live their life according to your own demands. Robert has said to do another Zep show would have to be for the right reason. Well that reason hasn't happened yet - maybe it will maybe it won't. Be happy JP and JPJ want to get out and make music and Robert does. Even if it's not together. They've already given us so much - what comes down the road is icing on the cake in any form.

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If they did nine shows there would definitely be enough and then the masses could be satisfied.

You think so? :blink:

Ok we can have different views here. There hadn't been nine shows so we'll never know.

About his voice, I'm just trying to be sarcastic. :D Sorry if you didn't get it, English is not my mother language and even not my first foreign language.

Edited by glicine
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Saying that you want him to sing with the others for a few shows because it would make so many fans happy (though you'd never know it from the names some of them have called him today, in disappointment, I realize) is rather different to saying he's childish and not a man if he doesn't--you're making a huge leap there.

sorry if i wasn't clear. he is childish and not a man and i'll now add unprofessional if he does not play with jjj. he only wants to do what he wants to do. and regardless of how many he can please if robert doesn't want it, it won't happen. WEAK. A performer plays for the people, not himself. That has got to be the most ridiculously egotistical thing i have ever heard in my life, or he really can't stand playing with them.

please note that this is not a personal attack on you, only rp. i'm obviously pissed off.

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Robert has his project(s), JP/JPJ/JB have their projects. That's (at least) two projects, so instead of having one joint project, they have two individual projects. Geddit?

That's what I thought too... it justified using plural. Doesn't mean each member has his own separate individual project.

Form an orderly line on the right, ladies. ;)

My favorite post on this thread so far! :D

I'll simply keep my mouth shut and let the Plant-apologists continue to gush.

Wow. I've never been a Plant apologist... he's not even my favorite singer. But Zep IS one of my favorite bands, and certainly the one I'd love to see live... with as many original members as possible... BUT - I must say I never respected Plant as much as I do now - for being honest. And, like hot dog said, not taking the easy option. Would have been easy to cash in on all the old fame.

That said.... I do need a beer... :beer:

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sorry if i wasn't clear. he is childish and not a man and i'll now add unprofessional if he does not play with jjj. he only wants to do what he wants to do. and regardless of how many he can please if robert doesn't want it, it won't happen. WEAK. A performer plays for the people, not himself. That has got to be the most ridiculously egotistical thing i have ever heard in my life, or he really can't stand playing with them.

please note that this is not a personal attack on you, only rp. i'm obviously pissed off.

He would be childish and not a man and unprofessional if he plays with the other three with half heart.

And you want that?

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My 1000th post! B)

Unfortunately not the result I would have liked however I can live with it.

The reaction may have been different if a joint statement had been made by all three remaining members.

It's a real shame that people resent his decision to make it known that a reunion isn't going to happen.

I pity the poor fools who are hell bent on holding Robert completely responsible for the (second) demise of Led Zeppelin.

If the circumstances were Jimmy was against any reformation, I bet the criticism would have been much less intense.

As it should be for all of them.

As for Led Zeppelin "owing" the younger generation anything, get over yourselves.

They have paid their dues over and over again since 1968 and beyond.

To the cry baby who whinged about being first in line and not going to Ahmet's O2 gig.

Hello, there was an international lottery!

20,000,000 people missed out not just you! :blink:

With an attitude like yours, well, let's just say Karma can be a bitch.

Comments about doing cover versions of Zep songs are ridiculous because they all wrote them, particularly, but not limited to Page and Plant so any of them are entitled to play them anyway they see fit.

Most of the posters have accepted the announcement sensibly albeit disappointed and saddened by the reality of it all.

I have had the pleasure of experiencing Led Zeppelin live and there isn't anyone else I've seen live that even comes close.

I could be a smug arsehole like a few on here who shall remain nameless and say "well at least I've seen them live and you haven't so fuck all of you!" :P

But I won't and I wouldn't.

The best we can do is put all of this behind us and wait and see what is in the future.

Whatever transpires we will have the music and some of us the memories of spectacular and not so grand live performances.

That's what differentiates a true supporter of the band from a "fan", you take them, warts and all.

Hopefully Jimmy, Jonesy and Jason will release a statement about any plans for recording and / or touring soon, to put us all out of our collective misery.

To Robert, 'and though we've drank our health a thousand times, it's time to ramble on.'

Good luck with the rest your career, I'll be waiting for more music as will many others.

To JP, JPJ and JB, I hope you guys release something real soon and we get to see and hear some real, live music.

Oh and a 3 - 4 disc DVD of all the acts and the complete Zep gig would be nice too.

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As for Led Zeppelin "owing" the younger generation anything, get over yourselves.

They have paid their dues over and over again since 1968 and beyond.

Spot on. I've never seen them live, and never felt entitled to... just thankful for all the records and videos.

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:(:angry::( that is very sad news--hopefully that will change.

This is an official statement from Robert, which I've posted on his website.



Robert Plant and Alison Krauss are currently touring the USA on the last leg of their 'Raising Sand' tour. They played a benefit concert in Oklahoma City for victims of Hurricane Ike last Friday; Austin,Texas last Saturday and tomorrow they play Portland, Oregon before finishing the tour in Saratoga, California on October 5th.

After those dates, Robert has no intention whatsoever of touring with anyone for at least the next two years. Contrary to a spate of recent reports, Robert Plant will not be touring or recording with Led Zeppelin. Anyone buying tickets online to any such event will be buying bogus tickets.

“It‘s both frustrating and ridiculous for this story to continue to

rear its head when all the musicians that surround the story are keen to get on with their individual projects and move forward,” Robert Plant said.

“I wish Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham nothing but success with any future projects,” he added.

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Robert's statement comes as a relief to me.... Straight and to the point, and hopefully this ends all of the speculation once and for all.

Not that he needs it any way, shape, or form, but if he were to read this, I'd want him to know that he has my complete respect and support for his position. He surely knows that he now leaves himself open to the endless "Robert bashing" that will no doubt follow this statement, but I for one applaud his integrity and courage.

My band, OUR BAND, now goes out out on top, and they maintain their rightful place with The Beatles as the two most influential and beloved bands in the history of the genre. Could they have done it, could they have toured as Led Zeppelin and maintained the lofty standards that we have all come to expect? More than likely.... But eventually, they would have also been open to the inevitable backlash and cheap shotting that goes with being on top.

How many shows would they have played, COULD they have played? And when would enough be enough? The demand would have endlessy exceeded the supply, and in today's world of "legal" price gouging of tickets and e-bay bidding wars, the TRUE fan that loves this band from the bottom of their heart would have been on the outside looking in most of the time. The same corporate and personal greed that has the financial world in complete dissarray would have found a way to poison their return, and fan disapointment and public critisism of the band would surely creep in. The common fan would have to take out a second mortgage (not that you can even get one nowadays) to see them unless they won a lottery or some other long shot. In 1977, I paid $20 for a second row seat. $20!!!!!!!!! Don't you think, especially with a limited number of engagements, $20,000 isn't out of the question today for that same seat?

Concert attendance would become the domain of the elite; celebrities, politicians, and well to do's who couldn't tell you the first thing about what this band was about, but know that it would be "The event to be seen at." The rest of us would be relegated to waiting for boots and a perhaps an official DVD release.

This ain't the 70's, and no matter how much we want to, those of us who were there can't go back. And unfortunately for a whole new generation of young and younger fans, they'll probably never get to witness the spectacle of what a Led Zeppelin show was.... Light and shade, beauty, drama, and otherworldly power.... I was fortunate enough to have seen them many times, so perhaps it's not as bad for me to never experience the band again. I can remember them as they were, and nobody can ever, ever, take that away from me....

I'm looking forward to anything Jimmy, JPJ, Robert, and Jason do in the future, be it individually or as a collaboration.... They're my guys, always were, and always will be.

Edited by zep73
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Hopefully Jimmy, Jonesy and Jason will release a statement about any plans for recording and / or touring soon, to put us all out of our collective misery.

Yes, we really need this now.

To JP, JPJ and JB, I hope you guys release something real soon and we get to see and hear some real, live music.

Under the circumstances, we need this even more :)

Congratulations on your 1000th! :)

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Sorry, I just don't agree. They only did one show and many believe there is not enough footage for a dvd.

Rubbish. 16 HD cameras recorded the show - they have 30+ hours of picture to choose from. The rehearsals and soundcheck were audio recorded as well as the show.

If they don't release a DVD, it won't be for lack of footage.

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Robert, thanks for the memories. However, now that your not into it anymore (or for that matter, in the past 20+ years) the three J's will be better off without you.

Last time I checked the "three J's" (how irritating that moniker is) have accomplished sweet fuck all as a unit. It simply remains to be seen. I do know the post-Zeppelin landscape would have been pretty barren without Robert Plant's solo endeavors. I honestly can't take much more of the revisionist history of Led Zeppelin.

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Robert Plant has given all of himself during a lifetime of performances, and I appreciate that. To say it has always been about Robert is not true, as much as he is a magnet for attention due to his strong presence. I don't understand the bitterness that some people seem to experience. Maybe it is envy, but people should not burden themselves by such emotions. It's not the end of the world if Robert Plant does something fun or different.

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It's the toxic byproduct of fantasy colliding with reality.

People are disappointed, and rather than deal with that disappointment in a healthy way, they take the easy option and look to blame someone...

A little while back someone bemoaned the fact they need "closure". 'Closure' is not something you need when your favourite band decide not to tour. 'Closure' is something victims of major trauma need. Lets get this in perspective...

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This is so true.

Sorry if I offend anyone else but this has been going on for months and all this bashing has to stop, now, as it achieves absolutely nothing.

It's time to move on gibberer and take that goose Nathan with you. :blink:

You're so far up your own arses, it's a wonder you can breathe! :o

Enough is enough already, your constant criticism is as welcome as smegma! :mellow:

Give it a rest. :angry:

End of rant!

Looking forward to something from the lads, I'm with you on this Steve the 3J's sounds most uninspiring.

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A little while back someone bemoaned the fact they need "closure". 'Closure' is not something you need when your favourite band decides not to tour.

Any references to the need for "closure" in the context of Led Zeppelin is namby pamby.

It ended 28 years ago! 02 was meant to honor Ahmet and serve as one last great gig.

It's over and it's been over. I never got to meet Bela Lugosi, visit with Claude Monet or

compliment Marion Burns on her beauty and singing in the 1933 film Sensation Hunters. Such is life. Just be thankful for what we've still got cause nothing lasts forever.

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My 1000th post! B)

Unfortunately not the result I would have liked however I can live with it.

The reaction may have been different if a joint statement had been made by all three remaining members.

It's a real shame that people resent his decision to make it known that a reunion isn't going to happen.

I pity the poor fools who are hell bent on holding Robert completely responsible for the (second) demise of Led Zeppelin.

If the circumstances were Jimmy was against any reformation, I bet the criticism would have been much less intense.

As it should be for all of them.

As for Led Zeppelin "owing" the younger generation anything, get over yourselves.

They have paid their dues over and over again since 1968 and beyond.

To the cry baby who whinged about being first in line and not going to Ahmet's O2 gig.

Hello, there was an international lottery!

20,000,000 people missed out not just you! :blink:

With an attitude like yours, well, let's just say Karma can be a bitch.

Comments about doing cover versions of Zep songs are ridiculous because they all wrote them, particularly, but not limited to Page and Plant so any of them are entitled to play them anyway they see fit.

Most of the posters have accepted the announcement sensibly albeit disappointed and saddened by the reality of it all.

I have had the pleasure of experiencing Led Zeppelin live and there isn't anyone else I've seen live that even comes close.

I could be a smug arsehole like a few on here who shall remain nameless and say "well at least I've seen them live and you haven't so fuck all of you!" :P

But I won't and I wouldn't.

The best we can do is put all of this behind us and wait and see what is in the future.

Whatever transpires we will have the music and some of us the memories of spectacular and not so grand live performances.

That's what differentiates a true supporter of the band from a "fan", you take them, warts and all.

Hopefully Jimmy, Jonesy and Jason will release a statement about any plans for recording and / or touring soon, to put us all out of our collective misery.

To Robert, 'and though we've drank our health a thousand times, it's time to ramble on.'

Good luck with the rest your career, I'll be waiting for more music as will many others.

To JP, JPJ and JB, I hope you guys release something real soon and we get to see and hear some real, live music.

Oh and a 3 - 4 disc DVD of all the acts and the complete Zep gig would be nice too.

Seconded :)

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