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VP Presidential Debate

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In more ways than some of these people know.

I suppose the polite way to say it would be, Biden forfeited his debating skills when he made an inappropriate remark reguarding a much discussed biased laced subject from his opponents past, at which time his out spoken followers could not control their outburst of laughter.

Or to put it in layman's terms, Biden lost when he made that "bridge to nowhere" statement and the ever loud mouthed Obama sheep made their usual noise. :D

That joke was darn tooting funny, wink.

Biden won of course. He didn't need a cram all week session so while Palin spent most of her time being someone else, Joe was himself (okay to be fair, he was very well reserved, lucky for Palin). To be fair, if you are to win a debate, you have to answer the questions that are being "asked". Palin is a master at evasion.

Make sure you read the last line where the "Fox" poll results are noted. Hilarious, what kind of drugs are these people on?


Palin-Biden faceoff: Who won the debate?

NDTV Correspondent

Friday, October 03, 2008, (Washington)During the Vice presidential debate between US Prez poll nominees, one commentator remarked Joe Biden was on TV but Sarah Palin was on trial.

So, just who won that contest? Some major opinion polls in America decided to do a reality check.

According to MSNBC's online poll, the honours were entirely with Joe Biden as 81 per cent thought he won while just 17 percent thought Palin trumped him.

The CBS poll put Palin and Biden, a little closer but even here Biden gets the nod.

Blogosphere debates over VP candidates

More than the US Presidential candidates, the blogosphere was abuzz with the Vice Presidential debate between Republican Sarah Palin and Democrat Joe Biden.

Commenting on Palin's conduct during the debate, a blogger wrote, "Palin mostly gives approximate policy positions, disputed versions of Obama's record and anecdotes from Alaska."

Similarly, another blogger was somewhat impressed with the manner Palin stood in front of Biden. "She wasn't brilliant but went toe-to-toe with a guy who's run for president twice, and even pushed him around," said the blog.

Whereas some of the blogs quaintly declared Palin as winner by saying, "Palin won, since she had no 'deer in headlight' moments. That's easy when you won't answer questions you don't like," others seem to be miffed when they wrote, "The Republicans offered a diligent understudy, eager to perfectly recite the lines on a page."

Posted By Vijay-Friday, October 03, 2008

I watched the debate yday and clearly Palin did not seem to know answers to many of the questions. She did not answer many of the questions directed at her and instaed kept on harping about the trump speech lines she seemed to have been fed the past week by her handlers. She exceeded expectations because she could put to gether words in a sentence coherently though with out much meaning. For Eg, she said she and McCain are for more government oversight and regulation in refernce to the bailout plana nd in teh same breath the very next minute said the government should get out of the way?? Biden was not only knowledgeable but also very convincing and certainly very presidential. I just do not seem to understand how such an unintelligent underprepared candidate such as Palin could have support here? Are people of America sleeping??

Posted By Coventina-Friday, October 03, 2008

Biden won this debate. Palin is just a celebrity of sorts, not someone who should be VP, and very possibly President! What is America coming to? No intelligence at all!!!

Posted By NObama-Friday, October 03, 2008

How about reporting the Fox News poll result, instead of only networks like MSNBC that are obviously in the tank for Obama. Fox poll: 86% say Palin won, 12% Biden.

Edited by ~tangerine~
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Palin won the debate? On what planet did that occur.....because it sure as shit wasn't Earth. The only way Sarah Palin was going to win was if Biden dropped out of the debate and she talked to an empty lectern. If you actually GASP! read the snap polls taken after the debate or watched CNN as people watching the debate responded to what each candidate said, you would have seen that the only people who actually liked what she had to say were Republicans. No Democrats and most importantly, no Independents. You know, that really important group the GOP keeps trying to ass-kiss into voting for them. The national and state polls taken Friday and yesterday, the first two days of polling after the debates show absolutely no bounce at all for McCain. None. How can you win a debate and have ZERO affect on your candidate? Rather, Obama has moved up a couple ticks in the national polls and has strengthened his lead in key swing states.

She winked, she faked the folksy charm and she gave a shout-out like she was on frickin' MTV......that's not impressing anyone but people who get perpetual boners when she opens her mouth. You'd have to be so far up Karl Rove's ass you can see his uvula to think otherwise. So stop. Just stop. She didn't win, not by any responsible or educated poll and metric. The only victory the GOP can take away from that debate is that she didn't shit herself and pass out.

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~Tangerine~ What do you think about all the gaffes that your heroe Biden says?? Or is it that you love him so much because he wants to save all the fury little animals??

Joe has a personality and is a geniune human. Palin is a zombie, letting her coaches brainwash her, ridding her of her personality. Is it because: a) they are afraid her stupidity will show, B) they are afraid she won't have an answer to the question being asked (it's hard to come up with a publication you read on the spur of the moment), or c) they are embarrased at who she is, so they are trying to change her. Well i could easily complete the alphabet with these questions, but since Sarah can't even answer a question with a straight answer, we get the point.

Biden is highly intelligent and well educated on all the topics this world, and our country in particular, are facing. Your statement is pure crap, wink, wink.

edit: b comes up as B) not my fault, :)

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Since Sarah has so much going against her (that is in your mind), why are you so scared of her. It is because she stands for traditional values. Remember, not all Americans are as :wacko: wacky :wacko: as you.

I have been plentiful in giving my reasons. You are just too stupid to listen. Not my problem. I know, love is blind. I have been there. wink, wink...and a shout out to my friend srplane, golly gee whiz!

Let me say in closing, since Bush has a 20% or less approval rating, and you are flattered to be compared to him, and it is his fault for the disaster our country is drowning in, SO, nothing YOU say means a damn thing! WINK

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What I find most hilarious is the idea that by vetting and debating about someone we are scared of them. Sarah Palin is not scary. Well, her stupidity is scary but her as a person.....nope. I don't fear not one hair on her air-filled head. Why in the name of Jesus tap dancing Christ would I be scared of some empty-headed hood ornament the GOP is parading around? No one aside from hardcore Conservatives are buying her shit. Her favorables are dropping like a fucking stone, she made no effect on the polls following her debate and the "Palin bounce" after the RNC was gone within a week. McCain campaign staffers were even saying publicly as recently as 4 days ago that her being on the ticket was a problem and that if she completely tanked the debate, McCain would have to consider dumping her for the sake of still appearing competitive.

And myself and other Democrats are supposed to be scared of this? Are you completely deranged?

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What I find most hilarious is the idea that by vetting and debating about someone we are scared of them. Sarah Palin is not scary. Well, her stupidity is scary but her as a person.....nope. I don't fear not one hair on her air-filled head. Why in the name of Jesus tap dancing Christ would I be scared of some empty-headed hood ornament the GOP is parading around? No one aside from hardcore Conservatives are buying her shit. Her favorables are dropping like a fucking stone, she made no effect on the polls following her debate and the "Palin bounce" after the RNC was gone within a week. McCain campaign staffers were even saying publicly as recently as 4 days ago that her being on the ticket was a problem and that if she completely tanked the debate, McCain would have to consider dumping her for the sake of still appearing competitive.

And myself and other Democrats are supposed to be scared of this? Are you completely deranged?

All great points. I personally, am very scared of her and her running mate. Stupidity and lying are at the top of my list of reasons. Then there is just the plain fact that they are both stupid. Did i mention that already?

Stupid people should not be allowed to run the country.

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Ah yes, reminds of a bumper sticker I saw once:

"The trouble with political jokes is, they get elected..."

Funny. I think it's time to give tests similar to College Entrance Exams to prospective Politians. People running our country should be held to a higher standard.

edit for typo

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What I find most hilarious is the idea that by vetting and debating about someone we are scared of them. Sarah Palin is not scary. Well, her stupidity is scary but her as a person.....nope. I don't fear not one hair on her air-filled head. Why in the name of Jesus tap dancing Christ would I be scared of some empty-headed hood ornament the GOP is parading around? No one aside from hardcore Conservatives are buying her shit. Her favorables are dropping like a fucking stone, she made no effect on the polls following her debate and the "Palin bounce" after the RNC was gone within a week. McCain campaign staffers were even saying publicly as recently as 4 days ago that her being on the ticket was a problem and that if she completely tanked the debate, McCain would have to consider dumping her for the sake of still appearing competitive.

And myself and other Democrats are supposed to be scared of this? Are you completely deranged?

I see what your saying Electro. However the problem with it is the way the political system is set up....stupid people with money can buy power. A perfect example would be George Shrub.

As far as McCain goes, I don't think people suffering from post traumatic shell shock or whatever they call it should be allowed to serve in office. It's obvious the VietNamese knocked something loose in his head.

Palin....I think she's hilarious, golly gee whiz, take your shoes off, ya'll come back now ya hear?


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I see what your saying Electro. However the problem with it is the way the political system is set up....stupid people with money can buy power. A perfect example would be George Shrub.

As far as McCain goes, I don't think people suffering from post traumatic shell shock or whatever they call it should be allowed to serve in office. It's obvious the VietNamese knocked something loose in his head.

Palin....I think she's hilarious, golly gee whiz, take your shoes off, ya'll come back now ya hear?


It's not polite to make fun of the way someone talks, wink.

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What I find most hilarious is the idea that by vetting and debating about someone we are scared of them. Sarah Palin is not scary. Well, her stupidity is scary but her as a person.....nope. I don't fear not one hair on her air-filled head. Why in the name of Jesus tap dancing Christ would I be scared of some empty-headed hood ornament the GOP is parading around? No one aside from hardcore Conservatives are buying her shit.

Hatred and bigotry rears it's ugly head once again.


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Yes, they have her sequestered :rolleyes:

Oh! Did anyone see her teleprompter notes? They spelled nuclear new-clear for her so she'd pronounce it correctly :wacko:

Well, it didn't work... she's still a 'new-cue-ler' kinda gal, by golly.

I have to admit, she did better than I thought she might... someone tutored her well. One of the talking heads said the two VP candidates had very different agendas. Palin's was to do some damage control and improve her image. Biden's was to focus on McCain. They both seemed to accomplish that. She did dodge some stuff by just tsk-tsking at Biden for talking about the past (rather than actually address the point raised)... but it didn't look as clumsy as telling Katie Couric she read various... some... all... of the magazines/news reports/whatever.

SNL did a great bit on her Sat. night... had her 'drop the g' accent down pat.

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