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More bad times ahead

I have got a horsey

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Well we all know about the financial crisis and we don't yet know how much that is going to have an impact on our lives in the future

But if that's not enough to worry about there's more things on the horizon:

Possible Israeli Strike on Iran


Well there's speculation that Israel will launch a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities before December, as that's when Iran's reactor is supposed to go online. Speculation has it that Israel is contemplating the strike too before Bush retires from office to guarantee US support.

Pakistan could possibly fall prey to the Taliban


The economic crisis in Pakistan smells like a winner for the Taliban. Pakistani President Asif Ali Zadari says the country is quickly going bankrupt and will not be able to keep fighting the Taliban for much longer. With growing levels of sympathy in Pakistan for the Taliban, Zadari fears that without a influx of cash, the Taliban could take over.

Failure of Afghanistan and the possibility of a Taliban deal


Well it looks like things are not working out too well in Afghanistan, and the unthinkable is being suggested: peace talks with the Taliban.

From the violent religious sect that gave us 9/11, comes more trouble and woe. 7 years of war, billions of dollars later, and not only are the Taliban still around, strong as ever, but are now looking to get a slice of Afghanistan back and possible control of Pakistan...

So does this mean more state-sponsored terrorism is back on the cards?

Obviously walking away and leaving the Taliban to their own devices is not an option, but we desperately need a new strategy in that part of the world. The fact that a multi-national highly equipped and experienced armed force has been fighting them since 2001 without defeating them is great news for them and bad news for us.

Remember, the Soviets were in there for 10 years before pulling out with nothing gained. We've got 7 years under our belt already.

What can we do next?

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Well we all know about the financial crisis and we don't yet know how much that is going to have an impact on our lives in the future

But if that's not enough to worry about there's more things on the horizon:

Possible Israeli Strike on Iran


Well there's speculation that Israel will launch a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities before December, as that's when Iran's reactor is supposed to go online. Speculation has it that Israel is contemplating the strike too before Bush retires from office to guarantee US support.

Wow, that would put a new twist on Happy Chanukah!!

Personally, I wish they would learn to talk and resolve their differences.

Edited by kabbalahone
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Well we all know about the financial crisis and we don't yet know how much that is going to have an impact on our lives in the future

But if that's not enough to worry about there's more things on the horizon:

Possible Israeli Strike on Iran


Well there's speculation that Israel will launch a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities before December, as that's when Iran's reactor is supposed to go online. Speculation has it that Israel is contemplating the strike too before Bush retires from office to guarantee US support.

Pakistan could possibly fall prey to the Taliban


The economic crisis in Pakistan smells like a winner for the Taliban. Pakistani President Asif Ali Zadari says the country is quickly going bankrupt and will not be able to keep fighting the Taliban for much longer. With growing levels of sympathy in Pakistan for the Taliban, Zadari fears that without a influx of cash, the Taliban could take over.

Failure of Afghanistan and the possibility of a Taliban deal


Well it looks like things are not working out too well in Afghanistan, and the unthinkable is being suggested: peace talks with the Taliban.

From the violent religious sect that gave us 9/11, comes more trouble and woe. 7 years of war, billions of dollars later, and not only are the Taliban still around, strong as ever, but are now looking to get a slice of Afghanistan back and possible control of Pakistan...

So does this mean more state-sponsored terrorism is back on the cards?

Obviously walking away and leaving the Taliban to their own devices is not an option, but we desperately need a new strategy in that part of the world. The fact that a multi-national highly equipped and experienced armed force has been fighting them since 2001 without defeating them is great news for them and bad news for us.

Remember, the Soviets were in there for 10 years before pulling out with nothing gained. We've got 7 years under our belt already.

What can we do next?

Just a bowl of sunshine aren't we now <_<


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Vote Republican


Exactly, great picture too, the reason the terrorist aren't done with is because 1. the goverment does NOT know how to fight a war I could do a better job myself, 2. people don't get how evil these people are (Taliban) and that we are fighting to destroy it, 3. The world must recongnize this evil and fight it, NOW is the time the world cannot wait. Let me garantee everyone this if I were the commander in chief the war would have been over in a matter of months and the Taliban gone.

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Well we all know about the financial crisis and we don't yet know how much that is going to have an impact on our lives in the future

But if that's not enough to worry about there's more things on the horizon:

Possible Israeli Strike on Iran


Well there's speculation that Israel will launch a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities before December, as that's when Iran's reactor is supposed to go online. Speculation has it that Israel is contemplating the strike too before Bush retires from office to guarantee US support.

Pakistan could possibly fall prey to the Taliban


The economic crisis in Pakistan smells like a winner for the Taliban. Pakistani President Asif Ali Zadari says the country is quickly going bankrupt and will not be able to keep fighting the Taliban for much longer. With growing levels of sympathy in Pakistan for the Taliban, Zadari fears that without a influx of cash, the Taliban could take over.

Failure of Afghanistan and the possibility of a Taliban deal


Well it looks like things are not working out too well in Afghanistan, and the unthinkable is being suggested: peace talks with the Taliban.

From the violent religious sect that gave us 9/11, comes more trouble and woe. 7 years of war, billions of dollars later, and not only are the Taliban still around, strong as ever, but are now looking to get a slice of Afghanistan back and possible control of Pakistan...

So does this mean more state-sponsored terrorism is back on the cards?

Obviously walking away and leaving the Taliban to their own devices is not an option, but we desperately need a new strategy in that part of the world. The fact that a multi-national highly equipped and experienced armed force has been fighting them since 2001 without defeating them is great news for them and bad news for us.

Remember, the Soviets were in there for 10 years before pulling out with nothing gained. We've got 7 years under our belt already.

What can we do next?


We can't change the Main issue of the POTUS race back to foreign affairs. Obama won't have a chance. Nancy Pelosi spent the last two years making sure the economy would be the big issue this year and she is not going to let a little cold war get in her way.

I really don't know what Russia is trying to do. Things been going good for them in the last 20 years. I think Putin is a far worse public official than Bush ever could of been. And You should know thats saying alot.

Well we been very kind to Russia the last 8 years and it got us no where. Thats Barrack plan too.

Iran is going to get the nuke no matter what. The new Israeli prime minister, when elected, is going to be a pussy cat. We won't get UN approval because of Russia and China. So the only thing we can do is pull another Iraq. Is that really an option.

Thinking the Taliban is strong as ever is ridiculous. When all of their means of funneling money is gone, when they are hiding and running. I don't see how they are as powerful as before.Osama is not the same, even if he is alive. There will may be strong, but that's it. Thats liberal bullshit.

It's the same thing with Iran, even if 9/11 never happen, they would still try to get nukes. Even if Gore was POTUS,they will still try to get nukes. Even if planes crashed into the Sydney Opera house, they would've try to get nukes.

Still, one thing to considered, when shit goes down, everyone looks to the US. When our stock market crashes, everybody else crashes. SO this notion that the world has lost their faith in us is complete idiotic.

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You make a great point. However when you look at that list of things that are at the forefront of the government's To Do list, it baffles the mind when some of the issues Republicans want to bitch about is gay marriage and abortion. Let's deal with the economy and the war, not whether Jim and Dave get married or whether Sue terminates a pregnancy. Those things are not pressing matters, nor should they ever be.

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Exactly, great picture too, the reason the terrorist aren't done with is because

1. the goverment does NOT know how to fight a war I could do a better job myself,

2. people don't get how evil these people are (Taliban) and that we are fighting to destroy it,

3. The world must recongnize this evil and fight it, NOW is the time the world cannot wait. Let me garantee everyone this if I were the commander in chief the war would have been over in a matter of months and the Taliban gone.

1. No you couldnt.

2. "people don't get how evil these people are (USA) and that they (Taliban) are fighting to destroy you",

3. "The world must recongnize this evil and fight it, NOW is the time the world cannot wait. Let me garantee everyone this if I were the commander in chief the war would have been over in a matter of months and the Taliban gone".

The world does recognize that the USA is the real evil one, and the world will not give up the fight untill you are destroyed. And if you were the CIC of the war then even more innocent civilians would most certainly have been killed on your orders and the war would have dragged on for an eternity, or indeed forever.

You seem to have no concept of War, or how to either give up gracefully or win it militarily. The USA does not have the stomach for a long war as does backward countryies like Iraq/Afghanistan or indeed Vietnam. The fact that you gave up in Vietnam told the world that as the bodybags mount up your resolve dwindles, all they have to do to defeat you is play the waiting game. They can take much more punnishment than you, much, much more in fact.

The only things you need to know are these,

1. You are a cowardly country as far as your enemy is concerned.

2. They will never give up as they know that their God/Allah, is on their side.

3. Leave the third world alone and stop trying to control the economy and recources of the world.

4. Change from you reliance on Oil and stare to rely on reliably renewable energy sources like Wind/SolarPower/Wave/Thermal energy, and i am sure that the world will see you in a much better light, they just might even see you as friends. You must get over this 19th century way of thinking that you can treat the world like you treated the Red Indian. Britain/France/USSR/China have, and in some cases still do, behave in an Imperialistic way, dont make the mistake of following them, you will lose, believe me.

Regards, Danny

PS, Believe it or not, i am on your side, these are just my thoughts on what is really going on.

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1. No you couldnt.

2. "people don't get how evil these people are (USA) and that they (Taliban) are fighting to destroy you",

3. "The world must recongnize this evil and fight it, NOW is the time the world cannot wait. Let me garantee everyone this if I were the commander in chief the war would have been over in a matter of months and the Taliban gone".

The world does recognize that the USA is the real evil one, and the world will not give up the fight untill you are destroyed. And if you were the CIC of the war then even more innocent civilians would most certainly have been killed on your orders and the war would have dragged on for an eternity, or indeed forever.

You seem to have no concept of War, or how to either give up gracefully or win it militarily. The USA does not have the stomach for a long war as does backward countryies like Iraq/Afghanistan or indeed Vietnam. The fact that you gave up in Vietnam told the world that as the bodybags mount up your resolve dwindles, all they have to do to defeat you is play the waiting game. They can take much more punnishment than you, much, much more in fact.

The only things you need to know are these,

1. You are a cowardly country as far as your enemy is concerned.

2. They will never give up as they know that their God/Allah, is on their side.

3. Leave the third world alone and stop trying to control the economy and recources of the world.

4. Change from you reliance on Oil and stare to rely on reliably renewable energy sources like Wind/SolarPower/Wave/Thermal energy, and i am sure that the world will see you in a much better light, they just might even see you as friends. You must get over this 19th century way of thinking that you can treat the world like you treated the Red Indian. Britain/France/USSR/China have, and in some cases still do, behave in an Imperialistic way, dont make the mistake of following them, you will lose, believe me.

Regards, Danny

PS, Believe it or not, i am on your side, these are just my thoughts on what is really going on.

Great post, Danny. I don't know if you're right, but you sound much wiser than the idiot/s who have been running our country the past eight years.

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Great post, Danny. I don't know if you're right, but you sound much wiser than the idiot/s who have been running our country the past eight years.

Thanks Tangerine, nice to meet you,

Without sounding bigheaded, i am right, we in the New World (USA/Europe) should know how to treat people better , and we dont seem to be doing that.

As for the people you call idiots, well i can asure they are anything but idiots, to have you and me and almost everybody else worrying about just who to vote for they must be very inteligent beings, you noticed i did not say "Human beings", and we are the idiots.

Regards, Danny

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Thanks Tangerine, nice to meet you,

Without sounding bigheaded, i am right, we in the New World (USA/Europe) should know how to treat people better , and we dont seem to be doing that.

As for the people you call idiots, well i can asure they are anything but idiots, to have you and me and almost everybody else worrying about just who to vote for they must be very inteligent beings, you noticed i did not say "Human beings", and we are the idiots.

Regards, Danny

Nice to meet you, too, Danny...with all due respect happy041.gif, many of us did not vote for this mess once let alone twice. But i totally understand what you are saying, and it makes sense. I feel as citizens we didn't fulfill our responsibilities to our country (in the name of our children if for no other reason) by not getting more involved over the years. That's the way humans are unfortunately. In America we have the freedom to make change, but most of us sat back and let them (the Bush Admin) "happen" to us. The way i see it, we went from both a surplus and a President who was a great communicator with respect for others, to a retard. I will never figure out how that happened.

I for one, have never been confused on who to vote for. :) I hope THIS TIME my vote counts.

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Apparently the Pakistani government is urging Pakistani tribal leaders to send their men on patrols and they have agreed to do so. Thousands of militiamen are allegedly hunting down terrorists in Pakistan. Problem is, their rifles are extremely-aged and many don't think they can hold their own against a well-trained insurgency.

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Apparently the Pakistani government is urging Pakistani tribal leaders to send their men on patrols and they have agreed to do so. Thousands of militiamen are allegedly hunting down terrorists in Pakistan. Problem is, their rifles are extremely-aged and many don't think they can hold their own against a well-trained insurgency.

Hi Mr Drummer,

My son has just come back from his second tour of Afghanistan and he has told me that our forces are killing the Talibam at a rate of about 400 to 1 in our favour, only trouble is the Taliban are being remanned just like the Mujahedin were when the Russians fought them, by Muslim fighters from all over the world and not by Pakistani or Afghani people.

Regards, Danny

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Nice to meet you, too, Danny...with all due respect happy041.gif, many of us did not vote for this mess once let alone twice. But i totally understand what you are saying, and it makes sense. I feel as citizens we didn't fulfill our responsibilities to our country (in the name of our children if for no other reason) by not getting more involved over the years. That's the way humans are unfortunately. In America we have the freedom to make change, but most of us sat back and let them (the Bush Admin) "happen" to us. The way i see it, we went from both a surplus and a President who was a great communicator with respect for others, to a retard. I will never figure out how that happened.

I for one, have never been confused on who to vote for. :) I hope THIS TIME my vote counts.

Hi Tangerine,

I hope i didnt give the impression that i'm anti American as i have done to people on here in the past, because i' not, i have a great love of the American people just not its governments. And i know you are not an idiot, but when i realised that voting was "me" playing "their" game i stopped.

We must realise that politicans are in the hands of the rich and powerful and are not there for ours or the worlds benefit, then we might be able to get together and fight for what is right, but i fear many of us would die in the process just as many have died trying to fight for our rights in the past. Martin Luther King/JFK/Bobby Kennedy to name but a few.

I'm sorry to say this but in my opinion your vote wont count a jot as long as the same old warhorses are put up for us to vote for. We need change, but i dont think the rich and powerful will ever give us that, do you.

"New Boss, Same as the Old Boss" The "Who" said it all many years ago, and Who listened, nobody.

Regards, Danny

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Thinking the Taliban is strong as ever is ridiculous. When all of their means of funneling money is gone, when they are hiding and running. I don't see how they are as powerful as before.Osama is not the same, even if he is alive. There will may be strong, but that's it. Thats liberal bullshit.

We've been fighting the Taliban for 7 years in Afghanistan, and they're still not gone. In fact, they're on the verge of controlling a new country...

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We've been fighting the Taliban for 7 years in Afghanistan, and they're still not gone. In fact, they're on the verge of controlling a new country...

Your innate lack of knowledge of the history of the Middle East is showing.....

Try to collect some facts and let us know when you BEGIN to understand what Afghanistan is going through. Hint: I gave you a clue in capitals.... :blink:

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Well we all know about the financial crisis and we don't yet know how much that is going to have an impact on our lives in the future

But if that's not enough to worry about there's more things on the horizon:

I know what you mean. In California there is a ballot measure that will define marriage between a MAN and WOMAN. If that measure doesn't pass, then we may be stuck with a law that permits individuals to justify their personal choice to of behavior, and then make the rest of us accept it as normal.

Very scary indeed.

Edited by Del Zeppnile
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Your innate lack of knowledge of the history of the Middle East is showing.....

Try to collect some facts and let us know when you BEGIN to understand what Afghanistan is going through. Hint: I gave you a clue in capitals.... :blink:

Oh no, please, your highness, you obviously know so much more about this than anybody, especially me, I hand the floor over to you so that you may orate upon the subject...

Edited by I have got a horsey
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