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A special thread for Mr. "President" Bush

Rock Action

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Or a Chimp? :lol:


I take offense to this pic...Curious George is a hero among monkeys, children, and parents, too :)

Bush isn't as smart as a monkey, pleeze....

Anyway, if you read Rock's opening post...ditto for me!


(yes, i love the PBS Curious George cartoon) especially the first seasons when William H. Macy was the narrator.

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I thought this was fucking hilarious :P


No offense meant to all the ladies, I just thought it was funny

Cute pic/tee. At least our country is finally evolving. Frankly, i don't care if a woman is elected President as much as i want someone who truly cares and has the smarts to make a difference. I think Hillary would have been wonderful (except for the hard time she would have been trying to work around). I have confidence a hoe will make it into the top position one day (Democratic one that is).

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Agreed. Let's just hope it isn't Sarah

I'm not too worried about that. I think people got to see the real Palin and most do not relate to "that". Jon Stewart did a great joke with a pic of Palin and McCain dressed in "13th Century" viking garb... that is about the extent of where she would lead our country. I doubt many want to go that far back in time. I'm also not sure Palin could deal with more of Tina Fey, :)

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I thought I was in a shooting gallery as I watched the Republicans fall one by one. :lol:

But I will always vote conservative right or wrong, good or bad. I can't help it if they act like total asses once they get sworn in, especially the stupid ass RINO's and 'moderates!' :angry:

My fears of Uh-Bama:

Supreme Court

Gun Control (Biden is a vicious anti-gunner) ( But gun sales are up sharply :D )

Taxes (He's gone from $250,000 to 200,000 to 120,000 to 50-60,000!) Soon, he'll even get down to my poor ass. Face it, he's even going to tax all the ghosts of the human race.

Cutting the military

Going totally green

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Even if so, the priorities are all wrong. Why is Bin Laden still alive? Why didn't we finish that job first, with a strong militia, instead of dragging out all our money and people as thin as possible fighting two wars at once? Stupid, any way you look at it. Bush shoved us in Iraq to finish a job his daddy couldn't do. :rolleyes:

Now as far as Iraq goes the first time around, we didn't go after Saddam, because that wasn't part of the U.N Resolution which allowed us to go to war with Iraq. We were only supposed to liberate Kuwait with the Allied Forces, for Iraq's unjustified invasion. We couldn't invade the rest of Iraq including Baghdad and try to capture Saddam because of this.

We shouldn't have gone into Iraq the second time around. No WMDs were found. Plans were found, maybe in the infancy stages of this. They certainly had chemical weapons as Saddam used them on the Kurds during the Iran/Iraq war of the 80's. But they weren't a threat as we decimated their military in Desert Storm. I think George W. was a good man, it was the people around him that were the problem. Mainly Cheney and Rumsfeld. When he was governor of Texas he worked quite well with the Democrats. He was a product of his own environment. Now Afghanistan was necessary, resulting from the events of9/11. But we should have finished the job off before going on to something else. We stretched ourselves too thin militarily because of this.

Now is Obama the answer. Who knows? I'm a little apprehensive of his past connections with Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and Khalidi. These are not good people. Bill Ayers wrote a book back in the 70's and dedicated it to the man who assassinated Robert Kennedy (Sirhan Sirhan). Not exactly a role model. Now will he raise taxes? It wouldn't be a good idea in a weak economy. The last time that was done in this situation, it brought upon the Great Depression.

Does Obama have leanings toward socialism or something more extreme? We'll see. I just hope he doesn't try to appease some of these foreign leaders who sponsor terrorism such as Iran and North Korea. That wouldn't be a good thing. I'm willing to give him a chance and see what he can do. He will now be my president and I must support him. This is my country we're talking about.

Will he take in a lot of the trash from the black community such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other so called black leaders, radicals, Hollywood left and other extreme liberals who don't add anything positive to this country, but only cause trouble by promoting their agenda?

Now with the overwhelming democratic majority in congress will this be a problem for this country as well? When it's more balanced, it seems to work out better. No decisive advantage of either party. Enough for now.

Edited by SuperDave
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Now as far as Iraq goes the first time around, we didn't go after Saddam, because that wasn't part of the U.N Resolution which allowed us to go to war with Iraq. We were only supposed to liberate Kuwait with the Allied Forces, for Iraq's unjustified invasion. We couldn't invade the rest of Iraq including Baghdad and try to capture Saddam because of this.

We shouldn't have gone into Iraq. No WMDs were found. Plans were found, maybe in the infancy stages of this. They certainly had chemical weapons as Saddam used them on the Kurds during the Iran/Iraq war of the 80's. But they weren't a threat as we decimated their military in Desert Storm. I think George W. was a good man, it was the people around him that were the problem. Mainly Cheney and Rumsfeld. When he was governor of Texas he worked quite well with the Democrats. He was a product of his own environment. Now Afghanistan was necessary, resulting from the events of9/11. But we should have finished the job off before going on to something else. We stretched ourselves too thin militarily because of this.

Now is Obama the answer. Who knows? I'm a little apprehensive of his past connections with Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and Khalidi. These are not good people. Bill Ayers wrote a book back in the 70's and dedicated it to the man who assassinated Robert Kennedy (Sirhan Sirhan). Not exactly a role model. Now will he raise taxes? It wouldn't be a good idea in a weak economy. The last time that was done in this situation, it brought upon the Great Depression.

Does Obama have leanings toward socialism or something more extreme? We'll see. I just hope he doesn't try to appease some of these foreign leaders who sponsor terrorism such as Iran and North Korea. That wouldn't be a good thing. I'm willing to give him a chance and see what he can do. He will now be my president and I must support him. This is my country we're talking about.

Will he take in a lot of the trash from the black community such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other so called black leaders, radicals, Hollywood left and other extreme liberals who don't add anything positive to this country, but only cause trouble by promoting their agenda?

Now with the overwhelming democratic majority in congress will this be a problem for this country as well? When it's more balanced, it seems to work out better. No decisive advantage of either party. Enough for now.

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Now as far as Iraq goes the first time around, we didn't go after Saddam, because that wasn't part of the U.N Resolution which allowed us to go to war with Iraq. We were only supposed to liberate Kuwait with the Allied Forces, for Iraq's unjustified invasion. We couldn't invade the rest of Iraq including Baghdad and try to capture Saddam because of this.

We shouldn't have gone into Iraq. No WMDs were found. Plans were found, maybe in the infancy stages of this. They certainly had chemical weapons as Saddam used them on the Kurds during the Iran/Iraq war of the 80's. But they weren't a threat as we decimated their military in Desert Storm. I think George W. was a good man, it was the people around him that were the problem. Mainly Cheney and Rumsfeld. When he was governor of Texas he worked quite well with the Democrats. He was a product of his own environment. Now Afghanistan was necessary, resulting from the events of9/11. But we should have finished the job off before going on to something else. We stretched ourselves too thin militarily because of this.

Now is Obama the answer. Who knows? I'm a little apprehensive of his past connections with Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and Khalidi. These are not good people. Bill Ayers wrote a book back in the 70's and dedicated it to the man who assassinated Robert Kennedy (Sirhan Sirhan). Not exactly a role model. Now will he raise taxes? It wouldn't be a good idea in a weak economy. The last time that was done in this situation, it brought upon the Great Depression.

Does Obama have leanings toward socialism or something more extreme? We'll see. I just hope he doesn't try to appease some of these foreign leaders who sponsor terrorism such as Iran and North Korea. That wouldn't be a good thing. I'm willing to give him a chance and see what he can do. He will now be my president and I must support him. This is my country we're talking about.

Will he take in a lot of the trash from the black community such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other so called black leaders, radicals, Hollywood left and other extreme liberals who don't add anything positive to this country, but only cause trouble by promoting their agenda?

Now with the overwhelming democratic majority in congress will this be a problem for this country as well? When it's more balanced, it seems to work out better. No decisive advantage of either party. Enough for now.

Good points all around, Dave.

Now, as far as the post with the pics depicting Bush creating 9/11...that's fucking ridiculous. That conspiracy theory shit doesn't fly, unless it's Zep's 3-14-75 bootleg. Anyone who buys into that is off their fucking rocker. <_<

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I also agree with you Dave and Rock Action.

I may be one of the few people on earth who actually love George Bush. I cried when he gave his first inaugural speech. He was so sincere, honest, and patriotic and such a much needed change from that lying and cheating Clinton who was an international joke after the Lewinsky affair.

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