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Congratulations to President Bush!


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Given the global economic crisis, a record 90 percent of registered voters say the country is seriously off on the wrong track, the most since this question first was asked in 1973. At 23 percent, Bush's job approval rating has fallen below Nixon's lowest; it's a point away from the lowest in 70 years of polling, set by Harry Truman in early 1952. Bush's disapproval, meanwhile, is at an all-time record – 73 percent.

Here you go, Mr. President......a congratulatory glass of champagne from Richard Nixon. You sure have taken a load off his back now!


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Who are these 23% who still approve? What Bush has done to our country is beyond words...



Had to make millions with rebuilding Iraq with Cheney and Haliburtin 'ya know.'


Blatent racism is not supposed to be allowed. Or is it...? That's just an ill picture. Oh well, good thing Obama is about to win handily :cheer::beer:

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The first Al-Qaeda solider running for the Presidency Of The USA


I don`t normally post in these thread but take it from me TFLZ, you are making yourself look like an idiot. You must be the world`s only living brain donor.

Hell, I admire someone who can take a real spanking.

Are you swinging from a hair on John McCain`s nut sac like the monkeyboy you are?

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So I take it blatant racism is allowed on these boards now?

Blatent racism is not supposed to be allowed. Or is it...? That's just an ill picture. Oh well, good thing Obama is about to win handily :cheer::beer:

In the FWIW dept., I didn't see that particular pic as 'blatant racism', because I've seen Duh-bya done as a chimpanzee many, many times. As much as I dislike Bush, I thought that pic was tacky, and I think this one of Obama is tacky, but not necessarily racist.

The first Al-Qaeda solider running for the Presidency Of The USA


OTOH, this one is really tiresomely stupid.

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"Monkey" is a racial slur against African-Americans. I've heard it enough living down here to figure out what it means. I've also heard "porch monkey" quite a bit as well.

Remember when Howard Cosell said this about an African-American football player? "Look at the little monkey go."

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I remember that on a Monday night! How could you possibly, that was 26 years ago!

It was Alvin Garrett of the Redskins and he was a fast little monkey! To Howard's defense, he used that term for non-blacks as well. Even I used to be called a fast little monkey and I'm white.

I've seen taped footage of that incident. I understand that there are many different uses of the word, but it has racist connotations when used against a specific group of people. Where do you think the slur "macaca" came from?

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Congratulations to Electrophile, I Like Pink Ponies, and everyone else who starts these stupid divisive threads that are nothing but an embarrassment to the Official Led Zeppelin website.

Really? Oh wow, I'm so honored. Thank you!

*clears throat*

I'd like to thank firstly, my mom and dad for giving the snark and bitch genes that I so proudly use. I'd also like to thank my sister and my best friends Marie, Cara and Alex for forwarding me e-mails and funny pictures. And lastly, I'd like to thank YOU 3hoursoflunacy, for singling me out for this amazing honor. You're the greatest and I owe this to you.

*cries clutching award*

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"Monkey" is a racial slur against African-Americans. I've heard it enough living down here to figure out what it means. I've also heard "porch monkey" quite a bit as well.

Remember when Howard Cosell said this about an African-American football player? "Look at the little monkey go."

Yes, I'm aware that the word 'monkey' can and has been used as a racial slur. Whether or not the poster meant it as one, I don't know. Considering other stuff he's posted, I wouldn't be surprised if that was indeed the case.

My point remains regarding the picture itself. If you go to the website, you'll see the first page full of pictures of various celebrities with faces morphed into monkeys, apes, etc. Therefore, I don't think the picture, at the source website, of Obama is necessarily racist. Tacky, yes. Racist, not necessarily. Sometimes, a monkey is just a monkey. Regarding the poster who posted it, sometimes a dipshit is just a dipshit. I'm not defending or agreeing with him, I'm just pointing out another possibility before everyone climbs aboard that particular wagon.



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Really? Oh wow, I'm so honored. Thank you!

*clears throat*

I'd like to thank firstly, my mom and dad for giving the snark and bitch genes that I so proudly use. I'd also like to thank my sister and my best friends Marie, Cara and Alex for forwarding me e-mails and funny pictures. And lastly, I'd like to thank YOU 3hoursoflunacy, for singling me out for this amazing honor. You're the greatest and I owe this to you.

*cries clutching award*

You are welcome. You started the thread, so don't act surprised you were singled out.

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Yeah, don't start any threads of who's a better band or the like, it might cause division. :rolleyes:

Can't have controversy, nope!

Let's go ride our pink ponies to the field and pick some yellow daisies and live in a beautiful world where all is beautiful.

Roll your eyes all you want, n00b. The point is this is a site about music, specifically Led Zeppelin's music. These threads add no value to this place; and it is no wonder this site it is so ridiculed on so many other Led Zeppelin forums.

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