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Robert Plant - Official Statement


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And doing a full blown Zeppelin tour wouldn't?

Well, if you know anything about the human anatomy and the throat/voice, you would know that just like the brain use it or lose it. Especially if you like to drink, like Robert does. im not looking for full blown, i'm looking for some dates at a pace they can handle. Attack all ya like, but to me a life long fan, they sounded great at the 02, do some dates, do whatever songs Zep or not Zep they want, do new if they want, do Ak songs if they want and dont play Stairway or Whole Lotta Love and ALL the real Zep fans will leave you alone and you can go on with your elevator music. Otherwise stop taking any money from Zep songs or playing them, because you are sooo against them, unless it brings people to listen to your other stuff. Its a double standard...period. No one would go if he wasnt in Zep. let the attacks begin...!!!

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Well, if you know anything about the human anatomy and the throat/voice, you would know that just like the brain use it or lose it. Especially if you like to drink, like Robert does. im not looking for full blown, i'm looking for some dates at a pace they can handle. Attack all ya like, but to me a life long fan, they sounded great at the 02, do some dates, do whatever songs Zep or not Zep they want, do new if they want, do Ak songs if they want and dont play Stairway or Whole Lotta Love and ALL the real Zep fans will leave you alone and you can go on with your elevator music. Otherwise stop taking any money from Zep songs or playing them, because you are sooo against them, unless it brings people to listen to your other stuff. Its a double standard...period. No one would go if he wasnt in Zep. let the attacks begin...!!!

No attack, just an observation. He was the co-writer of those songs, and as such has as much right to sing them as Jimmy Page does to play them. Also I would query the idea that he sings them in order to get people to listen to his "other stuff." There were no Zep songs on Raising Sand and it was an international bestseller. I was at four shows, where the majority of people were not there because of Zeppelin.

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Robert should have made this statement """"""before the spring tour""""" , but lets face it Robert couldnt sing like the reunion show for a whole tour . His solo albums are good, some really good ,but the krauss stuff is weak,but you can tell this is what he wants to do . Robert doesnt like hard rock at all anymore never talks about any bands past or present that play it (unless its his sons band ) Jimmy has done nothing compared to Robert when it comes to solo stuff . So lets see what he can do . He should have made a band up years ago . Talks about new stuff he has ,but nothing comes from it . There getting old so its just not the same as it was for them in the seventies . June 1977 MSG thats the way I'll remember the Giants of Rock !

How very sad, and we can just hope it turns out differently. Not agree about Jimmy, he's got a number of good albums (including some with RP), has been active all these years and, I guess, can get the best singers in the world. He's a Rock guitar god, and he never was into pop (you don't consider Shaken and Stirred or Pics at Eleven any kind of rock, right? Oops, sorry, he called it "cock rock" so ...). Well, looks like now I shall wait for the statement from Jimmy & Co... but a positive one.... or any kind....

Edited by Vega
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It occurred to me later that since the announcement was only about Zeppelin in a negative sense (a band he's NOT rejoining), perhaps it didn't count as official Zeppelin news, but was of sufficient interest to be pinned on the forum?

You're messin' with me, right?? :P

Next to the O2 reunion, this was the News of the Century! Or... maybe I'm stuck in a time tunnel in 1968 when Led Zeppelin were talking about forming. What a great news day that was!

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He is "literally" the only person who could have cleared up that issue???

Look up the word "literally".

They all know that Robert is not involved. It is THEIR project. Why were they unable to say that? Oh Jeez let me think.....................

Oh and welcome back to my posts. :rolleyes:

(You should get that smiley tattooed on your bum.)

The others made their stance clear months ago. The ball was in Plant's court.

Oh, so he'd told Jimmy, John and Jason already? Forget to mention it to the millions of other people who were interested, huh? In fact, sarcastically put people down for even daring to ask, if I remember correctly.

He's one of the few people in the Western world who want the end of the collaboration; that gave him a bit of responsibility to speak up, perhaps?

It's simple - he chose not to publically end the "ridiculous and frustrating" speculation, though he easily could have. Instead, he wallowed in it, all the way to the bank...

I also believe the others, especially Jimmy, should've shined him on long ago, but I admire them for giving him space to make up his mind. It may be a trivial decision to him - jeez, hardly worth mentioning :rolleyes: - but I don't think it is, really.

I'm paying attention to your posts to forward abuse to the mods when it occurs, that's all.

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This is an official statement from Robert, which I've posted on his website.



Robert Plant and Alison Krauss are currently touring the USA on the last leg of their 'Raising Sand' tour. They played a benefit concert in Oklahoma City for victims of Hurricane Ike last Friday; Austin,Texas last Saturday and tomorrow they play Portland, Oregon before finishing the tour in Saratoga, California on October 5th.

After those dates, Robert has no intention whatsoever of touring with anyone for at least the next two years. Contrary to a spate of recent reports, Robert Plant will not be touring or recording with Led Zeppelin. Anyone buying tickets online to any such event will be buying bogus tickets.

“It‘s both frustrating and ridiculous for this story to continue to

rear its head when all the musicians that surround the story are keen to get on with their individual projects and move forward,” Robert Plant said.

“I wish Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham nothing but success with any future projects,” he added.

Sam, thank you for posting this. Robert, thank you for putting this issue to rest.

For me, I saw the O2 show and rehearsal. It was by far the greatest musical experience of my life (and I've seen alot of different music live). I hoped with all my heart that the O2 would convince Robert to continue where I belive he is best needed. But alas not to be. As a fan of Roberts I respect his decision. The lastet material with AK is actually quite nice but for me not as exilarating. But then again not everyone agreed with Picassos every whim. . . Hey, its still art and I wish Robert all the best in the future.



Swedzep, for me today the music in some sense died.

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I just feel pissed off, Robert has the ability as proven at The O2 Arena, i know i was there, he has the chance now to re create the biggest loudest bad ass rock band the world has ever witnessed, this group has the power to blow people away, i cant understand why he doesn't want to do it......as for the clown that said something along the Elvis lines, bout digging him up, lets remember robert is alive and well and god forbid something does happen to one of them. I just feel that this is the ideal situation for them to get together record new material and BOOM let loose. Maybe just me being selfish but i can guarentee, once you have seen them live you just want more, they are like a very addictive drug.

why cant you understand ?

it's something he done years ago, why would the world's best boxer, who's retired in his early thirties make a come back a few years later, when he's still clearly got it in him.

because he's done it already. in addition i think robert may have very painful memories of his time with zep. he lost his son and best friend, almost lost his wife too.

i think it's great that they haven't sold out and done a "police" tour.

zep have their artistic integrity intact.

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I just think it was f*&%ed up that the Sun decided to publish such an article on the "day" they did!. The anniversary of the passing of Bonzo. Really inconsiderate and cruel. Can you imagine how the Bonhams must have felt reading that !?! especially since it was full of bull anyhow!

Edited by motherhen
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Kinda disappointed but a little relieved. For one, now we know what's up plus I think of the unholy ticket prices here in the US because of scalpers and Ticketbastard. I don't much see the point in future one-offs either because O2 was a pretty damn good show and what could they really do to top it? Sure, more obscure tunes but honestly I thought that may have been a good selling point to Robert to possibly be interested in touring. Playing the obscure stuff and write some new stuff. We all know it wouldn't matter fuck all to us what they played because we'd love ALL the songs.

Oh well, it would've been nice to have seen them as an adult since I barely remember the 2/8/75 show in Philly(was only 7).

Now Robert's pretty much done with Zep and I respect that. I think I'm done with Robert too. I've been seeing him since '83 and supporting him although in the end I don't think his stuff is really all that. I went to see him do Zeppelin. Judging from the crowd reactions over the years, I don't believe I was alone. No one went ape shit during 29 Palms or Billy's Revenge.

I'm not a Robert Plant fan, I'm a Led Zeppelin fan. I believe Plant was the weakest link in the group live(though Jimmy came pretty close in '77) and the member I was least impressed with overall so it doesn't break my heart nor does it surprise me that he's done. I think the rest of the group bent over backwards by dropping the tunes a step down to make Robert more comfortable vocally at O2 and there wasn't much more they could do to keep him interested except as I said earlier try and play obscure stuff and write new material.

Whatever, it's not the end of the world, folks. If McCain wins, now THAT'S the end! LOL

Edited by bonzo1026
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Yes just like every supporter of the band on this site, I too am saddened by the news, but I respect his decision.

I was never able to see Zep live, but I've seen TSRTS in Hi-Def so I guess that will have to suffice B)

I hope something does come out of the Page, Jones, and Jason group because I think they could put out a great record.

Best of luck to all the members on any future projects. We'll be here to listen :D

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Long live the the 3 J's and lets hope they really do something together, we can now move along and let Plant have his 2 year break . Lets focus on what the the 3 J's will do now, thats exciting.

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So was that other Sun story about the band getting together for rehearsals with an American singer and possibly recording - was that a hoax, too? Seems like it would be considering the recent story about Robert Returning was total bullshit.

This makes me wonder if there's any projects on the table for the remaining Zeppelin members at the moment. My guess- NOT.

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Led Zeppelin as we all know ended in 1980. The O2 show showed us that the magic is still there. I will not bash Robert. I just hope he does not regret his decision at a later date.

I don't see how he'll regret it when he's not really had a decision to make. He made that 28 years ago, and has not changed his mind since (although nearly was persuaded in 85/86 and 1990 of course). He's said consistantly since news of the O2 broke that it'll be nothing more than a one-off.

Edited by hot dog
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Can't say I'm that cut up over Robert's statement. I'm never that sad when they set the record straight. Maybe it's because I don't know any different. Or maybe it's because I'm the ultimate pessimist and believe I would never get a ticket. In an awful way, and I mean this with no disrespect, I always imagined that tickets for JP/JPJ/JB's project would be a lot more easier to obtain. It Robert was part of the fold the mass hyteria involved would be a bit like O2 all over again - and I'm never that lucky. For someone with an anxiety problem, I was already worrying before it had even began.

I sort of feel the same way as you - disappointed, but a bit relieved at the same time. I was lucky enough to go to the O2 but those weeks / months preceding the gig, when the ticket situation was up in the air, were incredibly stressful for a lot of people. I don't know if I'd have the patience to go through all that again.

Having seen them once doesn't miraculously instill a philosophical "oh well, I've seen them before so it doesn't matter if I don't get a ticket this time" mindset. Quite the opposite in fact - once you get the bug you want it again. Plenty of people who saw Zeppelin with Bonzo back in the day - not just once, but several times in some cases - were just as desperate to get their hands on those O2 tickets as the first-timers.

There's another great post on here - can't remember the author's name, apologies - which mentions the prospect of a tour with the O2 lineup turning into some grotesque media circus, regardless of the band's wishes. This is indeed a risk, because things just aren't 'done' the same way as they were in the Seventies. Such a tour could in fact end up alienating more fans than winning them over.

I wouldn't go so far to say that a Page/Jones/Bonham Jr tour won't end up being this type of event, and there will almost certainly be a scramble for tickets regardless, but the risk of this happening is probably a little bit smaller with two surviving members plus Jason instead of three.

Edited by The Baroness Von Zeppelin
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How very sad, and we can just hope it turns out differently. Not agree about Jimmy, he's got a number of good albums (including some with RP), has been active all these years and, I guess, can get the best singers in the world. He's a Rock guitar god, and he never was into pop (you don't consider Shaken and Stirred or Pics at Eleven any kind of rock, right? Oops, sorry, he called it "cock rock" so ...). Well, looks like now I shall wait for the statement from Jimmy & Co... but a positive one.... or any kind....

I agree with you Vega , on Shaken and Stirred, Pictures at Eleven was to me good . But As I said before , Jimmy compared to Robert doesnt come close to making new albums . I know he was involved in all the remasters,but I'm talking new music ,and I thought Walking into Clarksdale was so badly produced, and that most of the songs where average at best.

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I don't see how he'll regret it when he's not really had a decision to make. He made that 28 years ago, and has not changed his mind since (although nearly was persuaded in 85/86 and 1990 of course). He's said consistantly since news of the O2 broke that it'll be nothing more than a one-off.

I'm tired of these sorts of defenses. It's revisionist history. Do we really need to go dredge up every remark Robert has made that left the door open to future Zep involvement? Sure, it was conditional, but he DID leave the door open, until now. Stop trying to make Robert's behavior seem consistent when he has always changed his mind about things. If anything, he only has himself to blame for creating a cottage industry of speculation for the amount of times he's said one thing and done another.

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(You should get that smiley tattooed on your bum.)

I'm paying attention to your posts to forward abuse to the mods when it occurs, that's all.

That you only reason for being on the board then to be seen as a vicitm?

You give it out but you can't take it.

I wil await my message from the mods then. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Although it would have been great for Robert to get back with Jimmy, Jonesy and Jason, I am glad he finally put all the speculation to rest. No matter who they get to replace him, he will always be the voice of Led Zeppelin!! I fully support him in his decision as well as the three J's to move on with their plans. Can't wait to see what the future holds for all of them! :D

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This comment should at last show everyone out there that rumors mean nothing, until it's confirmed by the horses mouth. The last article from The Sun read like a 12 year old put it together. Thanks to Robert Plant for putting an end to any specualtion and on-going curiousity.

I would also love to see Zeppelin live, but until that day comes when I know for sure it will happen these on-going rumors are just that.

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i agree ! i love them all equally, always did. yes , you can class me as a " jimmy girl " for sure, but im a zep girl too. we all know the quote about zep being the sum of the 4 parts coming together to make a 5th element ( sorry that's not verbatim, but y'know what i mean ! ) . i cant understand people who place blame on one member or another. they are human, just like us, and they all have their own lives to lead . i understand that robert has his reasons for doing what he is doing, and nothing that any of us say or do will change that.

im still bummed though. really, really dissapointed.

Although we all had our favorites (as did the Zep guys), my friends and I always considered ourselves "Zep girls" first. Like you, we loved them all (and we still do).

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