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Sarah Palin guilty of abuse of power, says State Investigation

I have got a horsey

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It continues to be so funny how the liberal :wacko:GALS :wacko: around here are so intimidated by Sarah. Of course they are the same ones that think that animals should have the same rights as people. Does not surprise me at all.

And then there is Biden. What has he said stupid in the last 10 minutes?



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Philly is diverse in it's population, and while they have as many idiots as any place in this country, they have "passion" and are not afraid to speak up and be heard. I would have a very difficult time not booing her if i was at an event she showed up for (it's not like the majority of the Flyers fans were there to see her).

Of course you would boo her. Because for a liberal it's okay to act 'low class' unless you are redneck trailer trash at a NASCAR race.

However, you are obviously a racist. Now you have admitted to it (though i probably missed previous posts where it was noticeable). Yeah, i think we "know what you mean".

Yeah, that's an easy and simplistic charge. Not like I haven't heard it before. Yeah, I'm the "racist" who voted for Alan Keyes in 2000. The "racist" who has a mixed raced marriage. The "racist" with a mixed race child.

Nice try, I'm not buying it.


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Interesting that you would interpret what Bush has done to our country as "kept it safe". Our economy is proof we are far from safe, and possibly headed towards Socialism, as the "bailout" might suggest. So much for Bush trying to de-regulate the country, now the government owns more of it. Bush has kept Bin Laden and AlQaeda safe.

I'm still breathing. No terrorist planes have flown into my work place. I'd call that as safe as I need to be. I don't consider it the government's job to assure me that my neigbors can continue to spend money they don't have. If people lose their homes, it's because they are weak and stupid. Sombody else will end up buying those foreclosed homes. Somebody who isn't weak and stupid.

I'm actually enjoying watching stupid people feel pain. That is how it is supposed to work. Call in moral hazzard.

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It's nice to see the Joe McCarthyists around here are still championing their pin-up girl for American-style Sleaze politics.

It's rather like watching the mice following the pied piper.

I really hope you aren't an ex-Pat living down there and one that votes via absentee ballot.

Nice family portrait in your signature.

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Hey Horsey. I think that you are really one of those American 60's throw back :wacko: libs :wacko: that are still stuck in the 60's. All you can do is trash America. If you are not, then you are a typical America wanna be. You wish that you were here, but since you are not.........

I'm sorry, I regret to inform you that I only listen to criticisms from intelligent people, not obedient attack dogs for right-wing conservatism.

Thank you, have a nice day :)

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This kind of abuse of power is IMHO one of the worst examples of that "good 'ol boy" mentality that can ruin families. And that to me is the WORST most dangerous type of vindictive behavior. It shows she is a cut throat under that "lipstick" Barbie doll look.

SICK! :angry:<_<

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