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VP Presidential Debate

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Nobody's saying she won. She just did much better than expected.

I know

But the VP debate isn't a sack race for cancer kids...

May we well applaud and encourage disabled or sick kids in life for the seemingly minor achievements they can make, but I don't see why we should reward Palin's handicapped intelligence with the Vice Presidency. Giver her a little debbie snack cake and a "you're a star" badge.

She's getting a pat on the back for not being as incompetent as she was in the Katie Couric interviews.

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I know

But the VP debate isn't a sack race for cancer kids...

May we well applaud and encourage disabled or sick kids in life for the seemingly minor achievements they can make, but I don't see why we should reward Palin's handicapped intelligence with the Vice Presidency. Giver her a little debbie snack cake and a "you're a star" badge.

She's getting a pat on the back for not being as incompetent as she was in the Katie Couric interviews.

Well, for the republicans that was the definition of success for her so of course they are pleased!!

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Nobody's saying she won. She just did much better than expected.

Of course she did better than expected. People expected her to either shit her pants, cry, speak like she did in the Katie Couric interview or some combination of all three. The fact she didn't is a clear victory in that regard.

But only in that regard. When it came to policy and knowledge of the issues and ability to put them across to the American people, Biden clearly won. And isn't that how we're supposed to judge debates anyway? Not by how "folksy" or "cutesy" the person came across, but by how knowledgeable they were? I'm baffled by the people who think she DID win, because I wonder what drugs they were on while watching the debate that would lead them to that conclusion.

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So what's your point? The truth is, we don't really know what that was about. It looked to me like something between Sarah and Katie was going on that we are not privy to. I refuse to believe that a professional like Palin, a Governor mind you, someone who could do a debate like last nights, would behave that way without good reason.

Did you hear what Palin said at the debate, about the reporters filtering what you hear and telling you what it means? I don't let reporters tell me what to think.

For as wise as Obama's supporters try to present themselves, it's ironic that they can't see through his confidence man act.

You didn't see the footage Electrophile posted? You can see Sarah herself explaining why she was cranky with Couric....seems she was all pissy that Couric just wanted to ask her quesitions and wouldn't allow her to just ad lib negatives towards Obamas campaign. She wants to take negative campaigning to a new level. If she had her way the only thing she would discuss is how bad the other guy is. She STILL hasn't said ONE WORD about how the 'two mavericks' are going to change anything... :rolleyes:

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So I missed the debate last night because I didn't really want to waste 90min of my life for something that wouldn't make a difference in the election. I was too busy celebrating the Phils pooping all over CC Sabathia to care about politics for the evening anyway, until it was around 4am and I found myself glued to CNN for details.

So Palin did better than expected? Hot damned! Her expectations had her walking out and trying to correctly recite the alphabet without winking into the camera. Doh! Surprised she was human, America was dumbfound and some (mostly baffooned shity rightys) think she actually won. I'll tell you who won, nobody. Certainly not the honest (I won't answer every question) Gov. Palin or her evasive Russian trade credentials. Certainly not Biden, who (disappointingly) failed to expose her for what she is: nothing. Sure, Joe slung some mud at McCain, but that's not his fight. Slugging a dear friend in the mouth, while always fun, isn't always your best game and last night it certainly wasn't his. Leave that to Obama, Joe. You need to do us a bigger favor. Keep explaining policy, your policies to us; something McCain, Palin and even Obama fail to do. That's how you can be effective. People want to know why they should vote for you so give them substance, as in "this is what we will do and why it will work."

Let the Siberian-tested Gov. continue to alienate would-be McCain voters and piss off the underground right. It'll be fine. In a years time, she won't even remember what state McCain is a senator from anyhow...if she knows now.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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So what's your point? The truth is, we don't really know what that was about. It looked to me like something between Sarah and Katie was going on that we are not privy to.

All I saw was Katie ask Sarah a question, and Sarah floundered while trying to grasp for some sort of answer...

Think of all the conspiracies you want, but I'll believe the simplest and most likely explanation that Sarah just couldn't answer the question.

I'll put her improved Debate appearance down to rehearsing all the things she was going to talk about and having an ear piece...

It's very kind of you though to be generous to Sarah and find ways to excuse her poor performance in the interview, it is charitable.

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Good for Sarah. I've hated Couric from way back. If Katie was drowning, I wouldn't throw her as much as a rock.

If that's the skinny on the story, why isn't that on the news instead of the spin that we are getting?

Why not tell the whole story?


One must seek in order to find :)

I believe Electrophile is the one who posted the vid I was refering to....on this thread.

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Yup! A one shot deal. I wonder how many public appearances she'll make before the election?

The only ones she'll be making are appearances on the stump....she'll be doing no more interviews, nothing live.....not even Meet The Press. For good reason, the Republicans want a fighting chance.

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I like like that: "pretty sure". And you criticise Sarah Palin. If she had said; "I'm pretty sure" about anything, you could have made a case for something out of that. That has been the strategy of many Obama followers. Now that is desperate.

Pretty funny since IGAH isn't running for VP, therefore not under the kind of scrutiny Palin needs to be (and has avoided it to great extents). Pathetic is anyone voting for more stupid liars to run our country. EIGHT YEARS WAS ENOUGH!!! Wait, i mean: EIGHT YEARS WAS TOO MUCH!

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