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oh I see, are you suggesting you can fathom the universe?


I used to speak with an astro physicist. Some of the things we spoke of sounded quite ludicrous true. However he was tight enough to try to explain them, rather than saying "God did it."

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I used to speak with an astro physicist. Some of the things we spoke of sounded quite ludicrous true. However he was tight enough to try to explain them, rather than saying "God did it."


Okay I could do with a few minutes of amusing entertainment

So how did your astro physicist friend explain to you the existance of space itself? And by space I mean that which holds all the physical material of the universe?

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Okay I could do with a few minutes of amusing entertainment

So how did your astro physicist friend explain to you the existance of space itself? And by space I mean that which holds all the physical material of the universe?

Glad your amused....that my dear friend you will have to ask an astro physicist. Because I will tell you this person sounds like a total nut case, however he is not. However from your point of view I doubt seriously he will talk with you on a long term basis.

The research of things which do not exist, belongs in the hands of those who believe they do...not a real scientist.

I will agree there's a very very very remote possibility that some one being created all his. The odds against it are overwhelming though.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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However from your point of view I doubt seriously he will talk with you on a long term basis.

Why do you say that? How do you know what my point of view is? Maybe mine is wider than yours...

The research of things which do not exist, belongs in the hands of those who believe they do...not a real scientist.

But Space by it's very definition doesn't exist, but conceptually and linguistically it exists as a negative side of a duality. So by your comment there I guess you believe that space, because of its physical non-existence, should not even be touched by 'real' scientists...

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Why do you say that? How do you know what my point of view is? Maybe mine is wider than yours...

But Space by it's very definition doesn't exist, but conceptually and linguistically it exists as a negative side of a duality. So by your comment there I guess you believe that space, because of its physical non-existence, should not even be touched by 'real' scientists...

That I'm happy you said instead of I. I don't know what your point of view is. All I'm trying to say is I'm not spending incredible amounts of time trying to disprove something that has no empirical data to begin with other than what's written in books by 100-1000 persons a very long time ago.

Space is real, however it is not an entity that created ALL which has ever existed or will exist either.

My main point here is it's absolute nonsense to ask someone to disprove something which has no real molecular structure, cannot be tested, seen, not seen or put in a flask.

I will say there is a very remote possibility some "entity" created all this.

Your turn, you show us this thing and how it holds water sir/ms?

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You show me the empirical evidence of the christian god....then I will agree with you. Until then I will state quite clearly there is a difference between an actual scientist and one who dreams up spooks and faeries and writes about them in a book.

Saying that the universe is too complex for you to fathom does not mean everyone cannot fathom it :D

There's no truly empirical evidence...if there is bring it to me....then we will chat some more..and like I said many times before the argument that someone can't disprove the unproven shows the empirical data has no legs to stand on.....

Learn a new word today? :D

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Heaven is real, I have been there in this lifetime where I looked down at my sister who was and is walking above the mist of the pink clouds of Heaven where she spoke to me only with her eyes. It was a dream that was not a dream. At the point of her death even though I was finding missing children for near two years I didn't believe in Heaven because, being the biggest skeptic I know, I had to see it to believe it. When she died I had no desire to see her in Heaven as I did not beleive in it. A few days after she died I had the dream that was not a dream and recognize it to be so. I don't believe in Heaven I know Heaven to be true, and God kills no one. Other than that I'm not religious, never read The Bible and only go to church for funerals and weddings.

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I believe that the concept of "God" (and god meaning any divine power) is much to complicated for our minds to even fathom. No one knows what happens when you die, and that's probably because we wouldn't understand it if we did. As far as religion goes, with all the different ones out there, who's to say any of them are right. The Indians worshiped the sun, and to me, that seems more understandable than to worship something there is no proof of whatsoever. It is human nature to follow, and feel the need to have a leader. This is why we have a president, king, queen, emperor, and so on.

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"No one knows what happens when you die"

I do

just read my previous statement.

I find your story to be a very compelling one. You seem to be an open minded person and I strongly believe you saw your sister, but your mind is a VERY powerful thing. No matter what I say, you should stick to what you believe, but hear me out. Your sister visited you in your dream, therefore she visited your mind, so is it possible your mind made up this environment that was recognizable to you. I mean, when you think of heaven, what do you think of? Clouds, right? Heaven, like god, could be an idea so complicated, ones mind cannot fathom it.

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"No one knows what happens when you die"

I do

just read my previous statement.

It's true enough nobody knows what happens when you die. However psychics minds are a bit more complicated than the ordinary persons too. At one time in history flying in space was "nearly" impossible. However flying in space to "heaven" is almost "definately" impossible.

IOW let's say the odds of the first was 1/100 one thousand years ago for a moon shot. One thousand years ago the odds against flying to heaven were the same as they are now.

An event being complicated does not point towards "god did it." It points towards

a better theory being developed.

Ex: The great deluge is redundant in religions. It was here thousands of years before the "christian" god.

IOW heaven and hell are more likely to appear to be factual in some persons minds than others. I think the likelihood of psychics far outweighs the likelihood of a god. At least we have something we can test on the first one :)

I never claimed to know everything. Don't want to, I'd have a headache. I'm terrible at punctuation for one thing.

The universe's are complicated, but like I said this in no way says god did this because we don't understand it. The odds of making a voo doo dolll out of straw and claiming it is god is roughly equiv right? But at least on the first one we have something to work with.

I have read several versions of the bible. And researched several other religions.

Atheist, anarchist or satanic are not the same thing... ... ... If there's no heaven there certainly is not a hell.

Now let's pretend for a moment there is some creature that could give life to every life form that had died upon earth and POOF. These dead cats, dogs, humans, elephants and such are in heaven. Pretty imaginative....let's pretend it's imaginative and not factual.

Evening Rob :)

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Your sister visited you in your dream, therefore she visited your mind so is it possible your mind made up this environment that was recognizable to you.

No not really. Friends and relatives have died over the decades and I never saw them in Heaven nor dreamed about them. I never sought solice by seeing them in nor wishing them to be in Heaven as I did not believe in Heaven at all. In fact I honestly believed that it was all bullshit and told everybody so.

In French Catholic elementary school in grades 1 and 3 whenever they handed out full colour illstrated books concerning their faith I would dump them in the trash can on school grounds as soon as I got out of the building.

So no my mind was not trying to find an environment that was recognizable to me.

I mean, when you think of heaven, what do you think of? Clouds, right?

No because I thought Heaven was pure bullshit and never wasted my time thinking about it as being anything more than that... and told everybody so.

Heaven, like god, could be an idea so complicated, ones mind cannot fathom it.

There ya go you should listen to yourself on that one.

However Heaven is not an idea it is a reality that can't be seen.

No matter if you believe in Heaven or not Heaven is open to all good souls and is not the exclusive domain of any religion.

Edited by roblindblad
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These dead cats, dogs, humans, elephants and such are in heaven. Pretty imaginative....let's pretend it's imaginative and not factual.

Evening Rob :)

Heaven is factual whether people believe in it or not and and is not the exclusive domain of any religion. Heaven is above religion.

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