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Hi all,

What is even more telling is your insistence at every opportunity to put down the USA.I'm sure Oz never let this happen,...?Did it? :blink:

Any justice -system- relies on the people,for good or ill.The defense and the State agreed on the jury and the verdict came in.Prejudicial? How could it not be?


The system has a way of correcting itself. It's called the rule of law

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Hi all,

What is even more telling is your insistence at every opportunity to put down the USA.I'm sure Oz never let this happen,...?Did it? :blink:

Any justice -system- relies on the people,for good or ill.The defense and the State agreed on the jury and the verdict came in.Prejudicial? How could it not be?


I don't think he's putting down the USA. And I do have to commend him on his knowledge about the US. But, yes, as with everything, there are faults. Judicial systems are all this way. there is no 100% guarantee.

It was a high profile case, soiled by the prosectution, and idiot jury members.

OJ should be prepared to reap the whirlwind.

Edited by electricmage
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Outrageous.... OJ was retreiving items that BELONGED TO HIM i say again BELONGED TO HIM..the jury is a.bunch of morons .... either that or they were a bunch of vindictive bastards that didn't believe that he was not guilty of killing his ex.

So I guess you are too stupid to believe the DNA evidence against him? He killed those two people. It's been proven.

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I wouldn't make it a racial bias. He was acquitted due to the prosecution and jury. and the 4 mil he paid out to the defense.

I would make it racial. There is no other logical explanation for why the original jury acquitted OJ Simpson. The prosecution may have made some mistakes, but there was more evidence against Simpson than there was against Charles Manson.

For those stupid jurors (original trial) to believe that Simpson had been framed.... you would have to believe that nearly 20 people who mostly did know each other before, stood in the street in front of Simpsons home in the early morning hours and conspired to frame for his wife's murder. While standing over the trail of blood that led from her body to Simpson's front door.

Only a complete dumbass would believe that he did not kill his wife.

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So I guess you are too stupid to believe the DNA evidence against him? He killed those two people. It's been proven.

The DNA evidence was'nt strong enough, it did not prove anything........ the jury did not think so...........You know that democratic decision that meant nothing in the end....good job civil trial verdicts can't send you down.

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Yaaayyy, it's about time his crimes have caught up with him!!!!! I have no sympathy for O.J. whatsoever and thought after the murders of his ex-wife and Ron Goldman, how disgraceful it was of him to be out on the golf course smiling and waving as if nothing ever happened!! Cannot see how anyone can live with themselves after all of that went down. Now, all of this his come back to bite him in the butt, good riddance O.J.!!

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Instead of Hey Joe it should be hey OJ

Hey OJ, where you goin' with that knife in your hand

Hey OJ, I said where you goin' with that knife in your hand

I'm going down to cut my old lady

You know, I've caught her messin' around with another man

I'm going down to kill my old lady

You know, I've caught her messin' around with another man

And that ain't too cool

Hey OJ, I've heard you sliced your woman down,

cut her down, now

I said I've heard you cut your old lady down,

You cut her down to the ground

Yes I did, I cut her

You know, I caught her messin' round, messin' round town

Yes I did, I cut her

You know, I caught my old lady messin' around town

And I gave her the knife


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Is that way they do now? :huh:

I figured it would be the Hershey Highway for OJ. Where'd he live in Florida anyway, Cocoa Beach?

:huh: Guess I mean, really, kick him hard in the ass!! That rhymes, cool!

Instead of Hey Joe it should be hey OJ

Hey OJ, where you goin' with that knife in your hand

Hey OJ, I said where you goin' with that knife in your hand

I'm going down to cut my old lady

You know, I've caught her messin' around with another man

I'm going down to kill my old lady

You know, I've caught her messin' around with another man

And that ain't too cool

Hey OJ, I've heard you sliced your woman down,

cut her down, now

I said I've heard you cut your old lady down,

You cut her down to the ground

Yes I did, I cut her

You know, I caught her messin' round, messin' round town

Yes I did, I cut her

You know, I caught my old lady messin' around town

And I gave her the knife


LOL, that is funny!!

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:huh: Guess I mean, really, kick him hard in the ass!! That rhymes, cool!

LOL, that is funny!!

Why thank you Melanie 72. Did you ever get that brand new key for your roller skates?

I am a semi-professional joke writer. You may have heard some of my material on Leno.

The really bad jokes. B)

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The DNA evidence was'nt strong enough, it did not prove anything........ the jury did not think so...........You know that democratic decision that meant nothing in the end....good job civil trial verdicts can't send you down.

You obviously didn't study up on that case at all did you?

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The County believed it had a solid prosecution case, but Cochran created in the minds of the jury reasonable doubt about the DNA evidence (then relatively new evidence in trials), including that the blood-sample evidence had been mishandled. Cochran and the defense team also alleged other misconduct by the Los Angeles Police Department.

source: wiki

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I would make it racial. There is no other logical explanation for why the original jury acquitted OJ Simpson. The prosecution may have made some mistakes, but there was more evidence against Simpson than there was against Charles Manson.

For those stupid jurors (original trial) to believe that Simpson had been framed.... you would have to believe that nearly 20 people who mostly did know each other before, stood in the street in front of Simpsons home in the early morning hours and conspired to frame for his wife's murder. While standing over the trail of blood that led from her body to Simpson's front door.

Only a complete dumbass would believe that he did not kill his wife.

Did the prosecution do their job properly? No. Those jurors were also heard saying the the prosecution botched their attempt and that they made many mistakes.

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Did the prosecution do their job properly? No. Those jurors were also heard saying the the prosecution botched their attempt and that they made many mistakes.

We are talking about the original OJ murder trial, right?

It doesn't matter if the prosecution and the detectives made some mistakes. The fact were abundantly clear that O.J. Simpson murdered his wife and another person. What the defense was able to do was give the jurors an excuse for allowing O.J. Simpson to get away with murder. By injecting race into the trial, the defence earned their money by playing to the racial bias already inherent in the jury. Just because the defense was able established that one of the detectives had used the word "nigger" at some previous point in his history. The jury took that fact and applied to a flimsy diversion that the whole prosecution of Simpson was based on racism. A complete fabrication of facts and logic.

One of the claims the defense made was that right from the very beginning after the discovery of the two victims, the LAPD began looking at O.J. Simpson first. That it was because of his 'race' and prior history of spousal abuse that the police assumed that he killed his wife. WTF??? Show me any murder case where the police don't first start their investigation by looking at the spouse? The line of this investigation had nothing to do with O.J. personally. This is how EVERY MURDER INVESTIGATION always begins. And why? Because it is a fact that most spousal murders (especially rage type murders) are by someone close to the victim, namely the other spouse. But as in most invsetigations of this type, as soon as the detectives are able to clear the spouse from being a suspect, based on the clear facts. It is then that the investigation can move on and begin to look at other possibities.

But in that case, there were not other possibilities to consider. When you find not only the ex- spouses DNA and also the other victim's DNA in the suspect's house... along with the suspect's DNA. That is pretty damning scientific evidence. That evidence was ignored by the jury, replacing the facts with this wild conspiracy theory blaming the LAPD and CSI investigators that I already talked about.

And if the science (basically blood trail from the victims to Simpson) wasn't enough; how about Simpson's inconsistent statements to the police. First he was at home alone, then he was out chipping golf balls in the yard, and later he was back at home sleeping before his limo driver arrived. But when it came time for him to be able cooraberate his aliby he could not. And the limo driver testified that no one answered the door when the driver arrived (the time when the murders were taking place) and low and behold ad "shadowy figure" arrived at 10:55 PM and went into the Simpson house trough a side door shortly before Simpson then responded on the intercom and said that he was sleeping.

I could go into pages and pages of stuff from that trial. But for anyone to allow Simpson to get off because of prosectuion mistakes and not actual prosecution misconduct or deliberatly made false evidence by the polce, in light of all the other forensic and coorberating evidence against Simpson, is ridiculous. Simpson killed those two people as certainly as the sun rises in the east.

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We are talking about the original OJ murder trial, right?

It doesn't matter if the prosecution and the detectives made some mistakes. The fact were abundantly clear that O.J. Simpson murdered his wife and another person. What the defense was able to do was give the jurors an excuse for allowing O.J. Simpson to get away with murder. By injecting race into the trial, the defence earned their money by playing to the racial bias already inherent in the jury. Just because the defense was able established that one of the detectives had used the word "nigger" at some previous point in his history. The jury took that fact and applied to a flimsy diversion that the whole prosecution of Simpson was based on racism. A complete fabrication of facts and logic.

One of the claims the defense made was that right from the very beginning after the discovery of the two victims, the LAPD began looking at O.J. Simpson first. That it was because of his 'race' and prior history of spousal abuse that the police assumed that he killed his wife. WTF??? Show me any murder case where the police don't first start their investigation by looking at the spouse? The line of this investigation had nothing to do with O.J. personally. This is how EVERY MURDER INVESTIGATION always begins. And why? Because it is a fact that most spousal murders (especially rage type murders) are by someone close to the victim, namely the other spouse. But as in most invsetigations of this type, as soon as the detectives are able to clear the spouse from being a suspect, based on the clear facts. It is then that the investigation can move on and begin to look at other possibities.

But in that case, there were not other possibilities to consider. When you find not only the ex- spouses DNA and also the other victim's DNA in the suspect's house... along with the suspect's DNA. That is pretty damning scientific evidence. That evidence was ignored by the jury, replacing the facts with this wild conspiracy theory blaming the LAPD and CSI investigators that I already talked about.

And if the science (basically blood trail from the victims to Simpson) wasn't enough; how about Simpson's inconsistent statements to the police. First he was at home alone, then he was out chipping golf balls in the yard, and later he was back at home sleeping before his limo driver arrived. But when it came time for him to be able cooraberate his aliby he could not. And the limo driver testified that no one answered the door when the driver arrived (the time when the murders were taking place) and low and behold ad "shadowy figure" arrived at 10:55 PM and went into the Simpson house trough a side door shortly before Simpson then responded on the intercom and said that he was sleeping.

I could go into pages and pages of stuff from that trial. But for anyone to allow Simpson to get off because of prosectuion mistakes and not actual prosecution misconduct or deliberatly made false evidence by the polce, in light of all the other forensic and coorberating evidence against Simpson, is ridiculous. Simpson killed those two people as certainly as the sun rises in the east.

While won't lie and say that race didn't play a role, I'm faulting the prosecution for the trial. The bloody glove, their inability to paint him as a wife beater. The LAPD contaminating the evidence. The evidence not being properly kept. Missing blood...

The list goes on. The prosecution to me, had an open and shut case. And they really fucked it up. BIGTIME. But I'm also a believer that the jury was compiled of complete and utter fucking morons as well. That was a large factor.

Hence why they don't work for the state anymore. OJ did kill those people, that we can agree on.

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Outrageous.... OJ was retreiving items that BELONGED TO HIM i say again BELONGED TO HIM..the jury is a.bunch of morons .... either that or they were a bunch of vindictive bastards that didn't believe that he was not guilty of killing his ex.

You CAN'T be serious!?!?!?! This fucking murderer is getting off easy compared to what he should have received years ago. He never should have had the opportunity to "retrieve" anything because he should have received a lethal injection years ago.

Hoping that Simpson never see's the light of day again.

Edited by Zepaholic
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While won't lie and say that race didn't play a role, I'm faulting the prosecution for the trial. The bloody glove, their inability to paint him as a wife beater. The LAPD contaminating the evidence. The evidence not being properly kept. Missing blood...

The list goes on. The prosecution to me, had an open and shut case. And they really fucked it up. BIGTIME.

I watched most of the trial on television, and I don't believe that the prosecution's errors were enough to conclude that they botched the trial. The facts of the evidence and testimony were more than enough to convict Simpson. In my opinion the prosecution screwed up when they treated Detective Mark Furman as if he were Adolph Hitler after the defense introduced the history of his use of the word "nigger." Mark Furman was not on trial, Simpson was.

But I'm also a believer that the jury was compiled of complete and utter fucking morons as well. That was a large factor.

Nearly all California juries are made up of people too stupid to get off of jury duty. And in this case the defense did an excellent job of selecting for their side the dumbest bag of hammers ever assembled. Then to further win their case, the defense was able to get one of the orignal jurors tossed off who would probably voted for conviction. A middle aged Italian-American woman who they got tossed off for a technicality on the way she was taking notes for the trial.

Just goes to show how having a lot of money and 12 stupid people on a jury can get you off for murder. Plus the judge (Lance Ito) is one of the worst judges we have ever had in Los Angeles County. He ran that trial like a circus.... allowing the clowns to make all the decisions for him.

I'm just suprised that nobody has ever capped OJ Simpson. You telling me that a guy who spends that much time on golf courses (mostly public courses now that he is not welcome at private clubs anymore) could have been taken down with one shot from high powered rifle on the back nine. If Ron Goldman's father was an Italian guy from Jersey instead of Jewish guy from Brentwood...

Well, you know what I mean.

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You telling me that a guy who spends that much time on golf courses (mostly public courses now that he is not welcome at private clubs anymore)

Hey, he was looking for the murderers. He said he was gonna devote his life searching for Nicole's murderer. Obviously, he believed it was a caddy (or alternatively, that he'd find a really good mirror in a clubhouse somewhere).

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