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VP Presidential Debate

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Same thing as of the Presidential Debate thread

Personally, I think it's gonna be closer than it should be. Biden should wipe the floor with her, but he's not nearly as aggressive as Palin. She's gonna come out firing and I don't know that he is.

We'll see. I predict a Biden victory, but it's up in the air at this point IMO.

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Same thing as of the Presidential Debate thread

Personally, I think it's gonna be closer than it should be. Biden should wipe the floor with her, but he's not nearly as aggressive as Palin. She's gonna come out firing and I don't know that he is.

We'll see. I predict a Biden victory, but it's up in the air at this point IMO.

She couldn't even handle Katie Couric, and you think she's going to "come out firing"?

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She couldn't even handle Katie Couric, and you think she's going to "come out firing"?

Of course she will.

She may shoot her mouth off... or 'shoot herself in the foot'. The possibilities are endless many.

I'll be watching... for the entertainment of it all... although it may be hard to beat Dubya's 'doctors can't love their women' or whatever the hell it was he said in '04.

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She couldn't even handle Katie Couric, and you think she's going to "come out firing"?

She has no choice. You think she's going to try and stay calm and reserved? No only is that not her style, but that would allow Biden to get aggressive, in which case, all hell would break lose for the Republicans.

So that's a yes, she will definitely be feisty when she goes on.

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She has no choice. You think she's going to try and stay calm and reserved? No only is that not her style, but that would allow Biden to get aggressive, in which case, all hell would break lose for the Republicans.

So that's a yes, she will definitely be feisty when she goes on.

She might come out shooting but she's only loaded with blanks so....she'd be opening a can of worms that she can't deal with.

I'm in this for the entertainment factor also :)

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She couldn't even handle Katie Couric, and you think she's going to "come out firing"?

They said on CNN earlier this week that she has been attending Debate Boot Camp :)

I'll have the popcorn ready; I can't wait to see what Tina Fey does this weekend :lol:

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They said on CNN earlier this week that she has been attending Debate Boot Camp :)

I'll have the popcorn ready; I can't wait to see what Tina Fey does this weekend :lol:

Yes, they have her sequestered :rolleyes:

Oh! Did anyone see her teleprompter notes? They spelled nuclear new-clear for her so she'd pronounce it correctly :wacko:

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This shall be interesting. My immediate thought is that Biden has this one in the bag. But, I wouldn't put it past the Republicans to have told her to act like an idiot until the debate with Joe Biden then... sneak attack... Sarah Palin really isn't stupid! :lol: I think Republicans who pay attention are hoping that anyway.

I would say Biden is going to tear it up but he might gaffe it up just the same.

In the end, I think Sarah Palin will look like the beauty queen every Republican believes her to be and they will be happy with her "such as" answers and Democrats will be sick to their stomachs.

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This shall be interesting. My immediate thought is that Biden has this one in the bag. But, I wouldn't put it past the Republicans to have told her to act like an idiot until the debate with Joe Biden then... sneak attack... Sarah Palin really isn't stupid! :lol: I think Republicans who pay attention are hoping that anyway.

I would say Biden is going to tear it up but he might gaffe it up just the same.

In the end, I think Sarah Palin will look like the beauty queen every Republican believes her to be and they will be happy with her "such as" answers and Democrats will be sick to their stomachs.

You are right, the bar is set so low for her that just getting through it without major embarrassment will be a smashing success for the Republicans.

I really don't think Sarah is stupid. I also don't think she is highly intelligent. She is of average intelligence. What her problem is her isolation and lack of information and knowledge. Put that together with a false sense of superiority and it's a scary combination. She really thinks that being the governer of Alaska qualifies her for this position. Actually the mayor of any large city probably has more awareness of real issues and practical experience than she does.

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I really don't care if the moderator, whom is releasing a book on inauguration day about how Barrack Obama presidency can change America for the good, stands up and sing god bless Obama, waving a flag, and taking a knife to Palins neck. As long as she ask one question to Joe Biden.

Why did you, with all of your knowledge of foreign policy, voted for the Iraq war and now you claim the war was a mistake and Americans where misled.

Thats it, there is no way he can answer that question truthfully without flushing Obama stance down the toliet. But than again, he can say, "Obama was wrong" and it will be a non issue on all those funny networks and blogs.

Now here comes the comment from someone who says, "Who gives a shit the moderator is a card carring Obama supporter who stands to make money if he wins."

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^ I'm not sure why you think that 2 candidates have to have the same opinion on everything. That makes for a poor administration when everyone thinks the same. It's smart to choose diverse opinions to surround yourself with. You get the whole story rather than just one side.

And it's ok to change your mind. That has been one of George Bush's poorest qualities as President. His inability to change. It's a pride thing. And that makes for poor judgement when you let your ego get too involved.

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I really don't care if the moderator, whom is releasing a book on inauguration day about how Barrack Obama presidency can change America for the good, stands up and sing god bless Obama, waving a flag, and taking a knife to Palins neck. As long as she ask one question to Joe Biden.

Why did you, with all of your knowledge of foreign policy, voted for the Iraq war and now you claim the war was a mistake and Americans where misled.

Thats it, there is no way he can answer that question truthfully without flushing Obama stance down the toliet. But than again, he can say, "Obama was wrong" and it will be a non issue on all those funny networks and blogs.

Now here comes the comment from someone who says, "Who gives a shit the moderator is a card carring Obama supporter who stands to make money if he wins."

I don't get it. What am I missing. Biden is right. EVERYONE was misled. However, some people bought into the fantasy more than others. Obama (and myself) didn't buy it. Why does that make them so different? Why does that reflect poorly on Obama?

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I don't get it. What am I missing. Biden is right. EVERYONE was misled. However, some people bought into the fantasy more than others. Obama (and myself) didn't buy it. Why does that make them so different? Why does that reflect poorly on Obama?

So what you are saying, Obama Foreign policy advisor was misled. So the guy who Obama will look to, was fooled by Pres. Bush. On the same info Biden himself have saw and formed a opinion.

How can Obama pick somebody that dumb to fall for ol' W. Get it.

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^ I'm not sure why you think that 2 candidates have to have the same opinion on everything. That makes for a poor administration when everyone thinks the same. It's smart to choose diverse opinions to surround yourself with. You get the whole story rather than just one side.

And it's ok to change your mind. That has been one of George Bush's poorest qualities as President. His inability to change. It's a pride thing. And that makes for poor judgment when you let your ego get too involved.

Thats why you like Obama, because he flip flops all the time. Why should we stand by a leader whom stands by his decision. but you can't fault Obama on that, he has yet to make a decision.

Atleast we know, Obama will make all his future decision based on his ability to get a second term. Like.

Why should we keep troops in Iraq, even though military leaders say so, when pulling them out will keep codepink money coming in.

Why should we extend the Bush tax cuts, even though most economic advisers say raising the wealthy taxes will hurt the economy, when a class warfare will get you more votes.

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So what you are saying, Obama Foreign policy advisor was misled. So the guy who Obama will look to, was fooled by Pres. Bush. On the same info Biden himself have saw and formed a opinion.

How can Obama pick somebody that dumb to fall for ol' W. Get it.

Biden wasn't 'fooled' because he was dumb, he was lied to outright with fake "intelligence" from the CIA, the gravitas of Colin Powell (who flushed his credibility down the toilet and hasn't been heard from since), and stone-cold lies from the neocons. Bush also callously used the nation's anxiety over 9/11 to start a war just so he could avenge daddy, even though it's now clear it had nothing to do with Iraq. That's just plain low. But hey, his buddies came out ok winning contracts to rebuild the country we destroyed. Then not only do the start the war in this disgusting fashion, but then proceed to eff it up every step of the way. That's Biden's fault, too, huh?

At the time we foolishly started that war, sanctions were working, Saddam was all but paralyzed, the inspectors were finding no evidence of banned weapons (which is why they had to go--and fast!) I don't doubt that if a different tack were taken he would still be gone from power today, but it wouldn't have cost us 4000 American lives, Jebus knows how many Iraqi lives, and 100s of billions of dollars. Our credibility is shot to hell world-wide. Afghanistan still festers while we are distracted in Iraq. Bin Laden is still on the loose. I could go on and on and on...

Possibly the biggest mistake this country ever made. And Bush is surely the worst president in modern history. And for all his maverick-speak McCain is just like him.

Edited by infidel
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Yes. The media is responsible for a vice presidential candidate not knowing more than one supreme court case. Yes they are, by golly. They are so mean. Are you fucking kidding me?

Here's a newsflash for the youngsters and the people who have been asleep for 20 years:

You ACTUALLY think the media is being too hard on.....anyone??? Do you remember when the news was news? Do you? I am not even 40 years old, and I remember when they actually demanded actual answers from people. In fact, the only reason they did this is because.....get ready....because WE DID. I have yet to see one journalist be hard ENOUGH on any of these people. So grab your popcorn and get ready for your precious, cheesetastic, psuedo-patriotic BULLSHIT and maybe when nothing is said and nothing is done, you can climax in a frenzy stupid- worship.

What the hell has happened to this country when we think pussy/wussy reporters lke Katie Couric are mean? I'm doing spit takes all over these damn political threads.

Edited by Suz
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