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Palin or Biden

Rock N' Rollin' Man

Who do you think is the better of the two?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would be the better Vice President candidate?

    • Sarah Palin
    • Joe Biden

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I guess you did not see when Biden told Katie about Roosevelt talking to the American people on the TV about the Great Depression. Oh, I forgot. It's ok when a dem sticks his foot in his mouth.

~*Lady Elizabeth of the Paggette's*~ is always lurking around to explain their way out of it.

Hey, I have no intention of dissing anyone else's choice; I'm just stating what mine is. And yeah, I am a loyal Democrat; I even volunteered during the Dukakis campaign.

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biden...palin doesn't seem to know what she's "for" or "against"...it's like her opinions have to be totally approved by mccain first..."john mccain believes this...john mccain believes that"

every interview i've seen, every rally...she looks like she doesn't know what she's doing there, like shes startled that she was picked...the shock should have worn off by now...i wonder if every day she wakes up and her first thought is "he picked ME?!?"

biden also has more experience than anyone who's running (including obama and mccain)

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I'm just curious about the dem's controlling the house for 40 years... The Republicans took over in 95, and lost it two years ago... what exactly is they point of bringing up the 40 years... just to make Republicans look bad?

40 years not in charge, the American people give them 10 years, elect George W. Bush and it all goes to hell. Great Job Republicans!

6.1% unemployment rate

$3.85+ a gallon gas

the economy and the US dollar are tanking


And who do they put in the running for VP just to score some votes from the dumb people? Possibley-President Palin! WTFG!

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I'm just curious about the dem's controlling the house for 40 years... The Republicans took over in 95, and lost it two years ago... what exactly is they point of bringing up the 40 years... just to make Republicans look bad?

40 years not in charge, the American people give them 10 years, elect George W. Bush and it all goes to hell. Great Job Republicans!

6.1% unemployment rate

$3.85+ a gallon gas

the economy and the US dollar are tanking


And who do they put in the running for VP just to score some votes from the dumb people? Possibley-President Palin! WTFG!

When two parties (Dems and Repubs) control the entire political system of a nation, there will always be problems (and has been)...

George Washington, at his farewell address warned America of political parties.

America didn't listen. That is why we have the vitriole we have today from party loyalists.

This is one of the reasons I have been a Libertarian since 1988.

The Democrats and The Republicans both want the same thing!! (The packaging & presentation might be different, but ultimately, they want the same thing).

They just don't agree on the timeframe in which it should be implemented.

Well, I would have to say that when you get to the far-anything (Liberal or Conservative), you have limitations of personal freedoms. Let's look at it for a sec:

Far-left: Too much government. Much more socialistic approach, idolizes egalitarianism, could lead to Communism. Government runs everything. Few opportunities to start and run your own business, become wealthy, etc. lack of opportunities for that lead to poor effort, poor quality products and service, general breakdown in production, and corruption within the regime.

Far-right: Too little government, or too weak a government means the corporations take over and run everything for profit, so greed destroys the environment, rapes the resources of the land AND the people. There is a robber-baron overclass, and the other 99.9% become the underclass. A virtual slave workforce. No middle class to buy anything anymore, so companies shut down locally and go elsewhere. Deserted buildings. Criminals run the streets. The infrastructure is destroyed because no one will pay to maintain it. Terrorists everywhere. Fanatical religions running rampant can recruit teenagers as terrorists because they have no hope in that environment anyway, and they vaguely hope that an overthrow will somehow fix things and they will have a place in the new order. Bitter in-fighting between factions - basically - it's Iraq.

So, obviously the ideal is somewhere in the Middle. Not too much government, not too little government. We want a government that is strong enough to keep us safe from multi-national corporations and street gang criminals, but not so large that there are no opportunities to allow us to start companies, and earn a good living by being innovative and working hard. There has to be a decent payback to the individual for putting out the effort and having the smarts to contribute to society.

R B)

Edited by reids
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Republicans had the house and the senate from 94 to 2006....so in the last 14 years the republicans have had the lead for 12 years and the dems 2 years. I don't know about before that but clearly the statement above is incorrect.

The POINT is that from 94 through 2000 the Republicans ruled BOTH the House and the Senate. Bill Clinton did nothing in his last three years, he was, at that point, a lame duck President. The fact is that "The Contract With America" was drafted by Majority Leader Newt Gringrich and the balanced budget was achieved by a REPUBLICAN CONGRESS. Bill Clinton had very little to do with it, yet the libs give him ALL of the credit. PURE IGNORANCE.

In 2001 we had some serious issues with this terrorist group called Al Qaeda. I agree that Bush is a terrible President, but not all of our financial woes today can be blamed on the 2000-2006 Congress. What have the Democrats achieved in the last two years, besides looking very confused?

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The POINT is that from 94 through 2000 the Republicans ruled BOTH the House and the Senate. Bill Clinton did nothing in his last three years, he was, at that point, a lame duck President. The fact is that "The Contract With America" was drafted by Majority Leader Newt Gringrich and the balanced budget was achieved by a REPUBLICAN CONGRESS. Bill Clinton had very little to do with it, yet the libs give him ALL of the credit. PURE IGNORANCE.

In 2001 we had some serious issues with this terrorist group called Al Qaeda. I agree that Bush is a terrible President, but not all of our financial woes today can be blamed on the 2000-2006 Congress. What have the Democrats achieved in the last two years, besides looking very confused?

Oh! Why didn't ya just say so? :rolleyes:

It helps if you are making a POINT if your statements are factually correct <_<

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Hey! Lets all remember that at LZ.com all conservatives are evil and wrong 110% of the time, they also eat baby kittens for Easter dinner ( I don't want to mention what they eat for memorial day)

So let us all pray to Je(obama cough)sus and that he will lead us to eternal salvation, a balanced budget and affordable health care, gas and food...all by himself, because with his experience in all his real working jobs, he is the only option!

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McCain / Palin is by far the better ticket.

Anyone who votes for Obama is just plain stupid. He is one of the most liberal members of the Senate. Has no experience where it matters. And surrounds himself with some of the most radical leftists since the 1960's. Plus as Bill Clinton previously said, he's not electable.

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McCain / Palin is by far the better ticket.

Anyone who votes for Obama is just plain stupid. He is one of the most liberal members of the Senate. Has no experience where it matters. And surrounds himself with some of the most radical leftists since the 1960's. Plus as Bill Clinton previously said, he's not electable.

Very mature :rolleyes: You are certainly entitled to your opinion on the candidates; rock on, vote for whomever you like.

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McCain / Palin is by far the better ticket.

Anyone who votes for Obama is just plain stupid. He is one of the most liberal members of the Senate. Has no experience where it matters. And surrounds himself with some of the most radical leftists since the 1960's. Plus as Bill Clinton previously said, he's not electable.

Boy, you seem to be getting desperate Del, what happened to the art form of posting you used to have? What happened to the debate style I used to respect? We're now reduced to name calling and bunching people into groups? Wow, maybe you need another fishing vacation my friend....


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Sarah Palin Rocks And She Loves Led Zeppelin :D

If you are sooo desperate for attention I suggest you take off all of your clothes and go streaking downtown. I'm sure you'll get much more respect from the laughing citizens than you are getting here.

Duh! This shall be my last reply to you....unless you say something with even a hint of intelligence and I suspect that is not likely to happen. <_<

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What is not correct? Besides your unbalanced view of US history?

Lest you think I'm ignoring you. Your original statement was that the Democrats have controlled the house and the senate for the last 20 year. Bzzzzzzz! Wrong!

Oh dear, am I unbalanced? Perhaps I should stand on my head and bury it in the sand so I can view things from your persepctive... :blink:

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Lest you think I'm ignoring you. Your original statement was that the Democrats have controlled the house and the senate for the last 20 year. Bzzzzzzz! Wrong!

Oh dear, am I unbalanced? Perhaps I should stand on my head and bury it in the sand so I can view things from your persepctive... :blink:

I can see what's happening to you...it happened to me. Once your gloves come off you won't be able to put them back on.


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Joe Biden. He says dumb shit from time to time, but no one will ever dispute his intelligence or political chops. If some asshole killed Barack Obama, I would be completely comfortable with Joe Biden in the Oval Office.

Sarah Palin is just.......I don't even know anymore. Just when I thought she couldn't look worse, a new clip or transcript comes out that manages to make it happen. For someone running for high national office, she's absurdly ignorant of the things we should expect someone running for high national office to know. I don't care if your average American can't rattle off Supreme Court cases. I damn well expect someone in the White House to be able to. I don't care if your average American doesn't know what branch of the federal government the VP is in. I damn well expect someone in the White House to know. I don't care if your average American can't name what magazines and newspapers they read to get their news. I damn well expect someone in the White House to be able to.

I'm tired of Americans saying they want their elected leaders to be just like them. The majority of this country is fucking stupid. I don't want our leaders reflecting that. I want someone educated and cultured and more politically in-tune than your average Joe or Jane in the White House. 8 years of average is enough.

I completely agree with you.

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Joe Biden. He says dumb shit from time to time, but no one will ever dispute his intelligence or political chops. If some asshole killed Barack Obama, I would be completely comfortable with Joe Biden in the Oval Office.

Sarah Palin is just.......I don't even know anymore. Just when I thought she couldn't look worse, a new clip or transcript comes out that manages to make it happen. For someone running for high national office, she's absurdly ignorant of the things we should expect someone running for high national office to know. I don't care if your average American can't rattle off Supreme Court cases. I damn well expect someone in the White House to be able to. I don't care if your average American doesn't know what branch of the federal government the VP is in. I damn well expect someone in the White House to know. I don't care if your average American can't name what magazines and newspapers they read to get their news. I damn well expect someone in the White House to be able to.

I'm tired of Americans saying they want their elected leaders to be just like them. The majority of this country is fucking stupid. I don't want our leaders reflecting that. I want someone educated and cultured and more politically in-tune than your average Joe or Jane in the White House. 8 years of average is enough.

Are you telling me that Dubya is the new average? Never mind, you don't have to :'(

Edited by Suz
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I can see what's happening to you...it happened to me. Once your gloves come off you won't be able to put them back on.


And now my little kitty cat claws are laid bare for all to see :lol:

As you know...we're gentle creatures unless provoked :)

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Are you telling me that Dubya is the new average? Never mind, you don't have to :'(

Dubya was elected President because idiots think the best criteria for determining a President is "can I have a beer with this guy?". Oh yeah, he has to be a puppet for the Christian Right.

Maybe we need to go back to having haughty, elitist intellectuals in the White House. If Thomas Jefferson ran for President today, he'd never win. All that intelligence would scare off American voters. That and the fact he wasn't too keen on religion. They want a President that they can "relate" to, not someone who is necessarily right for the job.

There are people in this country.......right now.....who are not voting for Barack Obama because they think he's Muslim. That's weapons-grade stupid. They're not stupid for not voting for him, they're stupid for using that as their reasoning. There's a video on YouTube of some of our rural-American friends opining as to why they're not voting for him and would you believe the n-word came up? I know, I was shocked too.

Watch that and weep.

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Dubya was elected President because idiots think the best criteria for determining a President is "can I have a beer with this guy?". Oh yeah, he has to be a puppet for the Christian Right.

Maybe we need to go back to having haughty, elitist intellectuals in the White House. If Thomas Jefferson ran for President today, he'd never win. All that intelligence would scare off American voters. That and the fact he wasn't too keen on religion. They want a President that they can "relate" to, not someone who is necessarily right for the job.

There are people in this country.......right now.....who are not voting for Barack Obama because they think he's Muslim. That's weapons-grade stupid. They're not stupid for not voting for him, they're stupid for using that as their reasoning. There's a video on YouTube of some of our rural-American friends opining as to why they're not voting for him and would you believe the n-word came up? I know, I was shocked too.

Watch that and weep.

I am not kidding when I tell you my mother thinks Obama is the antichrist. I almost had to change my pants when she told me that, but she's completely serious.

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