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Any idiot should know there's good and bad musicianship to any genre of music.

I'm amazed how some HipHop is so creative and yes, instruments heavily involved with sampling, and how some are just ignorant of this. I don't mean someone has to appreciate it, but to denounce it for not being musical obviously shows the lack of exposure to it.

I'm not a rap freak by any means, but what I like, I like alot. Basically HipHop and Trance.

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Of course they could. It's just words right :rolleyes:

How about this for a Rap then boys?

I was walking down the street

Wid my trainers on my feet

200 pound of stinking meat

That you wouldnt wanna meet

He called my girls all Hoes

So i punched him on the nose

Now theres blood all on his clothes

I am the king of all the Bros

If you like it, then use it, but please please dont abuse it.

Regards, Danny

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How about this for a Rap then boys?

I was walking down the street

Wid my trainers on my feet

200 pound of stinking meat

That you wouldnt wanna meet

He called my girls all Hoes

So i punched him on the nose

Now theres blood all on his clothes

I am the king of all the Bros

If you like it, then use it, but please please dont abuse it.

Regards, Danny


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How about this for a Rap then boys?

I was walking down the street

Wid my trainers on my feet

200 pound of stinking meat

That you wouldnt wanna meet

He called my girls all Hoes

So i punched him on the nose

Now theres blood all on his clothes

I am the king of all the Bros

If you like it, then use it, but please please dont abuse it.

Regards, Danny

You have to work on your posturing - maybe a karate stance thrown in would work, too. And define "He" - this has to be cerebral. That's about it. Now hit the streets, Biggaz D!

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Another aspect of the Disco era I hated was the surgence of cocaine usage. It seemed like more of a republican embracement, along with the polyester suits and stylish coiffures, but anyway,

Rap and HipHop latched onto and repopularized marijuana into the musical mediastream. A much better proposal, and no doubt, a more democratic display. B)


and who's this? :o


Notice the Led Zep centerfold mention. Betcha didn't know they were nekkid!!


Edited by alucard
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I was walking down the street

Wid my trainers on my feet

200 pound of stinking meat

That you wouldnt wanna meet

He called my girls all Hoes

So i punched him on the nose

Now theres blood all on his clothes

I am the king of all the Bros

If you like it, then use it, but please please dont abuse it.

Regards, Danny

LMFAo, nows thats skill

Edited by Olipticle
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Both genres are/were mostly filled with complete and utter bullshit artists. But, there are a few songs from each that I do actually like. I actually went through a two or three year period in my teenage years where I was quite fond of the hippity hoppity music, so I'm not strange to it at all. If I HAD to pick between the two, I'd go with disco merely because of ABBA.

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How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? I used to be one of those people that hated Disco in the 1970's. However, when Rap came out in the early 1980's I hated it even more than Disco. Now I wished that Disco stayed rather than having to listen to Rap or Hip Hop as it is known today. Now I ask all of you, if you had to choose between Rap or Disco, which one would you choose? ROCK ON!

Disco can be funky although cheesy. In rap the c is silent (crap)

Im not much for drum machines and someone talking fast over it, not much musical creativity there.

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Disco is fun to dance to when you're zooted out of your mind or if you're at a wedding and the video camera isn't pointing in your direction.

While I think the way rap has been embraced by society has only worsened the black community, I don't despise the genre. There have been extremely talented people associated with it, much to the cry of English teachers out there. I have a soft spot for early 80s stuff, where it was still funky and fresh off the street. Today, we have studio-jizzed dribble with no message other than ME ME ME.

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That's like saying "All is it takes to play guitar is to strum the strings"

Yes, thats all it takes, strumming. You might not like the way it is strummed but it is still music, and lyrics are still lyrics, even if they make no sense. And you know what drug use can do to lyrics? Well if you have never taken drugs (LSD esp) then those lyrics will make no sence too you will they?

But for me music (Guitars and instruments) is much harder to fake and produce than lyrics, i can play other peoples music but i cant write music myself but i can write lyrics even if no one thinks anything of them.

Regards, Danny

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You have to work on your posturing - maybe a karate stance thrown in would work, too. And define "He" - this has to be cerebral. That's about it. Now hit the streets, Biggaz D!

Do you realy think i could "hit the streets"? The big time at last, whoda thought it, certainly not me, i'm overwhealmed. :lol:

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