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Weird and Unexpected Musical Collaborations ...


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What are some oddball and unexpected musical collaborations that actually sounded alright? I thought of these 2:

1-David Bowie and Bing Crosby doing "Little Drummer Boy"


2-Dixie Chicks and James Taylor doing "Sweet Baby James"


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Pavarotti has sung with several contemporary singers. I looked at clips of him with Bono and Barry White, and was underwhelmed. The smoothest I saw was with ...... JAMES BROWN :blink:


If you mean U2's song Miss Sarajevo, i love it (haven't heard it in quite a few years). Pavarotti's part (always brings tears to my eyes):

Dici che il fiume

Trova la via al mare

E come il fiume

Giungerai a me

Oltre i confini

E le terre assetate

Dici che come il fiume

Come il fiume...

L'amore giungerà


E non so più pregare

E nell'amore non so più sperare

E quell'amore non so più aspettare

[Translation of the above]

You say that the river

finds the way to the sea

and like the river

you will come to me

beyond the borders

and the dry lands

You say that like a river

like a river...

the love will come

the love...

And i don't know how to pray anymore

and in love i don't know how to hope anymore

and for that love i don't know how to wait anymore

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Robbie Robertson and U2. "Sweet Fire Of Love" and "Testify". GREAT tunes.

I haven't heard it (and i can't listen to Youtube with my slow connection) :)

If you haven't heard Miss Sarajevo you might enjoy it. A truly beautiful song all around.

Thanks; I will definitely check them out. :) I've been on a bit of a U2 kick lately anyway.

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