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Beautiful Men.


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Good heavens, I never knew Terry Reid was such a babe in his day.

... which is probably why he's been often advised to put his own mug shot on the record covers... (view full size images if you have time...)


(left to right: Keith Webb, Terry Reid, Bill Bonham)



hehe, trust a true LZ fan to not know what Terry Reid looked like.... Just kidding! I didn't know either! Until I found out, and no regrets here, trust me.

This is what he looked like in 1969:

I'd nominate him and Mariska Veres as two best looking singers of 1969... in "other than LZ" category. :D

P.S. I started a similar thread - posted pics of Terry and Klaus Voormann - though this thread is broader in subject... I was delighted for example to see Dustin Hoffman pics. BTW I'd like to add...



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I hope the guys are as broad-minded in their selections in the "Beautiful Women" thread. I expect to see photos of Bea Arthur and Lili Taylor alongside the more predictable Megan Fox and Scarlett Johanssen. :)

I like this new Brit-American actor, J.J. Feild*:


Slight Page connection: JJ Feild will be in the movie Telstar about the late, mad producer Joe Meek. I'm pretty sure Pagey played on at least one of the Meek records. The movie opens in October at a British film festival.

Edited by FireOpal
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I hope the guys are as broad-minded in their selections in the "Beautiful Women" thread. I expect to see photos of Bea Arthur and Lili Taylor alongside the more predictable Megan Fox and Scarlett Johanssen. :)

I like this new Brit-American actor, J.J. Feild:


Oh, yes FireOpal! He's not particularly well-known, but he's been on and off the telly here since '99.

If you've never seen Northanger Abbey, do so. He was lovely in it.

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Yes I did see N.A.; I'm an absolute pushover for period dramas. :) J.J. was great as Tinley - he really stood out. He has the most alluring, deep voice.

Just going by movies and tv, one gets the impression that England is awash with handsome men. Like this perennial favourite (of mine, anyway!), Nigel Havers:


He's still charming too:

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Oh NO!!! I just noticed... :oops:

I can't believe it... in my post on the last page where I offered "contributions" (note the plural)... I totally left out Steve!... That's just unforgivable! wall.gif

I couldn't find how to edit post.. there used to be the "edit" button - or am I imagining things?

Anyway, I messed up... better hurry up and fix it:



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I'm new to this thread, so I don't know if he's been mentioned before, sorry :(

I was thinking of James Franco, and I like his acting, but I don't really go all gaga over the way he looks




But I'll provide eye candy for those girls who do go gaga over his looks :D

I like how he looks with long hair though


Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Johnny f'ing Depp FTW.


FTW indeed! He is all kinds of win.

Ok, now, no matter what you think of country music, George Strait is indisputably an uber-hottie. :D



I think he just might beat out Christian Bale for longest-running crush. I've liked Christian since Newsies came out in...1992 (I was 8), but man, I've pretty much known that George was the shizz since the day I was born, lol.

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