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Led Zeppelin "tattoos"


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You may notice that Bonzo's is on the wrong angle - it's a mistake by the tattooist. I got over it pretty quick, as I figured Bonzo would have a laugh about it and say something to the effect of,"Would be my symbol, wouldn't it?!"

Wow, your tattoos are wonderful.

Here's mine...sorry I don't have a better picture, it's on the computer at my mum's. I've just had to grab this one off MySpace:


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het hang-man, i live in hull, where abouts is " identity" , your tatts are amazing...... alan

Hey-Up Alan,

So where in Hull are you?? The Place that I'm on about is in good old Shitty Bridlington.

If you Know Brid/Or if not, if you get here, & look fore the "Hilderthorpe Pub" near the Harbour top. Ask to speack to "Jan" top 100 Artists on the Planet. If you are going to get a Tatt, may be phone him(I dont have number, but i can post it tomorrow) & make a date, As he is VVVV Busy. Ps Get a good rate, if you mention my Zep Tatt, + Winter Rates. Good luck,


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