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The NBA Thread! 08


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Suck it LeBron!

I am lovin this!!! What a game by Berrea. Who could have thought Dirk would have an off night and Dallas would be up by as many as they were? Unreal. Miami killed themeselves at the line. Dallas was lights out from three point range. Great win. Even great to see Cuban win one. Dirk deserved it and so did Kidd. Love it. One down one to go. Vancouver is on deck.

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Lefraud Shames can now take his talents to loserville. Bwaaa HaHa! IT'S OVER! DALLAS BEAT THE HEATLES!

And it was a wonderful sight. DIRK is WUNDERBAR!!! Struggled first 3 quarters but was great when they needed him in the 4th. Deserved the MVP.

Man, can you imagine what this win will do to Mark Cuban's head?

Dallas had to beat Miami this year, as Miami WILL get better. Of course, we may have seen the last NBA game for a couple years. C'mon owners and players...get together and avert a lockout.

Congratulations to Dirk, Jason Kidd, Dallas Mavericks (America's new favourite team) and their fans.

As a Laker fan, at least I can say they lost to the champs.

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Lefraud Shames can now take his talents to loserville. Bwaaa HaHa! IT'S OVER! DALLAS BEAT THE HEATLES!

And it was a wonderful sight. DIRK is WUNDERBAR!!! Struggled first 3 quarters but was great when they needed him in the 4th. Deserved the MVP.

Man, can you imagine what this win will do to Mark Cuban's head?

Dallas had to beat Miami this year, as Miami WILL get better. Of course, we may have seen the last NBA game for a couple years. C'mon owners and players...get together and avert a lockout.

Congratulations to Dirk, Jason Kidd, Dallas Mavericks (America's new favourite team) and their fans.

As a Laker fan, at least I can say they lost to the champs.

I am LOVIN THIS!!!!! Next year I see Steve Nash going to the Knicks. phoenix needs to let him go somewhere to have a shot. He could get the Knicks to the title series against Miami. You know Miami will be back in the East and will pick up one more guy that could be a difference maker. The Knicks or maybe Philly could be the next challengers in the East to tackle Miami. Steve Nash is a big piece of the puzzle somewhere. I wish he would go to Dallas but that will not happen. So maybe the Knicks? With Nash they are on the map. Philly is a good young team. They need one power forward. Just imagine if they coudl get Howard. Yikes.

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YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! LeChoke and his promises. Wade and his whining after every time someone breathed on him. Bosh doubling over and crying in the hallway :lol:

Dallas basically won with simple ball movement, good pick and roll, and sometimes a zone D. Amazingly simple. All heart.

Congratulations to the Mavs, a true team win! :cheer:

Edited by Patrycja
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YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! LeChoke and his promises. Wade and his whining after every time someone breathed on him. Bosh doubling over and crying in the hallway :lol:

Dallas basically won with simple ball movement, good pick and roll, and sometimes a zone D. Amazingly simple. All heart.

Congratulations to the Mavs, a true team win! :cheer:

Ill never forget that game against Oklahoma City. Down 15 with under five minutes and Dirk put on a clinic like I have never seen. Took them down and he was just plain nuts. And sweeping the Lakers! SWEPT THE LAKERS BABY!!!!!!! NO SMALL FEAT.

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Screw the Mavs

Must be a disgrruntled Miami fan? Dallas deserved to win. Beat the Lakers. Probably changed the way the NBA will look next year. Big question to me, where does Steve Nash go? I hope they let him out of Phoenix. The Knicks. Kidd is going to play. I thought he might retire. Dallas could repeat but its always very unlikely. The Lakers will make moves. Expect Odom is gone. Bryant and Gasol may tbe the only two safe. That kid Berrea really impressed me. Marion was great on defense too. Miami will go looking for one more pice to the puzzle. They get one good guy off the bench they will be tough to stop./ And they will have another year playing together as a unit. Still think the Knicks will be on the map next year. If they can land Nash. And maybe Philly. If they can get one big forward to help out.

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I bought this T-Shirt today:


I am happy that Dallas won in this sport. And that Dirk won. I suppose as a Bills fan I should hate Dallas but I dont. Cant blame them for our stupidity in those days. Doubt the Mavericks can repeat but winning this one is big. I want to see where Nash winds uip. Would like to see him win one. He could go to the Knicks? I dont know if that would make them good enough but it puts them on the map.

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